Casa Dinozaurilor Pitici - Dwarf Dinosaurus' House (Sanpetru, Hateg, Romania)
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The ”Dwarf Dinosaurus' House Museum was opened in 2013 in a former pub in the Sânpetru village (Santamaria-Orlea commune, Hunedoara County) in honor of researches that led to the discovery of dwarf dinosaurs with unique species in the world in the reptilian landscape of 60-70 million years ago (late Cretaceous, at the end of the Mesozoic), made in the paleontological site on the outskirts of the village. The first investigations were undertaken early twentieth century by local baron Franz Nopcsa (1877-1933, or Francisc Nopcea, Baron of Sus Silvas, or Felső-Szilvási báró Nopcsa Ferenc), erudite paleontologist and ethnolog (in Albania), but and great adventurer who comes from a very old Romanian family. He published a lot of papers, but the gathered materials (fossils) were sold to the Natural History Museum in London or donate to Museum of Natural Sciences in Budapest. The research was resumed in 1977 by Dan Grigorescu, Professor of Paleontology at the University of Bucharest, and later by other Romanian or foreign researchers, being discovered several new species and fossiliferous sites in Hateg zone. In Hateg Basin were discovered more dinosaur species among which the herbivores dinosaurs (Magyarosaurus dacus, Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, Struthiosaurus transsylvanicus and Rhabdodon priscus), carnivorous dinosaurs (Megalosaurus hungaricus, Bradycneme draculae, Heptasteronis andrewsi, Elopteryx nopcsa and Balaur bondoc - Stocky dragon) and one giant pterosaurs (flying reptiles) Hatzegopteryx tamben (Giant with wings from Hateg) wingspan of 12m. Apart from dinosaurs were discovered remains of crocodile (Allodaposuchus precedens), turtles (Kallokibotion bajazidi) and other vertebrates (fish, amphibians, mammals). The surface of 5.0 ha of Sanpetru fossiliferous site is integrated in the Dinosaurs Geopark Hateg Country.
Muzeul „Casa Dinzaurilor Pitici” inaugurat în anul 2013 într-o fostă crâșmă din satul Sânpetru (comuna Sântămăria-Orlea, jud. Hunedoara) cinstește cercetările care au dus la descoperirea dinozaurilor pitici, cu specii unice în lume în peisajul reptilian de acum 60-70 milioane ani (Cretacic superior, la sfârșitul Mezozoicului) făcute în situl fosilifer de la marginea satului. Primele cercetări au fost intreprinse la începutul secolului XX de către baronul local Franz Nopcsa (1877-1933, sau Francisc Nopcea, baron de Silvașul de Sus, sau Felső-Szilvási báró Nopcsa Ferenc), erudit paleontolog și etnolog (”albanolog”), dar și mare aventurier, care se trage dintr-o foarte veche familie românească din Hațeg. A publicat o mulțime de lucrări științifice, dar materialele (fosilele) adunate, fie au fost vândute Muzeului Național de Istorie Naturală din Londra, fie donate Muzeului de Științe Naturale din Budapesta. Cercetările au fost reluate în 1977 de către Dan Grigorescu, profesor de Paleontologie la Universitatea București, ulterior și de alți cercetători români sau străini, fiind descoperite mai multe specii noi și puncte fosilifere în Țara Hațegului. În Bazinul Hațeg au fost descoperite mai multe specii de dinozauri dintre care amintim dinozauri ierbivori (Magyarosaurus dacus, Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, Zalmoxes robustus, Struthiosaurus transsylvanicus și Rhabdodon priscus), dinozauri carnivori (Megalosaurus hungaricus, Bradycneme draculae, Heptasteronis andrewsi, Elopteryx nopcsai și Balaur bondoc) și un pterozaur (reptile zburătoare) gigant, Hatzegopteryx tambena (Uriașul cu aripi din Hateg”) cu anvergura aripilor de 12m. În afară de dinozauri au mai fost descoperite resturi de crocodil (Allodaposuchus precedens), broaște țestoase (Kallokibotion bajazidi) și altor vertebrate (pești, amfibieni, mamifere). Suprafața de 5,0 ha a sitului fosilifer Sânpetru este integrată în Geoparcul Dinozaurilor Țara Hațegului.
