Das neue Rathaus Celle
Das neue Rathaus in Celle.
Hier sind, in der ehemaligen Englischen Kaserne, nun seit 1999 nahezu alle Ämter der Stadt Celle in dem über 180 Meter langen Gebäude untergebracht.
In unserem Video sehen
The What Cast #254 - Celle Neues Rathaus
Do you like zombies? Do you like stories of demonic possession? How's about Nazi conspiracy theories? If you answered in the affirmative of one or all of those questions, boy, do we have a show for you! This week we decided to touch on the creepy stories surround the Celle Neues Rathaus in Celle, Germany. As we've all heard, the Nazis were responsible for some horrific experiments done in the name of furthering medical knowledge at the time. What if some of these experiments were testing reanimation of dead bodies and summoning infernal entities into our reality? This story has Horror movie written all over it. Get on that, Hollywood! TheWhatCasters.com
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's go visit the INSIDE of Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall) which is a magnificent neo-gothic building from the turn of the century which architecturally dominates the north side of Munich’s Marienplatz. It’s construction of brick and shell limestone was completed in 1874. The swift growth of the city soon required that annexes be built, which were erected between 1899 and 1903 and run along Dienerstraße, Landschaftstraße, and Weinstraße. The Neue Rathaus is the seat of the mayor’s office, the city council, and the headquarters of the city administration. The almost 100-meter-long (300 feet) main facade on Marienplatz is richly ornamented in neo-gothic style and shows almost the entire line of the house of Wittelsbach in Bavaria.
Munich, Bavaria’s capital, is home to centuries-old buildings and numerous museums. The city is known for its annual Oktoberfest celebration and its beer halls, including the famed Hofbräuhaus, founded in 1589. In the Altstadt (Old Town), central Marienplatz square contains landmarks such as Neo-Gothic Neues Rathaus (town hall), with a popular glockenspiel show that chimes and reenacts stories from the 16th century.
Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.
Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com.
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German Occult Conspiracy (Celle Neues Rathaus)
When the township of Celle was captured by the Americans in 1945, they also occupied the German military headquarters, a colossal brick building, whose basement held a secret war weapon. But they did not secure this weapon. Instead they sealed off the basement, filling the stairwells with concrete. In this German occult documentary, what they had hidden will be revealed.
Functioning today as the Rathaus, or town hall, of Celle, the headquarters building had always been used as a military barracks. In 1869 it was built for the Prussian Army, with five stories above ground, and five more below ground level. Before the end of the second World War it was occupied by the SS. Anticipating the arrival of the American army, the SS deliberately flooded the lower levels of the Rathaus. When the last German officer had been removed, three divers from the U.S. Navy were assigned the mission of exploring the submerged levels of the building.
This was before the US Navy adopted SCUBA gear. A US Navy diver would have used a diving suit known as a hard hat. While SCUBA gear carries oxygen for up to an hour, hard hat gear is tethered to the surface, with a lifeline known as the umbilical. The umbilical provides an unlimited supply of air, and the power to light a lamp, or to run tools, and a communications cable allowing the diver to talk with his support, above the water.
The divers explored the five levels underwater, each level colder than the one above. They observed floors painted in black with pentagrams, and Latin inscriptions. Runic symbols were scratched into the walls. They rooms they explored bore a superficial resemblance to hospital facilities... operating theaters and hospital beds. But on closer inspection, all the beds and operating tables had extra fittings... leather straps with buckles, for the restraint of a man's arms, legs and torso, as if all the patients had been unwilling participants in their treatment. Their umbilicals somehow severed, two of the divers never returned to the surface.
The Americans tried to pump out the cellar, but for every gallon removed, another rushed in to take its place. The SS had evidently flooded the lower levels, by breaching one of the walls, in order to tap the ground water. The stairwells were sealed off by the Americans with concrete. When Germany was divided into zones among the allied nations, the town of Celle would become English territory, and the Rathaus was turned over to the Brits. The British continued to garrison troops there, throughout the cold war. It seemed that the Rathaus was cursed. The frequency of its soldiers going AWOL, or completely disappearing, was the highest of any station in the British Army.
Lance Corporal Jonathan Lewis was on night watch, in an armory on the first floor, which was so small that he could see all four corners, when the spectre of a man emerged from the wall. As the man materialized fully, he was followed by another, and another. Their uniforms were gray, and one of them wore an iron cross. They were German soldiers. Lewis was close enough to see the grime in the lines of their faces. They shuffled in single file across the room, staring only ahead, as if exhausted by battle fatigue. They passed through the opposite wall, a defeated platoon on its way to some other part of hell.
In 2012 excerpts were published from the diary of a German doctor, Heinrich Haas, who during the war, worked in the lowest level of the Celle Neues Rathaus. Doctor Haas claimed that the SS were using powers of the occult, first to re-animate the cadavers of prisoners, and then to restore to life the casualties of war. Their ultimate goal was the creation of troops which would continue to fight, even after their souls had perished in battle.
But according to Heinrich Haas, the experiments failed. The revived soldiers could not be controlled, and often struck out against the medical staff. The SS program was terminated when the commander determined that demons had been possessing as vessels, the bodies of the deceased.
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Celle, Germany
Celle Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Celle. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Celle for You. Discover Celle as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Celle.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Celle.
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List of Best Things to do in Celle, Germany
Herzog Palace (Herzogschloss)
Stadtkirche Sankt Marien
Hoppener Haus
Bomann Museum
Franzosischer Garten
Das Alte Rathaus
Sprechende Laternen
Altestdatiertes Haus Celles
Alter Provisor - Celle
Zubereitung des Alten Provisors bei Frau Dörte Hirschfeld im Laden.
