Deribasovskaya Street Odessa Ukraine
Deribasovskaya Street Odessa Ukraine
watch beautiful video of Deribasovskaya Street Odessa located in Ukraine. Deribasovskaya Street truly is the heart of Odessa. There is always something exciting to see day or night. The street is lined with excellent restaurants, cafes, and bars. Street musicians are common as are historical re-enactors, gypsies, and vendors of all sorts. It's busy, noisy, sometimes chaotic, and always a blast!
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Deribasovskaya Street Odessa Ukraine
Deribasovskaya street odessa Ukraine, Walking around (Дерибасовская )
Odessa Deribasovskaya street.
Прогулки по Одессе Дерибасовская улица. Walking around
Odessa Ukraine ,одесса украина
Deribasovskaya Street Odessa located in Ukraine. Deribasovskaya Street, a very populous and vibrant street, it is truly the heart of Odessa. There is always something exciting to see day or night. I always enjoy walking down the street feeling the atmosphere of the street and most significantly during evenings the energy, the people, its amazing. The street is lined with excellent restaurants, cafes, and bars. Street performances are common as are historical re-enactors, gypsies, and vendors of all sorts. It's busy, noisy, sometimes chaotic, and always a blast! .its a must visit place, embrace that atmosphere,let happiness to leave us alone. oh God I love my odessa hope you enjoy this video as much as I did
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ДЕРИБАСОВСКАЯ Одесса / Летняя Видеозарисовка / Deribasovskaya Street Odessa
ДЕРИБАСОВСКАЯ Одесса / Летняя Видеозарисовка / Deribasovskaya Street Odessa.
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Odessa, Ukraine: walking on Deribasovskaya street.
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Deribasovskaya Street Odessa Ukraine
Watch beautiful video of Deribasovskaya Street Odessa located in Ukraine. Deribasovskaya Street truly is the heart of Odessa. There is always something exciting to see day or night. The street is lined with excellent restaurants, cafes, and bars. Street musicians are common as are historical re-enactors, gypsies, and vendors of all sorts. It's busy, noisy, sometimes chaotic, and always a blast!
Deribasovskaya Street (Odessa, Ukraine)
Strada Deribasivska (în ucraineană Дерібасiвська; în rusă Дериба́совская) este o stradă pietonală localizată în centrul orașului Odesa din Ucraina. Este numită astfel în memoria lui José de Ribas, care a contribuit masiv la amenajarea orașului și a fost primul primar care a locuit pe această stradă.
Lângă această stradă este localizat primul parc din Odesa, construit la scurt timp după fondarea oașului în 1803 de frații José și Fèlix de Ribas. În parc se găsesc un havuz și mai mute monumente, printre care sculptura unui leu și a unei leoaice cu pui, un scaun evocând cartea 12 scaune, două monumente ale lui Leonid Utiusov și un monument al lui Serghei Utocikin, celebru pilot.
Vechea denumire a străzii era Ghimnazskaia (Ghimnaziceskaia), după gimnaziul deschis la 16 aprilie 1804. A fost redenumită în cinstea lui de Ribas la 6 iulie 1811, fiind numită Deribasovskaia sau Ribasovskaia. În primii ani ai puterii bolșevice (1920–1938) a purtat numele socialistului german Ferdinand Lassalle. Din 1938 până în 1941 se numea strada Cikalov, după care a fost iarăși redenumită în Deribasivska.
Strada Deribasivska este cuprinsă între str. Polska și Preobrajenska, intersectând artere importante ale centrului orașului, ca Pușkinska, Rișelievska, Katerininska, Havanna și aleea Vice-Amiralul Jukov.
Deribasovska a devenit stradă pietonală în primăvara anului 1984, până atunci fiind deschisă traficului; pe aici circulau troleibuzele 1 și 2, transferate acum pe străzile adiacente. Pavajul de piatră a fost conservat.
În fiecare an la 1 aprilie, strada găzduiește festivalul de umor Iumorina, în timpul căruia zeci de mii de participanți și vizitatori se îmbracă în costume nostime.
Walk in a market in Odessa, Ukraine Одесса, Украина
Walk in a market in Odessa, Ukraine Одесса, Украина
Odessa, Ukraine, Deribasivska (Deribasovskaya) Street
Scenes from Deribasivska Street, Odessa, Ukraine. Also known as Deribasovskaya Street. A popular place for visitors and locals.
Deribasovskaya Street in Odessa, Ukraine
Deribasovskaya is a symbol of South Palmyra, and if you want to see the most beautiful and interesting sights of Odessa town, then it is worth going on this street. There are many preserved buildings here, which were built in the 19th century. A lot of historical figures, the brightest representatives of culture and science visited, lived in passed through these buildings.
Deribasovskaya is the central street of Odessa and one of the main attractions of the city. Roadway is lined with stone blocks and driveway is closed for cars. Along with the seafront, Deribasovskaya is also a favorite place for an evening walk for the residents of Odessa and other visitors. Historically, contrary to the generally accepted canons of town planning, Deribasovskaya, which does not have a descent to the sea and has a small length and width of the street – was chosen to be Odessa's central street of the city for its beauty and atmosphere.
Street was originally called Gimnazskaya or Gimnazycheskaya in honor of commercial gymnasium of Volsey, opened by Duke de Richelieu. Since 1811 the street has been called de Ribasovskaya or simply Ribasovskaya. Since 1836 we can meet the name De-Ribasovskaya. The street is named in honor of Joseph de Ribas, who was the first mayor of Odessa. Monument de Ribas can be found at the end of this street. During of Soviet Union the street was originally called LaSalle Street, then Chkalov. During the Patriotic War the name of Deribasovskaya was restored.
