Sunday Sermon from Saint Takla in Maaloula, Syria (2017-09-24) - عظة الأحد من دير مار تقلا في معلولا
#Maaloula #Maalula #Syria #معلولا #سوريا #سورية
Sunday Sermon from the Patriarchal Saint Takla Monastery in Maaloula, Syria (2017-09-24)
عظة الأحد من دير مار تقلا البطريركي في معلولا، سوريا في عيد مار تقلا 24-09-2017
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Visit Maaloula, Syria
The video was taken on 16/10/2019
A quick visit to Maaloula, Syria, January 2011
This video is part of a series, visit for complete tour. This features the Monastery of St. Sarkis (Deir Mar Sarkis), pre-historic cave dwellings, the entrance to the city, the freeway from Damascus northbound.
by Parker Sellers and Sabra Gandhi
Syria : Maaloula last night commemorating the feast day
Maaloula last night commemorating the feast day of Saint Tekla. Saint Tekla is the patron saint of Deir Mar Tekla which succumbed to acts of terrorism in 2013 and has since been able to restore a sense of normalcy
Syria rebels 'seize Christian town Maalula'
Deir Mar Mousa SYRIA
Deir Mar Mousa 22.12.2007 by Fadi Jawish
Syria: Russian worshippers visit ancient Orthodox monastery in Maaloula
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Members of Syria's Russian community visited the ancient Orthodox Monastery of Saint Thecla in Maaloula, located some 50 kilometres north of the capital Damascus, on Saturday
The town and the monastery were badly damaged after being taken over by the Jabhat al-Nusra militant group in December 2013. It was liberated by the Syrian army in April 2014.
When the militants attacked the church, a lot of things were destroyed and looted. All the icons were looted, explained Inna Baritko, member of the Russian group.
With the visit coming just two weeks before Easter, Tatiana Laeva, another member of the group, said that the trip to the monastery has a special meaning.
Video ID: 20190409-040
Video on Demand:
07 ПП- Ливан, Сирия
From the 2nd installment of Orthodox Planet, on the Antiochian church (with limited Eng. captions on places & themes).
Планета Православия. Фильм 2-й. Сирия, Ливан, Грузия. Вторая колыбель.
The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East, Beirut (Lebanon), Damascus (Syria) - current center of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, Holy Week, Maaloula (Syria) [or Maalula, Ma'loula], Greek Orthodox monastery of St. Thecla (Deir Mar Takla) [or Mar Taqla].
2-й фильм цикла - о той православной церкви, на землях которой когда-то начинался великий апостольский путь. Зрители узнают историю одного из самых богатых городов Римской империи, столице Востока блистательной Антиохии на Оронте, увидят, как празднуется Пасха в Дамаске и Пальмовое воскресенье в Бейруте, а главное, поймут, как удается уживаться православным и мусульманам в самом центре религиозных столкновений на Ближнем Востоке.
Фильм с участием Патриарха Антиохийского и всего Востока Игнатия IV и Католикоса-Патриа рха Грузии Илии II дает уникальную возможность увидеть жизнь древнейших христианских Церквей, жизнь христиан в самом центре исламского мира.
وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس
Syria: Army ends Maaloula standoff at opposition-held monastery
Syrian Army forces ended a standoff at the Saint Takla historical monastery in Maaloula Monday after opposition fighters pulled back following fierce clashes. The monastery that houses over 100 orphans and more than 25 nuns had been held by opposition forces for more than two weeks.
Many gunmen entered but they left us because of God's grace in this monastery there is a great woman saint and she is one of the pioneering saints, she stood in their face like a wall, said one of the nuns from the monastery. When they entered there were 25 of them.
An orphan at Saint Takla recounted her experience, saying: When the insurgents entered we felt that we were in danger we didn't expect that they would leave us; we thought they would do something to us, we stayed and prayed that God will keep us alive and here.
Maaloula is one of only three places in the world where the majority of people speak Aramaic, the language thought to have been spoken by Jesus Christ. Up to 70,000 tourists a year from the Middle East, Europe and North America typically visited the city annually prior to 2011.
Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi_trailer
trailer docfilm Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi
Mar Takla
فيلم القديسة تقلا إخراج موريس رزق
2005 Syria Maaloula, village chrétien
Maaloula (en arabe : معلولة Ma'loula, de l'araméen : ܡܥܠܐ, ma`lā, 'entrée'), est un village chrétien au Nord-est de Damas en Syrie, qui présente la particularité d'abriter une population qui parle encore l'araméen (voir néo-araméen occidental).
