Discover the beauty of the Danube Delta Romania
Discover the beauty of the Danube Delta Romania
During your boat trips, you will discover Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve a rich and diversified fauna on the nearby lakes. Migratory birds, aquatic birds and the presence of aquatic mammals along with the Danube Delta flora and the tranquility of nature make up the scenery for a successful walk.
The Danube Delta is a world of waters, where fishing is the main activity, the songs were present in the fishermen’s lives or were played by the women who were waiting for them at home. The village choir awakens all these memories to life through its songs, and the image of the Danube and the Black Sea is the setup for everyday life in this part of the world. Listen to the Ukrainian song and an entire water world opens in front of your eyes.
image and editing:
Nelu Gheorghe
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#DanubeDelta #DeltaDunarii #Romania #InsulaSacalin #Sacalin #LagunaSacalin #PlajaSfantuGheorghe #PlajaSalbatica #DescoperaDeltaDunarii #Dobrogea #Tulcea #Haholi #GreenVillage #BiosphereReserve #boattrips #fauna #birds #BlackSea
The Gorgeous Danube Delta in 4k - from Tulcea Romania
From Tulcea and in 4k presenting to you a Unesco site, the Danube Delta by Drone - Music by Strauss, the Blue Danube
Danube River Cruise - Danube Delta in Tulcea Romania including Drone Video footage
This travel video of the Danube Delta in Romania is part of my Romania Road Trip vlog series. I am keen to get out on a boat and enjoy a Danube River Cruise, but also to explore the beautiful Romanian countryside of Tulcea which includes fields of sunflowers and wind farms. This video includes drone footage to give an aerial view of the Danube Delta area taken with a DJI Mavic Air.
This is my first visit to the east coast of Europe. My road trip journey through Romania has been amazing and I have enjoyed every moment, from the friendly people, bustling cities, historic medieval towns, glacier lakes, snow capped mountains, a modern monastery and beautiful countryside landscapes.
Full Romania Road Trip Travel Vlog Series:
Exploring Dobrogea | (Romania's Danube Delta and More!)
Come and discover the amazing sights that I saw during my trip to Romania's Dobrogea region! ▾ // See more details below // ▾
Thanks to Alex Chacon for the drone shots!
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[ V I D E O ]
▸ Background Music:
~ Outside by Ikson
~ Longest Days by Baoj
~ Summer Vibes by Simon More
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▸ Editing Software: Final Cut Pro (Apple)
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[ A B O U T ]
I am Aileen Adalid. At 21, I quit my corporate job in the Philippines to travel the world. Today, I am a digital nomad and entrepreneur living a sustainable travel lifestyle.
My mission? To show you that a life of travel is NOT only for the rich and that it is absolutely possible to explore the globe no matter the odds that there may be — take it from me who was born in a third world country with a limited passport (and who also used to be broke ✌????).
As such, I will help you achieve your travel goals through my detailed travel guides, resources, and tips. But above all, I hope that my story and my videos will inspire you to go after your dreams!
So come with me on this crazy journey as I bring the world to you! Adventure, fun, inspiration, and tips — you'll find it all here.
