Matruh Siwa [2016]
[Trip Matruh Siwa, Egypt : Winter Break 2016]
* Salt Lake
* Dakrur Mountain
* Ain cleopatra
* Temple A'mun
* Off-Road Safari - cold lake area, water spring and Sandboarding!
* Old Market Siwa
* Hamam Cleopatra
* Agiba Beach
From the Mountain of the Dead, Siwa, Egypt
Before going into one of the tombs.
واحة سيوة SIWA OASIS معبد آمون الثاني بمنطقة أم عبيدة
Oasis of Siwa great history because for thousands of years reflects the civilization and history since the time of the ancient Egyptians through to Islamic rule, Siwa known as the daughter and we find that name in a knowledge texts in Edfu temple and then released them after that, Oasis of Amun name and continued with this name until the Ptolemaic era, who called it Santar and attributed this name to before the pharaohs and the oasis remained with this name until the Ptolemaic era, so they named (Jupiter), one of the gods of the Romans name, and then called the Arab name Oasis maximum. It was inhabited by a group of Berber dialect speak Siwan and continued to worship the Egyptian gods, headed god Amun even Christianity emerged and began the era of religious persecution. But Christianity did not spread between people and continued to worship the Egyptian gods income until the Arabs in the ninth century AD, and since that time Islam Siwa income was subject to Islamic rule, but in the Fatimid era. Visit of Alexander the Great: Alexander's visit is not only a month visit the ancient history but are considered without a doubt the main event, which immortalized the name of Siwa Oasis in the ancient and modern together times. Alexander began a visit of Bratinyum (Marsa Matruh) to Siwa in the winter between late January and mid-February from the year 331 BC. After an arduous journey through the desert to the oasis reached behind and flooded startled members breathtaking scenery provided by palm and olive trees and abundant water that flow from the eyes. After his arrival in the Temple of Amun his family priest biggest Amun Temple revelation after being cleansed and washed into the sun (holy well), and when he arrived at Alexander the Great Temple revelation receive him priests at the main entrance and carried Amon procession and performed some rituals to welcome Alexander the then escorted the high priest to the house of God, the Holy of Holies and threw questions the god Amun, and there was crowned the son of Amon and predicted his revelation sovereignty the world, and after the completion of the visit, Alexander left Oasis after having made sacrifices and gifts of Zeus Amon, has deviated famous inspiration of Amun in Siwa in all the countries of the Mediterranean is related to historical events famous ones Temple of Amun, and the coronation of Alexander: Siwa and Alexander the Great ........... Temple of Amun, and is considered one of the oldest temples of the world, also known as the Temple of the mother of slaves, which is located 4 kilometers east of the current town of Siwa, in the era of the thirtieth dynasty by Nectanebo II. It is said that the famous Greek soothsayer Amon he lived went to Alexander the Great, immediately after his arrival in Egypt for the first time in 331 BC Many believe that the Macedonian leader fortune teller temple had asked whether he would rule the world, was the answer to the priest, Yes, but not For a long time. This temple was once connected the Temple of the Oracle (Temple of revelation near) by the corridor and there in the temple lobby huge front yard. It was the temples are dedicated to the worship of the god Amun and to establish a ritual for him, and unfortunately was destroyed the bulk of it in the late nineties of the nineteenth century, where the governor of Siwa to destroy the temple using gunpowder to take advantage of the stones even builds the local police station and other buildings. The disappearance of an army of Cambyses After assume priests revelation Temple of Amun in Siwa death of Cambyses, he sent an army of 50 thousand fighters to Siwa to demolish the temple and bring priests as slaves, but Mona army of bad luck and was buried in the Great Sand Sea during a sandstorm severe, and a few years ago revealed sandstorms some belongings that army given by the Fates to an unequal battle with the mightiest hardened desert sand storms .... Siwa .. naturally resort of hospitalization Characterized Siwa Oasis Dry moisture-free atmosphere and Mathtwe soil of sand and silt famous Siwa Oasis as naturally resort of hospitalization, where it enjoys the presence of natural hot water potable eyes Physiotherapy and treatment of rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain. Also, Siwa have cable Dakrour Mountain region, where the burial in the hot sand studies contain the sand dunes of the Egyptian desert to safe and great interest from radioactive elements ratios have shown, and treatment
The annual Siyaha Festival in Siwa Oasis
For three days around October's full moon, Mount Dakrur is the scene of the Siyaha festival in the remote Siwa Oasis. Thousands of Siwans gather to celebrate the date harvest, renewing friendships and settling any quarrels that broke out over the previous year. During the festival all Siwans, no matter what their financial or social standing, eat together at a huge feast after the noon prayer each day. The festival is intertwined with Sufism, and each evening, hundreds of men join together in a circle (zikr) of peace and forgiveness.
