Best Attractions & Things to do in Dnipropetrovsk , Ukraine
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Dnipropetrovsk . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Dnipropetrovsk.
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List of Best Things to do in Dnipropetrovsk
Menorah Centre
Taras Shevchenko Park
Karl Marx Prospect
Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum
Lazar Globa Park
Battle for Dnieper Diorama
Saviour Transfiguration Cathedral
Eternal Glory Memorial
Dnipropetrovsk Planetarium
Dnipro – outpost of Ukraine VR version
Unic film “Dnipro – outpost of Ukraine” in half of hour reveals on emotional information levels all aspects of the terrible Russian-Ukrainian war that has begun in 2014 and continues to this day …
Project history: the First ATO Museum in Ukraine was opened in Dnipro in 2017. A unique for Ukrainian museums 360 degree panoramic movie theater was created there. The premiere of the movie “Dnipro - Outpost of Ukraine” took place at the opening of the museum. The film caused a great deal of resonance, the Museum quickly became a protocol location, and the English version of “Dnipro - outpost of Ukraine’’ was launched at numerous requests of foreign delegations and was presented in 2018. These are the world's first 360 degree panoramic films made mostly from documentary chronicles that have been watched by over 250,000 people. Ambassadors from different countries, foreign ministers, MEPs and other distinguished foreign guests raised the same question after watching the film - how can this be shown to our peoples? So the idea was to convert this movie into a virtual reality format so that it could be watched anywhere on the planet.
“These half an hour video will show what is happening in our times in the center of Europe. The entire team that worked on the project was directly involved with these events, every minute of the movie went through our hearts. I believe that art can change the world for the better.”
Natalia Khazan, film producer, volunteer.
“Being a professional filmmaker, I went to the front in the medical battalion and made videos. For creating this film, I have looked at hundreds of hours of Western and Ukrainian chronicles, technically and emotionally it is a very complex project. But the reaction of viewers from Ukraine and other countries says that the main goal we set for ourselves has been achieved”
Yevhen Titarenko, film director, a medical battalion fighter.
Film director: Yevhen Titarenko
VR designer: Konstantin Knyupa
Sound design: Ivan Ogloblin, Maxim Prodan
Producer: Natalia Khazan
Supported by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum
An Englishman in Dnipro - Ukraine ????????
I recently found myself enjoying a long weekend in Dnipro - Ukraine. - This is Ukraine's Industrial hub. I get to Experience some of Dnipro's best restaurants, nightlife, museums and attractions.
I’m documenting a lot of videos lately simply for prosperity purposes - Its fantastic that I can share those experiences also via YouTube.
Thank you kindly for watching, commenting, liking and even sharing these videos I try to respond to every comment (good and bad).
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I booked a lot of my accommodation in Ukraine through Airbnb, Booking . com and Dobovo.
If you would like a free travel credit please help me and help yourself by using the following links - each will give you Free Travel Credit when you sign up Usually between $20-$50 depending on where you are from.
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Taras Shevchenko Wiki Link I promised you :) -
Video Shot and Edited with an iPhone -
Films & Music used in the Video
Sting - An Englishman in New York -
The X-Files -
Eyes Wide Shut -
Constantine -
Friends - The One with the Whole Wedding in London -
Ace Ventura - Pet Detective -
The Big Bad Wolf -
David Bowie - Little Wonder -
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey -
Cheers -
The Man with Two Brains -
Back to the Future Part 2 -
The Time Machine -
T-34 -
Black Pigeon Speaks -
Pirates of the Caribbean -
Captain Planet -
Syriana -
They Live -
War of the Worlds -
The Twilight Zone -
【K】Ukraine Travel-Kiev[우크라이나 여행-키예프]페체르스카야 동굴 대수도원/Pechersk Lavra/Abbey/Cave/Church/Dnieper River
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[한국어 정보]
시내엔 슬라비 민족의 중심이었던 키예프 공국을 상징하는 두개의 건축물이 있다. 소피아성당과 동굴대수도원이다. 드네푸르강 절벽 언덕위에 위치한 동굴대수도원 유일하게 남은 입구인 삼위일체 교회를 통과하니 마치 작은 마을과도 같은 풍경이 펼쳐졌다. 이곳은 1051년 동굴에서 수도 생활을 하던 두 명의 수도승이 동굴위에 사원을 지은 데서 기원했다. 이후 900년에 걸쳐 여러 교회와 수도원 건물이 들어서며 마을처럼 군락을 이룬 현재의 모습을 갖추게 됐다. 수도원이 생길 당시는 키예프 공국이 영토를 확장하고 그리스 정교가 급속히 퍼져나가던 시기였다. 사회문화적으로 절정기를 맞았던 키예프 공국. 그 영광의 흔적은 수도원 곳곳에 남아있다. 이 위대한 문화유산 역시 2차 대전 중 폭격으로 파괴되었다가 우크라이나의 독립과 함께 복원되었다.