Going for a walk on Deribasovskaya Street, you cannot only enjoy the beautiful architecture built in the 19th century, but to find out who visited it years ago. In the office of Governor- General during two years worked A.S. Pushkin. At house number 3 the legendary scout N.A. lived for a year and world-famous painter Kandinsky lived many years in front of the former Lyceum Volsea.
Nearby, on the right hand of de Volan is a house number 2. Since Odessa was, is and will be the largest seaport of Ukraine, the State Company Black Sea Shipping plays an important role in its life. It doesn't matter that now this company looks more a shop with a fleet of vehicles, and several of his warehouses and a pair of courts, which are under the arrest, but the building, where the main office of the company is, considered to be fine.
By the way, at the beginning of the street, opposite the office of NMP, is another colorful barcode Odessa's unusual outlook on life. I wonder what the monument to the creator of Esperanto Zemingofu can do in one of the old Odessa's janitors.
The heart of the street is Urban Garden. By itself, it begs the question: what was the first name of the street Deribasovskaya? It's obvious – Sadovaya. And there is nothing strange – this is due to the very Gorsadom.
Once, on the street, which we are talking about, were situated two houses that were owned by Felix, whose brother, Joseph de Ribar, was one of the first Odessa's planners. Odessa in 1806 Felix Deribas decided to sell the building because of its financial situation left much to be desired, and two small gardens adjacent to these Domme, he just gave the city. And this gift 200 years later became one of the most popular holiday destinations of Odessa. But then the area was not just like it looks now, only the next mayor of Odessa less than the current Gordasa territory and produced by the Duke of Richelieu.
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Odesa.Ukraine-2016. Deribasovskaya street. ( by Kanan Rzayev)
One Night In Odessa / Одесса
Don't Miss The Street Music Of Odessa:
I shot this during a night walk through the center of Odessa in September 2014, mostly to test the low light video capability of the Nikon D5200. Camera settings: 1/50 shutter, 24 fps, 6400 ISO, maximum aperture on 18-55mm kit lens. The camera has higher ISO settings in Hi1 (12800 ISO) and Hi2 (25600 ISO) but they introduce too much noise.
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Music credit: Evgeny Grinko - Winter Sunshine
New Apartment, Deribasovskaya Street, Odessa Ukraine
Celebrating my nice new apartment in the city center of Odessa Ukraine with friends.
Прогулка по Дерибасовской, Одесса / Walk along Deribasovskaya street, Odessa
Одесса, Дерибасовская, конец июня 2019 / Odessa, Deribasovskaya street, end of June 2019
Прогулки по Одессе. Дерибасовская улица. Walking around Odessa. Deribasovskaya street.
???? Дерибасовская улица #2 | Odessa ONLINE ᴴᴰ
Одесса. Дерибасовская улица.
Odessa Deribasovskaya Street and Park
02 02.2011
no trimming
Walking in Odessa (Ukraine)
Deribasovskaya Street - Ukraine Travel Video
Deribasovskaya Street is the main street of Odessa, Ukraine. The famous baroque style Passage faces the street. Next to the street is Odessa City Garden. This park has a fountain, bandstand, and several monuments, including a sculpture of a lion and lioness with her cubs, a chair commemorating the famous book The Twelve Chairs and a monument to Leonid Utyosov.
Ukrayna - Odessa Deribasovskaya Caddesi.
Ukrayna‘nın en gelişmiş şehirleri arasında yer alan Odessa, aynı zamanda Karadeniz’deki en büyük limanlardan birine ev sahipliği yapıyor. Doğu Avrupa ve Asya’yı, Akdeniz’e bağlayan köprü niteliğindeki kent, tarihi boyunca Osmanlı, Rusya, Ukrayna gibi farklı kültürlerin egemenlik çatışmalarına sahne olmuş ve bu nedenle Odessa gezilecek yerler açısından ziyaretçilerine oldukça zengin seçenekler sunuyor.
Şehrin can damarı ve en hareketli noktası olan Deribasovskaya‘da, çoğu otel olarak hizmet veren karşılıklı dizilmiş şık binalara ve bu binaların altında yer alan kafe, restoran, bar seçeneklerine rastlamak mümkün. Trafiğe kapalı olan ve kent sakinlerinin özellikle bahar – yaz aylarında yoğun olarak vakit geçirdiği cadde, özellikle yiyecek ve içecek açısından hem global hem lokal alternatiflerin rahatlıkla bulunabildiği bir nokta. Deribasovskaya Caddesi’ne ulaşmak içinse 137 numaralı otobüsleri kullanmak ve Lanzheronivska St durağında inmek gerekiyor.
Еврейский портной - Одесса, Дерибасовская / Jewish Tailor - Odessa, Deribasovskaya street
Песня об еврейском портном и о его тяжелой жизни... Ой вэй! / The song is about a Jewish tailor and his hard life ... Lyrics/Текст:
Тихо, как в раю,
Звезды над местечком высоки и ярки,
Я себе пою, я себе крою.
Опустилась ночь,
Отдохните дети - день был очень жаркий-
За стежком стежок - грошик стал тяжел.
Ой вэй!
Было время, были силы, да уже не то
Годы волосы скосили, вытерли мое пальто.
Жил один еврей, так он сказал:
Что все проходит.
Солнце тоже, вэй, садится на закате дня,
Но оно еще родится,
Жаль, что не в пример меня.
Кто же будет одевать их всех потом по моде.
Девочка моя,
Завтра утром ты опять ко мне вернешься,
Милая моя, фэйгэлэ моя.
Папа в ушко майсу скажет - засмеешься,
Люди разные и песни разные.
Ой вэй!
Будет день и будет пища-
Жить не торопись,
Иногда богаче нищих
Тот, кто не успел скопить.
Тот, кого уже никто нигде ничем не держит.
Нитка, бархат…