Dnipropetrovsk art museum 100 years
Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum Rembrandt 2007
Dnipro – outpost of Ukraine VR version
Unic film “Dnipro – outpost of Ukraine” in half of hour reveals on emotional information levels all aspects of the terrible Russian-Ukrainian war that has begun in 2014 and continues to this day …
Project history: the First ATO Museum in Ukraine was opened in Dnipro in 2017. A unique for Ukrainian museums 360 degree panoramic movie theater was created there. The premiere of the movie “Dnipro - Outpost of Ukraine” took place at the opening of the museum. The film caused a great deal of resonance, the Museum quickly became a protocol location, and the English version of “Dnipro - outpost of Ukraine’’ was launched at numerous requests of foreign delegations and was presented in 2018. These are the world's first 360 degree panoramic films made mostly from documentary chronicles that have been watched by over 250,000 people. Ambassadors from different countries, foreign ministers, MEPs and other distinguished foreign guests raised the same question after watching the film - how can this be shown to our peoples? So the idea was to convert this movie into a virtual reality format so that it could be watched anywhere on the planet.
“These half an hour video will show what is happening in our times in the center of Europe. The entire team that worked on the project was directly involved with these events, every minute of the movie went through our hearts. I believe that art can change the world for the better.”
Natalia Khazan, film producer, volunteer.
“Being a professional filmmaker, I went to the front in the medical battalion and made videos. For creating this film, I have looked at hundreds of hours of Western and Ukrainian chronicles, technically and emotionally it is a very complex project. But the reaction of viewers from Ukraine and other countries says that the main goal we set for ourselves has been achieved”
Yevhen Titarenko, film director, a medical battalion fighter.
Film director: Yevhen Titarenko
VR designer: Konstantin Knyupa
Sound design: Ivan Ogloblin, Maxim Prodan
Producer: Natalia Khazan
Supported by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine
dancing ( I do not own any rights to this music )
“The Mighty Dnipro Roars” (РЕВЕ ТА СТОГНЕ) UBC / УКБімТШ bandura video
composed by Hryhory Kytasty / lyrics by Taras Shevchenko
Oleh Mahlay, artistic director and conductor
музика Григорія Китастого / слова Тарас Шевченка
Олег Махлай, мистецький керівник та диригент
Live Performance: “Sounds of Spring” UBC concert.
Cleveland Museum of Art – Cleveland, Ohio – April 21, 2013
Produced by: Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
Filmed and edited by: Video Memories, LLC
Sound by: Andrij Birko
Graphics and packaging by: Andrew Zwarych
To learn more about the bandura and the UBC, go to bandura.org.
SONG SYNOPSIS: The wide Dnipro River moans and groans during the storm, with the wicked wind bending the willows to the ground and raising the waters into mountain-high waves. Before dawn, it becomes silent, and only the owls can be heard calling to each other. This popular Ukrainian melody is attributed to Danylo Kryzhanivsky (1856-1894) and composed for male chorus with bandura accompaniment by Hryhory Kytasty (1907 – 1984), the legendary artistic director and conductor of the UBC.
Українська Капеля Бандуристів була зорганізована в Києві у 1918 р., у час короткого, але світлого періоду існування незалежної Української Держави. Ідеали бандуристів - Бог, правда, воля та гідність людини – оспівувані у їх думах та піснях, для нової влади більшовиків, що окупувала Україну, були прямою загрозою їх безбожному режимові. У Радянському Союзі, за Сталіна, було заморено штучним голодом сім мільйонів українських селян-хліборобів і було репресовано велику масу української інтелігенції та діячів культури, включно з бандуристами, щоб терором викорінити
усі прояви української національної культури.
Тим небагатьом членам Капелі Бандуристів, яким пощастило пережити сталінський терор, судилось ще пережити і нацистський терор у період Другої Світової Війни. Однак патріотичні ідеї і традиції українського кобзарства було збережено. Від 1941року, капеля носить ім’я Української Капеля Бандуристів імени Тараса Шевченка. Після війни, Капеля емігрувала до США у 1949 р.
З часу прибуття до берегів Північної Америки, Капеля дала понад 600 концертів, побувала з концертними гастролями в тринадцяти країнах на трьох континентах і має в своєму репертуарі понад 500 творів для хору і бандур. Крім концертової діяльности, Капеля щорічно організовує
музичний табір «Кобзарська Січ» та інші семінари вдосконалення техніки гри на бандурі.
Українська Капеля Бандуристів ім. Тараса Шевченка є лауреатом шевченківьскої державної премії.
Driven by passion, tradition, and history,the all-male Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (UBC) preserves and exemplifies its mission as ambassadors of Ukrainian culture, music and the unique 60 stringed instrument, the bandura. Formed in Kyiv in 1918, the UBC survived both Soviet and Nazi occupations and since 1949 has enjoyed the freedom of artistic expression in North America. Boasting a repertoire of more than 500 songs, this internationally celebrated ensemble has performed at such well known concert venues as Carnegie Hall, the Kyiv Opera House, Kennedy Center, the Notre Dame Cathedral and Massey Hall.