[English: Google Translator]
City yen There are two buildings that symbolize the center of Kiev principality was the Slaviero nation. The Sophia Cathedral and Abbey Caves. Dnepropetrovsk Darfur river cliff hill do you pass the cave entrance only remaining abbey church of the Trinity is located on the same landscape was spread out like a small village. Here are two sisters who also live in the caves in 1051 was the origin deseo built over the cave temples. After over 900 years of building churches and monasteries deuleoseomyeo equip the current figure was achieved as a colony village. At the time this monastery was time to extend this lead in Kyiv Principality territory and Greek Orthodox swinger spread rapidly. Social and cultural heyday was right in the Kiev principality. That has left a trail of glory to the monastery and there. This great cultural heritage was also destroyed by bombing during World War II was restored with the independence of Ukraine.
[Ukrainian: Google Translator]
Місто ієн Є дві будівлі, які символізують центрі Києва князівства народ Slaviero. Софійський собор і монастир Печерський. Дніпропетровськ Дарфур річки скелі пагорб ви пройти вхід до печери єдиний залишився абатство церква Трійці знаходиться на такій же пейзаж було поширене, як в маленькому селі. Ось дві сестри, які живуть в печерах в 1051 був походження Deseo побудований на печерних храмів. Після більш ніж 900 років будівельних церков і монастирів deuleoseomyeo обладнати поточний показник був досягнутий в колонії селища. У той час цей монастир був час, щоб продовжити цей провід на території Києво князівства і грецької православної громадини швидко поширюватися. Соціальна та культурна розквіту був правий у князівстві Київському. Це залишило слід слави монастиря і там. Це велика культурна спадщина також був зруйнований в результаті бомбардувань під час Другої світової війни був відновлений з незалежністю України.
■클립명: 유럽102-우크라이나01-10 페체르스카야 동굴 대수도원/Pechersk Lavra/Abbey/Cave/Church/Dnieper River
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 노홍석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,우크라이나,Ukraine,,,노홍석,2006,10월 October
UJE at the 5th Triennial All-Ukrainian Museum Festival, Dnipro, Ukraine, Septmber 20, 2018 (Short)
The Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter had a high-profile presence at the triennial Festival of Ukrainian Museums, which took place at the Dnipro National Historical Museum 18-24 September 2018. UJE’s participation included a lively roundtable discussion, animated by UJE Co-Director Alti Rodal and UJE Board member Berel Rodal, the purpose of which was to explore the level of interest of Ukrainian museum directors in treating Ukrainian-Jewish history and heritage in their museums. UJE’s presentation included sharing with the roundtable participants the results of exploratory meetings during the summer with directors of twelve regional museums in western and central Ukraine, and current plans for an exhibit at the Lviv Historical Museum in the spring and summer of 2019. Some sixty directors of museums from across Ukraine, public figures, students, and media evinced keen interest in mounting such exhibits in their regions and would welcome a UJE role in this regard.
UJE’s booth at the Festival enabled participants and visitors to become better acquainted with UJE, and to obtain UJE-supported publications. Featured was the recently published book, authored by UJE Co-Director Alti Rodal, A Journey Through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: from Antiquity to 1914, based on a much-praised exhibit that toured Canada in 2015. This book was entered in the festival contest for museum exhibit catalogues and was awarded First Prize. The award was received on behalf of UJE by Vladislav Hrynevych Jr, manager of UJE’s Ukraine office, at the festival’s awards ceremony and closing reception on 24 September 2018.
