Koprivshtitsa - Dimcho Debelyanov
Koprivshtitsa - the museum town
Dimcho Debelyanov
Dimcho Debelyanov (28 March 1887 - 2 October 1916) was a Bulgarian poet and author whose death in the First World War cut off his promising literary career.
Koprivstitsa - the Oslekov and Lyutov houses
Koprivstitsa - the museum town
Oslekov's House
The house was built in 1853 - 1856 by order of the wealthy Koprivshtitsa merchant Nencho Oslekov. Built by Usta Mincho and Kosta Zograf - representatives of the Samokov architectural school, Oslekov's house fascinates with its rich exterior and interior decorations.
Nencho Oslekov took part in the April Uprising. The rebels' uniforms were made in his homespun fabric workshop. Because of his contribution to the Uprising, after its failure Oslekov was captured by the Turks and hanged in Plovdiv.
Lyutov's House
Lyutov's (or Topalov's) house is a unique architectural monument from the period of the Bulgarian national renaissance. It was built in 1854 by masters from Plovdiv, commissioned by Stefan Topalov. In 1906, after Topalov moved to Odrin, the house was sold Petko Lyutov, a merchant from Koprivshtitsa who traded with milk in Alexandria, and became known as the Lyutov's house.
The house is remarkable with its beautiful architecture rich mural decoration. The most striking feature of upper floor is the elliptic vault of the ceiling ornamented with mural medallions and a sun craved in wood; landscapes depicted in the murals were drawn as to owner's impressions from Egypt and Istambul.
Kableshkov House Museum, Koprivshtitsa
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Koprivshtitsa | Дивната красота на България: Копривщица
Welcome to my official YouTube channel and thank you for your time!
Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
Koprivshtitsa is one of the most characteristic Bulgarian towns, still preserving the atmosphere of the Bulgarian National Revival period of the 19th century.
It is located in the Sashtinska Sredna Gora, in a beautiful valley, covered with lush green grass, watered by several small streams, perfect resting point for caravans, travelers and traders and all around the town you will see beautiful panoramic views.
The town boasts a large number of architectural monuments from the period, most of which have been restored to their original appearance. Collections of ethnographical treasures, old weapons, National Revival works of art, fine fretwork, household weaves and embroidery, national costumes and typical Bulgarian jewelry have also been preserved. It was here that the first shot of the April Uprising against the Ottoman domination was fired in 1876.
The house where Dimcho Debelyanov was born still holds the magic enchanting from the poetry of this most tender of Bulgarian poets. Stepping through the wooden gate, a visitor will immediately be drawn into a lovely yard with ancient pines and picturesque cherry trees. A small wooden house with walls of deep blue stands in the middle of the rich verdure and luscious fragrance.
The beauty of his own home and town remained in the poet's soul until his last breath. The emotionally intense life-poetry of Dimcho Debelyanov ended tragically when he was only 29. He was killed in World War One, on 02.10.1916, near Monokklisia.
His body was interred in Valovishta, today Sidirokastro, Greece until 1931, when his remains were removed to his native town, Koprivshtitsa in the yard of Uspenie Bogorodichno Church. His grave is adorned by the statue of his mother, looking into infinity, waiting her son to come home.
Enjoy my video!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
Wooly Woman of Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria
Wooly Woman of Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria
Koprivshtitsa - G. Benkovski and L. Karavelov
Koprivshtitsa - the museum town
Georgi Benkovski - (1843 -- 12 May 1876) was the pseudonym of Gavril Gruev Hlatev, a Bulgarian revolutionary and leading figure in the organization and direction of the Bulgarian anti-Ottoman April Uprising of 1876 and apostle of its 4th Revolutionary District. During the April Uprising his cavalry detachment, known as The Flying Band, toured the entire region tirelessly, mobilizing many insurgents and playing an important part in the fighting for Bulgarian freedom.
Lyuben Karavelov - born 1834 in Koprivshtitsa in family of Stoicho Karavela and Nedelia Doganska. He and his brother Petko Karavelov are known as people who had dedicated their whole lives to Bulgaria. Lyuben Karavelov - as a publicist, journalist, revolutionary and writer and Petko Karavelov - as a politician (he was Minister of Finance and Prime Minister of the country).
Zlatna Gayda Koprivshtitsa (Златна Гайда Копривщица) 2014 - Lyutenitsata 2
8 Kableshkov in Koprivshtitsa!
Koprivshtitsa Bulgaria 2015. Videography: Richard. Music: Orlin Goranov (Svetat e za Dvama). Production: Rachedito.
Panoramio-Djogolanovata kashta-Koprivshtitsa
The Old Class ...
(2003 - 2007) Bulgaria, Belene, Dimcho Debelianov Highschool. Slideshow with photos of the students from that period of time.
Koprivshtitsa - The Bulgarian magic lives here! / Копривщица - магията на България!
