Flying the Skies of: Dallol, Danakil Depression, Afar region, Ethiopia
Dallol is a volcanic crater in the Danakil Depression, Afar Region, Ethiopia.
The name Dallol come from the Afar people and means something like dissolution, and if you see the place you can understand why.
It has been formed by the intrusion of magma into salt deposits and subsequent hydrothermal activity.
Eruptions took place in Danakil Depression in 1926, forming Dallol Volcano. These craters are the lowest known volcanic craters in the world, at Apx. 45m below sea level.
Ethiopia - Danakil Depression - Erta Ale Volcano
On this episode Nicole will take you to the Afar Region to visit one of the most unique places on Earth, the Danakil Depression!
Breathtaking views of the salt flats , swimming in the middle of the desert and finish up with a climb to the active volcano, Erta Ale also known as Smoky Mountain
Music: EERF by and Carefree Melody by Twin Musicom licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
Ethiopia's Extreme Salt Mines - Danakil Depression, Afar Desert
ETHIOPIA’S EXTREME SALT MINES – Danakil Depression, Afar Desert
There are caravans there – countless caravans. Passing through Ahmadila – little village where I’ve suffered from heat for three days! Only for three days!
But there are people in desert bound to the place since their living depends entirely on Ethiopian Gold which is called SALT.
Every single evening long caravans of camels were passing on their way from Salt Mines. Last day of our stay in Danakil Depression we went to see some of these Salt Mines. One have to drive long stretch across damn flat desert to come to salty Lake Assal which momentary changed gloomy atmosphere of empty desert to bright blinding glow. Then you have to go back to desert and drive even father North till Dallol where scattered across vast endless desert are working groups of Salt Miners.
I’ve arrived in Danakil Depression the middle of “winter” so daily temperatures were “only” in mid and high 40 C but in summer temperatures can go more than 10 degrees higher. For me it was beyond my understanding to work in this heat. Apparently in the summer even Salt Miners are working only to noon hours since afternoon is unbearable even for these tough guys. There is no special job requirements for working in Salt Mines beside to be tough, strong and healthy.
Couple of decades back salt was transported by camel caravans all the way to Makale some 200 km away. Now there is the road on the part of the stretch. However first distance of 50 something kilometers has to still be transported by camels so this ancient art of transportation is still used same as century ago – so occasional tourists crazy enough to undertake trip to this hottest place on planet Earth can make some memorable pictures and movies before running back to civilization leaving salt miners in this devilish place where your job security depends only on 3 conditions – you must be young, strong and healthy.
Everything is extreme in this part of the world – Weather, Environment, Living condition and mainly People who live there.
But Live in Danakil Depression is tough and I mean REALLY TOUGH! – Something what we in our sterile world have no slightest idea about.
Gateway to Hell (Danakil, Erta Ale, Dallol — Ethiopia)
Buckle up and get ready to fly over the hottest place on Earth, where the Erta Ale volcano lava lake, the multicoloured Dallol sulfur springs and the Danakil depression wastelands of salt exist. A never before seen aerial footage and images by © Joel Santos - Ethiopia, 2016.
Video, Pilot and Edit by Joel Santos -
Final Edit by Magali Tarouca -
Special Thanks to Negasi Teklay
More photo tour by Joel Santos at
The Unearthly Scenery of Dallol, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia in HD
Dallol is the hottest inhabited area on Earth, and also one of the most remote places on Earth. It is located in a depression, at more than 100 meters bellow sea level. Dallol has one of the most unearthly sceneries on the planet, due to its acidic hot springs, sulphur, salt, iron oxide, and other minerals, small gas geysers and pools of acid.
Recorded February 2014 in HD with Panasonic TM900.
Take Off and Shoot a Zero by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Dallol by drone Afar Region Ethiopia
Drone shots by Chris Horsley
Ethiopia-Danakil Desert.Spectacular scenes of Salt Caravans and Afar people
To descend into the Danakil Depression is to step into another World
Documentary tribes, chapter 3: Afar people (Ethiopia)
Afar means the best or the first, making it a name that honours the extremely proud nature of this people. They live in a vast rocky, dry and desert-like land. This forces them to move about constantly, like the wind, in search of an element that is essential but very rare in the region where they live: water. Culema and Ali Mohamed are Afar that, like many others, live from the extraction and sale of salt from the Danakil vale -the second deepest in the planet and one of the hottest areas too. Sono and Momima are an Afar married couple that live in the Awash park. Sono learned to drive tractors and now works for an agricultural firm.
Sinopsis: Afar significa el mejor o el primero, un nombre que hace honor al carácter extremadamente orgulloso de este pueblo. Viven en un vasto territorio pedregoso, seco y desértico; que les obliga a desplazarse continuamente, como el viento, en busca de un elemento esencial, aunque muy escaso en la región que habitan: el agua. Culema y Ali Mohamed son dos Afar que, como otros muchos, viven de la extracción y comercialización de la sal en la depresión Danakil, la segunda más profunda del planeta y una de las zonas más calurosas. Sono y Momima es un matrimonio Afar que vive en el parque Awash. Sono aprendió a conducir tractores y ahora trabaja en una empresa agrícola.