«Українсько-єврейська зустріч» стала помітним учасником на V Всеукраїнському музейному фестивалі, що відбувся в Дніпропетровському національному історичному музеї ім. Д. Яворницького 18-24 вересня 2018 року. Зокрема співдиректор UJE Алті Родал та член Ради директорів Берел Родал провели жваву дискусію у форматі круглого столу, щоб зрозуміти рівень зацікавленості директорів українських музеїв у представленні українсько-єврейських історії та спадщини у їхніх музеях. Представники UJE поділилися з учасниками круглого столу результатами зустрічей, проведених влітку з директорами дванадцяти регіональних музеїв у Західній і Центральній Україні, та поточними планами організувати виставку у Львівському історичному музеї навесні та влітку 2019 року. Близько шістдесяти директорів музеїв з усієї України, а також громадські діячі, студенти й представники засобів масової інформації виявили великий інтерес до проведення таких виставок у своїх регіонах і підтримали діяльність UJE у цьому напрямі.
Стенд «Українсько-єврейської зустрічі» на фестивалі дав учасникам і відвідувачам змогу краще ознайомитись з її діяльністю та отримати публікації, що їх підтримала ця ініціатива. Особливу увагу привернула нещодавно опублікована книжка авторства співдиректора UJE Алті Родал «Подорож із “Українсько-єврейською зустріччю”: від античності до 1914 року». В основу цієї публікації лягли матеріали виставки, яка отримала високу оцінку і яку було показано в різних містах Канади в 2015 році. Ця книжка взяла участь у конкурсі каталогів музейних виставок і здобула першу премію. Від імені «Українсько-єврейської зустрічі» Владислав Владиславович Гриневич, керівник офісу UJE в Україні, отримав нагороду на церемонії нагородження фестивалю та завершальному прийнятті 24 вересня 2018 року.
Dnipro Ukraine
Take a walk in the new European square and visit the beautifully painted town cathedral before taking a walk down the main boulevard to the military museum and the monument with a beautiful view over the Dnieper river. There is also Historical Museum, Diorama “Battle for the Dnieper River (Second World War)”, Shevchenko Park, and Potemkin Palace nearby.
“The Mighty Dnipro Roars” (РЕВЕ ТА СТОГНЕ) UBC / УКБімТШ bandura video
composed by Hryhory Kytasty / lyrics by Taras Shevchenko
Oleh Mahlay, artistic director and conductor
музика Григорія Китастого / слова Тарас Шевченка
Олег Махлай, мистецький керівник та диригент
Live Performance: “Sounds of Spring” UBC concert.
Cleveland Museum of Art – Cleveland, Ohio – April 21, 2013
Produced by: Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
Filmed and edited by: Video Memories, LLC
Sound by: Andrij Birko
Graphics and packaging by: Andrew Zwarych
To learn more about the bandura and the UBC, go to
SONG SYNOPSIS: The wide Dnipro River moans and groans during the storm, with the wicked wind bending the willows to the ground and raising the waters into mountain-high waves. Before dawn, it becomes silent, and only the owls can be heard calling to each other. This popular Ukrainian melody is attributed to Danylo Kryzhanivsky (1856-1894) and composed for male chorus with bandura accompaniment by Hryhory Kytasty (1907 – 1984), the legendary artistic director and conductor of the UBC.
Українська Капеля Бандуристів була зорганізована в Києві у 1918 р., у час короткого, але світлого періоду існування незалежної Української Держави. Ідеали бандуристів - Бог, правда, воля та гідність людини – оспівувані у їх думах та піснях, для нової влади більшовиків, що окупувала Україну, були прямою загрозою їх безбожному режимові. У Радянському Союзі, за Сталіна, було заморено штучним голодом сім мільйонів українських селян-хліборобів і було репресовано велику масу української інтелігенції та діячів культури, включно з бандуристами, щоб терором викорінити
усі прояви української національної культури.