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#AileenInRomania #ExploreDobrogea
SFÂNTU GHEORGHE - Travel Guide (Danube Delta, Tulcea County, Romania)
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Situat la vărsarea Brațului Sfântu Gheorghe în Dunăre comuna Sfântu Gheorghe este una din destinațiile turistice cele mai importante ale Deltei Dunării, dar și bază de plecare în ”cucerirea” Deltei. Localitatea a fost întemeiată de ”haholi”, etnici ucraineni, ortodocși pe STIL vechi, urmași ai cazacilor zaporojeni (a nu se confunda cu lipovenii, etnici ruși, ortodocși pe RIT vechi) și găsim în sat tradiții ale lor. De exemplu, biserica satului, Sfântu Gheorghe (cum altfel) își sărbătorește hramul pe stil vechi, odată cu Zilele Comunei. Videoclipul face o incursiune în geografia comunei prezentând reperele și principalele obiective turistice: debarcaderele vaselor clasice de călători (Navrom) și a bărcilor rapide, centrul comunei cu principalele instituții, strada principală care duce la mare, plaja mării situată la circa 2,2 km de centrul comunei și gura de vărsare a Brațului Sfântu Gheorghe în Mare. Acesta din urmă este și singura gură de vărsare accesibilă românilor, turiștii putând sta cu un picior în Dunăre și cu celălalt picior în Mare. Pe malul opus care deja face parte din Rezervația Naturală Sacalin, pot fi zărite o mulțime de păsări (inclusiv pelicani). Plaja (la Marea Neagră) are nisipul foarte fin, nu este aglomerată, apa se adâncește foarte încet și nu prea este sărată. Câteva secvențe redau și odiseea călătoriilor cu ”titicarul” din centrul comunei la plajă și invers. De asemenea, videoclipul trece în revistă câteva facilități turistice, dintre care, probabil cel mai renumit, este Green Village Resort (în stil foarte rustic, dar de mare confort ****). Terenul nisipos al comunei nu permite cultivarea legumelor și probabil nici asfaltarea drumurilor. Clima blândă face din smochini o plantă cotidiană în sat. Dintre reperele turistice al zonei amintim: Rezervația (laguna și peninsula) Sacalin, Rezervația (grindul și pădurea) Caraorman, Rezervația (grindul și pădurea) Letea, orașul Sulina etc.
Located at the spill of the Sfântu Gheorghe Arm in the Danube, Sfântu Gheorghe commune is one of the most important tourist destinations of the Danube Delta, but also a starting point for the conquest of the Delta. The village was founded by Khokhols, ethnic Ukrainians, Orthodox on the old STYLE (time), descendants of the Zaporozhian Cossacks (not to be confused with the Lipovans, Russian ethnics, Orthodox on the old RITE) and we find in their village traditions. For example, the village church, dedicated to Sfântu Gheorghe (St. George) celebrates its old-style dedication, in the same day with the Commune Days. The video makes an incursion into the geography of the commune presenting the landmarks and main tourist objectives: the wharfs for the classic passenger ships (Navrom) and for the fast boats, the center of the commune with the main institutions, the main road leading to the Black Sea, the sea beach located about 2.2 km from the center of the commune and the mouth of the Sfântu Gheorghe Arm in the Sea. The latter is the only spill accessible to Romanians and the tourists can stay with one foot in the Danube and the other foot in the Sea. On the opposite bank, which is part of the Sacalin Nature Reserve, a lot of birds (including pelicans) can be spotted. The beach (at the Black Sea) has very fine sand, is not crowded, the water sinks very slowly and is not very salty. Some sequences also reproduce the odyssey of trips with the titicar from the center of the commune to the beach and vice versa. Also, the video reviews some tourist facilities, of which, probably the most famous, is Green Village Resort (in a very rustic style, but with great comfort ****). The sandy terrain of the commune does not allow the cultivation of vegetables and probably nor the asphalting of roads. The mild climate makes figs an usual tree in the village. Of the tourist landmarks of the area we mention: Sacalin Reserve (lagoon and peninsula), Caraorman Reserve (beam and forest), Caraorman Reserve (ridge and forest), Letea Reserve (ridge and forest), Sulina city etc.
Donaudelta Danube Delta Tulcea Rumänien Romania UNESCO
Biosphärenreservat Donaudelta
Das Biosphärenreservat Donaudelta befindet sich im Mündungsgebiet der Donau in das Schwarze Meer. Das Donaudelta stellt nach dem Wolgadelta das zweitgrößte Delta Europas dar und umfasst ein Gebiet von 5800 km², wovon 72 Prozent mit einer Fläche von 4178 km² unter Naturschutz stehen. Diese Fläche liegt zu 82,5 Prozent im rumänischen Teil der Landschaft Dobrudscha sowie zu 17,5 Prozent in der Ukraine.
In dem Biosphärenreservat konnten bisher etwa 5200 Tier- und Pflanzenarten katalogisiert werden.
The Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta, and is the best preserved on the continent. The greater part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania (Tulcea County), while its northern part, on the left bank of the Chilia arm, is situated in Ukraine
chilles - Strings von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Moonlight Sonata (by Beethoven)
von YouTube
Tulcea, Romania, the gateway to Danube Delta
25-26th April 2013
Discover the Danube Delta, Romania
There's more to Romania than Dracula. The Danube Delta is Europe's second largest, and best preserved, river delta. It's also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, thanks to its extraordinary biodiversity. Find out more as our Romanian expert, Olivia, shows you this beautiful corner of her country, which can only be traversed by boat.
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Romania - Food handouts for Danube Delta residents
T/I: 10:27:23
A major operation is underway to bring relief to the people of the Danube Delta in Romania, where poverty and the region's geographical isolation have led to severe shortages of food and medical supplies.
The Red Cross came to the area before Easter with 180-thousand dollars of aid, consisting mostly of food, vegetabe oil, sugar, rice, and flour. On Friday (10/4) the Red Cross distributed 30 tonnes of these goods. The operation will continue through the Easter holiday via boats on the Canals.
Throughout Europe the Danube Delta in Romania is typically characerized as paradise, but for its many elderly residents it's a struggle to survive. Birds flock to its lush shores, colourful flowers blossom on Delta banks and fish flounder about in its waters. But while the Delta may be an ideal place for nature, it is a less than ideal for its people.
Over the last few years hardship has hit Delta residents. Fifteen-thousand people live along the Danube Delta. More than ninety percent of its population are elderly with most of the youth leaving the area for industrialized towns.
The region's downfall came as a result of the 1989 Revolution and the death of communism. The free-market economy that benefitted the rest of the country ended up leaving the Delta behind. There is virtually no transport from the town of Tulcea at the head of the Delta to the Delta canals, leaving many of the local villagers stranded without food, medicine, and sometimes electricity.
MS Red Cross truck arriving at dock;
MS volunteers carrying aid packages to boat;
CU boat with Red Cross flag;
TRACKING SHOT of Delta from boat;
MS birds on river;
MS bird in flight;
MS people rowing in small boat;
WS home by river;
TRACKING SHOT of house by river;
MS Red Cross volunteers carrying goods;
MS Red Cross workers distributing goods in village;
MS yard of house;
MS birds in nest;
MS Red Cross worker distributing goods in village to one old women;
CU woman shows last five pieces of corn that she has;
WS woman at house;
MS local fishermen;
MS red cross workers PULLOUT to WS boat;
MS fisherman rowing to Red Cross boat;
MS fisherman getting oil;
WS sunset in Danube Delta;
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Romania - Tulcea - Danube Delta
Danube Delta Days Tours with Discover Danube Delta
Amazing day out with Discover Danube Delta. Great way to see the largest protected wildlife reserve in Romania and Europe. So beautiful ! Check out more at:
Delta dunării (Romania) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Delta Dunării in Romania.
Most of the Danube Delta is located in Romania where, over the centuries, the Danube has created a wilderness of water, a labyrinth of tributaries, canals, lagoons, lakes, marshes and lowland forests: a wild, primeval landscape dominated by water. The Danube flows across this natural paradise, almost three thousand kilometres to the Black Sea. Measuring four thousand five hundred square kilometres, the Delta acts as a magnet for migratory birds as it is a junction for six migration routes. Over ninety species of fish live in the Delta including sturgeon that are much sought-after due to their black caviar. The summer months bring tropical temperatures with high humidity and the cold winter steppe climate can take the temperature down to minus twenty five degrees. It is then that everything freezes and the Delta ice becomes up to one metre thick. Located on a huge sand bank, the dunes and forest area of Letea is particularly it contains grass and numerous flower varieties. Huge reed islands and dense jungle landscapes alternate with each other and provide a safe habitat for both flora and fauna. It is a world of untamed nature and remarkable transformation. An archaic landscape that is locked within time itself.
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Plimbare Delta Dunarii 2014 ( Discover Romania one day in DANUBE DELTA)
08.12.2010 Travel to Romania - Danube delta Tulcea
Danube delta Tulcea. GPS : 45º 3' 4.9 N / 29º 11' 19 E. More if you visit my travel website .
