Biserica fortificată - DÂRJIU - The Fortified Church (Transylvania, Romania)
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A székelyderzsi unitárius vártemplom
Dârjiu (în maghiară Székelyderzs) este un sat secuiesc situat în partea sud-estică a Transilvaniei, la circa 18 Km sud-vest de Odorheiu Secuiesc. Biserica unitariană de la Dârjiu este singura secuiască care face parte din grupul celor șapte biserici fortificate din Transilvania incluse în anul 1999 pe lista UNESCO a patrimoniului cultural mondial, celelalte șase biserici fiind săsești (în general evanghelice): Biertan, Prejmer, Viscri, Saschiz, Câlnic și Valea Viilor. Bisericuța catolică inițială, construită în 1270, va fi extinsă în secolele al XIV-lea și al XV-lea. Din 1419 datează pictura pictura interioară, renumită fiind fresca cu legenda Sfântului rege Ladislau. Atacurile asupra ei, dar și Reforma protestantă de la începutul secolului al XVI-lea, atrag modificări constructive importante, fortificarea (ziduri, bastioane, dar și biserica în sine), precum și trecerea la ritul reformat. În prezent, biserica are nu numai un rol religios activ, dar constituie și o componentă socială importantă și de tradiție în viața satului, în fostele fortificații fiind depozitate produse de carne afumată care se pun și se iau respectându-se vechi cutume. În ultimii ani, complexul a fost renovat și anumite spații au fost amenajate ca muzeu etnografic.
Dârjiu (Székelyderzs, in Hungarian) is a Szekler village located in the south-eastern part of Transylvania, about 18 km southwest of Odorheiu Secuiesc. The Unitarian Church in Dârjiu is the only Szekler church who is part of the group of seven fortified churches in Transylvania included in 1999 on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the other six churches being Saxon (generally evangelical): Biertan, Prejmer, Viscri, Saschiz, Câlnic and Valea Viilor. The original Catholic church, built in 1270, will be extended in the 14th and 15th centuries. The interior painting dates back to 1419, being renowned the fresco with the legend of Saint king Ladislau. The attacks on it, but also the Protestant Reformation at the beginning of the 16th century, bring important constructive changes, the fortification (walls, bastions, but also the church itself), as well as the transition to the reformed rite. At present, the church has not only an active religious role, but also an important social and traditional social component in the village's life, with the former fortifications storing smoked meat products that are placed and taked being respected old customs. In recent years, the complex has been renovated and some spaces have been set up as an ethnographic museum.
Unitarian Fortified Churc of Darjiu HU ENG
Szekelyderzs - Unitarian Church - Darjiu
Where the history lives together with the village
Romania, Viscri Fortified Church
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Viscri fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Viscri , Brașov County, in the Transylvania region of Romania. It was built by the ethnic German Transylvanian Saxon community at a time when the area belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. Initially Roman Catholic, it became Lutheran following the Reformation. Together with the surrounding village, the church forms part of the villages with fortified churches in Transylvania UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Transylvania - Saxon fortified churches (2012)
Cycling holiday visiting Viscri (min 0:14), Valea Viilor ( 2:25), Biertan (3:58), Rasnov (5:23), Prejmer (6:33), Homorod (8:18) among others (8:48)
These Transylvanian villages with their fortified churches provide a vivid picture of the cultural landscape of southern Transylvania. Seven villages are inscribed by UNESCO as world heritage sites. They illustrate building styles and settlement pattern from the 13th to the 16th century.
In the 13th century the kings of Hungary encouraged the colonization of the sub-Carpathian region of Transylvania by a German-speaking population of artisans, farmers and merchants, mainly from the Rhineland. Known as the Transylvanian Saxons, they enjoyed special privileges granted by the Hungarian Crown. TheTransylvanian Saxons were able to preserve their language and customs intact throughout the centuries.
Exposed to danger from the Ottoman Empire, Saxons built defensive works in order to shelter from invaders. Lacking the resources of the European nobility and rich merchants, who were able to fortify entire towns, the Transylvanian Saxons chose to create fortresses round their churches, enclosing storehouses to enable them to withstand long sieges. The seven UNESCO churches are:
BIERTAN: Late Gothic hall-type building, completed around 1522-1523, with two (later three) lines of walls, at the foot of the hill, built at the same time as the church.
