Damlataş Cave Alanya 2019 | Alanya Turkey
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Damlatas Magarasi (Damlatas Cave) - Alanya, Turkey
A popular attraction in Alanya, Damlatas Magarasi (Damlatas Cave) has a constant temperature around 22-23 degrees Celsius. It also has high humidity levels so that the environment is thought to be good for people with some respiratory problems like asthma.
It is close to Kleopatra beach (Cleopatra beach) in Alanya and was discovered in 1948 by accident while mining in the area.
There is a passage at the entrance about 50 metres long. It opens up into a cylinderical cavity at the end of the passage and leads to the basement of the cave. The stalagmites and stalactites that can be seen in the cave were formed around 15 thousand years ago.
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Damlatas cave Alanya Turkey HD
Damlatas cave Alanya Turkey Sept 2013 by 1HarryH
music Norepinephrine by Joanne Gabriel album Etheric Rambles
video © 1HarryH
Sept 2013
Dim Mağarası'nın toplam uzunluğu 410 m. yatay ve yarıkuru mağara sınıfındadır. 360 metrelik bölümü ziyarete açıktır. Dört ana salondamağaranın gezi yolları boyunca en şahane değişken olup 10–15 m dir. Günümüzde tavandan yer yer su damlamaları ve dolayısı ile makarna sarkıtlar oluşmaktadır. Mağara, elektrik ile aydınlatılmaktadır. Ayrıca şehir elektriğinin kesilmesi durumuna karşı jeneratör de bulunmaktadır. Mağara içi sıcaklığı yıl içinde sabit olup, 18 C derecedir. Mağara içinde küçük havuzlar ve son bölümde 200 m2 yüzeyli, 2 metre derinlinde bir göl vardır .
Dim Mağarası, Türkiye'nin en güzel mağaralarından biridir. Mağara içinde sarkıt, dikit, sütun, perde makarna ve duvar oluşumları olarak çok süslü ve zengindir. Alanya'ya 11 km ve çevrenin piknik yerleri ve ormanlarla kaplı olması nedeniyle ziyaretçi akınına uğramaktadır. Mağara yıl boyunca ziyarete açıktır. Mağarada Akdeniz'i, Alanya ve Alanya Kalesini, Toros Dağları'ndan bir kesiti izleyebilmek amacı ile seyir terası ve dürbünü bulunmaktadır.
dim cavern alanya-Turkey
dim höhle alanya-Turkey
yeni videoları kaçırmamak için
TURKEY - Alanya - Damlatas Cave (part1)
Visiting Damlatas Cave in Alanya - TURKEY (Antalya region) with a group of Romanian & Hungarian tourists of KARTAGO Tours, City Tour organized by AKDEM TRAVEL on Sept.6.2008. Recorded by Olimp Boros / OLi / International Tour Guide & Manager (olimanagement.com)
Damlatas Cave Tippukiviluola ALANYA
Alanya Damlataş Cave - 2019 Travel Turkey
Next to the public beach of the city Alnya there is a small cave that is also a popular among the visitors. The entrance fee is about 8 Turkish Liras and you will get a discount if you are a student. The cave was small and crowded when this video was taken. The footage is shaky because of go pro's weak stabilization in low-light. Spare few minutes and see it yourself!
Damlatas Cave/Höhle Alanya/Türkei HD 1920/1080
Damlatas Cave Alanya. Ich habe den Film noch mal nachbearbeitet. Es handelt sich um eine kleine Höhle im Urlaubsort Alanya am Fuße des Burg Berges am Ende des Kleopatra Strandes. Sie wurde 1948 bei Hafenarbeiten (Abau von Steinen für die Hafenanlage) entdeckt und ist 15.000 Jahre alt. Für Kinder geignet. Eintritt 6 Lira = 2 € (März 2016). Sie ist auf jeden Fall einen Kuzbesuch wert.