This year the Siyaha Festival is planned to start on Monday 14 October 2019.
تقيم احتفالات الليالي القمرية ( السياحت ) خلال الفترة
من14- 16أكتوبر 2019
من منطلق التعريف بسيوة وبتراثها فقد تقرر إقامة احتفالا ت الحصاد بمنطقة جبل الدكرور حيث الليالي القمريه وحلقات الذكر واكبر مؤدبة غداء يشارك فيها كل سكان وزوار (الواحة )
وسيوة حيث الاحتفال الذي يعود لاكثر من (150) عاما مضت عندما اتي الي سيوة الشيخ/ محمد ظافر المدني.
ان احتفالات الحصاد او السياحت ( السياحه الدينيه او الروحيه ) كما يقول الشيخ عبدالرحمن الدميري هو الاحتفال الذي يشارك فيه جميع سكان سيوة كل عام عندما يكتمل القمر خلال شهر اكتوبر او نوفمبر ولمدة ثلاثة ايام اثناء حصاد البلح والزيتون وذلك منذ (150) عام تقريبا فهي اساسا احتفالات دينيه روحيه يذكر فيها اسم الله جل جلاله ورسوله الكريم محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام وكل مراسم هذا الاحتفال دينيه يجتمع فيها كل اهل سيوة بكل الحب والاحترام بساحة جبل الدكرور للذكر والتصالح وحل الخلافات بين الناس وتنتهي بمسيرة دينيه بالاعلام يتردد فيها اسم الله جل جلاله ورسوله الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام مع الدعاء والابتهال وسط مزارع وطرقات واحة سيوة حتي يصلوا الي ميدان سيدي سليمان بجوار المسجد الكبير حيث تقام اخر مراسم الاحتفال.
وعندما يحتفل سكان سيوة فانه تتجلي روح الود بين السكان لاجتماعهم علي وجبة مشتركة يشارك في صنعها كل سكان سيوة ويقوم الرجال والشباب المتطوعون بعمل الفته التي تقدم للمحتفلين في شكل فلكلوري رائع وكلهم يجلسون لتناول هذه الوجبه بشكل يتسم بالاخوه والحب وليلا حيث ضي القمر ينشد المنشدون الاذكار والاشعار التي تتحدث عن خير الانام المصطفي عليه الصلاة والسلام .
ويحرص الأطفال والشباب والرجال علي مشاركة بعضهم بعضا هذه الفرحه كما تقوم الفتيات بالتواجد بمنطقة الاحتفالات منذ الصباح حتي بعد العصر ثم يغادرو ساحة الاحتفال اما النساء نظرا لطبيعة الأعراف بسيوة فانهم لايتواجدو بساحة الاحتفالات .
Φέτος το ετήσιο φεστιβαλ συμφιλίωσης στο Ντακρούρ της Σίουα ξεκινά την Δευτέρα 14 Οκτωβρίου 2019. Χιλιάδες Σίουι συναντώνται για 3 μέρες στο βουνό Ντακρούρ και τρώνε όλοι μαζί ανεξάρτητα από την οικονομική ή κοινωνική τους θέση, για να γιορτάσουν την λήξη της συγκομιδής, ανανεώνοντας τις φιλίες και διευθετώντας τυχόν διαμάχες που ξέσπασαν κατά το προηγούμενο έτος.
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Siwa Oasis Syaha, Egypt. October 2018
Siwa Oasis in Egypt is located between the Qattara Depression and the Great Sand Sea. Most of the people are Berber and have their own language and traditions which are different from those of people in other areas of Egypt.
Siwa Oasis syaha is also known in English as the Harvest Festival or Peace Festival. It is held during the first full moon of October following the harvest of dates and olives, the main crops of Siwa Oasis.
It originated about 160 years ago, at the end of the fights between Siwa's tribes. To strengthen the peace agreement, every year those of different tribal backgrounds camp together at the base of Dakrour mountain. Some of the men prepare and cook the main meal each day, then a human chain is formed to fill the dishes and carry them to the families gathered in small circles and all families eat together. Attending are thousands of men and children, from toddlers to teenagers.
