Dordogne Outdoor Experience
for mor info visit:
Arjen Van Vliet
23, rue des condamines, 19400 Argentat
Téléphone : 0033 (0)6 19 28 12 91
Dordogne Outdoor Experience
for mor info visit:
Arjen Van Vliet
23, rue des condamines, 19400 Argentat
Téléphone : 0033 (0)6 19 28 12 91
Baignade aux cascades de Murel
Près d'Argentat, les cascades de Murel constituent un endroit rafraîchissant pour faire trempette.
Intervenants : Marie Barrière, Office de tourisme Vallée de la Dordogne / Arjen Van Vliet, Dordogne outdoor experience
Reportage de Gwenola Bériou, Valérie Agut, Jean-François Andrieux et Philippe Ruisseaux
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Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne (France)
copyright 2011 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
I have two YouTube channels, CUTECATFAITH and SLOBOMOTION, and a phone number for renting the 17th century house, which is fully furnished and sleeps five, is given on a clip I have up already. The landlady does not speak English, but I could connect you with her if you like and arrange things. I gain nothing. It was a nice place to stay for a week and the price was very reasonable.
On Dailymotion, I post videos under LisaFalour and I try to keep the material very different from what I put on YouTube, for the most part, so do drop in over there if you care to.
The Quercy region of France is lovely, and we Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is in the Corrèze département. This 500-some year old house has access rights to an island/peninsula behind it, direct access to a tributary of the Dordogne River, the fishing is great, so is the kayaking, and the house has a big porch in back, overlooking a small canal, a grill area, a big garden terrace with a table and chairs for outdoor dining and hanging out, and a pretty garden. Private parking is included -- just ask for the key.
The house is rented in June, July, August and September and rates are obviously higher in July and August. The week in September cost us 317 euros. Imagine how inexpensive this would have been had we shared this place with another two or three people! There certainly was plenty of room!
I am disabled so appreciated that the village has a full range of shops and services right there, which is not typical for vacation areas. (You usually need a car and have to drive to another village, at least, for stuff.) You can rent a bike in the village, and there is an excellent fair/market the first and third Friday morning of every month here, with lots of local products, including gorgeous knitwear of angora and mohair goat hair. This region produces a lot of tobacco, corn, apples and other fruit, foie gras, walnuts and other good things. Hunting and fishing is very big here. This village goes back to the early Dark Ages and has a fascinating history, and a lot of ancient architecture. There is so much to do and see in Corrèze, the Lot département, heck the whole region, we didn't even have to buy more fuel for the car all week. Castles, caves, hiking, all just incredible.
vipère ou couleuvre ?
Mal aimés, les serpents sont souvent victimes de l'ignorance de ceux qui les rencontrent...Il est vrai que faire la différence entre une vipère et une couleuvre, lors d'une rencontre fortuite, n'est pas spécialement aisé, notamment avec certaines variétés. Il faut cependant savoir que ces animaux sont protégés et qu'il est interdit de les mettre à mort. Le danger représenté par les vipères doit être ramené à sa juste valeur, sachant qu'il ne provoque que peu d'accidents mortels chez l'humain, contrairement aux guêpes. Les chiens sont, par contre, nettement plus exposés aux morsures de vipères. Apprendre à reconnaître les serpents et surtout à ne pas les mettre tous dans le même sac dédramatise la situation, la prudence peut faire le reste... Jean-Claude Tolphin.