CALNIC: Based on a mid-13th-century dwelling tower, a chapel and an oval enceinte; presented in 1430 to the village community, which raised the walls fitted with two towers and transformed the dwelling tower into one for defensive purposes.
PREJMER: Early Gothic Church of the Holy Cross, in the shape of a cross; walled in the 15th century.
VISCRI: Romanesque chapel enlarged in the early 16th century to form a single-nave church, with a fortified storey resting on semicircular arches supported by massive buttresses; walls strengthened in the 17th century.
DARJIU: Late Gothic church fortified towards 1520, decorated with murals going back to 1419; rectangular enceinte restructured in the 17th century.
SASCIZ: Romanesque church and its enceinte replaced by a late Gothic church (1493-1525); defensive storey gives the church the appearance of a high bastion.
VALEA VIILOR: Church transformed into late Gothic style and fortified in the early 16th century; defensive storeys built above the choir, nave and tower, communicating with each other; porches of the northern and southern entrances protected by small towers with portcullises.
Unitarian Churc of Darjiu HU EN 5 min
Fortified Church - Harman - .mpg
Harman - fortified church. Situated in the village of Harman -Brasov, Romania. Built sec XII - XIV
Fortified Church Calnic
Fortified church of XIII existence. Situated in Alba County, Romania. UNESCO heritage
Biserica fortificată CÂRȚA Fortified Church (Harghita, Transylvania, Romania)
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The Fortified Roman Catholic Church ”The Assumption of the Virgin” is situated at the end of a rocky promontory who dominates the valley of Olt river in the Ciucul de Sus area and separates the villages of Cârţa and Ineu.
The church and the fortified wall were built at the beginning of the 15th century.
The Church of Cârta is probably the best fortified church in Szeklerland. The wall is 8 m high, 2 m wide and it is equipped with a superb covered guard road, unique between Szekler fortified churches. The wall has an oval shape and is fortified with embrasures and one tower (the bell tower). The village cemetery having some old funeral monuments is situated at the west of fortified enclosure, being accesible by a ”new” gate made in the wall at the end of the 18th century. The main entrance (in the east, under the tower) was reinforced in 1720 with a short wall with embrasures. In the next centuries more floors were added to the initial bastion, forming the actual bell-tower.
The original church was built in Gothic style at the beginning of the 15th century. In the 18th century the church was heavily modified constructively and stylistically. It remains with the original Gothic style only the space of the altar (the presbytery), the rest being modified in Baroque style. It was build a transept, the southern side (with the statue of St. Anton de Padova) being also a way of acces, and the northern side a smaller altar. The central personage of the main altar is the Holy Virgin Mary, who also gives the church name. The name of the church is Nagyboldogasszony, and the translation Assumption of the Virgin don't gives us the full meaning. The north side transept houses the old altar (before 1920) of the church and a medieval font, carved in stone. The main personage of this old altar is, of course, the Holy Virgin, accompanied by saints Stephen and Ladislau. The western choir is supported on pilasters and 10 wooden pillars decorated with popular motifs. The organ was made in the workshop of the great craftsman Angster József in 1893.
Biserica romano-catolică fortificată Adormirea Maicii Domnului este situată la capătul unui promontoriu stâncos care domină valea râului Olt în zona Ciucului de Sus și separă satele Cârța și Ineu. Biserica și zidul fortificat au fost construite la începutul secolului al XV-lea. Biserica din Carta este probabil cea mai puternic fortificată biserică din Ținutul Secuiesc. Zidul are o înălțime de 8 m, lățime de 2 m și este dotat cu un superb drum de pază acoperit, unic între bisericile fortificate secuiești. Zidul are o formă ovală și este fortificat cu ambrazuri și un turn (clopotniță). Cimitirul satului, care are câteva monumente funerare vechi, este situat la vest de incinta fortificată, fiind accesibil printr-o poartă noua străpunsă în zidul de piatră la sfârșitul secolului al XVIII-lea. Intrarea principală (în est, sub turn) a fost întărită în 1720 cu un zid scurt cu ambrazuri. În secolele următoare au fost adăugate mai multe etaje la bastionul inițial, formând actualul turn-clopotniță.