Art Gallery of painting, National exhibition of Painting IN UKRAINE #hrantart Hovsepyan Hrant
National exhibition of Painting and Sculpture ARMENIAN ARTISTS IN UKRAINE #hrantart Hovsepyan Hrant, Dnepropetrovsk, works in the style of painting.
Prized Mykhailo Panin Painting Returns to Ukraine
For a first time in recent history paintings stolen by the Nazis will return to Ukraine. Washington will hand over the work of Mykhailo Panin which had previously been in the possession of the Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum. Why this particular painting is so unique and the reason it took a whole special operation by the FBI to bring it back?
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Oleksandr Murashko | Virtual Museum Tour
The works of Oleksandr Murashko glorified not only the artist but Ukraine as well. Ukrainian avant-garde art reached a new international level
Koryo-saram in Ukraine - Dnepropetrovsk channel51
Корейський фотограф
우크라이나 드니프로 채널51 / 2017년1월30일 17시30분
이 영상은 2017년1월21일 우크라이나 드니프로 채널51 방송국에서 우크라이나 고려사람을 촬영 중인 정성태 작가를 취재하고 인터뷰한 방송분이다.
In Dnipropetrovsk Region Presents Village School of New Generation
Learning biology using 3D models and having master classes instead of regular art lessons. All of this is now the new normal at a reconstructed village school in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
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Ukrainian town changes name
(24 May 2016) Ukraine's central industrial city of Dnipropetrovsk is being renamed after Ukraine's parliament voted in favour of the move.
Dnipropetrovsk, named in honour of Soviet statesman Grigory Petrovsky, will be renamed Dnipro, after the river the city sits beside.
On Tuesday, workers began removing a large concrete sign at the entrance to the city.
The city's mayor said he believed the majority of the city's population of one million were against the move.
But many welcome the name change, seeing it as a move away from Ukraine's community past.
Petrovsky is blamed by many for the man-made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s.
Ukraine's parliament has approved a package of so-called decommunisation laws, including the renaming of cities, towns and villages to their pre-Soviet names.
The next big city on the Dnipro river is Dniprodzherdzhynsk, now known as Kamyanske.
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Ukraine Dnipro Cube: Art project to help internally displaced people in Donbas
Art created for awareness. A giant see-through cube filled with over eight hundred kilograms of used clothing now stands in the middle of a train station in Dnipro. The installation by the label of Without a Place was built in just three days.
It is one of the exhibits featured during the Construction festival that runs until June 5th. Creators say it is dedicated to the internally displaced people in Ukraine.
The giant cube also serves as a reminder to donate used clothing and supplies to those in need. The clothing from the cube will be donated at the end of the art festival
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British Crown in Dnipropetrovsk Region
What could a Ukrainian village have to do with the British Crown? At first glance, not much. Until one gets a glimpse of this village's council building, which features a giant portrait of Queen Elizabeth on one of its walls. To find out how it got there and why our journalists went to the village and met the locals.
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20191117 Oleg Antonov State Aviation Museum Kiev, Ukraine
Oleg Antonov State Aviation Museum Kiev, Ukraine.
Государственный музей авиации О.К. Антонова в Киеве, Украина
Державний музей авіації імені О. К. Антонова.
Петриківський Розпис
Фестиваль Мистецькі Барви
Місто- Київ
Місце- Екпоцентр
16ого Серпня, 2011
Petrykivskyj Rozpyc is a single-stoke style of painting done in the town of Petrykivka in Eastern Ukraine, which is part of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Ukraine Exists: UN opens its doors for an art exhibition
The United Nations Headquarters in New York - a high-security facility, which opens its doors overtime under very special circumstances.
The UN is hosting the first art exhibition about Ukraine since the Maidan. And it isn't light-weight - almost 14 hundred kilograms of art objects, pictures and installations brought from Ukraine by Taras Topolya and his colleagues.
In his previous life he was a musician and a front-man of a popular Ukrainian rock-band Antytila. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Taras now lives between Kyiv and the combat zone in Eastern Ukraine. He is now not just a rock-star but also a famous volunteer. The exhibit Ukraine exists is his dream come to life.
It took hundreds of appointments, tons of petitions and fundraising to bring the art exhibition to New York City.
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Trip in Dnipropetrovsk, august 2007
Vasya and Stasya
the trip to the tattoo mania festival in Dnipropetrovsk (23-24.04.16)
camera : gopro hero 3
soft : sony vegas pro 10
soundtracks :
Detz – November
Rise Against – Tragedy+ Time
Казацкий - Хутор Галушкивка, с. Гречаное Петриковского р-на Днепропетровской области, музей.
Дорогие рукодельницы! Возможно, это видео вдохновит вас на новые интересные проекты. А может кто-то захочет увидеть всю эту красоту в живую и отправится в путешествие.
В видео звучат украинские народные песни в исполнении группы КРАЯНИ г. Полтава.
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Discover Dnipro(Дніпро́), Ukraine during weekends |travel vlog | 第聂伯罗 |
Discover Dnipro(Дніпро́), Ukraine during weekends.
Hope you enjoy this vlog style video i filmed with in Dnipro, Ukraine! I had such an amazing trip, more summer videos to come...
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