Le village doit sa renommée à ses refuges troglodytiques datant des premiers siècles du christianisme.
La majorité des chrétiens locaux appartient à l'Église grecque-catholique melkite. Le village est célèbre au Proche-Orient pour la ferveur et la solennité avec lesquelles il célèbre chaque 14 septembre la fête de l'Exaltation de la Croix.
Le village abrite le monastère Mar Takla, grec-orthodoxe, construit autour de la grotte et du tombeau de Sainte-Thècle fêtée le 24 septembre. En haut d'un rocher qui domine le village, se dresse un antique monastère desservi par un prêtre grec-catholique et dédié à Mar Sarkis et Mar Bacchus (Saints Serge et Bacchus), deux saints martyrs fêtés le 7 octobre.
Les chrétiens de Syrie représentent environ 7.5 % de la population du pays. C'est une des plus anciennes communautés chrétiennes du Proche-et-Moyen-Orient.
Source : Wikipédia
Patriarch Gregorios III visits Maaloula schoolchildren
Maaloula (also spelt Ma'Loula) is an ancient Christian town to the northeast is an ancient Christian town to the northeast of the capital Damascus, Syria. The town is known for its monastery Deir Mar Takla and is often visited by both Christian and Muslim pilgrims - it is one of the earliest Christian centres known to the world. In September 2013, jihadists entered the town, reportedly targeting Christians if they refused to abandon their faith and shouting:
You! The Cross worshippers! We will kill you! Patriarch Gregorios III of Antioch, head of the Greek Mekilte Church, visited Maaloula, where he met school children whose families had been forced to flee or take refuge in the convent. Some of the children's parents had been murdered by the jihadists. This video shows their remarkable faith in God.
دير الزور | هيئة دير مار يعقوب المقطع تقدم خدمات صحية لأهالي الريف
Saint Thecla, Maalula, Syria
Monastery of Saint Tecla is in Syria - Maaloula; the population Aramaeans-Syriac, one of the tourist cities of Syria.
Maaloula are among the only places that still speaks Aramaic dialect spoken in the time of Jesus Christ.
In Maaloula are two major Christian monasteries: Saint Sergius Monastery (fourth century) and the Monastery of Saint Tecla,
Manastirea Sfanta Tecla se afla in localitatea siriana Maaloula; cu populatie aramean-siriaca, Una dintre localitatile turistice ale Siriei.
Maaloula se numara printre singurele locuri in care se mai vorbeste dialectul aramaic vorbit in vremea lui Iisus Hristos.
In Maaloula se afla doua mari manastiri crestine: Manastirea Sfintii Serghie (secolul al IV-lea ) si Manastirea Sfanta Tecla,
Syria militants take part of Syrian Christian town of Ma'loula
Foreign-backed militants operating inside Syria have moved into the center of the Christian town of Ma'loula after several days of fighting.
The militants, including the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front terrorists, stormed the Orthodox Mar Takla convent in the middle of the city, the official SANA news agency reported.
The report added that the foreign-sponsored militants took several nuns hostage in the convent, which is home to 40 nuns and orphans.
Given past atrocities, security sources and observers do not rule out the possibility of violence against the Christian residents of the historic town.
Meanwhile, sources say that the militants took part of Ma'loula after five days of clashes, while Syrian forces have recaptured the town of Qara and Deir Attiyeh, and are currently battling the foreign-backed militants for control of Nabak.
The militants had attacked Ma'loula early in September and captured some parts of it. However, they were pushed out of the town by the Syrian troops.
The beautiful town is regarded as a symbol of the ancient Christian presence in Syria.
Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. Reports indicate that the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside the country.
According to the United Nations, more than 100,000 people have been killed and millions displaced in the violence.
Prayer for Syria - Deir Mar Musa
music: Rachmaninov, Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom Op.31, Our Father
Mar ️TAKLA...????????????
الجمعية السورية للاستكشاف والتوثيق - دير مار موسى
الجمعية السورية للاستكشاف والتوثيق (أنا السوري) - جولة دير مار موسى الحبشي
المكان: ريف دمشق - النبك
الزمان: 25/11/2016
جولة روحانية مخصصة للتأمل وتخزين الطاقة الإيجابية .......... فقط مع خبراء البراري السورية ...