The Denakil Afar Depression Ethiopia
Ethiopia The Denakil Afar Depression, The Hottest Place on Earth Episode.
Erta Ale Volcano, Danakil Depression, Afar Region Ethiopia
Erta Ale (Smoking Mountain in local Afar language) the most active volcano in Ethiopia.
Situated in the Danakil Depression, close to the Eritrean border.
???? Danakil-Depression in Ethiopia | Adventure of a Lifetime ????
4 days tour in the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia. Visiting the vulcano Erta-Ale, the Ass-Ale saltlake and the hot springs of Dallol! More informations:
4 Tagestour in die Danakil-Senke in Äthiopien, mit dem aktiven Vulkan Erta-Ale, dem Gheothermalgebiet Dallol und dem atemberaubenden Salzsee Ass-Ale
Mit World Sun Ethiopia Tours haben wir 4 faszinierende Tage an einem der unwirtlichsten Orte der Welt verbracht. Am ersten Tag führte unsere Tour zum aktiven Lavasee des Erta Ale Vulkans. In Dallol haben wir die gelben Schwefelfelder des Gheothermalgebietes erkundet. Am Ass-Ale Salzsee erwarteten uns die Salzkarawanen und Salzarbeiter, die hier wie vor hunderten von Jahren Salz abbauen. Ein ganz besonders Erlebnis war zudem der Sonnenuntergang und Sonnenaufgang am Ass-Ale Salzsee. Eine absolut unvergessliche Tour in das Afar-Dreieck, welches wir nie vergessene werden.
►►► Unseren Danakil Reisebericht findet ihr hier:
Touren in die Danakil-Senke sind nur mit geführt möglich, wir waren mit World Sun Ethopia Tours 4 Tage in der Danakil-Wüste und können diesen Anbieter nur empfehlen.
World Sun Ethiopia Tours:
Bitte beachtet die Reisewarnung des Auswärtigen Amtes, bevor Ihr eine Reise in die Danakil-Senke plant. Es gibt immer wieder tödliche Überfälle und Entführungen.
//Tags: Danakil, Danakil-Senke, Danakil-Wüste, Erta Ale, Erta-Ale, Lavasee, Abenteuer, Dallol, Afar, Ass-Ale, Ass Ale, Salzsee, Wüste, Salzkarawanen, Kamelkarawanen, Salzarbeiter, Salzabbau, Ethiopia, Äthiopien, Travel, Africa, Afrika, danakil desert, Desert, danakil depression ethiopia,
#danakil #dallol #ertaale
Volcanoes of the Afar triangle, Ethiopia /Part 1
The Afar Triangle is one of a few places places on earth where amid-ocean ridge can be studied on land. Geologists predict that the Afar triangle will be submerged forming a new sea.
Ethiopia - Trip into the Danakil Depression
The Danakil Depression is called the cradle of hominids after the famous Lucy Australopithecus fossil was found in 1974. It is hottest and lowest places on earth and dry for most of the year.
We made a four-day trip from Mekele into the area. In the two days we spent driving we covered less than two hundred kilometers.
The highlights of the trip (Ertale open volcano, volcanic fields, salt mining) are covered in separate video clips. This clip gives an impression of the roads, the Afar people living in the area, the caravans between Mekele and the area and the facilitiesfor tourists.
Background music is from Jon Sayles (
Danakil Desert in the Afar region of Ethiopia エチオピア ダナキル砂漠
~Record of the journey of the Danakil desert toughest place in the world~
I challenged to cross the Danakil desert with two friends.
It's better to die than live without killing.(殺害することなく生きるのであれば、死んだ方がましだ)とは、地上最悪の砂漠「ダナキル砂漠」(下記ご参照)の遊牧民アファールの諺である。ダナキル砂漠は酷暑で知られている。真夏になると摂氏70度(実際は70度いかないとものと思われる)にも達すと言われるこの一帯は、地上最悪の砂漠と呼ばれてきた。地上最悪と言われるその所以は猛烈な暑さだけではなく、「キン狩り族」の異名をとる好戦的遊牧民「アファール」の存在も大きいと思われる。倒した敵の男根を狩り取って好きな娘に捧げ、求婚するという凄まじい風習をもつ部族である(現在は政府により禁じられているが・・・かつては)。過酷な環境で生き延びてきた彼らは、強靭な肉体と精神、プライドを持っており、諺が表すように、恐れを軽蔑し、死をも恐れない好戦的な民族である。また当地はエリトリアとの国境地帯にあり、軍事衝突が断続して起きており、現在も緊張状態が続いているが、国連介入による暫定措置が完了したことで、2008年以降外国人の入域が許された場所でもある(引続き退避勧告エリアではある)。
⇒ダナキル砂漠はエリトリア南部、エチオピア北東部にまたがる砂漠。アフリカ大陸の東側には幅約60km、長さ約6000km続く地球で最も巨大な断層アフリカ大地溝帯(グレートリフトバレー)がある。その大地溝帯の中に広がる世界で最も過酷な場所Hell on earthと言われているがダナキル砂漠。海抜マイナス150メートルを切る盆地で、夏には気温70℃を超えるとも言われる。 緑、赤、黄色、カラフルで毒々しい岩塩湖の風景、地球創世の姿を見せてくれる火山、遊牧民(アファール族)が「悪魔のすみか」というエルタ・アレ火山などもあある。
music:Garry schyman「Praan」
Ethiopia's Afar Region: a visit to the Danakil Depression
Tinkertown wants to know: How low can you go?