Alanya, Turkey ????????~ Damlatas Cave, Cleopatra Beach & Alanya Castle
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Alanya Damlataş Cave 2018
Alanya Damlataş Mağarası 26 Mart 2019
#alanya Damlataş Cave was found in 1948 when it was opened for stone pit during construction of port. Cave is on the west coast of the historical Alanya Castle. There is a 50 m at entrance of the cave. You can come to a cylindrical space after the gateway with 15 meters . After here, you can walk into the bottom of cave. Name of Cave “Damlataş” comes from the stalactite which exists by water droplets. Except of its beauty, this cave is popular because of its atmosphere helping people who have asthma illness. These people who come by doctor’s control stays in the cave for 21 days as cure. Weather of the cave doesn’t change during seasons, temperature is 22 C0, damp is %95, constant pressure is 760mm. In the weather of cave there are %71 nitrogen, % 20,5 oxygen, 2,5/10.000 (two and half to ten thousands) CO2 and some radioactive ion.
It is the first cave which was opened to tourism in Turkey.
Damlataş Mağarası Alanya 4K UHD
ISBN 978-605-88104-0-2
Damlataş Mağarası Alanya 4K UHD
Damlataş Mağarası, 1948 yılında liman inşaatında kullanılacak taş için ocak açılması sırasında bulunmuştur. Mağara, tarihi Alanya Kalesi’nin batı kıyısındadır. Mağaranın giriş kısmında 50 metrelik bir geçit vardır. Yüksekliği 15 metreyi bulan geçitten sonra silindirik bir boşluğa gelinir. Buradan mağaranın tabanına inilir. Mağara, sarkıtlardan damlamaya devam eden su damlaları nedeniyle Damlataş adını almıştır. Mağara, büyüleyici güzelliğinin yanı sıra astım hastalarına iyi gelen havasıyla da ünlüdür. Doktor kontrolünde mağarada belli bir süre oturarak 21 günlük tedavi kürü uygulayan hastalar vardır.
Mağaranın havası yaz kış değişmez; sıcaklık 22 santigrat derece, rutubet yüzde 95, sabit basınç 760 mm’dir. Mağaranın havasında yüzde 71 azot, yüzde 20,5 oksijen, on binde 2,5 karbondioksit ve bir miktar radyoaktivite ile iyonlar bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’nin turizme açılan ilk mağarasıdır. Yari kriztalize kalker içinde bulunan mağaranın sarkıt ve dikitleri 15 bin yılda oluşmuştur. Mağaraya giriş ücretlidir. Çevresinde küçük bir çarşı vardır, önü ise plajdır.
Kamera/Metin Yazım : Mehmet SÖKMEN
Seslendirme : Rüksan Atak SÖKMEN
Çekim Tarihi : 02.04.2017
Prodüksiyon Yapım Tarihi: 21.04.2017
Video Prodüksiyon Yapım, Yayın Ve Yönetmeni: Mehmet SÖKMEN - 0532 525 84 93
web: mehmetsokmen.tv
Alanya Damlataş Plajı'ndaydık.
#alanya Damlataş Plajı'nda dalgalarla mücadele ve balıkların peşinden yüzmek harikaydı.