Biserica originală a fost construită în stil gotic la începutul secolului al XV-lea. În secolul al XVIII-lea biserica a fost puternic modificată constructiv și stilistic. A rămas în stilul gotic original doar spațiul altarului, restul fiind modificat in stil baroc. A fost construită un transept, partea sudică a acestuia (cu statuia Sf. Anton de Padova) fiind și cale de acces, iar partea de nord un altar mai mic.
Personalitatea centrală a altarului principal este Sfânta Fecioară Maria, care dă și numele bisericii. Numele bisericii este Nagyboldogasszony, iar traducerea Adormirea Maicii Domnului nu redă întreaga semnificație. În partea nordică a transeptului se află găsesc vechiul altar (înainte de 1920) al bisericii și o crsietlniță medievală sculptată în piatră. Principalul personaj al acestui vechi altar este, desigur, Sfânta Fecioară, însoțit de sfinții Ștefan și Ladislau. Corul vestic este susținut pe pilaștri și 10 stâlpi de lemn decorați cu motive populare. Orga a fost făcută în atelierul marelui meșteșugar Angster József în anul 1893.
Saxon villages and fortifications
Cycling in Transylvania through medieval villages.
At Viscri and Darjiu you can visit the fortified churches that are part of UNESCO world cultural heritage.
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Biserica MILLENNIUM - Church with Angels (Miercurea Ciuc, Transylvania, Romania)
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The Millennium Catholic Church is located in the central area of Miercurea Ciuc, next to the Holy Cross Church, a historical monument dating back to 1758. The Millennium Church was built in 2001-2003, the initiator was parish priest Darvas-Kozma József and the designer was Makovecz Imre (1935 - 2011) one of the famous Hungarian architect, helped by the local architect Bogos Ernő. The church is dedicated to the Holy Mary and the Hungarian Archangels, who are present on the roof in the form of winged angels. Because of this, the church is caress and with the name The Church with Angels. The name Millennium refers to the 1,000 years that have passed since the Christianity of the Hungarian people, the two lateral towers each having 5 great crosses of 100 years. The central body of the church has the form of a Mongol yurt, a biblical theme, but also a Hungarian cultural heritage. The church is ornamented with decorative elements used in the old churches. The roof is crowned with a glass dome at the corners being the four archangels / angels (Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, and Uriil) who are looking down at the altar of the church, intermingling the divine grace. The interior of the Miilennium Church is fabulous through harmony, simplicity and warmth. The inner space of the church is circular, like an amphitheater, in the middle being the altar table. Next to it is the altar in the form of a hive, worn by wings. The statue of Jesus dominates the altar space and in the heaven watches the four archangels (angels). The Statue of Jesus, called the Resurrection and those of the angels, are made by the local sculptor Nagy Ödön. The theme of the flight (ascension) is found here in the statue of Jesus, in the altar with wings, in the wooden jerks and in the angels on the roof.
Biserica catolică Millennium se află în zona centrală a orașului Miercurea Ciuc, lângă Biserica Sfânta Cruce, monument istoric datând din 1758. Biserica Millennium a fost construită în anii 2001-2003, inițiator fiind părintele paroh Darvas-Kozma József, iar proiectant vestitul arhitect maghiar Makovecz Imre (1935 – 2011), ajutat de arhitectul local Bogos Ernő. Biserica are hramul Sfânta Maria și Arhanghelii Maghiari, aceștia prezenți pe acoperiș sub forma unor îngeri înaripați. Din această cauză, biserica este alintată și cu numele de ”Biserica cu Îngeri”. Numele de ”Millennium” se referă la cei 1.000 de ani care au trecut de la creștinarea poporului maghiar, cele două turnuri laterale având fiecare câte 5 cruci mari (a 100 de ani). Corpul central al bisericii are forma de iurtă mongolă, temă biblică, dar și din patrimoniul cultural maghiar. Biserica este ornamentată cu elemente decorative folosite la vechile biserici. Acoperișul este încununat cu o cupolă de sticlă având la colțuri cei patru arhangheli/îngeri (Mihail, Gavriil, Rafail și Uriil) care privesc în jos spre altarul bisericii mijlocind transmiterea harului divin. Interiorul Bisericii Miilenium este fabulos prin armonie, simplitate și căldură. Spațiul interior al bisericii este circular, ca un amfiteatru, având în mijloc masa altarului. Alături este altarul sub forma unui stup, purtat de aripi. Statuia lui Iisus domină spațiul altarului, iar din ”ceruri” veghează cei patru arhangheli (îngeri). Statuia lui Iisus, numită a ”Învierii” și cele ale îngerilor sunt realizate de sculptorul ciucan Nagy Ödön. Tema zborului (a înălțării) se regăsește aici în statuia lui Iisus, în altarul cu aripi, în jerbele de lemn și în îngerii de pe acoperiș.
