Things you have to see in Kos City (Greece)
Trip to Kos City. See the highlights like the Nymphäon, Kos harbour, fort at the harbour, plane tree of Hippokrates, Defterdar Mosque and the Asclepion archeological site. See more on
One Day in Kos (2018)
Top things to see on Kos island (Greece):
0:19 Kos Marina
1:18 Hippocrates Statue
2:05 Restored Hamam
2:32 Hippocrates Plane Tree
3:01 Kos Town Castle
3:20 Defterdar Mosque
3:49 Ancient Agora
5:10 Eleftherias Square
5:23 Archaeological Museum of Kos
5:56 Kos Town Cathedral
6:15 Church of Christ
8:00 Eski Cami Mosque
9:03 Tigaki Beach
Enjoy #Kos #Tigaki #Aegean_Sea #island #Kos_marina #Greece !
Mosque in rhodes
Beautiful mosque in Rhodes Greece
Bodrum Deprem Anı ve sonrası görüntüler / Greece and Turkey Earthquake
Ege Denizi’nin Gökova Körfezi’nde meydana gelen 6,3 büyüklüğündeki depremde Yunanistan’ın Kos Adası’nda iki kişi hayatını kaybetti.
Yunan devlet haber ajansı ANA-MPA’ya göre, adanın belediye başkanı Yorgos Kiriçis depremde iki kişinin hayatını kaybettiğini, çok sayıda kişinin ise yaralandığını bildirdi.
Yunan basınına göre, büyük hasarın yaşandığı depremde, adadaki Osmanlı dönemi eserlerinden Defterdar Camisi’nin de minaresi yıkıldı.
Öte yandan deprem sonucu, Yunanistan’ın İstanköy (Kos) Adası’nda hayatını kaybedenlerden birinin Türk olduğu bildirildi
Yunanistan Güney Ege Eyaleti Valisi Yorgos Hacimarkos bir televizyona yaptığı açıklamada, deprem sonucu İstanköy Adası’nda ölen iki kişiden birinin 30 yaşında Türk diğerinin ise 20 yaşında bir İsveçli olduğunu söyledi.
Eğlence merkezindeki duvarın çökmesi sonucu iki kişinin yaşamını yitirdiğini belirten Hacimarkos, yaralıların çoğunluğunun adadaki turistler olduğunu kaydetti.
Hacimarkos ayrıca, 120 yaralıdan tamamı turist olan 5’inin ağır yaralı olduğunu ifade etti.
Depremin etkisiyle büyük çatlaklar oluşan adanın limanı faaliyet dışı kalınca, tüm deniz seferleri iptal edildi. Adaya giden gemilerin yakındaki adalara yönlendirildiği belirtildi. Adadaki havalimanı ise faaliyette.
Özellikle turistik kent merkezinde büyük hasar meydana gelirken, Osmanlı döneminden kalan Defterdar Camisi’nin minaresi yıkıldı. Ayrıca, Agios Nikolaos Katedrali’nin bir bölümü çöktü.
Depremin ardından artçı sarsıntılar
4,6 büyüklüğündeki deprem Ege Denizi’nde yerin 14,57 kilometre derinliğinde, 01.54’teki 4,5 büyüklüğündeki deprem Gökova Körfezi’nde yerin 6,97 kilometre derinliğinde, 02.00’daki 4,2 büyüklüğündeki deprem yerin 2,52 kilometre derinliğinde, 02.23’teki deprem yerin 5,04 derinliğinde meydana geldi.
Depremin en çok hissedildiği ilçelerden Bodrum’da vatandaşlar geceyi sokakta geçiriyor.
Bodrum Belediye Meydanı’ndaki Adliye Camisi’nin minaresi sarsıntı nedeniyle zarar gördü. Minarenin bazı bölümleri düştü. Polis ve zabıta ekipleri, minareden düşen parçalardan vatandaşların zarar görmemesi için bölgeyi güvenlik şeridiyle kapatarak cami çevresine girilmesini önledi.
Bölgede bazı elektrik hatları da koptu. Yaşadığı korku ve panik nedeniyle yüksekten atlama sonucu yaralanan bazı kişiler Bodrum Devlet Hastanesi ile özel hastanelere kaldırıldı. Bazı hastanelerde acil servislerde yatan hastaların hastane dışına çıkartılarak tedavisine devam ediliyor.
Two dead and dozens hurt as powerful earthquake hits Greek and Turkish holiday resorts, triggering tsunami which sends tourists fleeing for their lives and forcing tens of thousands to sleep outdoors
At least two people are dead and hundreds more injured after a powerful earthquake struck off the Turkish coast overnight, triggering a tsunami that hit tourist resorts in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas and damaging buildings across the region.