Тим небагатьом членам Капелі Бандуристів, яким пощастило пережити сталінський терор, судилось ще пережити і нацистський терор у період Другої Світової Війни. Однак патріотичні ідеї і традиції українського кобзарства було збережено. Від 1941року, капеля носить ім’я Української Капеля Бандуристів імени Тараса Шевченка. Після війни, Капеля емігрувала до США у 1949 р.
З часу прибуття до берегів Північної Америки, Капеля дала понад 600 концертів, побувала з концертними гастролями в тринадцяти країнах на трьох континентах і має в своєму репертуарі понад 500 творів для хору і бандур. Крім концертової діяльности, Капеля щорічно організовує
музичний табір «Кобзарська Січ» та інші семінари вдосконалення техніки гри на бандурі.
Українська Капеля Бандуристів ім. Тараса Шевченка є лауреатом шевченківьскої державної премії.
Driven by passion, tradition, and history,the all-male Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (UBC) preserves and exemplifies its mission as ambassadors of Ukrainian culture, music and the unique 60 stringed instrument, the bandura. Formed in Kyiv in 1918, the UBC survived both Soviet and Nazi occupations and since 1949 has enjoyed the freedom of artistic expression in North America. Boasting a repertoire of more than 500 songs, this internationally celebrated ensemble has performed at such well known concert venues as Carnegie Hall, the Kyiv Opera House, Kennedy Center, the Notre Dame Cathedral and Massey Hall.
Communist Victory No Longer Inevitable — Dismantling a Lenin Statue in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
A statue of Lenin with the words Communist Victory is Inevitable was removed near the regional administration building in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine on June 27, 2014. Local residents came to observe the dismantling of the statue, which will be donated to a historical museum.
Video footage courtesy of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
РАКЕТЫ И КОСМИЧЕСКИЕ АППАРАТЫ в Днепропетровске | Dnepropetrovsk Aerospace Museum
Ракеты и космические аппараты можно увидеть в одном из музеев Днепра. Национальный центр аэрокосмического образования молодежи Украины был создан Указом Президента Украины Л.Д. Кучмы №410 / 96 от 11 июня 1996 по инициативе Национального космического агентства Украины и Украинского молодежного аэрокосмического объединения Созвездие и при поддержке Государственного предприятия Производственное объединение Южный машиностроительный завод ЮМЗ им. А.Н. Макарова , и Государственного конструкторского бюро Южное им. М.К. Янгеля.
В музее находится разнообразная космическая техника и сопутствующие вещи:
Космическая установка « Интеркосмос ».
Контейнеры для хранения токсичных химически активных и радиоактивных отходов.
Спутник Сич-1, спутник ДС-1, спутник Стрела и какие были проекты.
Космический аппарат 11Ф631 . Очень большое время этот аппарат был засекреченным военным проектом , созданным для войны . В мире их насчитывается всего 13 штук .
Части двигателей космических ракет и аппаратов.
В аэрокосмическом музее размещено много стендов.
Космическая отрасль - это отдельная «ветвь жизни» Днепропетровска. Это часть истории нашего города , а также своеобразный бренд , которым Днепропетровск известный в настоящее.
Стандартных посещений для людей с улицы там как бы нет. Экскурсии для студентов, учащихся в этом центре школьников и разных делегаций. Но договориться об экскурсии не сложно.
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Украина / Май 2016 г. Dnepropetrovsk Aerospace Museum of the National Centre of Aerocosmic Education of Youth.
Dnipropetrovsk art museum 100 years
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Dnipro Region. Документальна стрічка про Дніпропетровську Область
Презентаційний фільм про Дніпропетровську область зображує різні аспекти регіону – природу, культуру, історію, підприємства, людей.
Дніпропетровська область приваблива як для туристів, так і для міжнародних партнерів. Щороку область приймає близько ста іноземних делегацій. І щоразу виникає запитання, як швидко та якісно презентувати регіон. Для цього й створено фільм «Dnipro Region». Завдяки ньому люди можуть дізнатися більше про Дніпропетровщину.
Режисер “Dnipro Region” – Євген Тітаренко, продюсер – Наталія Хазан, відомі за своїми фільмами в Музеї АТО в Дніпрі та документальною стрічкою про добровольців “War for Peace”.
У “Dnipro Region” представлені iсторична, економiчна та статистична складові життєдіяльності області.