Millenniumi templom néven vált ismertté Csíkszereda 2003-ra felépült új római katolikus temploma. A 18. századi barokk műemléktemplom (Szent Kereszt-templom) közvetlen szomszédságában épült fel, és 2003. október 18-án, Nagyboldogasszony és a magyar szentek tiszteletére szentelték fel.A Millenniumi-templom megálmodója Darvas-Kozma József plébános, aki 2001 januárjában kérte fel a világhírű magyar építészt, Makovecz Imrét a templom megtervezésére. A kéttornyú centrális templom a magyarság múltját és jövőjét ötvözi. A tornyok előtti kapubejáratok fölött öt-öt kereszt jelképezi a keresztény magyarság tíz évszázadát. A kapuk a székely porták jellegzetességei, és díszítőmintáik Székelyföldnek sajátos, keresztény motívumai. A belső tér kúpos, jurta alakú.
Fortified Church in Harman, Romania
RASNOV,towards the forteress
Biserica reformată din DAIA (Székelydálya) Reformed Church (Harghita County, Transylvania, Romania)
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Biserica din Daia, un sat din sud-estul Transilvaniei, la sud de Odorheiu Secuiesc (județul Harghita) a fost edificată și pictată interior în mai multe etape pe parcursul secolelor XII-XIX. Răspândirea masivă în Transilvania a reformei protestante la începutul secolului al XVI-lea face ca biserica și întreaga zonă să treacă la cultul reformat și așa au rămas. Deși uzanțele protestante din acele vremuri făceau să fie acoperite sau distruse picturile murale, biserica din Daia se remarcă prin conservarea acestora, nefiind nici măcar acoperite. Pe ziduri se pot recunoaște urmele unor picturi în frescă: Sfântu gheorghe, legendele Sfântului rege Ladislau și corabia condusă de Papă și Împăratul Romano-German. În schimb, tavanul sanctuarului păstrează foarte bine o uimitoare și neobișnuită (pentru biserici) pictură în stil Renaissance, cu blazoane și datând de pe la anul 1500. Blazoanele pictate sunt fie de tip familial (Lénárd Barabási, vice-voievodul Ardealului; Dinastia Arpadiană; regele Ladislau al II-lea Jagello al Ungariei), ale orașelor (Cluj sau Sighișoara, Sibiu și Brașov) și ale etniilor (sași și secui). Ghidul nostru excepțional a fost Fülöp Szabolcs, pastorul bisericii. Fundalul muzical al videoclipului este creat de cei mai de seamă compozitori protestanți ai tuturor timpurilor și anume Georg Friedrich Händel (oratoriul Messia) și Johann Sebastian Bach (Toccata în D Minor).