Damlataş Mağaraları Damlatas Caves Alanya Пещера Дамлаташ Алания 达姆拉塔斯洞穴 ダムラタス洞窟 다믈라타스 동굴
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#ПещераДамлаташ #DamlatasCaves #DamlataşMağaraları #达姆拉塔斯洞穴 #ダムラタス洞窟 #다믈라타스동굴 #экскурсия #туризм #горы #mountains #музей #museum #Аланья #Alanya
Во время добычи камня для строительства крепости в 1948 году в Аланьи случайно открыта пещера Дамлаташ 15 и 10 вв. до н.э. Название пещеры происходит от двух турецких слов: damla — капля. taş — камень. В пещере Дамлаташ постоянные показатели воздуха круглый год: температура 23,3 градуса по Цельсию, влажность 98% и атмосферное давление 760 мм рт.ст. Музыка - Александр Зимин
During the extraction of stone for the construction of the fortress in 1948 in Antalya accidentally opened, damlatas cave 15 and 10 centuries BC the name of the cave comes from two Turkish words: damla — drop. taş-stone. Cave damlataş constant than that of air year round temperature of 23.3 degrees Celsius, 98% humidity and atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg.art. Music - Alexander Zimin
Alanya'da 1948 yılında kale inşa etmek için taş çıkarma sırasında yanlışlıkla açılan Damlataş Mağarası 15 ve 10 yüzyıl M. ö. mağaranın adı iki Türk kelimesinden gelir: damla damla. taş — taş. Damlataş mağarasında yıl boyunca sabit hava göstergeleri: sıcaklık 23.3 derece santigrat, nem %98 ve atmosfer basıncı 760 mmHg.sanat. Müzik-Alexander Zimin
Während der Steinproduktion für den Bau der Festung im Jahr 1948 wurde in Alanya zufällig die Höhle Damlataş 15 und 10 Jahrhundert v. Chr. Entdeckt. BC. E. der name der Höhle stammt aus zwei türkischen Wörtern: damla — Tropfen. taş-Stein. In der Höhle damlatash Konstante Luftleistung das ganze Jahr über: Temperatur 23,3 Grad Celsius, Luftfeuchtigkeit 98% und Atmosphärendruck 760 mm Hg.Art. Musik-Alexander Zimin
Lors d'une extraction de la pierre pour la construction d'une forteresse en 1948, à Alanya accidentellement ouvert la grotte Damlataş 15 et 10 siècles avant j.-c. le Nom de la grotte vient de deux mots turcs: damla — goutte. taş — pierre. Dans la grotte de Damlatas, les indicateurs d'air permanents toute l'année: température 23,3 degrés Celsius, humidité 98% et pression atmosphérique 760 mmHg.art. Musique - Alexandre Zimin
Durante la extracción de piedra para la construcción de la fortaleza en 1948 en Alanya abrió accidentalmente la cueva Damlatas 15 y 10 AC El nombre de la cueva proviene de dos palabras turcas: damla-gota. taş-piedra. En la cueva Damlatas, las cifras constantes de aire durante todo el año: temperatura 23,3 grados Celsius, humedad 98% y presión atmosférica 760 mmHg.Art.
Durante a extração de pedra para a construção de uma fortaleza em 1948, em Alanya acidentalmente aberta caverna Дамлаташ 15 e 10 вв. até н. э. Nome cavernas que ocorre entre dois turcos palavras: damla — gota. taş — pedra. Na caverna Дамлаташ permanentes indicadores de ar durante todo o ano, a temperatura 23,3 graus Celsius, umidade 98% e pressão atmosférica de 760 mm hg.art.
أثناء استخراج الحجر من أجل بناء القلعة في عام 1948 في مدينة أنطاليا فتح طريق الخطأ, كهف داملاتاس 15 و 10 قرون قبل الميلاد اسم الكهف يأتي من اثنين من الكلمات التركية: damla — قطرة. taş الحجر. كهف damlataş المستمر من الجو على مدار السنة حرارة 23.3 درجة مئوية ، 98% الرطوبة و الضغط الجوي 760 مم زئبق.الفن.
Κατά την εξόρυξη λίθων για την κατασκευή του φρουρίου, το 1948 στο Alanya κατά λάθος ανοιχτή σπηλιά Дамлаташ 15 και 10 αι. π. χ. το Όνομα του σπηλαίου προέρχεται από δύο τουρκικές λέξεις: damla — σταγόνα. taş — πέτρα. Σε μια σπηλιά Дамлаташ μόνιμοι δείκτες του αέρα όλο το χρόνο: η θερμοκρασία 23,3 βαθμούς Κελσίου, υγρασία 98% και η ατμοσφαιρική πίεση 760 mm hg.στ.
Podczas wydobywania kamienia do budowy twierdzy w 1948 roku w Alanya przypadkowo odkryta jaskinia Damlatas 15 i 10 wieku p. n. e. Nazwa jaskini pochodzi od dwóch tureckich słów: damla — kropla. taş — kamień. W jaskini Damlatas stałe wskaźniki powietrza przez cały rok: temperatura 23,3 stopni Celsjusza, wilgotność 98% i ciśnienie 760 mm hg.art.