The meal preparation is done in the shade of the mosque set part way up the side of Dakrour mountain, the large cooking pots are on fires in a row outside. Some of the preparation is accompanied by singing and there are prayers before the meal is served, more singing accompanies the serving of the food.
A different meal is cooked each day and the cooking supervisors pay great attention to ensure all the food is prepared and cooked well. Meals are a stew with varying quantities of meat which may have bread, rice, tomatoes and onion added, poured over dry bread pieces. The pots are set on fires fed with dry date palm leaves and controlling the heat is important.
In the evening in the center of the camping ground there are prayers and chanting, starting with prayers in a line and then forming a circle / rectangle that keeps expanding as more men join in. Men form the circle but many boys watch from behind the men, taking in the Sufi traditions.
From the first time I heard the chanting in 1995, this moved me deeply. I am specifically interested in the inward dimension of Islam, which Sufi practice focuses on.
Although now the prayers are under electric light, not just the light of the full moon, and there are distractions of cameras and mobile phone cameras flashing, the prayer circle is still deeply moving for me, a special spiritual experience.
In the road leading from the palm gardens to the mountain there is a market where people can buy food and drink, gifts for the children, and even household items. The market includes rides for the children.
Syaha is held over four days. On the morning of the fourth day, the men walk from Dakrour along the road between palm gardens to the center of town. A final prayer circle is held at the mosque.
Many outsiders attending or looking at photos and video of syaha ask: where are the women? Siwa is a conservative society and that is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. While women do not participate in external celebrations such as syaha or the wedding celebrations held in tents as the men of Siwa do, the women have their own active social life and celebrations shared within families and from home to home. Tradition is that these cannot be photographed, so I am unable to share this side of Siwa life with you as I don’t wish to offend by going against customs and wish to remain welcome in the Oasis, with the privilege of being part of everyday life here.
Matrouh - Siwa Adventure
Mengisi liburan musim panas setelah melewati ujian Azhar yang menguras tenaga dan pikiran, Keluarga Mahasiswa Jambi (KMJ) Mesir mengadakan jalan-jalan ke Matrouh-Siwa. Liburan kali ini merupakan jalan-jalan yang ketiga kalinya diadakan oleh DP-KMJ pada periode 2013-2014 ini, setelah sebelumnya ke Aqua Park dan Dream Park. Dengan mengusung tema Jalan-Jalan Lup !!! Volume 3 rihlah yang ketiga ini mendapat respon antusias dari anggota Kmj Mesir.
Matruh-Siwa merupakan tempat wisata yang menarik yang terletak di barat Negara Mesir. Matruh terkenal dengan keindahan pantainya yang memiliki warna biru menyala, sedangkan Siwa terkenal dengan gurun pasir dan oasenya. Kedua tempat ini merupakan spot travelling yang paling diminati pelancong/turis ke Mesir.
Selain warga KMJ Mesir, jalan-jalan ini juga diikuti oleh beberapa mahasiswa Malaysia, kawan-kawan dari KMKM (Kalimantan) serta kawan-kawan dari Kemass (Sumatera Selatan). Rombongan bertolak menuju Matruh pada Rabu (25/6) malam dan sampai di kota Matruh pada Kamis pagi.
Hari pertama liburan diisi dengan menikmati keindahan pantai Matruh, seperti: Hamam Cleopatra, Pantai dan Museum Rommel serta Ajiba Beach. Rombongan sangat menikmati pantai-pantai yang berada di Matruh, terutama bermain Banana Boat di pantai Rommel. Berkali-kali terjatuh dari boat tidak membuat peserta jera untuk mengulanginya lagi.
Setelah puas seharian di kota Matruh, rombongan melanjutkan perjalanan ke kota Siwa, yang berjarak 4 jam perjalanan dari kota Matruh. Sampai di kota Siwa pada pukul 21.00 malam, rombongan check in di Hotel Cleopatra dan dilanjutkan dengan makan malam. Setelah makan malam, rombongan mengisi waktunya dengan bersepeda di alun-alun Siwa, ngafe dijalanan kota atau sekedar istirahat di hotel.