Schützencorps Neuenhäusen Celle Abholen der Könige und Fahnen vom Alten Rathaus
Abholen der Könige, Fahnen, Rat und Verwaltung vom
Alten Rathaus. 17.07.2015
Celles größtest Graffiti - Sparkasse Celle
Nach drei Wochen Arbeit mit der Spraydose hat Jörg Pippirs Celles größtes legales Graffiti fertiggestellt.
Es zeigt auf eine etwas andere Art ein Sparkassenlogo auf beachtlichen 185qm welches die neue Wand der Sparkasse ziert und optimal vom Karstadt- Parkhaus aus zu sehen ist.
Wir haben das neue XXL- Motiv einmal aus einer anderen Perspektive eingefangen.
Spanish Summer von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Charming Celle, Niedersachsen, Germany (Part 1)
The charming town of Celle in Niedersachsen, Germany. In this video:
- Bomann Museum Celle
- Stechbahn street
- Stadtkirche Celle (town church)
- Altes Rathaus (old town hall)
- Markt street
- An der stadtkirche and Kalandgasse (narrow streets right next to the town church in the center of Celle).
Hannover Neues Rathaus - Ein Prachtbau für das Bürgertum
Musik: Scattered Clouds von Lutz Moeller bei iTunes:
Das Neue Rathaus thront auf 6026 Buchenpfählen auf dem Leine-Sumpfland und ist mit seinen knapp 100 Metern Höhe eines markantesten Gebäude Hannovers. Bei der Einweihung am 20. Juni 1913 konnte Kaiser Wilhelm II. auch sein drei Meter hohes Bronze-Standbild in Augenschein nehmen. „Zehn Millionen Mark, Majestät – und alles bar bezahlt“, soll ihm Stadtdirektor Heinrich Tramm geflüstert haben. Die verspielte Fassade mit seinen Erkern und Türmchen und die imposante Kuppel mit ihrer Aussichtsplattform, auf der man an guten Tagen bis zum Harz blicken kann, dürften dem pompösen Geschmack des Regenten zugesagt haben.
Die verschneite Residenzstadt Celle 2015
Der erste Schnee 2015 in der wohl schönsten Stadt Deutschlands, in der historischen Altstadt Celle.
Steigen Sie ein und fliegen Sie mit uns über das verschneite Celle.
Hannover's Neues Rathaus The New Town Hall
The Tim Burton of German town halls, Hanover's new town all is quite a site to see. You can even take an elevator to the very top for an amazing view of the city.
Celle - Pretty City im Sommer 2009
Der Film zeigt die Celler Altstadt, sowie die Parks, das Schloß, das neue Rathaus und die Aller.
Travel Germany - Visiting the Town Hall of Celle
Take a tour of Celle Town Hall in Celle, Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Celle is a charming German town, home to an impressive building, which is now a town hall.
The Celle Town hall is a stunning Neo-Gothic structure whose length spans an imposing 181 meters.
However, before the year 1993, and some restoration work, its purpose was of a drastically dissimilar nature.
Construction of the building started in 1869 and was finished after three years of work.
For roughly the next 120 years, the building was used as barracks for German infantrymen.
The building maintains an austere, yet dazzling appearance, and the surrounding countryside completes the enchanting experience.
Residenzstadt Celle im Winter - in 4K
Celle ist immer ein Besuch wert, erst recht im Schnee.
DSLDW (2) - Das Bremer Rathaus | euromaxx
Einmal in der Woche führt Michael Wigge zu einer der vielen interessanten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Deutschland. Wie ein normaler Tourist besichtigt er sie zuerst und geht dann vor Ort in die Lehre. In dieser Folge ist das 600 Jahre alte Rathaus in Bremen sein Ziel.Zusammen mit der Statue des Bremer Rolands und der berühmten Skulptur der Bremer Stadtmusikanten gehört es seit 2004 zum UNESCO Welterbe. Das Bremer Rathaus ist Sitz der Landesregierung, dem Senat, denn Bremen ist einer der drei deutschen Stadtstaaten - neben Hamburg und Berlin. Michael Wigge geht in die Lehre und wird persönlicher Sekretär bei dem Senatssprecher Hermann Kleen. So lernt er auch Winkel und Gänge des Rathauses kennen, die dem normalen Touristen verborgen bleiben. Und er lernt die sprichwörtliche Bürgernähe des Bremer Senats kennen. Und dann macht er sich wieder auf den Weg. Denn: Die Reise geht weiter - die Reise durch das schönste Land der Welt.
Celle, Deutschland, March 29, 2016
ffn - Der Norden von oben: Celle
25 Orte haben bei radio ffn ein Drohnen-Video gewonnen. Auch Celle ist dabei. Schaut euch hier unter anderem das Schloß, den franzosischen Garten und die Stadtkirche St. Marien von oben an.
Celle die JVA dicht beim Bahnhof ,am Dienstag den 28.06.2011
Hier hatte ich noch einwenig Aufenthalt bis mein Zug kam.So machte ich da in der nähe noch einen kleine Runde.
Trailer Residenzstadt Celle: Gegenwart und Geschichte
Trailer für den Dokumentarfilm: Residenzstadt Celle: Gegenwart und Geschichte.
Erhältlich als Video on Demand bei Vimeo oder als DVD bei Amazon.