Wreck Varese-Diving Center Hippocampus Pula,Croatia
Diving on wreck of the Italian merchant steamship Varese. Everyone is welcome!
Diving Croatia Pula
Diving in Pula Croatia July 2014. How to sum up Croatia. A beautiful country, amazing food and wine. Sunshine with spectacular storms. Close enough to Venice for a day trip. People friendly enough though an Eastern European gruffness that can take you back a bit. The diving............mmm......lets just say its not Egypt, more like Malta without the wrecks. Warm clear water about 20 metre vis. Fished out but then so is the Med. Easy diving that will bore the experienced.
Hippocampus Dive Center, Bi Village Fazana, Croatia.
Scuba Diving center near Brijuni National Park
Pula Diving, Croatia
Fraskeric, very beautiful divesite with 4 tunnels, where you can dive through it, in depth beetween 3 and 18m. Max. Depth 26m. With additional small caves. Filmed by fotosub.hr
Pula Diving 2017
Dive spot Jarbol , depth 15m, max depth 20m. Diving with Diving Pula
Music: Lil Sokz - Deep Blue Sea (
Pula House Reef Dive Orca May 2016
Padi scuba dive with Orca Dive Centre, House Reef, Pula, Croatia.
Poor visibility, rough difficult currents to maintain buoyancy, busy pleasure boats overhead. Nothing to see down there but sea slugs :(
Hippocampus diving center part 2/2
Diving center in Pula,Istria,Croatia
Hippocampus diving center part 1/2
Diving center in Pula,Istria,Croatia
Apnea Tunnel Diving in Pula, Croatia #1
Elisabeth Kristoffersen diving a tunnel in Pula, Croatia, on a single breath.
Dives on Luana, Varese & Fraskeric.wmv
Dive site in Banjole, Istria, Croatia, Europe
Ronjenje kod Zlatnih Stijena, Pula.
Croatia Pula 2015 vacation and diving GoPro HD
Kurztrip nach Kroatien / Pula zum Tauchen
Scuba in Croatia!
Open water scuba class in Pula, Croatia. Great weekend with amazing people learning the basics of Scuba diving. JUST DIVE!
Dives with Fishdog
Dive sites in Banjole, Istria, Croatia, Europe
Hippocampus Diving Centar
EN - Hippocampus diving center is located on two different locations, in the autocamp of Stoja in Pula, and in holiday center of Bi village near Fažana. If you would like to reveal the beauty of the Istrian sea bed, Hippocampus diving center is the ideal starting point for diving. If you would like to start a diving course or to dive to some of the most famous scuttled ships in Istrian underwater like Baron Gautsch, Submarine, Varese, Draga you're welcome to come at our place. If you are more attracted to diving by the walls or tunnels, nigt dives or caves you are again on the right place because we have several such destinations in our offer.
The center itself is surrounded by the rich pine wood and close by a pebble beach, ideal for the begginers who want to dive for the first time or to begin with the diving school ( PADI, CMAS, UDI ).
We know that safety and a serious approach are the most important for the untensioned and relaxed diving, and for that reason we have taken special care for this matter. Above all, our priorities are quality choice and education of the guides, and quality preparation before the dive
GER - Der Hippocampus Tauchzentrum befindet sich auf zwei Lokationen - im Autocamp Stoja (Pula) und im Ferienzentrum Bi village in der Nähe von Fažana. Falls Sie die Schönheiten des istrischen Meersgrundes entdecken möchten, das Tauchzentrum ist der ideale Startpunkt, wenn sie einen Tauchkurs anfangen oder die berühmte Wracks Istriens wie zum Beispiel Baron Gautsch, U-boot, Varese, Draga erobern möchten. Falls Sie das Tieftauchen entlang die Wände des Felsens und Meerestunnel genießen möchten, wir bieten sehr interessante Tauchdestinationen an.
Das Tauchzentrum liegt am Meer, eingebettet in einem üppigen Pinienwald, in der Nähe eines Kiesstrandes, der ideal für Tauchanfänger als auch für denen, die einen Kurs ( PADI, CMAS, UDI ) zum ersten Mal anfangen möchten.
Sicherheit und fachmännische Betreuung sind die Grundlagen eines entspannten Tauchganges, deshalb achten wir besonders darauf. Dabei achten wir besonders auf eine gute Ausrüstung, erfahrene Instruktors sowie eine fachmännische Beratung bevor des Tauchganges.
ITA - Il centro subacqueo Hippocampus si trova in due diverse posizioni, nell'autocampeggio di Stoja, a Pola e a centro vacanze Bi village, vicino Fažana. Se volete scoprire le bellezze del fondo marino istriano, il centro subacqueo Hippocampus e' il punto di partenza ideale per iniziare un corso per l'addestramento alla subacquea oppure per immergersi alla scoperta di relitti rinomati dell'Istria quali Baron Gautsch, Sottomarino, Varese, Draga. Se vi attraggono le immersioni lungo le pareti o tunnel marini, paretti, immersioni notturne siete al posto giusto, poiché abbiamo in offerta interessanti destinazioni anche di questo tipo.
Il centro e' immerso nel verde della pineta in vicinanza della spiaggia di ghiaia che e' ideale per i principianti che fanno immersioni per la prima volta o vogliono fare un corso ( PADI, CMAS, UDI ).
Teniamo specialmente conto della sicurezza e professionalità, poiché sono i requisiti indispensabili per un'immersione tranquilla. A questo scopo le nostre guide e istruttori detengono i più alti brevetti e prestano attenzione a una buona preparazione prima dell'immersione.
CRO - Hippocampus ronilački centar nalazi se na dvije različite lokacije, u autokampu Stoja u Puli i u turističkom naselju Bi village kraj Fažane. Ukoliko želite otkriti ljepote istarskog podmorja, ronilački centar Hippocampus idealna je ishodišna točka, bilo da želite započeti tečaj ronjenja ili zaroniti do nekih od najpoznatijih potopljenih brodova Istre kao što su Baron Gautsch, Podmornica,Varese, etc. Ukoliko vas privlači ronjenje uz zidove ili tunele opet ste na pravom mjestu jer u našoj ponudi imamo nekoliko takvih ronilačkih destinacija. Ronilački centar okružen je gustom borovom šumom nedaleko od šljunčane plaže koja je idealna za početnike koji žele zaroniti po prvi puta ili započeti sa školom ronjenja ( PADI, CMAS, UDI ). Znamo da su sigurnost i ozbiljan pristup ključni elementi opuštenog ronjenja, stoga smo tim segmentima posvetili posebnu pažnju. Prije svega tu mislimo na kvalitetan odabir i školovanje vodiča, te na kvalitetnu pripremu prije urona.
20070428_Pula_Fraškerič Night Scuba Diving
Croatia Pula Fraškerič Night Scuba Diving
20070427_Pula_Punta Verudela Scuba Diving
Croatia Pula Punta Verudela Scuba Diving
Pula Juni 2012
Marinbiologische Woche in Pula
Plongées en Istrie - août 2015
Deux semaines de visite et de plongée en Istrie, péninsule au nord-ouest de la Croatie, à forte influence italienne.
Les plongées ont eu lieu autour de Pula et de Vrsar.
Remerciements aux clubs de :
20080629 Pula ERD Luana Wreck Diving
Croatia Pula ERD Luana Wreck Diving