Важливою складовою фільму є музика, її написав композитор Іван Оглоблін. Лейтмотивом стрічки стала народна пiсня «Ой стелись, барвіночку» - фольклор Надднiпрянщини у виконаннi Сусанни Карпенко та сучасному аранжуванні Івана Оглобліна. Фiнальну пiсню написав Євген Назарук, вона звучить у виконаннi гурту Vidverto.
Фiльм зроблено на замовлення Управлiння зовнiшньоекономiчноï дiяльностi ДнiпроОДА.
Презентационный фильм о Днепропетровской области показывает различные аспекты региона – природу, культуру, историю, предприятия, людей. Днепропетровская область привлекательна как для туристов, так и для международных партнеров. Ежегодно область принимает около ста иностранных делегаций. И каждый раз возникает вопрос, как быстро и качественно презентовать регион. Для этого и создан фильм “Dnipro Region”. Благодаря ему люди могут узнать больше о Днепропетровщине.
Режиссер “Dnipro Region” – Евгений Титаренко, продюсер – Наталия Хазан, известные по своим фильмам в Музей АТО в Днепре и документальным фильмом о добровольцах “War for Peace”.
В “Dnipro Region” представлены историческая, экономическая и статистическая складовые жизнедеятельности области.
Важной составляющей фильма является музыка, ее написал композитор Иван Оглоблин. Лейтмотивом “Dnipro Region” стала народная песня “Ой стелись, барвиночек” – фольклор Надднепрянщины в исполнении Сусанны Карпенко и современной аранжировке Ивана Оглоблина. Финальную песню написал Евгений Назарук, она звучит в исполнении группы Vidverto.
Фильм сделан по заказу Управления внешнеэкономической деятельности ДнипроОДА
Film-presentation about Dnipro Region describes its different aspects – nature, culture, history, people. Dnipro Region attracts both tourists and international partners. Annually the Region receives more than 100 international delegations. During these visits there is always a task to substantially and comprehensively present the Region. Film “Dnipro Region” was shot specifically to do the trick. Having watched this film everyone can find out more about Dnipro Region. Film Director Yevhen Titarenko and Producer Nataliya Khazan are famous for their films in the ATO Museum in Dnipro and documentary about volunteers “War for Peace”. The film presents historical, economic and statistic components of the Region’s activity. An important elemet of the film is music composed by Ivan Ohloblin. A folk song “Aw, vine the periwinkle” became a leitmotiff of the film. This is a piece of Sub Dnipro regional folklore, sang by Susanna Karpenko and arranged by Ivan Ohloblin. Yevhen Nazaruk is the author of the final song, performed by the music band “Vidverto”.
The film was shot on demand of Department of External Economic Activity of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.
#DniproRegion, #ДніпропетровськаОбласть, #ДнепропетровскаяОбласть
Ukraine-Lviv (Beauty of Ukraine) Part 3
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Lviv (Ukrainian: Львів,) the largest city in western Ukraine and the seventh largest city in the country overall, is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine. Named in honor of the Leo, the eldest son of Rus' King Daniel of Galicia. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia (also called Kingdom of Rus')from 1272 to 1349 when was conquered by King Casimir III the Great who then became known as the King of Poland and Rus'. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland, then renamed Lemberg in 1772 as the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918 in a short time was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was known as Lwów and was the centre of the Lwów Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic. After the Second World War, it became part of the Soviet Union (Ukrainian SSR) and in 1991 of independent Ukraine. Administratively, Lviv serves as the administrative center of Lviv Oblast and has the status of city of oblast significance. Its population is 728,350 (2016 est.)Lviv was the centre of the historical region of Galicia. The historical heart of the city, with its old buildings and cobblestone streets, survived Soviet and German occupations during the Second World War largely unscathed. The city has many industries and institutions of higher education such as Lviv University and Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also a home to many world-class cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the famous Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lviv celebrated its 750th anniversary with a son et lumière in the city centre in September 2006.
Due to the rich cultural programme, developed infrastructure (now Lviv has more than 8 000 hotel rooms, over 700 cafes and restaurants, free WI-Fi zones in the city centre, good connection with many countries of the world) Lviv is considered one of Ukraine's major tourist destinations.The city had a 40% increase in tourists in the early 2010s; the highest rate in Europe.