Episode 262: Sauropods and pterosaurs in the Outback
In dinosaur news this week: A new small ceratopsian was named Ferrisaurus from northern British Columbia, Canada; Victoria Arbour summarized her Ferrisaurus discovery on her blog; A new study shows just how fast dinosaurs could replace their teeth; The Cleveland Museum of Natural History has a new exhibit called Ultimate Dinosaurs; The Natural History Museum in Los Angeles is having an Antarctic Dinosaurs Family Day
We also talk to Philip Mannion, Steve Poropat, and Adele Pentland, paleontologists at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs museum in Winton, Queensland. We discussed the new sauropods literally coming up out of the ground in the Outback as well as a brand new pterosaur, Ferrodraco..
Thank you so much to all our patrons! We appreciate all your support, it keeps us going! If you’re a dinosaur enthusiast, join our growing community on Patreon at
This episode was originally published on December 4, 2019 at
This week's dinosaur of the day is Magyarosaurus
Dwarf sauropod that lived in the Late Cretaceous in what is now Romania (Sânpetru Formation, when it was found it was the Austro-Hungarian Empire)
About 19.6 ft (6 m) long
Weighed about 1.1 tons
Had dermal armor (unique shape and size, which is why fossil eggs found may have been Magyarosaurus)
No skulls have been found
Insular dwarf, lived on an island so had limited food and not really any large predators, so it was smaller than other sauropods (didn't have to grow large for protection)
Type species (only species) is Magyarosaurus dacus
Originally called Titanosaurus dacus
Friedrich von Huene renamed to Magyarosaurus dacus in 1932
He also named two more species: Magyarosaurus hungaricus and Magyarosaurus transsylvanicus
Genus name means Magyar lizard
The genus name comes from the word Magyar, a tribe of people who settled in Hungary in the 9th century
Species name refers to the Dacians, who had lived there 2000 years before
At least 10 individuals found
Franz Baron Nopcsa's younger sister Ilona found dinosaur fossils on their estate in 1895, around the same time dwarf mammals had been found on a Mediterranean island
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Balauri, dragoni, dinozauri în HAȚEG - ”Dragons, Raptors, Dinosaurs” (Romania)
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The project ”Hațeg Country Dinosaurs Geopark” located in a depressionaire areal surrounded by mountains, take care of cultural, archaeological, historical and natural heritage of Hateg Country, a particular zone in Transylvania, in the central part of Romania. The Geopark area covers more than 100.000 hectares, including a town and 10 communes. Besides the very picturesque landscapes, deep gorges, caves, alpine forests, meadows, orchards and crops the region hosts remains of the human history from Paleolithic to Roman Antiquity and from the Middle-Age to the Modern time. The most important sites are the ruins of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the ancient capital of the Dacia province of the Roman Empire, the numerous medieval churches (with the magnificent Densus church), and fortifications. The region is world-wide known for its “dwarf dinosaurs” from the end of Cretaceous, 72-65 million years ago. Fifteen dinosaur species, both herbivorous and carnivoroussome of them worldwide uniques, were described based on skeletal remains. Dinosaur eggs and hatchlings were also discovered in the same deposits, as well as many non-dinosaur species. Very spectacular is a huge pterosaur (flying reptile), named Hatzegopteryx, from the name of the region wich had a wingspan of 12 m. At the Geopark headquarters in Hateg the visitors can admire the exhibition ”Dragons, Raptors, Dinosaurs”. This exhibit fructifies the myths of dragons and dinosaurs with the fascination for the raptors. The main character is ”Balaur bondoc„ (in Romanian, Stocky dragon), a species of carnivorous Transylvanian dwarf dinosaur with feather, and the story of his discovery and reconstruction.
Geoparcul Dinozaurilor Țara Hațegului, situat într-o zonă depresionară înconjurată de munți, este un proiect care integrează și dezvoltă patrimoniul cultural, arheologic, istoric și natural al Țării Hațegului, o zonă specială a Transilvaniei situată în partea centrală a României. Arealul Geoparcului acoperă peste 100.000 de hectare, inclusiv un oraș și 10 comune. Pe lângă peisajele foarte pitoresti (chei adânci, peșteri, păduri, pajiști alpine) zona conține și urme ale istoriei omenești din Paleolitic la antichitatea romană și din evul mediu până la timpurile moderne. Cele mai importante site-uri sunt ruinele Ulpiei Traiana Sarmizegetusa, vechea capitală a Daciei romane, precum și numeroase biserici medievale din piatră (mai ales biserica din Densuș) și fortificații. Regiunea este renumită pentru ai săi dinozauri pitici care au trăit la sfarsitul Cretacicului, acum 72-65 milioane de ani. Pe baza resturilor de schelete au fost descrise 15 specii de dinozauri, atât erbivori cât și carnivori, unii unici în întreaga lume. De asemenea, ouă de dinozaur și pui au fost descoperite în aceleași depozite, precum și multe specii non-dinozaur. Foarte spectaculos este un pterosaur (reptilă zburătoare) imens, numit Hatzegopteryx (după numele regiunii) și care a avut o anvergură a aripilor de 12 m. La sediul Geoparcului din Hațeg vizitatorii pot admira expoziția Balauri, dragoni, dinozauri. Aceasta expoziție fructifică miturile balaurilor și dragonilor cu fascinația pentru dinozauri. Vedeta este Balaurul bondoc, reconstituit în mărime naturală în mediul său de viață, o specie locală de dinozaur carnivor pitic cu pene, foarte feroce.