Hari kedua liburan dimulai dari pagi hari pukul 09.00 setelah sarapan pagi. Banyak spot yang dikunjungi di Kota Siwa ini seperti: 'Uyun Cleopatra, Kebun Kurma Fatnas, Umm Ubaidah Temple, Danau Garam, Dakrur Mountain serta tidak lupa yang paling menarik yaitu Gurun dan Oase Siwa. Gurun dan Oase Siwa ini dikunjungi setelah Sholat Jum'at dengan menggunakan Jeep Desert. Perjalanan dengan menggunakan jeep terasa sangat menegangkan dengan tanjakan-tanjakan dan medan pasir yang menantang. Panas terik dan gurun yang gersang terobati dengan mandi di oasenya yang sejuk dan tawar. Perjalanan di gurun ini diakhiri dengan Sun Bloading, yaitu permainan seluncuran di pasir gurun dengan menggunakan papan skate.
Petualangan di gurun berakhir setelah hari memasuki senja, rombongan kembali ke kota siwa untuk berbelanja dan hunting cinderamata khas Siwa. Ada juga yang kembali menyewa sepeda untuk mempermudah belanja. Setelah puas berbelanja, rombongan kembali ke Bis untuk melanjutkan perjalanan pulang menuju kota Kairo.
Documented by: Tim Media Jambi Mesir
Siwa Oasis -- Egypt
Egypt -- Siwa Oasis: located between the Qattara Depression and the Great Sand Sea, 50km east of the Libyan border. It is predominantly inhabited by the Berber People who live isolated in this corner of Egypt. Their culture is unique, not to mention their smiles and hospitality.
Link to my books:
Chasing Camels -
Where in the World...? -
تحدي الصعود فوق أعلي قمة جبل في سيوة و تصوير لحظة الغروب
واحد من اجمل لحظات الغروب التي تراها في حياتك تم تصويرها في هذا الفيديو من فوق أعلي قمة من جبل الدكرور بواحة سيوة و رؤية سيوة بالكامل لحظات الغروب بشكل لم تشاهده في حياتك من قبل .
الغروب من سيوة و تصوير الغروب من واحة سيوة له جمال مختلف تماما عن تصوير الغروب في اي مكان اخر و في هذا الفيديو تشاهد تصوير لحظات الغروب من فوق جبل الدكرور بواحة سيوة في مصر و مشاهدة الواحة من فوق اعلي قمة .
واحة سيوة بكل تفاصيلها :
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Felucca & Siwa oasis
Cairo, Giza, Aswan, Kom-Ombo, Edfu, Luxor & Siwa Oasis (4WD Jeep)
(14 nights -- 15 days) REF # (CALS/14/F)
The program includes:
*4 nights in Cairo (based on Bed & Breakfast).
*1 night in Aswan (based on Bed & Breakfast).
*1 night in Luxor (based on Bed & Breakfast).
*3 nights in Siwa (based on Bed & Breakfast).
*2 nights on Felucca - traditional sailing boat, (Full Board)
*1 night -- 2 days in desert by 4WD jeep (Inc. Dinner & Breakfast)
* 2 nights in A/C train Cairo / Aswan & Luxor / Cairo (1st Class spanish / recliner seats train).
*4 ways A/C bus tickets Cairo / Matrouh / Siwa & return.
*Tours in:
-Upper Egypt: Aswan, Kom-Ombo, Edfu & Luxor.
-Cairo & Giza
-Siwa Oasis.
*English speaking guide in Giza, Cairo, Aswan & Luxor.
*All transfers & Pick-up services (according to the itinerary).
* Tipping for driver & Hotels staff
Felucca Siwa Oasis
The Program:
Day 1: Arrive at Cairo Int'l Airport, meet & transfer to hotel check-in, overnight at hotel.
Three Pyramid
Egyptian Museum
Philae Temple
Kom-Ombo Temple
Siwa Oasis
Siwa Sunset
western desert
Fly Back
2nd Day: Breakfast drive to Giza Plateau visiting the Three Pyramids (Cheops, Khaphren & Mekarinos) Sphinx & the Valley Temple, afternoon visiting Memphis, the old capital of ancient Egypt, where you will visit the original statue of Ramses the second, then Sakkara pyramids the first step pyramid, Mere-Ruka Tomb showing all scenes of ancient life (Hunting, cattle slaughtering, fishing, crownation...etc) & Titi Pyramid (sculptured by Hieroglyphs characters from inside), overnight at hotel.