The Old Town
Market Square (Ukrainian: Ploshcha Rynok) an 18,300-square-metre (196,980-square-foot) square in the centre of the city where the City Hall is situated
The complex of the Dormition Church, the main Orthodox church in the city
Armenian Cathedral
The complex of the Dormition Church, the main Orthodox church in the city
The St. Peter and Paul Church of the Jesuit Order, one of the largest churches in Lviv.
Korniakt Palace, now part of the Lviv History Museum
Latin Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary
St. George's Cathedral of the Greek-Catholic Church
Dominican Church of Corpus Christi
Chapel of the Boim family
Lviv High Castle (Ukrainian: Vysokyi Zamok), on a hill overlooking the centre of the city
Union of Lublin Mound
Lychakivskiy Cemetery, cemetery where the notable people were buried
Svobody Prospekt, Lviv's central street. (Freedom Ave.)
Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Potocki Palace
Bernardine Church
Masoch Cafe sado-mazo cafe in the centre of Lviv.
Lviv Handmade Chocolate
The first museum of war in Donbas opens in Dnipro
About 2000 artifacts in 3 halls will tell the history of the Donbas war in the first Ukrainian museum of the Anti-Terrorist Operation. It opened in Dnipro, a city in central Ukraine which was under threat of Russian intervention after the Euromaidan revolution as well as Crimea and Donbas, but withstood and became an eastern outpost of Ukraine’s independence.
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Oleksandr Murashko | Virtual Museum Tour
The works of Oleksandr Murashko glorified not only the artist but Ukraine as well. Ukrainian avant-garde art reached a new international level
Top 10 worst places you should not visit
Top 10 worst places you should not visit
10. Kiev city – Ukraine
The city is fully destroyed due to anti-government activities since last few years. Kiev is the capital city of Ukraine, bisected by the Dnieper River and known for its religious architecture, secular monuments and history museums.
9. Port-au-Prince – Capital of Haiti
This place has been fully destroyed due to an earthquake happened in the year of 2010. More than 60% area of the city was heavily damaged. The people of Port-au-Prince still failed to recover from this massacre.
8. Damishq city - Syria
The Syrian Civil War is an armed conflict taking place in Syria. The unrest grew out of the 2011 Arab Spring protests, and escalated to armed conflict after President Bashar al-Assad's government violently repressed protests calling for his removal
7. Mogadishu - Somalia
The Somali Civil War is an ongoing civil war taking place in Somalia. It grew out of resistance to the Siad Barre regime during the 1980s. By 1988–90, the Somali Armed Forces began engaging various armed rebel groups including the Somali Salvation Democratic Front in the northeast, the Somali National Movement in the northwest and the United Somali Congress in the south.
6. Pyongyang – North Korea
Three years ago, Kim Jong-un, not yet 30, took control of this impoverished country and its 25 million people after his father’s death. He has overseen a botched rapprochement with the US, a nuclear crisis, an excoriating United Nations human rights report and the execution of his uncle. North Korea sees the first three, at least, as evidence of the outside world’s continuing hostility
5. Ciudad - Mexico
The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens about the risk of traveling to certain parts of Mexico due to the activities of criminal organizations in those areas. U.S. citizens have been the victims of violent crimes, including homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery in various Mexican states. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning for Mexico, issued April 15, 2016.
4. Bogota - Colombia
Illegal drug trade in Colombia refers to a practice of Colombian criminal groups of producing and distributing illegal drugs. Colombia has had four major drug trafficking cartels and several bandas criminales, or BACRIMs which eventually created a new social class and influenced several aspects of Colombian culture and politics.
3. Dhaka – Bangladesh
Air and water pollution is one of a variety of manmade environmental disasters that are currently taking place all over the world. Air pollution may be defined as an atmospheric condition in which various substances are present at concentrations high enough above their normal ambient levels to produce a measurable effect on people, animals, vegetation, or materials. ‘Substances’ refers to any natural or manmade chemical elements or compounds capable of being airborne. These may exist in the atmosphere as gases, liquid drops, or solid particles.
