RRA&NAK exercise on river Danube - full movie
The Danube cliff of Tulcea.
Top 12 Beautiful Places to Visit in Romania || Romania Tourism || Things To Do In ROMANIA
Top 12 Beautiful Places to Visit in Romania || Romania Tourism || Things To Do In ROMANIA. Please SUBSCRIBE for more videos.
Country in the Balkans
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
Capital: Bucharest
Currency: Romanian leu
Population: 19.64 million (2017)
Here are top 12 most beautiful place to visit Romania:
#1. Bucharest
Bucharest, in southern Romania, is the country's capital and commercial center. Its iconic landmark is the massive, communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building, which has 1,100 rooms. Nearby, the historic Lipscani district is home to an energetic nightlife scene as well as tiny Eastern Orthodox Stavropoleos Church and 15th-century Curtea Veche Palace, where Prince Vlad III (“The Impaler”) once ruled.
#2. Bran Castle
Dramatic, 14th-century castle, former royal residence & alleged legend of Count Dracula inspiration.
#3. Peleș Castle
Neo-Renaissance residence of King Charles I with a museum of national heritage artifacts.
#4. Palace of the Parliament
Colossal parliament building & international conference center known for its ornate interior.
#5. Bâlea Lake
Serene glacier lake featuring scenic alpine surrounds & chalet restaurants, plus a winter ice hotel.
#6. Corvin Castle
Renaissance fortress rebuilt in the 19th century, with Gothic towers & a history museum.
#7. Salina Turda
Unique saltmine with tours & attractions such as an amphitheater, Ferris wheel, mini-golf & boats.
#8. Râșnov Citadel
Landmark fortress on a hill with walking paths, an ancient well & a handful of souvenir vendors.
#9. Rock sculpture of Decebalus
A sculpture on a riverside outcropping bears the face of a local king who battled the Roman Empire.
#10. Scărișoara Cave
Unique cave noted for its underground glacier, with a short access tunnel & staircase.
#11. Palace of Culture
365-roomed complex built between 1906 & 1925 to house government offices, now housing 4 museums.
#12. Retezat National Park
National park since 1935 with glacial lakes & rare plants, plus hiking trails & a visitor center.
• Music License:
Simon More - Somewhere In Nature (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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ROMANIA Top 50 Tourist Places | Romania Tourism
Romania (Things to do - Places to Visit) - ROMANIA Top Tourist Places
Country in the Balkans
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend.
Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
ROMANIA Top 50 Tourist Places | Romania Tourism
Things to do in ROMANIA - Places to Visit in Romania
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ROMANIA Top 50 Tourist Places - Romania, Balkans, Europe
O ZI ÎN 9 MINUTE / One day in 9 minutes
Galați - Faleza Dunării.
At 150x speed.
In HD.
With Moon at the end.
Tomis-Constanta, pagini de istorie 1
Aici, la marginea de rasarit a pamantului Dobrogean, a poposit candva, demult, corabia Argonautilor, in drumul ei spre Lana de Aursi mai tarziu impatimitul poet Ovidiu.
Taine tulburatoare ascunde pamantul asta: lupte, mariri si decaderi
si doar cu zgarcenie ne mai ofera astazi, crampeie din trecutul sau.
Orasul de la marginea Pontului Euxin, numit Tomis, o lunga perioada de timp, a fost fondat de grecii milesieni.
Localitatea a fost cucerita de romani in anul 71 I.Hr.
La acel moment Tomisul era un oras mic, dar el evolueaza ca port, datorita golfului, in care corabiile vin sa acosteze, desi conditiile pentru navigatie nu erau dintre cele mai bune.
Totusi orasul continua sa se dezvolte, capata functii importante si cu timpul incepe evolutia sa spre nord..
Mai tarziu, in secolele patru - cinci ,Tomisul a cunoscut o perioada de maxima inflorire, atunci cand se construiesc edificii monumentale si reprezentative, perioada in care se construieste si Edificiul Roman cu Mozaic, unul dintre cele mai importante monumente ale orasului nostru.
Situat pe faleza de vest,chiar pe cheiurile vechiului port tomitan, insa, deasupra portului modern de astazi, edificiul cuprindea trei terase,taiate in taluzul falezei si facea legatura intre nivelul orasului si cel al portului antic si servea scopurilor comerciale ale portului.
Luxoasa sala a mozaicului se situa pe cel de-al treilea nivel si era pardosita cu 2000 m de mozaic policrom. Din aceasta sala o parte se mai poate vedea si astazi.
