Djurdjevi Stupovi Berane.mp4
Manastir Djurdjevi Stupovi, sjediste Episkopije Budimljanjsko - Niksicke Манастир Ђурђеви Ступови, сједисте Епископије Будимљањско Никшићке
Сопоћани - Ђурђеви Ступови - Петрова Црква - Градац
25. 06. 2017. Посета манастирима Сопоћани, Ђурђеви Ступови, Петровој Цркви у Расу, и Манастиру Градац / The visit to Sopoćani, and Đurđevi Stupovi monasteries, Peter's Church in Ras, and Gradac Monastery
Monastery Dobrilovina - монастырь Добриловина
Красивый и живописный монастырь в горах Черногории -Dobrilovina.
43°01′41.01″N 19°24′03.21″E
Заказать тур по православным местам в Черногории +38268555322 Вайбер или вацап
800 Godina manastira Djurdjevi Stupovi Berane - Montaza bine 3
Hotel Luka's, Berane, Montenegro HD review
Hotel Luka's - Book it now! Save up to 20% -
Situated in a quiet zone, 1,641 feet from the centre of Berane, Hotel Luka's offers an on-site restaurant and coffee bar, free Wi-Fi and free parking. The Ski Centre Lokve is 6.2 miles away.
All rooms are simply furnished and offer a flat-screen TV with cable channels and a desk with a chair. Private bathroom offers a shower.
Guests can make use of a free laptop, at their disposal if requested. A safety deposit box is available at the front desk, while laundry and ironing services are available as well. There is a grocery store 657 feet away.
The Medieval Monastery Đurđevi Stupovi can be reached in a few steps. Mountain Bjelasica and National Park Biogradska Gora are 15.5 miles away.
The Main Bus Station is 985 feet from the property, while the Train Station can be found in 30 km, in Bijelo Polje.
You can also enjoy a ton of FREE perks during your stay, like Wi-Fi and parking.
Manastir Djurdjevi stupovi
Berane - Hram Sv. Simeona Mirotočivog
Донаторско вече за изградњу Храма Св. Симеона Мироточивог
Manastir Šudikova- Budimlja
Manastir ĆELIJE/Kaludra/ na sv. Luku
Manastir Samograd
Манастир Самоград
Самоград датира из раног хришћанског периода (IV - VI век нове ере). То је јединствен манастирски простор на којем се налазе остаци зидина двије цркве, од којих је једна из ранохришћанског периода, а друга саборног типа, очигледно моравског стила из периода Немањића. Манастирски простор обухвата 1,2 хектара, терасастог облика у три нивоа, а окружен је са седам стијена (кликова) који се уздижу у висину од 40 до 80 метара, правилно распоређених у круг. Видни су остаци бедема између кликова. У неким документима се још назива седмоклики град или камен-град. Помиње се податак да је Самоград био јак духовни културни и економски центар све до најезде Османлија када је по неким подацима похаран и спаљен 1452-1454. године.
Манастир Самоград je посвећен Св. Великомученику и исцјелитељу Пантелејмону.
Montenegro Travel to Visitor Mountain
Visitor/Goles/Zeletin/Greben mountain range is located between Komovi Mt and Prokletije Mt ranges, above the town and lake of Plav, in gigantic eastern mountains of Montenegro. The mountainous eco system of the breathtaking Montenegrin Prokletije Mountains belong to the Plav Municipality and features mountainous and high-mountainous habitats of Karanfil, Vezirova brada, Maja Kolata, Maja Rosit, Bogićevica Mountain, Trojan Mountain, Volušnica, Karaula, Popadija, Zastan, Vizitor and Greben, rivers of Grnčar, Vruja, Trokutska Rijeka, Ljuča, Lim and Dolja and valleys of Grbaja and Ropojana and others. Eco research of the Montenegrin Prokletije Mountains area carried out so far does prove particular zones that attributes extraordinary harsh scenery and unreal beautiful landscapes, as well as rich biodiversity and it is known that Prokletije Mountains-Accursed Mountains are considered the second most glacial mountains of Europe, after the Alps. Those Prokletije eco zones include Bjelič, Bogićevica Mountain, Karanfil, Karaula, area between Ropojane and Grbaja Valleys, Popadija, Trojan, river basins of Grlja and Ropojana with Ali-pasha s Springs, Grbaja and Dolja, Grnčar and Ljuča and Plav Lake, as well as zone of the Hrid and Vizitor Lakes with their immediate surroundings and the Zone of Volušnica peak. The surrounding lush mountain forests add special beauty of this area, which also feature wonderful mountainous lakes rich in various wild game and numerous medicinal herbs.