Koprivshtitsa is a small historic town in central Bulgaria, lying on the Topolnitsa River among the Sredna Gora mountain. The town is still preserving the atmosphere of the Bulgarian National Revival period of the 19th century. The town is huddled in the mountain-folds, 111 km east of Sofia. Koprivshtitsa boasts a large number of architectural monuments from the period, 383 in all, most of which have been restored to their original appearance. Collections of ethnographical treasures, old weapons, National Revival works of art, fine fretwork, household weaves and embroidery, national costumes and typical Bulgarian jewelry have also been preserved. It was here that the first shot of the April Uprising against the Ottoman domination was fired in 1876.
A quaint village in Bulgaria.
Koprivshtitsa ButikTravel
Това са част от думите написани от “патриарха на българската литература” Иван Вазов за Георги Бенковски в “Епопея на забравените” през 1881г. Около празника Св.Троица през 1867г., Васил Левски идва в Копривщица и създава първия Революционен комитет. Апостолът на свободата готви духовете на копривщенци за едно бъдещо въстание. На 20 април 1876 г. тук на Калъчевия мост, пуква първата пушка и избухва Априлското Въстание.
В търсене на възрожденски дух пътят ни премина през посипани с листа, изстинали паметници на културата, като този на Тодор Каблешков и стигнем до дома на загиналият като доброволец на Македонския фронт, поет и писател Димчо Дебелянов, който пада убит в това сражение на 2 октомври 1916 г. Скулптурата „Майка“ е поставена на гроба на поета през 1934 г. в родната му къща в Копривщица.
Това е мястото, от което започна новото българско културно въстание на “BRATЯТА”.
Those are some of the words written by The Patriarch of Bulgarian literature Ivan Vazov for Georgi Benkovski in Epopee of the forgotten ones in 1881. Sometime around The Saint Trinity festivities in 1867, Vasil Levski comes to Koprivshtitsa and establishes the first Revolutionary committee. The Apostle of freedom prepares the spirits of the locals for a future rebellion. On April 20th, 1876 here, at the Kalachev bridge, the first rifle is fired and the April Rebellion breaks out.
In search of the national revival spirit, our path has crossed leaf-covered and chilled cultural memorials, such as the one of Todor Kableshkov, through the house of Dimcho Debelyanov - poet and writer, volunteer on the Macedonian front, who dies in combat on October 2nd, 1916. The famous sculpture Mother is placed at his grave in 1934, at the house of his birth in Koprivshtitsa. This is the place where the new cultural rebellion began for BRАТЯТА.
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(C) 2015 BRATЯTA
Четвърти лекционен тур с Лъчезар Бояджиев - 22.10.2016
Четвърти лекционен тур - 22.10.2016
Тема на маршрута: Музея през „прозореца“ на града
На 22 октомври, се състоя последният четвърти лекционен тур от „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“, 2016 в София. Този път „обиколката“ на града бе на закрито – а именно в музея - Квадрат 500. Там участниците видяха колекцията през погледа на Лъчезар Бояджиев, който въз основа на конкретни произведения говори за града.
Лъчезар Бояджиев за последния четвърти лекционен тур:
Музеят през „прозореца” на града – ще ходим из Квадрата, но ще го гледаме през снимки от града!
Какво е съвремие и съ-временно? (Contemporaneity and con-temporary?)
Какво е „образ на времето”, който внушава един музей?
Какво е „експозиция” в града за разлика от експозицията в музея?
Защо градът и музеят не могат един без друг?
Защо София не е Скопие, и никога няма да бъде, въпреки че на онези, които „инвестират в идентичност” много им се иска?
Защо Квадрат 500 не е Лувъра и никога няма да бъде?
Защо въведението в съ-временното изкуство всъщност зависи изцяло от Вас?
Между другото ще стане дума и за:
- опакото на пространството;
- град и село;
- религия и бохема;
- идеология и форма;
- художници и бълдъзи;
- фотография и скулптура;
- живопис и днес.
Повече за Лекционните турове с Лъчезар Бояджиев и образователната платформа „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“:
„Въведение в съвременното изкуство“ е проект на фондация „Отворени изкуства“ и галерия SARIEV Contemporary.
Проектът „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“ 2016 – София е финансиран от Столична програма „Култура“ на Столична община за 2016 г.
С подкрепата на награда „Гауденц Б. Руф“
Партньор: Национална художествена галерия
Медийни партньори: @BG on Air, Виж София, егоист, Timeart.me, Stand.bg, Artnewscafe Bulletin
Камера и монтаж: Калин Серапионов
„Въведение в съвременното изкуство” е проект на Фондация „Отворени изкуства” и Галерия SARIEV Contemporary.
Проектът „Въведение в съвременното изкуство” 2016 – София е финансиран от Столична програма „Култура” на Столична община за 2016 г.
С подкрепата на награда „Гауденц Б. Руф”.
Партньори: Национална художествена галерия
Медийни партньори: Виж! София, Timeart.me, Stand.bg, artnewscafé бюлетин, егоист.