The epicentre of the magnitude-6.7 quake was off Bodrum, southwest Turkey, with the country's Aegean coast and Greek holiday islands including Kos and Rhodes worst affected.
Holidaymakers fled hotels in terror as the quake hit before running for their lives to higher ground as tsunami waves surged through beachfront resorts moments later, deluging hotels and bars, carrying away cars and depositing boats in town streets.
On the island of Kos, two male tourists - a 22-year-old from Sweden and a 30-year-old from Turkey - were killed after being crushed under a collapsed bar ceiling. Parts of a historic mosque in Kos Town also came crashing down into the street and rescuers were this morning sifting through rubble looking for trapped survivors.
Kos's mayor said at least 100 people there were hurt, including tourists, and the island was also badly affected by the tsunami. Tens of thousands of tourists spent the night out doors after the quake sparked panic on the island.
In Turkey, at least 70 people were admitted to hospitals in Bodrum. Video taken when the quake hit showed staff and patients at Bodrum State Hospital cowering for cover, while the devastation caused a large electrical fire to break out in the city after a power pylon came crashing to the ground.
Tourists were forced to flee their rooms when the quake hit at 1.31am local time (11.31pm BST). They gathered anxiously in the street, and faced a sleepless night by the roadside or on beaches after they were warned not to re-enter damaged hotels.
Kristian Stevens, from Nelson in Lancashire said he felt the building he was in 'shake like a jelly'. The 48-year-old said he had just gone to bed when the quake struck at around 1.30am local time.
He said: 'It was quite surreal as I had just laid down in bed and the whole building shook. The whole building shook like a jelly.
'Many of the locals rushed out into the streets still in underwear. Some have been seen with blankets and pillows not sure if it is safe to return home.'
Sophie Wild said she ran from her third floor accommodation when she woke to a loud banging noise.
Дешевые авиабилеты тут:
#кос #путешествие #греция
Восхитительная поездка на автомобиле по острову Кос. День первый. Посещение достопримечательностей города Кос: Древний Одеон, Древняя Агора, Эллинистическая Гимназия, Платан Гиппократа (дерево Гиппократа). Часть первая.
Плейлист на все ролики про Кос:
Amaxades, Greece - Thrace - AtlasVisual
Greece Video Map:
Amaxades is a picturesque village in Thrace, north of Lake Vistonida. There are two mosques in the town, and the population is largely Muslim.
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Alatsa-Imaret Tsami Moschee Thessaloniki
Die Moschee wurde um 1500 vom Pascha Isaak gebaut, und unterschied sich durch ein mit vielfarbigen Keramik kacheln verziertes Minarett von den übrigen moslemischen Gebetshäuser in Thessaloniki.
Powerful earthquake hits Greece and Turkey
Powerful earthquake hits Greece and Turkey. At least two people were dead on the Greece island of Kos on Friday 21st July 2017 when a magnitude 6.7 earthquake shook the popular summer resort, holiday destinations of the Dodecanese Islands in Greece, and the Aegean coast of Turkey.The island of Kos was nearest to the epicentre and appeared to be the worst-hit. Giorgos Halkidios, Kos regional government official, said the number of injured was more than 500.The earthquake's epicentre occurred close to the Turkish town of Bodrum, and the Greek holiday island of Kos. Kos was the worst hit and two people, male tourists from Turkey and Sweden, were killed when a wall collapsed on to a bar in the old town area. There are fears that the quake could cause a tsunami and, people have been warned against entering damaged or vulnerable structures.
1.Earthquake rocks Greece and Turkey At least two dea..d and 100 injured
2. 6.7 Earthquake Causes Fatalities And Damage In Turkey
3. 6.8 mag Med earthquake kills 2 tourists in Greece
4. CCTV shows the moment Turkey was struck by an earthquake
5. Deadly 6.7 earthquake rattles Greece and Turkey
6. Powerful 6.7 Earthquake in Turkey and Greece leaves at least two dead
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Umayyaden Moschee
gedreht mit der Canon EOS 7d
Umayyaden-Moschee in Damaskus, Südseite des Innenhofes
Umayyaden-Moschee in Damaskus, Westseite des Innenhofes
Schrein Johannes des Täufers
Die Umayyaden-Moschee (arabisch جامع بني أمية الكبير Dschāmʿ banī Umaya al-kabīr) ist eine Moschee in der syrischen Hauptstadt Damaskus. Sie ist eine der ältesten Moscheen der Welt und Vorbild für andere Moscheen im Baustil der Pfeilerhallenmoschee. In vorislamischer Zeit wurde sie als eine Johannes dem Täufer geweihte Kathedrale errichtet.