Telmatosaurus - Video Learning -
Telmatosaurus is a genus of basal hadrosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous. It was a relatively small hadrosaur, approximately five meters long, found in what is now Romania.
In 1895 some peasants presented Ilona Nopcsa, the daughter of their lord, with a dinosaur skull they had found at the estate Săcele in the district Hunedoara in Transylvania. Ilona had an elder brother, Ferenc or Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás who was inspired by the find to become a paleontology student at the University of Vienna. In 1899 Nopcsa named the skull Limnosaurus transsylvanicus. The generic name was derived from Greek λιμνή, limné, swamp, a reference to the presumed swamp-dwelling habits of hadrosaurs. The specific name referred to Transylvania. Later Nopcsa discovered that the name Limnosaurus had already been used by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1872 for a crocodilian , so in 1903 Nopcsa renamed the genus Telmatosaurus. Telma again means marsh. In 1910 Barnum Brown, unaware of Nopcsa's replacement name, named the genus Hecatasaurus, but this is a junior objective synonym.
The holotype, BMNH B.3386, was found in the Haţeg Basin in a layer of the Sânpetru Formation dating from the Maastrichtian, about 68 million years old, at the time part of the Haţeg Island, one of the islands of the European Archipelago. It consists of a skull with lower jaws.
In 1915 Nopcsa referred his species to the genus Orthomerus, as an Orthomerus transsylvanicus. However, since the 1980s, Orthomerus has been considered a nomen dubium, leading to a revival of the name Telmatosaurus. Fragmentary hadrosauroid material from Spain, France and Germany, that had been referred to Orthomerus, is now often assigned to Telmatosaurus, but an identity is hard to prove; the same is also true of many Romanian fragments and eggs.
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The Place Inside by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
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Scolosaurus - Video Learning -
Scolosaurus is an extinct genus of ankylosaurid dinosaurs within the subfamily Ankylosaurinae. It is known from the lower levels of the Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada. It contains a single species, Scolosaurus cutleri. It is the oldest known North American anklylosaurid.
Scolosaurus was named by Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás in 1928, based on holotype NHMUK R.5161, a nearly complete specimen that preserves the entire skeleton except for the distal end of the tail, the right forelimb, the right hindlimb, and the skull. The rare preservation of osteoderms and skin impression are also present. The fossil skeleton was discovered by William Edmund Cutler of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in 1914 at Quarry 80 of the Deadlodge Canyon locality. It was collected from the bottom of the Dinosaur Park Formation in fine-grained sandstone and fine-grained claystone sediments that were deposited during the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 76.5 million years ago. This makes it the oldest known North American ankylosaurid. Original reports indicated that specimen NHMUK R.5161 was excavated from the uppermost layers of the underlying Oldman Formation, but this has proven to be inaccurate. The holotype specimen is housed in the collection of Natural History Museum, London in London, England.
In 2013, Arbour and Currie reassigned specimen MOR 433, upon which the genus Oohktokia was based, to Scolosaurus. This specimen consists of a partial skull, both humeri, a caudal vertebra and several osteoderms and was recovered in the Upper Member of the Two Medicine Formation, in Montana, which has been dated at approximately 74 million years. The remains were collected in 1986-1987 in grey siltstone that was deposited during the Campanian stage of the Cretaceous period. The specimen is housed in the collection of the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana.
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The Place Inside by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
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Vernisaj Expo Terravision - Muzeul de Arta Brasov
Vernisajul expozitiei de pictura Terravision - Luminita Gliga, 30 iulie 2008.
