Friedrich Engels - Der vergessene Wuppertaler
Friedrich Engels, geb. am 28. November 1820 in Barmen (Wuppertal), gest. am 5. August 1895, wurde als Sohn eines erfolgreichen Baumwollfabrikanten geboren. Trotz seiner Herkunft aus einer Unternehmerfamilie, entschied er sich, für eine andere Gesellschaft zu kämpfen, in welcher der Mensch von der Ausbeutung befreit ist. Gemeinsam mit seinem jahrelangen Freund und Genossen Karl Marx entwickelte er die marxistische Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftstheorie. Als Mitverfasser vom Kommunistischen Manifest und Autor zahlreicher revolutionärer Schriften leistete er eine enorme Arbeit für den Sozialismus und verurteilte bis zu seinem Lebensende die kapitalistische Gesellschaft.
Anlässlich seines 120. Todestages wollen wir den großen Revolutionär Friedrich Engels gedenken und die Stadt Wuppertal an ihren wohl einflussreichsten Sohn erinnern.
Deshalb rufen wir alle auf, am 05. August um 18:00 Uhr vor den City Arkaden in Wuppertal zur Gedenkdemo zu erscheinen. Anschließend wird das Engels Denkmal in Barmen besucht, wo es eine Schweigeminute geben wird.
A destroyed cathedral in France and views from a moving car of the Schwebebahn su...HD Stock Footage
CriticalPast is an archive of historic footage. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is presented in unedited form. Some viewers may find some scenes or audio in this archival material to be unsettling or distressing. CriticalPast makes this media available for researchers and documentarians, and does not endorse or condone any behavior or message, implied or explicit, that is seen or heard in this video.
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A destroyed cathedral in France and views from a moving car of the Schwebebahn suspended railway in Germany
Allied military and some civilians gather for a ceremony at a destroyed cathedral (possibly Saint Martin's cathedral at Ypres, France), in World War 1. Scots Guards in kilts are seen among the assembled military. A ladder is seen and something is being raised by a hoist in the background,as preliminary cleanup is being undertaken. Scene shifts to point of view footage from a moving rail car on the Suspension Railway (Schwebebahn) in Barmen-Elberfeld Germany. At first it travels above a street in the city. Then it is seen moving over the Wupper River, in the Elberfeld region, as another suspension rail train approaches from the opposite direction. It continues traveling along (above) the waterway. (Note: Barmen-Elberfeld was re-named Wuppertal in 1930. The Schwebebahn is still in operation today, and is the oldest operating transportation monorail in the world. It is now called the Wuppertal Suspension Railway. Its original full name is: Electric Elevated Railway (Suspension Railway) Installation, Eugen Langen System (Anlage einer elektrischen Hochbahn (Schwebebahn), System Eugen Langen)). Location: Barmen-Elberfeld Germany. Date: 1918.
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Bombing of Wuppertal in World War II | Wikipedia audio article
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
During the Second World War, the city of Wuppertal suffered numerous Allied air raids, primarily nighttime attacks from the Royal Air Force's Bomber Command during the British-waged Battle of the Ruhr bomber offensive. The largest raids were on the night of 29-30 May 1943, heavy enough to cause a firestorm, then on 24-25 June. The wartime-era German Feuerwehr fire brigades were ill-equipped to fight these fires. The RAF's airstrikes destroyed areas of Wuppertal's northeastern Barmen, central Elberfeld and southeastern Ronsdorf communities, mainly through incendiary area bombing, resulting in destructive firestorms. Other Allied aircraft also carried out numerous smaller air raids on Wuppertal. Overall, more than 6,500 people lost their lives during World War II in Wuppertal from such raids; 38 percent of the built-up urban area was destroyed.
One of these RAF raids in February 1943 allegedly caused serious damage to the Goldschmitt adhesives firm, which was making Tego-Film wood adhesive for the German war effort - new aircraft designs meant to make large use of wooden airframe components, such as the Ta 154 Moskito and He 162 Spatz had their development seriously delayed or even temporarily curtailed as a result of the deficient replacement adhesive corroding the wooden airframes of such aircraft, resulting in crashes of the prototype airframes for both the mentioned Focke-Wulf and later Heinkel defensive fighter designs. (The exact date for this especially critical RAF night raid is not certain; the progress on the Ta 154's development — which occurred nearly a year before the He 162's first prototypes were even built — and exactly when the corrosive replacement adhesive was first used for building its production airframe series, cause doubt concerning the early February 1943 timeframe.)
The other factor that led to such high casualty rates in Wuppertal was its location. The city is located on the banks of two very steep granite riverbanks. The RAF had dropped timed explosives that caused the foundations of buildings to literally melt away.