The church in Daia, a village in southeastern Transylvania, south of the Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita County), was built and painted several stages during the 12th-19th centuries. The massive spread in Transylvania of the Protestant reform at the beginning of the 16th century makes the church and the whole area pass to the reformed worship, and so remain. Although the Protestant uses of those times were to cover or destroy mural paintings, the church of Daia stands out by preserving them, not even covered. The traces of paintings in the fresco can be seen on the walls: Saint George, the legends of Saint Ladislau and the ship led by Pope and the Roman-German Emperor. Instead, the ceiling of the sanctuary preserves a remarkable and unusual (for churches) Renaissance-style painting with coat of arms dating back to 1500. The painted coat of arms are either of a family type (Lénárd Barabási, the vice-voivode of Transylvania; the Arpadian Dynasty; King Ladislaus II Jagello of Hungary), cities (Cluj or Sighisoara, Sibiu and Brasov) and ethnicities (Saxons and Szeklers). Our exceptional guide was Fülöp Szabolcs, the pastor of the church. The musical background of the video is created by the most prominent Protestant composers of all time, namely Georg Friedrich Händel (Messia Oratorio) and Johann Sebastian Bach (Toccata in D Minor).
Biserica Unitariană CRĂCIUNEL - The Unitarian Church (Transylvania, Romania)
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Biserica Unitariană, monument istoric, este situată în centrul satului Crăciunel (Homoródkarácsonyfalva) care aparține de comuna Ocland (județul Harghita, Transilvania). Biserica construită inițial în stil romanic în cea de a doua jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea avea o alcătuire simplă, fiind compusă dintr-o navă dreptunghiulară și un sanctuar semicircular. În 1496 s-a adăugat turnul construit în stil gotic. În perioada de început (secolele XIII-XVI) biserica a deservit cultul catolic, dar odată cu rapida pătrundere în Transilvania a reformei religioase, spre sfârșitul secolului al XVI-lea biserica a trecut la Unitarianism, o variantă ardelenească și mai radicală a Protestantismului. Biserica din Crăciunel este renumită pentru tavanul casetat și pictat realizat în 1752. Majoritatea celor 96 de casete sunt pictate cu motive decorative florale, dar în partea centrală casetele conțin versete din Nou și Vechiul Testament care fac trimitere la esența Cultului Unitarian. De asemenea este simbolizat și Isus Hristos prin imaginea unui pelican, simbol al iconografiei protestante (pasărea care își hrănește puii cu propriul sânge). O altă mare valoare a bisericii sunt vechile picturi murale din perioada catolică, picturi care din secolul al XVII-lea au fost acoperite cu var și readuse la lumină în anii 2005-2007. Dintre acestea este remarcabilă fresca în 7 scene cu legenda Sfântului rege Ladislau (o alegorie fabuloasă, cu elemente fantastice, precreștine, în care viitorul sfânt rege salvează o fată răpită de un păgân în timpul luptei de la Chiraleș, anul 1068, contra pecenegilor). Alte trei picturi, de mai mică amploare, reprezintă Nașterea lui Isus, Adorația Magilor și Împărăteasa Sfânta Elena. În jurul bisericii s-a construit în 1821 un zid de incintă, coferindu-i aspect de biserică fortificată. Lângă biserică se găsește un monument dedicat Împărătesei Elisabeta (Sissi).
The Unitarian Church, a historical monument, is located in the center of the village of Craciunel (Homoródkarácsonyfalva, in Hungarian), which belongs to Ocland commune (Harghita county, Transylvania). The church, originally built in Romanesque style in the second half of the 13th century, had a simple structure, consisting of a rectangular nave and a semicircular sanctuary. In 1496 the tower built in Gothic style was added. In the beginning period (13th-16th centuries) the church served the Catholic cult, but with the rapid penetration of religious reform in Transylvania, towards the end of the 16th century, the church passed to Unitarianism, a Transylvanian and more radical version of Protestantism. The church of Craciunel is famous for the cassetted and painted ceiling made in 1752. Most of the 96 boxes are painted with decorative floral motifs, but in the center the cassettes contain New and Old Testament verses that refer to the essence of the Unitarian Worship. Jesus Christ is also symbolized by the image of a pelican, a symbol of Protestant iconography (the bird that nourishes its chickens with its own blood). Another great value of the church is the old wall paintings of the Catholic period, paintings that were covered with lime in the 17th century and brought back to light in 2005-2007. Among them is a remarkable fresco in 7 scenes with the legend of Saint King Ladislau (a fabulous allegory with fantastic, pre-Christian elements, in which the future holy king saves a girl kidnapped by a heathen during the Chirales battle, in 1068, against the Pecenegs). Another three paintings are the Birth of Jesus, the Adoration of the Magi, and the Empress Saint Helena. A wall was built around the church in 1821, giving it the appearance of a fortified church. Next to the church is a monument dedicated to Empress Elisabeth (Sissi).