Dallol, Ethiopia - Most Toxic Place That Have LIFE
Dallol (Amharic: ዳሎል) is a locality in the Dallol woreda of northern Ethiopia. Located in Administrative Zone 2 of the Afar Region in the Afar Depression, it has a latitude and longitude of 14°14′19″N 40°17′38″E with an elevation of about 130 metres (430 ft) below sea level. The Central Statistical Agency has not published an estimate for this settlement's 2005 population; it has been described as a ghost town.
Dallol currently holds the official record for record high average temperature for an inhabited location on Earth, where an average annual temperature of 35°C (95°F) was recorded between the years 1960 and 1966. Dallol is also one of the most remote places on Earth, although paved roads to the village of Hamedela, which is close, are being built. Still, the most important mode of transport besides jeeps are the camel caravans which travel to the area to collect salt.
In this region lies the highly active hydrothermal system of Dallol that hosts numerous springs, terrace systems and fumaroles.
A railway from the port of Mersa Fatma in Eritrea to a point 28 km from Dallol was completed in April 1918. Built from 1917-1918, using the 600 mm gauge Decauville system (Decauville describes ready-made sections of small-gauge track which can be rapidly assembled) it transported salt from the Iron Point rail terminal near Dallol, via Kululli to the port.[1]
Dallol is an area that belongs to the Dallol district in the Afar region of Ethiopia, near the salt desert. It is part of the Danakil depression, which in turn constitutes a continuation of the Great African Rift Valley. Although in a remote location, it is a big tourist attraction due to its colorful and bubbling mineral formations.
Hebrew narration.
ERTA ALE VOLCANO - Part 1: The Largest Permanent Lava Lake on Earth, Ethiopia (Erupting Lava Lake)
ERTA ALE LAVA LAKE VOLCANO – Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
Hidden in the middle of Danakil Depression, Afar Region of Ethiopia – The Hottest Place in the World – stands 614 meters high volcano Erta Ale. What makes this volcano so extremely rare is Lava Lake hidden in the crater in the centre of volcano caldera.
Volcanoes with lava lakes are very rare: there are only six of them in the whole world. Erta Ale is the one which is permanently active during last 100 years.
Being to be by-product of Plate Tectonics of East Africa Erta Ale sits in Danakil Depression which is part of East African Rift – scar in Earth crust which is slowly tearing Africa apart. Three tectonic plates – Nubian Plate, Somalia Plate and Arabic Plate are moving apart in pace of 2.5 cm/year speed high enough to calculate that in 10 Million year Africa will loose its Horn of Africa which will become new continent in Indian Ocean.
As consequence of separation of the plates there is major depression/valley in North Part of Ethiopia’s Afar Region calls Afar Triangle. Earth crust is so thin in the area – which lays up to 150 below Sea level – that area is penetrated by number of volcanoes and is pronounced to major earthquakes.
Erta Ale – beside Nyiragongo in Democratic Republic of Congo – was for years high on my wish list of places which I have to visit. After 2012 my dream was shuttered and put on hold since number of tourists was killed on the edge of volcano as a result of long lasting dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea. However last year expeditions to Erta Ale resumed – this time under heavy military escorts - so I could realised my dream and visit Erta Ale in the end of 2015.
In usual case crater of Erta Ale Lava Lave has first terrace about 20 meters down in the crater and additional 20 meter down in the pit there is surface of Lava Lake. I was very fortunate to visit Erta Ale in one of its most active period in ages when level of the Lake was elevated all the way to the edge of the crater and was just less than 2 meters below level of overflow to the bottom of the Erta Ale caldera. Volcanic activities were enormous 24 hours every single day so there is no surprise that majority of my 3 days spend on Erta Ale were dedicated to observation of the lake.
Even everybody is aiming to see volcano in the night – since visual sensation is beside description – it is very difficult to make high quality pictures from night since contrast between darkness and hot lava boiling in up to 1,200 C is impossible to catch on camera. Day pictures are much more manageable.
Another advantage of Erta Ale is the fact that is located in Ethiopia where nobody will tell you what you can and can’t do by the volcano. So decision how close can I go to the volcano was resting entirely with me – and of course I went as closed as my camera could manage. Heat was unsustainable – but I would say picture and movies are quite OK.
First part of the movie “ERUPTING LAVA LAKE” was film mainly during the days and twilight, while second part “THE NIGHT SHOW” was filmed in the darkness. I hope you’ll enjoy both part as much as I enjoyed all 3 days on the top of this spectacular volcano!
Walking in the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
Ethiopia: The North pt. 2 - Danakil Depression, Salt Flats, Colors, Oily Lake
Danaki Depression
Afar Region
Salt Flats
Mulit-colored hydrothermal systems
Oily Lake
September / October 2017