Cultural Heritage of Plav and surroundings date from the prehistorical period, the Roman and Illyric eras, as well as the Medieval Ages and the period of the Turkish conquest and prove the uniquely rich cultural diversity. In the Medieval times through Plav led the caravan roads from the Adriatic area of Kotor Bay to the Constantinople. The most significant sites, places of interest and cultural-historical monuments of Plav are the wonderfully preserved Old Mosque, the Kula Redzepagica – Redzepagic Tower with its amazing collections /one of the most monumental and impressive kulas – towers in the Balkans/, the Saint Trinity Monastery in Brezojevica village, the Vizier Mosque in Gusinje, remains of old strongholds and towns, Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery in Berane… The Redžepagić Mosque Plav was built for gratitude to her father in 1774 by Fatima, daughter of Redzep aga and wife of the Scadar vizier Kara Mahmud pasha Bushatlija who constructed the Gusinje Mosque in 1765. The interior of the Redžepagić Mosque, located in the center of Plav beside the Redzepagic Tower, is adorned with woodcarving, while the wooden minaret is 14 meters high. The Old Tzar Mosque in Plav is the oldest mosque in the area of Plav and Gusinje, which has been protected as the monument of culture. It has been built in 1471 on the ramparts and remains of the former stronghold of Dizdar grad – fortification of Dizdar. Until the reconstruction, the Old Tzar Mosque used to have wooden roof – shingle roof and the 10 meters high wooden minaret. The Old Tzar Mosque in Plav features very interesting architecture, especially distinguished woodcarving and arabesques, and was called the asker mosque – the military mosque, as was built and used for services of the military stationed in the stronghold. The Šabović Mosque in Plav has been built in 1900. by sons of Jakub Fer – Hasan aga, Muhammed, Omer, Emin and Aguš. It was built by hewn stone, without wooden parts. The minaret was constructed from wood and is 7 meters high. The interior of the Šabović Mosque in Plav is richly adorned with wood-carved wooden elements, and colorful ceiling is specially interesting. The Sultanija Mosque in the center of Plav has been built by the Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1907. Constructors from Debar built this mosque from 1900-1910 from hewn stone, that was connected with lead. It is assumed that they builders added egg mixture into the mortar in order to achieve the additional strength and consistence of 1 meter thick walls. The Sultanija Mosque in Plav during time was used as school, and for some time was turned into the police building, to be returned to the Islamic community in 1991.
The beautiful range of Visitor-Goles-Zeletin-Greben consists of four mountains connected – Visitor (2211 m), Goles (2033 m), Zeletin (2112 m) and Greben (2196 m).
Thank you for watching (c)
Proslava 800 godina manastira Đurđevi Stupovi - Berane
Proslava 800 godina manastira Đurđevi Stupovi - Berane (Hriste Bože) Прослава 800 година манастира Ђурђеви Ступови - Беране (Христе Боже)
Čuvari svetinje, kraća verzija
Серијал РТС-а Чувари светиње говори о хиландарским монасима у Хиландару и ван њега. Епизода из 2006.год снимљена је у српском православном манастиру Калудра са јеромонахом Онуфријем пострижником Светог Манастира Хиландара. Постоји краћа верзија (која је овде) и дужа у којој је и разговор са игуманом манастира Калудра, јеромонахом Онуфријем.
STAZE - Kaludra i stare srpske crkve iz 14. veka
Proslava 800 godina manastira Đurđevi Stupovi - Berane (vatromet)
Proslava 800 godina manastira Đurđevi Stupovi - Berane (vatromet) Прослава 800 година манастира Ђурђеви Ступови - Беране (ватромет)
Zwrlemezzo - Manastir Liplje
The music is Zemja - Mizar. I do not own any rights to this music. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
Camera, dron, editing: Zdravko Radić Zwrle
Pivski Manastir - Manastir PIVA
4 km od grada naselja Pluzine u Crnoj Gori. Sa glavnog puta ,od skretanja samo 500 m do njega.
History of Serbian Orthodox Church: Every Year (1219 - 2020)
On 6th December 2019 Serbian Orthodox Church celebrated 800 years of autocephaly, and on 30th August 2020 will be 100th anniversary of restoration of Serbian Patriarchate.
To make things clear, territory under control/jurisdiction of Serbian Orthodox Church during the most time doesn't match with the territory of Serbian state.
This video for sure has some mistakes since there are not that much sources, or there are several different informations about some things, so they are just hypothesis (for example, there weren't given concrete years, but instead only periods). Also, there were probably some mistakes during the making of this video.
I should mention that Serbian historian from 19th century and member of historian school which speaks that Serbs and other Slavs are natives on the Balkans, Miloš Milojević, says that Serbs were Christians before 9th century, and that they already had two archbishoprics in 8th century (one in Solin, today's Split, and other in Prevala, on mountain of Šar/Šar-Planina). Although I support this theory, I can't say that this is correct, since there are maybe not that much proves. However, one prove can be seal of Serbian duke/emperor, Strojimir/Strojilo, ( on which we can see Patriarchal cross, or Double cross, with which are mostly represented kings, emperors, archbishops, or patriarchs. For example:
Source of this theory: (video on Serbian language, without captions)
Anyways, Christianity was present on the Balkans since the Apostolic time (1st century), and one of the proves of it is even Bible: the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ. (Romans 15:19) So, if Slavs lived on the Balkans before 7th century (if Illyrians were Slavs), then some South Slavs could have been Christians since 1st century AD, and it Christianity could have been state religion before 9th century.
-SP- Serbian Patriarchate
-FSOC - Free Serbian Orthodox Church
Minor Eparchies:
1. Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
2. Eparchy of Mukachevo and Prešov
3. Eparchy of Prešov
4. Metropolitanate of Belgrade and Karlovci
5. Metropolitanate of Skoplje
6. Eparchy of Strumica
7. Eparchy of Debar and Kičevo
8. Metropolitanate of Libertyville and Chicago
9. Eparchy of Frankfurt and all of Germany
10. Eparchy of Düsseldorf and Germany
Monasteries that weren't named (from north to south):
- Privina Glava
- Banja (represented on the place of Rača)
- Žiča
- Studenica
- St. Nicholas (Kuršumlija)
- Đurđevi Stupovi (Berane)
- St. Nicetas