Honey Miracle Oneness Bangalore - Domlur Temple March 1st 2013
Honey Miracle- Oneness Bangalore - Domlur Temple March 1st 2013
Arogya Deeksha Aarti offered by guide Sumitraji (Domlur temple)
A special Aarti being offered to Sri Amma Bhagavan at Domlur Oneness Centre(Bangalore) for Arogya deeksha program by guide Sumitraji.11 insightful Oneness university teachings for complete health were shared.
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Bangalore -Srimurthi Miracle 27Apr11-
The PHENOMENON becomes GREATER at Sunkadakatte temple, Bangalore , India! A dozen Srimurthis have gone up & struck to the wall. COME & WITNESS the WONDER... Amma Bhagavan Sharanam
Oneness University.
Oneness University-'To set man free'.
A picture slideshow.
Ultimo dell'anno a Bangalore
Ultimo dell'anno a Bangalore
Paduka Miracle In AP,India- Oneness
Paduka Miracle In AP,India- Oneness
Community volunteers cleanse Domlur neighbourhood
See how community action reclaims a neighbourhood in Domlur, where garbage mismanagement was troubling the residents.
MVI_0001.MOV Abhishekam at Chokkanatha Swamy Temple, Domlur, Bangalore, 040312
Youth Vidya deeksha by Guide Sumitraji at Malleswaram
A Oneness University program designed by Sri Amma Bhagavan for creating successful youth in education and career aspects of their life.Oneness Guide Sumitraji conducted this powerful program for students and youth who have just started out in their career at the Malleswaram Oneness Centre.Contact Oneness centers to participate and bring about a breakthrough change in your life.All are welcome.
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Jai amma bhagwan
Jai amma bhagwan
Energy @ IT,Dell R&D centre ,Bangalore
Oneness University, Special Deepening - Nov/Dez 2012
Celebração do dia 21 de dezembro de 2012, na Oneness University, Índia.
Careerz Workshop @ Domlur Government High School, 20 Feb '16
Janette at the Oneness University
DeepeninRead and download a sample from Dr. Janette's new spiritual adventure book where she writes about her radical choice to unhook from a traditional lifestyle, selling most of her possessions to follow a life long dream. She traveled alone throughout different parts of the world, which not only brought tremendous terror but expansive growth and transformation.
Course March 2013
Celebration of the Golden Age, 21 dec 2012 at the Oneness Temple
Thousands of people came from world over to celebrate the dawn of the Golden Age at the Oneness Temple on this Auspicious Day!
Amma Bhagavan Miracles in Oneness France volume 1/3
Amma Bhagavan
என்னிடத்தில் வருகிறவனை நான் புறம்பே தள்ளுவதில்லை.
Sri Amma Bhagavan's Message on December 21st, 2012
Sri Amma Bhagavan's Message on December 21st'2012