In der Altstadt gelegen, wurde sie von dem Umayyaden-Kalifen Al-Walid nach zehnjähriger Bauzeit im Jahre 705 n. Chr. fertiggestellt. Die gesamten Außenmauern stammen jedoch von einem antiken Heiligtum und wurden nicht von den Arabern errichtet. Besonders auf der Außenseite der Südmauer sind neben griechischen Ornamenten auch noch griechische Inschriften und in einigen Metern Höhe ein antikes Relief mit ausgekratzem Gesicht zu sehen. Ebenfalls erhalten sind mehrere Säulen des größeren antiken Heiligtums außerhalb der Moschee, am eindrucksvollsten auf der Westseite.
Die Moschee misst 157 × 97 m und gehört zum Basilikatypus und erinnert stark an eine christliche Kirche. Sie hat vier Tore und drei später errichtete Minarette in verschiedenen Baustilen. Das Ostminarett trägt den Namen „Jesusminarett. Viele Muslime glauben, an diesem Ort werde am Ende der Welt Jesus erscheinen, um mit dem Antichristen zu kämpfen.
Die Moschee umschließt einen großen Innenhof mit drei kleinen Nebengebäuden, dem Schatzhaus, dem Uhrenhaus und einem Brunnenhaus. In der weitläufigen, 140 m langen Gebetshalle, mit der über 45 m hohen Al-Nissr-Kuppel (Adler) befindet sich ein Schrein, den Christen wie Muslime gleichermaßen verehren und der das Haupt Johannes des Täufers bergen soll.
Die Moschee ist mit farbigen Mosaiken verziert, die von byzantinischen Baumeistern gefertigt wurden. Besonders prächtig sind die Mosaiken in den Arkadengängen, die das Paradies darstellen -- mit goldenem Himmel und 22 verschiedenen Grüntönen für das Laub der Bäume.
Neben der großen Gebetshalle sind noch vier größere Hallen vorhanden. In einer davon befindet sich ein Schrein, der den Kopf Husseins enthalten soll, dem Enkel Mohammeds. Der Schrein ist ein wichtiges Pilgerziel für Schiiten.
Unmittelbar an der Nordwestecke der Moschee befindet sich das Mausoleum des Sultans Saladin.
Ebenfalls von Al-Walid erbaut wurde in etwa zur selben Zeit die Große Moschee (Al-Dschami' al-Kabir) in Aleppo, von der heute jedoch nichts erhalten ist. Eine weitere Moschee dieses Typs befindet sich in Almonaster la Real in Spanien.
Alatza Imaret Tsami Moschee Thessaloniki
Die Moschee wurde um 1500 vom Pascha Isaak gebaut, und unterschied sich durch ein mit vielfarbigen Keramikkacheln verziertes Minarett von den übrigen moslemischen Gebetshäuser in Thessaloniki.
RODOS SULTAN SÜLEYMAN CAMİİ malesef metruk vaziyette. kimse sahip çıkmıyor.
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul - 3D Building Models
Hagia Sophia (from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, Holy Wisdom; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia; Turkish: Ayasofya) is a former Christian patriarchal basilica (church), later an imperial mosque, and now a museum (Ayasofya Müzesi) in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as an Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.
Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said to have changed the history of architecture. It remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I and was the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site, the previous two having both been destroyed by rioters. It was designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.
The church was dedicated to the Wisdom of God, the Logos, the second person of the Holy Trinity, its patronal feast taking place on 25 December, the commemoration of the birth of the incarnation of the Logos in Christ. Although sometimes referred to as Sancta Sophia (as though it were named after Saint Sophia), sophia being the phonetic spelling in Latin of the Greek word for wisdom, its full name in Greek is Ναός τῆς Ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ Σοφίας, Shrine of the Holy Wisdom of God.
The church contained a large collection of holy relics and featured, among other things, a 15-metre (49 ft) silver iconostasis. The focal point of the Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years, the building witnessed the excommunication of Patriarch Michael I Cerularius on the part of Humbert of Silva Candida, the papal envoy of Pope Leo IX in 1054, an act which is commonly considered the start of the Great Schism.
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The Rotunda (Salonica).
The Rotunda in Thessaloniki was built by the Roman Emperor Galerius (305-11) as part of a large palace complex in Thessaloniki. It was converted into a church in the late 4th century or mid 5th century. The exact time is unknown. In 1591 it was converted into a mosque by the Ottomans. Now it is a museum and serves as a reminder of all religions in this city.
Çipras'tan küstahlık! türkiye'ye işgalci deyip, ayasofya konusunda haddini aştı
Çipras'tan küstahlık! türkiye'ye işgalci deyip, ayasofya konusunda haddini aştı
Yunanistan'da temaslarına devam eden Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Başbakan Çipras'la ortak ba...