2. Skegness - UK
The report, based on official poverty measures, also highlights a growing divide on Britain’s coastline – between those resorts in the grip of decline and a handful which managed to buck the trend.
1. Karachi – Pakistan
The Economist Intelligence Unit just released a report that ranks Karachi as the world’s No. 1 worst city to visit.
The index found that ten cities in Western Europe suffered falls in liveability in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels. “Factors such as social unrest in many US cities due to the deaths of black people in police custody, tensions in Eastern Europe and Asia and the ongoing civil wars in Ukraine, Syria and Libya have led to greater security concerns and compounded this decline.”
British Crown in Dnipropetrovsk Region
What could a Ukrainian village have to do with the British Crown? At first glance, not much. Until one gets a glimpse of this village's council building, which features a giant portrait of Queen Elizabeth on one of its walls. To find out how it got there and why our journalists went to the village and met the locals.
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Joel-Peter-Eugene -- Ukraine Museum Festival Plans 8-10-15
This video is about Joel-Peter-Eugene planning presentation of Wolyn History of Jews of Ukraine Wolyn project & delegation attending: The Ukraine National Museum Festival (To Be Held In Dnipropetrovsk SEP 16-20) with 300+ Museum Directors attending.
1. CHERVONOGOROD CASTLE,NYRKIV 48°48'14.74N 25°35'48.91E
2. STVOLODYMYR'S CATHEDRAL,KIEV 50°26'41.48N 30°30'31.79E
48°27'58.65N 35° 4'28.01E
4. MERCHANT'S UNION CLUB,KIEV 50°27'11.95N 30°31'41.62E
5. STARE SIOŁO CASTLE,CHEREPYN 49°42'6.26N 24°11'36.40E
48°27'29.45N 35° 3'59.49E
7. MONUMENT OF ST.VOLODIMIR,KIEV 50°27'22.24N 30°31'37.31E
9. HEARTSHAPE HOUSE,MUKACHEVO 48°26'15.20N 22°42'46.48E
10. CATHEDRAL OF ST.PETER&PAUL,LUTSK 50°44'17.44N 25°19'12.84E
50°27'47.96N 30°30'59.64E
12. CHURCH OF ST. APOSTLE ANDRІYA,LVIV 49°50'22.41N 24° 2'5.16E
13. MONUMENT OF BOGDAN,CHERNIHIV 51°29'34.53N 31°18'7.72E
14. PUPPET THEATRE,CHERKASY 49°26'28.88N 32° 4'8.51E
15. TARAS SHEVCHENKO MONUMENT,LVIV 49°50'27.84N 24° 1'41.84E
50°26'4.60N 30°33'24.69E
17. LUTHERN CHURCH,LUTSK 50°44'16.79N 25°18'56.78E
18. RICHARD'S CASTLE,KIEV 50°27'35.97N 30°30'57.78E
48°27'37.74N 35° 4'6.79E
20. LUCENT TEMPLE,KIEV 50°26'49.81N 30°34'26.84E
22. HOLY PROTECTION CHURCH,KIEV 50°26'7.30N 30°29'1.91E
48°40'50.51N 26°34'27.93E
48° 0'37.95N 37°48'18.98E
25. PATRIARCHAL CATHEDRAL,KIEV 50°27'8.87N 30°35'13.67E
49°45'29.15N 27°13'37.37E
Ukrainian town changes name
(24 May 2016) Ukraine's central industrial city of Dnipropetrovsk is being renamed after Ukraine's parliament voted in favour of the move.
Dnipropetrovsk, named in honour of Soviet statesman Grigory Petrovsky, will be renamed Dnipro, after the river the city sits beside.
On Tuesday, workers began removing a large concrete sign at the entrance to the city.
The city's mayor said he believed the majority of the city's population of one million were against the move.
But many welcome the name change, seeing it as a move away from Ukraine's community past.
Petrovsky is blamed by many for the man-made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s.
Ukraine's parliament has approved a package of so-called decommunisation laws, including the renaming of cities, towns and villages to their pre-Soviet names.
The next big city on the Dnipro river is Dniprodzherdzhynsk, now known as Kamyanske.
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