I just catched this and escaped :)
TC Dalmare Šibenik
Trgovački centar Dalmare Šibenik
TC Dalmare Šibenik - promotivni video
Sibenik Travel
Sibenik Travel - Šibenik [1] is a city (pop. ~37,000) in Šibenik-Knin County, in northern Dalmatia, Croatia. It's most famous for Saint James Cathedral, which is on the UNESCO World heritage list. A trademark of the city is the traditional šibenik hat, coloured orange and black, also the city's colours. The inventor of parachute and the first man to use it, Faust Vrancic, was born here and lived here throughout 16th and 17th century. Famous basketball player Dražen Petrović, and Maksim Mrvica, a piano player, were born here.
Everywhere in the city is within walking distance. From bus station to the old city centre it takes only five minutes to walk. You can get to all sights on foot, and the furthest are within half an hour walk. If you come by car, there's a large parking place on the very central square Poljana, as well as there is one with 700 spots when you enter the town northbound. If you want to go to the outskirts of the city (for instance to the Dalmare shopping centre), you can take a public bus. Bus transport in Šibenik is operated by one public and three private companies.
Enjoy Your Sibenik Travel!
Karting Dalmare Šibenik ( 2015-12-06 / 03 )
Karting Dalmare Šibenik ( 2015-12-06 / 03 )
Veliko otvorenje naše poslovnice u Šibeniku
Zadovoljstvo nam je otvoriti vam vrata nove, veće i opremljenije poslovnice u Šibeniku. I dalje ostajemo u sklopu shopping centra Dalmare, Velimira Škorpika 23 ali od subote, 16.03.2013 smješteni smo na novih 2000 m2. Poslovnica se nalazi pokraj natkrivenog parkinga, u prizemlju centra Dalmare. Raspolažemo sa najvećim salonom namještaja u regiji te bogatim izborom kuhinja, sjedećih garnitura, stolova i stolica, spavaćih soba, uredskog namještaja, programa za djecu te mnogobrojnih dekorativnih artikala.
Novo radno vrijeme poslovnice Šibenik je od ponedjeljka do subote 8 -- 20 h te nedjeljom od 10 -18 h.
Posjetite nas!
Modna revija Dalmare centar Šibenik
Svi posjetitelji koji su se danas popodne zatekli u šibenskom Dalmare centru mogli su uživati u modnoj reviji odjeće i obuće iz trgovina i u „After party shoppingu te u određenim dućanima do kraja radnog vremena kupiti artikle koji su predstavljeni na reviji po cijenama sniženim za od 10 do 30 posto.
Dalmare Šibenik, Ražine - prometna nesreća (25.11.2010.)
Dalmare - Odlican za sve
Kreativna kampanja Odličan
(Agencija: Kreator.atk)
ENDI - veliki koncert (DALMARE, Šibenik, 3.9.2016.)
Vidimo se u DALMARE shopping centru u Šibeniku!
Veliki koncert u subotu 3.9. u 19h!
Škola vožnje bicikla Šibenik
Kratki video događanja s prva dva susreta škole bicikla za djecu i odrasle.
Srijedom i Četvrtkom 19:30 te vikendom od 10:30, Dalmare Shopping center - Zimograd. VIDIMO SE!!!
Muzika: Bicikl - Zvonko Špišić
Mall of Split - VIP otvorenje
Pogledajte kako su se posjetitelji zabavili na svečanom VIP otvorenju i uživali u shopping evoluciji u najvećem regionalnom trgovačkom centru Mall of Split!
Šibenski vatrogasci prezentirali svoje vještine II 25. svibnja 2018.
Friday, May 25, 2018 at 6:25 AM EST via Cameo
Cinestar Dalmare night bike ride :)
just for fun
Šibenik - the historic town next to the Krka Waterfalls
Šibenik is a town that sailing enthusiasts appreciate very much: It is the town with the most stairs in Croatia. Take a walk through the countless small alleys in the city center and discover hundreds of stairs that run through the whole city to take you to special hidden sights and monuments. Besides many churches you will find amazing historical buildings everywhere in the center of the town.
2. Ši Meet Car Style susret + DB Drag susret - 18.08.2019
- Snimatelji: Marko Škoda
- Oprema i kamere: theSkodilac Cinema
- Dron: theSkodilac Cinema
- Obrada: theSkodilac Cinema
- Organizator: Udruga ljubitelja automobila ŠI MEET
- Event: 2. Ši Meet Car Style susret
- MUSIC: TERRA BLVCK & DEKAY - Stacks (ft. M.I.M.E)
- ZAHVALE: Željeli bi se još jednom zahvalit gosp. Pašku Rakiću kao i Gradu Šibeniku na velikoj pomoći kao i prošle godine, hvala vam šta ste uz nas cijelo ovo vrijeme, te se veselimo daljnjoj suradnji. Isto tako veliko hvala Dalmare Shopping Centru šta nam je omogućio i ove godine korištenje njihovog parkinga. Veliko hvala i Turističkoj zajednici grada Šibenika te svim ostalim sponzorima: Tromilja Benzin, Atrium, Metalia Auto, Propeti Poni, The Guild, Pizzeria The Bar Pivovara 022, Monster, HRStickIT, Šibenska Pivovara, bez vas sve ovo nebi bilo moguće.
Hvala ekipi iz DB Team Zagreb koji su nakon dugoj 10.g ponovo imali svoj show, ekipa bilo je odlično.
Jedno veliko hvala i sucima Tamara Sudarević i Josip Jurić na teškom poslu, znamo da vam nije bilo lako ???? Isto tako i najveće hvala našem dragom prijatelju Bruno Petrlić koji nam je još jednom vodio ovaj program, kao i uvijek. I za kraj najveće hvala svima vama koji ste došli na naš meet, i ekipama Tuning Crew Varaždin, Swagger Crew, Black Detail Crew, FMT Croatia, Opel Team Croatia, Unique Kartel, The Old Crew, Volkswagen Klub Šibenik, VW Team Zadar, Honda Team Zadar, Tuning Crew Rab i Criminal Clique.
Hvala i našim medijskožim pokroviteljima Radio Šibeniku, Šibenskom Tjedniku te Oktanskom Sindromu.
Hvala svima i vidimo se uskoro.. ❤️
Sva autorska prava pridržana, za Ši Meet.
- theSkodilac Cinema & Studio -
- Za poslovne suradnje, javite mi se na:
Sajam poslova Šibenik
4. sajam poslova održan je Dalmare centru u Šibeniku
Sibenik Trip
Sibenik Trip - Šibenik [1] is a city (pop. ~37,000) in Šibenik-Knin County, in northern Dalmatia, Croatia. Its most famous for Saint James Cathedral, which is on the UNESCO World heritage list. A trademark of the city is the traditional šibenik hat, coloured orange and black, also the citys colours. The inventor of parachute and the first man to use it, Faust Vrancic, was born here and lived here throughout 16th and 17th century. Famous basketball player Dražen Petrović, and Maksim Mrvica, a piano player, were born here.
Everywhere in the city is within walking distance. From bus station to the old city centre it takes only five minutes to walk. You can get to all sights on foot, and the furthest are within half an hour walk. If you come by car, theres a large parking place on the very central square Poljana, as well as there is one with 700 spots when you enter the town northbound. If you want to go to the outskirts of the city (for instance to the Dalmare shopping centre), you can take a public bus. Bus transport in Šibenik is operated by one public and three private companies.
Enjoy Your Sibenik Trip!
Croatian roads: Magistrala - Šibenik bypass
Šibenik bypass road - driving from western city entrance to southeast, ending at Dalmare mall
GS8000L dash cam + CPL