Tomisul intra intr-o perioada de eclipsa, nu inainte de a deveni un oras crestin. In Evul Mediu tarziu se adopta numele de Constanta
Dupa consolidarea puterii turcesti in Peninsula Balcanica, otomanii devin stapani in Dobrogea timp de secole.
Localitatea a devenit un oras important dupa construirea caii ferate Constanta - Cernavoda(1857-1860) .Tot in acea perioada incep lucrarile de largire ale portului si lucrari de infrumusetare ale orasului, prin construirea unor cladiri reprezentative in peninsula orasului. Tot atunci se construieste Farul Genovez.
Dupa Razboiul de Independenta, 1877 -1878, Constanta si intreaga regiune revine la granitele statului roman.
Galati: The Flooding of the Lower Cliff (first part) 26.06.2010.
The flooding of the Lower Cliff, at Galati, began on 13-th June. On 26-th June, the Danube had 633 cm (with 33 cm above the maximum limit).
The first presentation refers to the Lower Cliff area stretched between the quays and the terraces of the restaurants from the main gathering point. //
Inundarea Falezei Inferioare a inceput pe data de 13 Iunie. La 26 Iunie, Dunarea atingea 633 cm (cu 33 cm peste limita de inundare).
Prima prezentare se refera la portiunea de Faleza Inferioara cuprinsa intre pontoane si terasele restaurantelor din zona principala de intalnire.
You can find more interesting things about Galati at:
Ştire Etv - Faleza, aproape inundată ! | 02.04.2013.mpg
Dunărea ia cu asalt Faleza. Chiar dacă la Galaţi apele fluviului mai au câţiva centimetri până la cota de atenţie, o parte a Falezei inferioare este inundată, apa bătând sau trecând deja de mal.
Galati: The Flooding of the Lower Cliff (second part) 27.06.2010.
The flooding of the Lower Cliff, at Galati, began on 13-th June. On 26-th June, the Danube had 633 cm (with 33 cm above the maximum limit).
The second presentation refers to the Lower Cliff area stretched between the terraces of the restaurants from the main gathering point and the ferryboat crossing (where the Lower Cliff ends). //
Inundarea Falezei Inferioare a inceput pe data de 13 Iunie. La 26 Iunie, Dunarea atingea 633 cm (cu 33 cm peste limita de inundare).
Cea de-a doua prezentare se refera la portiunea de Faleza Inferioara cuprinsa intre terasele restaurantelor din zona principala de intalnire si punctul de trecere al bacurilor (unde este capatul Falezei Inferioare).
You can find more interesting things about Galati at:
Petea Sound - Street Dance Show, Laser Show In Piata Domneasca Galati
Petea Sound a contribuit cu echipamente de sunet,lumini,lasere la evenimentul desfasurat in Piata Domneasca in fata hotelului Danube Stars (Dunarea) Galati.
GoPro: Romania Postavarul winter slopes
Faleza din Tulcea
Filmata cu te
2 Prin Delta 2010 iunie .wmv
Pe girla in iunie 2010
Cameras I use:
SJCAM SJ6 Legend:
Steamboat Solo Snowboarding for the Soul SJCAM sj4000
Some clips of a fantastic day getting away from the crowds in Steamboat Springs, CO. This is a video of some of my favorite runs in and out of bounds featuring music by Van Halen and Tom Petty. This was also the first time shooting on the SJCAM sj4000. I feel it performed well, and it was mounted with the exo-skeleton and no waterproof case. For a $50 camera it seems to be pretty good quality! Let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks for watching!
SJCAM site for checking this camera out. It can be found from around $50-$80 depending on where you shop.
Marea Sărbătoare - Ștefan cel Mare 500
Filmul este istoria în imagini a sărbătoririi a 500 de ani de la adromirea Sfântului Ștefan cel Mare, care a culminat cu sărbătoarea din 2 iulie 2004. Sunt prezentate pregătirile pentru acest moment deosebit, pelerinajul organizat de Asociația Studenților Creștin Ortodocși Români (ASCOR) pe jos de la Suceava la Putna, aspecte din viața obștii Mănăstirii Putna.
Faleza orasului Sulina, Delta Dunarii.MPG
Sulina cliff
Faleza Sulina
V220409 14 39
Danube's Cliff
Storm in Macin Mountains, Romania, July 3rd, 2016
Macin Mountains, although not very high (~400 m) they are the oldest in Romania and part of the oldest mountain formations in Europe. The spectacular views have striking similarities with any other high mountain peaks but the 35 degrees Celsius are a mighty remainder that you're not at 2000 m altitude. Nevertheless, breathtaking, more so as you expect to find some hills and you're met with steep mountain slopes!