Danube Delta - Delta Dunarii - Documentary ( English subtitle )
Documentary about Danube Delta now with English subtitles. Enjoy!
Discover Europe’s largest wetland and one of the most beautiful places on Earth on the wonderful Danube Delta Experience. An area of sheer wild beauty surrounded by an abundance of nature, the Danube Delta is a naturalists paradise with endless waterways inhabited by herons, pelicans and cormorants, and narrow canals lined with floating reeds and sparkling water lilies.
The Danube Delta , Romania Tulcea
Relaxing song , The Danube Delta , Romania Tulcea
Delta Dunarii Tulcea - Duna Delta Tulcea - Danube Delta Tulcea - Donaudelta Tulcea
Delta Dunarii Tulcea - Duna Delta Tulcea - Danube Delta Tulcea - Donaudelta Tulcea
Tulcea [ˈtult͜ʃe̯a] ist eine Stadt in Rumänien und Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Kreises Tulcea. Im Jahr 2011 hatte die Stadt an der Donau ungefähr 73.700 Einwohner.
Tulcea liegt am rechten Donauufer, auf sieben Hügeln, genau an der Stelle, an der die Donau eine scharfe Biegung in Richtung Osten bildet. Am gegenüberliegenden Ufer, in der Schlinge der Krümmung, liegt Tudor Vladimirescu, ein ehemals selbstständiger Ort namens Carantena, der heute ein Ortsteil von Tulcea ist. In 15 Kilometer Entfernung befindet sich der Internationale Flughafen Mihail Kogălniceanu.
Von Tulcea aus fahren während der Sommersaison regelmäßig Fahrgastschiffe in das Donaudelta. Diese Schiffstouren werden auch Hotelgästen angeboten, vermittelt und teilweise organisiert.
Ebenfalls bieten von Tulcea aus private Bootsbetreiber eine taxiähniche Überfahrt nach Ismajil in der Ukraine an. Wegen der Formalitäten sollte ein eintägiger Vorlauf eingeplant werden.
Der Hafen wurde wesentlich erweitert.
From Dead Zone to Fertile Delta - The Romanian Danube
The Rebirth Of The Danube Delta (Sep 1997)
Grandiose communist schemes turned the Danube River Delta into a desert-like dust bowl. Now, it's making a promising comeback.
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In the 1980s, Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu decided to transform Europe's richest land into a breadbasket to feed Eastern Europe. Instead, his system of dykes, dams and artificial lakes wreaked massive environmental destruction. By the time of Ceausescu's demise in 1989, 40,000 ha of the Delta had been destroyed. With the disappearance of the fish, birds and rare mammals went the traditional lifestyle of the Lipovenes, ethnic Ukrainians who'd fled Russia, and who relied on the wildlife of the Delta - especially the giant sturgeon. Today, weed-filled fields still remain useless for farming, while fish collecting stations and salt mines lie disused. However, the Delta is making a remarkable recovery, thanks to an innovative World Bank Programme. Birds and plants are returning and although the sturgeon haven't recovered, the Lipovenes believe they too now have a future on the Delta.
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Produced by ABC Australia - Ref 0374
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures
Danube Delta - Complex Turistic Varvara
Casa Vechia Varvara, is a 100 year old fisherman cottage, converted in 2010 into a charming holiday house. The house is located on a hilltop, overlooking the wild marshlands of the Danube Delta. It is situated in a small village, 10-15 mins away from the main port town of Tulcea. The house has its own boat which can be used for fishing, bird-watching or exploring trips, in the amazing wilderness below.
Location: Tulcea, Tulcea County, Southeast Romania
Google Maps:
Phone: +40 756 418 265
Danube Delta Boutique hotel review | Hotels in Tulcea | Romanian Hotels
Find the best hotels in Romania. Going for vacation or business? Looking for smart hotel in Bucharest, or homelike apartments in Brasov? We will help You find great deals and hot prices, depending on your budget and preferences. Use filters and video reviews to get the best offers from Romania hotels.
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