Elopteryx - Video Learning -
Elopteryx is a genus of, perhaps troodontid, maniraptoran theropod dinosaur based on fragmentary fossils found in late Cretaceous Period rocks of Romania. The single species, Elopteryx nopcsai, is known only from very incomplete material, and therefore is considered a nomen dubium by most paleontologists.
In the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, the famous Hungarian paleontologist Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás found near Sînpetru, in what is now the Romanian region of Transylvania, some bone fragments of a small theropod. These were acquired by the British Museum of Natural History. In 1913, curator Charles William Andrews named these as the type species Elopteryx nopcsai. The genus name Elopteryx is from Ancient Greek helos , marsh + pteryx , wing. The specific name honors Nopcsa. Initially, Elopteryx was described from its holotype, a proximal left femur, specimen BMNH A1234. A second upper left thighbone fragment, BMNH A1235, was referred. A distal left tibiotarsus was also tentatively assigned to this taxon; it was initially classified with the same specimen number as the holotype and was found in close proximity, but may not be from the same individual . This has since been relabeled and is now specimen BMNH A4359. The exact location and time of the discoveries are today unknown. The fossils date from the early-late Maastrichtian faunal stage, circa 71-66 million years ago, originating from the Sânpetru Formation of the Hațeg Island. The animal was by Andrews believed to be a pelecaniform seabird.
Wiz Science™ is the learning channel for children and all ages.
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Background Music:
The Place Inside by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
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Țara Hațegului - ( Rezervația de Zimbrii - Geoparcul Dinozaurilor - Mănăstirea Prislop )
Documentarul va prezinta Tara Hategului, pornind de la taramul care a fost odata, pana la Orasul care a devenit in prezent, Hateg; perioadele prin care a trecut si dovezile care au ramas in urma. Veti observa in cateva cuvinte si imagini, evolutia unei regiuni, a oamenilor care traiesc acolo, a traditiilor, (prin vizita la Muzeul Tarii Hategului); este prezentata reusita salvarii speciei zimbrilor in Romania, redescoperirea altor specii disparute, (dinozauri pitici si balaurul bondoc), pastrarea religiei si spiritualitatii, observata puternic la Manastirea Prislop, prin mostenirea lasata de catre Parintele Arsenie Boca. Vi se prezinta istoria, geografia si povestile strabune, trairile celor care au avut si inca au grija de Tara Hategului.
Documentar realizat prin Fonduri Europene pentru ”Centru de informare turistica Hateg”.
Romanian Dinosaurs live wooow!
Dinosaurs in Mall, Bucharest Romania
Dinosaurs in Mall. Dinosaurs in Mall, Bucharest Romania
Cum se numește cel mai mare dinozaur? - Întrebări despre dinozauri
Episod tematic dedicat dinozaurilor
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Cea mai cunoscută specie de dinozaur
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În ce țară a fost descoperit dinozaurul Magyarosaurus dacus?
Cum se numește Geoparcul Dinozaurilor din Hațeg?
Ce anume a dus la dispariția dinozaurilor?
Cel mai cunoscut dinozaur zburător
Cum se numește insula fictivă unde se desfășoară acțiunea din filmul Jurassic Park?
Ce mare companie petrolieră a confirmat cauza dispariției dinozaurilor?
Primul geoparc internațional din România
Rivalul cărui dinozaur a fost Nanotyrannus-ul?
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Craterul asociat cu dispariția dinozaurilor
Cel mai cunoscut dinozaur erbivor
Cu ce reptile au fost confundate fosilele primilor dinozauri descoperiți?
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În ce an s-a folosit prima dată cuvântul dinozaur? (Răspunsul este cuprins între 1840 - 1850)
Ce metal conținea meteoritul care a cauzat dispariția dinozaurilor?
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În ce oraș se află cea mai mare fabrică de replici de dinozauri?
Au existat specii de dinozauri polari?
Dintre toți dinozaurii, care specie a fost considerată ca fiind cea mai feroce și cea mai inteligentă?
Cum se numește cel mai mare dinozaur?
Câte ore avea ziua pe Pământ, pe vremea dinozaurilor?
Secrets of The Academy of Natural Sciences Dioramas
little-known stories
Paleontologic sensation.Azov Unicorn.
Channel 9(Russia,Krasnodar) presents the paleontologic sensation:in the city of Azov they exhibited the world's only complete skeleton of elasmotherium,according to ancient Roman legends,the predecessor of the modern romantic mithical Unicorn.