Під час видобування каменю для будівництва фортеці в 1948 році в Аланії випадково відкрита печера Дамлаташ 15 і 10 ст. до н. е. Назва печери походить від двох турецьких слів: damla — крапля. taş — камінь. У печері Дамлаташ постійні показники повітря цілий рік: температура 23,3 градуса за Цельсієм, вологість 98% і атмосферний тиск 760 мм рт.ст.
Durante l'estrazione di pietra per la costruzione della fortezza nel 1948 a Alanya accidentalmente aperto Damlatas Cave 15 e 10 Sec. A. C. il nome della grotta deriva da due parole turche: damla-goccia. taş è una pietra. Nella grotta di Damlatas costanti indicatori dell'aria durante tutto l'anno: Temperatura 23,3 gradi Celsius, Umidità 98% e pressione barometrica 760 mm Hg.Art.
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Inside Damlatas Magarasi | Alanya Turkey Cave |
This is the famous Cave in Alanya Turkey which is popular with asthma sufferers. This cave is known to help people with asthma.
Antalya Damlatas nice little cave off cleopatra beach in turkey
Antalya Damlatas Caves: Nice little cave off Cleopatra beach Turkey
Sapadere Canyon + Magarasi Giris cave, Alanya Safari Tour
Sapadere Canyon - Sapadere Canyon - Alanya Safari Tour
Sapadere Canyon is 360 metres long, nearly 400 metres high and is located 3 km away from Sapadere Village.
The canyon is formed by erosion from water, ice and wind. The layers of rock were formed over thousands of years. Wooden walkways make for easy access for all visitors. The walking platform is sympathetically designed and constructed from wood and steel. The platform is environmentally friendly and can be removed when necessary. You will be amazed by the rapidly gushing water over series of rock steps, the numerous waterfalls, rare plants and different species of animals and birds when walking through this natural habitat. The clean, fresh air and cascading turquoise water over the rocks is therapeutic and refreshing on the human spirit...after all, don't forget that water means life!
The end of the pathway, 300 meters inside the canyons entrance, you will find the most spectacular point; the marvellous waterfall. This is a popular spot for visitors to take photos and it is also possible to swim in the natural pool at the bottom of the waterfall. Use the surrounding step-ladders to enjoy the refreshing water, barely reaches 12°C even in the peak of the summer!
music: Gm115, artist Kevin MacLeod
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Public Domain Dedication
video © 1HarryH
Damlatas and Cleopatra Beach (Turkey, Alanya) - Пещера Дамлаташ и Пляж Клеопатры (Турция, Аланья)
Damlatas Caves and Cleopatra Beach (Turkey, Alanya)
Пещера Дамлаташ и Пляж Клеопатры (Турция, Аланья)
Turkije - 14 - Alanya - Damlatas Cave - Hotel Grand Prestige 7 - Onweer - The End / 2010
In de Damlatas grot in Alayna, heerst een constante temperatuur van 24 gr. Op een dergelijke plek verwacht je een dergelijk fenomeen totaal niet. Prachtige grot met rode accenten.
Terug in Hotel Grand Prestige lunchen we bij het zwembad. Ook daar wordt van alles geserveerd. Op de laatste avond, in oktober, worden we verrast door een gigantisch onweer en enorme regenbuien. De volgende morgen blijkt dat delen van het hotel te maken hebben gehad met wateroverlast. De temperatuur is behoorlijk gedropt en we zijn blij dat we naar huis gaan.
Is Hotel Grand Prestige een aanrader... We waren er in het naseizoen en vinden van wel.
Er zijn een hoop excursiemogelijkheden naar het prachtige achterland, het Taurusgebergte.
Onlangs vernamen we van vrienden, die er dit jaar zijn geweest, dat ze zich in Juli enorm hebben geërgerd aan de Russen. Tsja... dat is dan weer minder.