3rd Day: Breakfast, visiting the Egyptian Museum where you will see thousands of statues & antiquities, includes the golden collection of King Tutankhamun, then transfer to Citadel, visiting Mohamed Ali Mosque (Alabaster Mosque), afternoon, drive to Coptic Area, visiting the Hanging Church & Ben-Ezra Synagogue, overnight train to Aswan.
4th Day: Arrive to Aswan, meet, transfer to hotel & check-in, afternoon, visiting Philae Temple, built on Agelika Island then visit the unfinished obelisk & the High dam of Aswan, overnight at hotel.
5th Day: Early breakfast, (Optional trip to Abu-Simbel), check-on Felucca, visiting Elephantine Island & Kitchner Island, having lunch & dinner, over night on Felucca, sailing on the way to Kom-Ombo.
6th Day: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner on Felucca, visiting Kom-Ombo Temple then sail on the way to Edfu, over night on Felucca.
7th Day: Breakfast, visiting Edfu temple, then transfer by local transportation to Luxor, arrive to Luxor, check-in Hotel, visiting East bank of Luxor: 1. Luxor Temple 2. Karnak Temple, over night at hotel.
8th Day: Breakfast, visiting West Bank of luxor: 1.Valley of Kings 2.Valley of Queens 3.Hatchepsut Temple 4.Colossi of Memnon, overnight train to Cairo.
9th Day: Arrive to Cairo, transfer to hotel, free at leisure, overnight at hotel.
10th Day: Breakfast, Transfer to Cairo bus station, catch the A.C Bus to Marsa Matrouh, leaves at 6:45AM arrive at 12:30PM, catch the next bus to Siwa Oasis leaves at 1:30PM, arrive to Siwa, meet our representative, check-in & overnight at hotel.
11th Day: Breakfast, visit Dead Mountain, Siwa House Museum & the Old Fortress of Shali, then the Oracle Temple where you will see the coronation hall of Alexander the Great, then the ruins of Amoun Temple. Have a swim in Cleopatra Pool, then Dakrour Mountain (famous for its hot sand, the best place ever for sand bath, used as an effective natural cure for rheumatism, rheumatoid...etc), overnight at hotel.
12th Day: Breakfast, afternoon start by 4WD Jeep swim in salt & fresh water lakes of Bir Wahed (or Well No. 1), then the Hot Spring (37° C), stop to collect shells from the Fossils Mountain. Then enjoy watching the sunset from the highest place around Siwa, having dinner around the fire. Sleep overnight in the desert covered by the stars.
13th Day: Breakfast, drive over the highest Sand Dunes (app. 80 M) in the western desert to the east. Swim in Abou-Shrouf, the biggest & cleanest spring (it's sulfured water good for the skin & rheumatism), then visiting Zauton (the Old village of Abou-Shrouf) seeing the Roman Olives' Oil Press & black Roman Tomb, then the newly found Roman Tombs (full of Skeletons). On the way back to Siwa, visit Koraishet Spring & Ein Safi (Pure Spring), overnight at hotel.
14th day: Breakfast, catch the bus to Matrouh leaves at 10:00AM arrive at 2:00PM, catch the next bus to Cairo leaves at 5:30PM, arrive to Cairo, transfer to hotel & overnight
15th Day: Breakfast, transfer to Cairo Int'l Airport, to fly back home.
Matrouh Siwa
Day 1: Ageebah Beach + Cleopatra, Matrouh
Day 2: Jabal Mauta + Siwa Oasis Desert
Day 3: Salt Lake + Fatnas Island
Dah berapa kali tangguh tah ni nak buat video. Soalnya lagi males banget. Sorry for the bad editing and bad quality video :(
Siwa! - God’s Paradise in the Earth - Graduation Project 2019 - Damanhur University.
في الفيديو ده بنحاول نعرض جمال وروعة سيوة, من حيث كل النواحي اللي شوفناها وعيشناها هناك!
سيوة مكان رهيب جدا, ومهما حاولنا نوضح ده, فا دايماً تواجدك في المكان نفسه هيبقى مختلف جدااا
نتمنى انكم تستمتعوا بالفيديو♥
إحنا مجموعة The Best وده كان جزء من المشروع التطبيقيبتاعنا لعام 2019
Voice Over: Abdullrahman Kamal Draz
Scriptwriting: Abdullrahman Kamal Draz