Protestant religious music: Johann Sebastian Bach
Romania, Valea Viilor Fortified Church
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Valea Viilor fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Valea Viilor (Wurmloch), Sibiu County, in the Transylvania region of Romania. It was built by the ethnic German Transylvanian Saxon community at a time when the area belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. Initially Roman Catholic, it became Lutheran following the Reformation. Together with the surrounding village, the church forms part of the villages with fortified churches in Transylvania UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Daia Săsească (Denndorf), județul Mureș - biserica fortificată săsească
British royal highlights plight of decaying Transylvanian heritage
AP Television
Archita, Romania - 31 May 2013
1. Close-up of towers of fortified church of Archita
2. Mid of Britain's Prince Charles greeted by local authorities
3. Wide of old saxon house in centre of Archita
4. Close-up of Prince entering building zoom out to old church
5. Close-up of clock tower
6. Mid follow of Prince Charles walking on one of the streets of Archita
7. Cutaway stork nest on top of church
8. Wide pan of church and street
AP Television
Archita, Romania - 30 May 2013
9. Various of fortified church of Archita
10. Various of Michael Turman, honorary leader of Saxon community in Archita, visiting the old church
11. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Michael Turman, honorary leader of Saxon community in Archita:
Now everything starts to crumble: the houses, the barns. The houses were nationalised, were sold for almost nothing to people that tear them down and sell them brick by brick and everything is destroyed. It is such a pity. Only the centre looks a bit nicer but not the rest of the village.
12. Various of dilapidated house that served as city hall
13. Various of old Saxon house near city hall in the centre of Archita
14. Various of villagers listening to Henry Rumbold, a conservation and restoration specialist
15. Various of Rumbold showing villagers how to mix mortar, sand and lime
16. SOUNDBITE: (English) Henry Rumbold, Conservation and restoration specialist, International Network for Traditional Building Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU):
I think the Romanian people have to realise that they are actually sat on one of the wonders of the world. It's absolutely... I've been in this since 1960's and I've travelled all over the world through Europe, I've travelled through Australia and New Zealand. This is unique.
17. Various of villagers practicing restoration on church's inner wall
18. Pan right to left from one watchtower to another of the inner walls of the Archita church
19. Various of villagers practicing
20. SOUNDBITE: (English) Henry Rumbold, Conservation and restoration specialist, International Network for Traditional Building Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU):
We need to put together a training scheme that can train the local villagers to look after their own vernacular buildings for the future. And what they've got to realise is that these buildings are the ones that will be involved in tourism along with nature that will make an industry for them to survive within years to come.
21. Close of stork nest as seen from the main tower of the church, zoom out to wide of village
22. Various of village as seen from the highest tower of the church
23. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Aura Woodward, Director, International Network for Traditional Building Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU):
This is a fundamentally rural area in which the chances of economic development and the chances for the people to find a place to work and a decent life depend on these historic buildings.There is no industry here and the chances for development of this area is cultural tourism, the services for tourists and healthy agriculture.
24. Mid of street, pan left to follow man walking and stop to wide of Saxon house
25. Close of gate and windows
26. Wide of street
27. Various of house interiors
28. Mid of Archita church seen through the window of the Saxon house
Romania is home to a number of historical sites, but many fear they are in danger of being lost forever because of a lack of interest and investment.
They include the Saxon village of Archita, which has a fortified church at its heart.
He has described it as the jewel in Romania's crown.
Britain's Prince Charles is touring Transylvania, as part of a push to promote preservation and conservation in the region.
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Népszerű a székely világörökség – Erdélyi Magyar Televízió
Megnövekedett idén a székelyderzsi erődtemplomot látogatók száma. Az egyetlen, UNESCO-világörökség részét képező romániai magyar műemléknek a restaurálás és a Szent László emlékév következtében nőtt meg a népszerűsége.