Orthodox Sermon - Celebrating the Dormition of the Theotokos
Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church
Baltimore, MD 21231 - September 01, 2013
Priest John Vass
10th Sunday after Pentecost / Afterfeast of the Dormitionj
Best Attractions and Places to See in Arkhangelsk, Russia
Arkhangelsk Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Arkhangelsk. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Arkhangelsk for You. Discover Arkhangelsk as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Arkhangelsk.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Arkhangelsk.
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List of Best Things to do in Arkhangelsk
Small Korela Wooden Architecture and Folk Art Museum
Malye Karely Open Air Museum
Monument To the Seal - the Savior of Citizens of Arkhangelsk and Leningrad
Pedestrian Chumbarova-Luchinskogo Avenue
Arkhangelsk Merchant Yards
Monument to Writer Pisakhov
Arhangelsk Local Lore Museum
Lomonosov Drama Theater
Monument to Sena Malina
Dormition of the Mother of God
HISTORIC EVENT! White Russians From Europe Finally Reunited With Their Mother Church in Russia
A delegation from the Archdiocese, headed by Archbishop John (Renneto) of Dubna, arrived on Moscow on Saturday, November 2, to take part in the celebrations and receive the official document of accession.
On Saturday, members of the delegation will visit Donskoy Monastery, which houses the relics of Patriarch St. Tikhon, by whose decision the Western European parishes were united in 1921 into one administration, the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, and the Moscow Diocesan House, where the Local Council of 1917-1918 was held, at which St. Tikhon was elected as Patriarch.
On November 3, Patriarch Kirill will lead the Sunday Liturgy in Christ the Savior Cathedral, with the participation of the delegation from Western Europe. During the service, Pat. Kirill will present Abp. John with a Patriarchal and Synodal gramota, recognizing the reunion of the Archdiocese with the Russian Church.
On November 4, Pat. Kirill and Abp. John will concelebrate the Divine Liturgy in the Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.
Credit To Rossiya24
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Exaposteilarion for Dormition: Apostles Assembled (Arr. of Kievan Caves Chant)
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Exaposteilarion for Dormition: Apostles Assembled (Arr. of Kievan Caves Chant) · Archangel Voices
Panagia: Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
℗ 2013 Archangel Voices
Released on: 2013-11-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
The Dormition of the Theotokos Exploring the Feasts of the Orthodox Christian Church
In this video, we focus on the commemoration of the death of the Virgin Mary. We learn about the special liturgical season surrounding this event, and the different elements in the Orthodox.
In this video, we learn about the “Good News before the Good News,” as the Archangel Gabriel announced that the Virgin Mary would conceive and give birth to Christ. We follow the Orthodox.
In this video, we learn about the Orthodox Churchs celebration of the presentation of the Virgin Mary into the temple. We also examine the icon of the event, and explore the way in which.
Father Superior of Pochaev Lavra commented on the claim to seize Lavra from the UOC
Father Superior of the Pochaev Lavra of Holy Assumption Metropolitan Vladimir (Moroz) commented in his interview on the recent claim of Ternopol Regional Council to confiscate the Pochaev Lavra from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and turn the monastery into the state conservation area. It is reported by the UOJ correspondent.
Commenting on the events, Metropolitan Vladimir, father superior of the Pochaev Lavra, tells that clouds have been gathering around the monastery for over 2 years now: politicians, journalists, officials have been trying to defame the sanctity, disseminate fake information, intrude into the smooth life of the monastery. The metropolitan is sure, however, this situation lurks no threat to genuinely faithful minds.
«The folks, being in elated spirits, hurry up to bend and kiss incorruptible relics, to ask of their intercession with God. As we were walking along the streets, we were favorably impressed by such a huge number of people who were participating in the Cross Procession which made us feel invigorated”, the father superior shares his impressions.
“The Ukrainian mass media sometimes highlight what is contrary to the reality, which is painful and disturbing for us to some extent – still there is such evidence. We are a part of the society and therefore, the experience of the Church and Orthodox people is our experience as well. A lot of facts prove our being somewhat despised”, states the Metropolitan. He warned those who have an ill vision of the Church they’d better change their standpoints in order not to lose their souls by committing acts similar to those of the XX century’s theomachists.
Besides, the Lavra’s father superior told about a new Transfiguration Cathedral in which feast worships were held on the occasion of the commemoration of Saints Job and Amphilochius of Pochaev. According to him, the construction of the Cathedral commenced in 2010, yet the first Divine Liturgy and blessing of the water were conducted by the deceased Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) as soon as in 3 years after the beginning of construction works.
“Since then we’ve held worship services on big holidays in the Cathedral. We are extremely happy because it can accommodate 2.5 times as much people as the Assumption Cathedral can. I believe if God helps us fulfill our plans and intentions, it’ll be one of the biggest mosaic churches of the world”, the Metropolitan assures.
Metropolitan Vladimir particularly underscored the Holy Mount will extend its hospitality to all those who wish to kneel sincerely and devotionally before icons and relics, and advised to visit the sanctity at least once a year in regular days when a more quiet and slow paced atmosphere offers a lot more possibilities for spiritual enrichment.
PARASTAS for a Priest: Панахида/Panachyda Memory Eternal
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church
(Ukrainian Catholic--Eparchy of Toronto),
St. Catharines, ON Canada.
Video: Maria-Lynn Turi, June 27, 2011
The funeral of Mitrophoric Protopresbyter Dr. Mykola Komar , long-time pastor at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church.
THE MEMORY ETERNAL (Vichnaya Pamyat) - This hauntingly and heart-wrenchingly beautiful refrain, typical of the Byzantine rite Memorial Prayer, does not mean that we are praying to remember the deceased person forever. Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna) explains that it comes from the Jesus the Christ's dialogue during His Crucifixion. The Good Thief prayed to Jesus: Remember me, Lord, in Your Kingdom. Jesus responded: Today you shall be with me in Paradise! This prayer of Vichnaya Pamyat asks the Christ to remember the Reposed in God's Kingdom (i.e. from Eternity). If the Messiah Remembers us at death, we shall be with Him in Paradise. This is what we mean when we pray: Memory Eternal for the reposed.
Lord, I Have Cried: Dormition Stichera Tone 1 (Model Melody)
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Lord, I Have Cried: Dormition Stichera Tone 1 (Model Melody) · Archangel Voices
Panagia: Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
℗ 2013 Archangel Voices
Released on: 2013-11-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Vigil for Reconsecration - All Saints Orthodox Church
Vigil for Reconsecration - All Saints Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA
September 16, 2011
Responses sung by St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir
Saint Luke, Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea, the Blessed Surgeon
Video about the life of Saint Luke, Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea. He is also known as the blessed surgeon as he was a world renowned surgeon and doctor who lived in the Soviet Union. As bishop, he suffered persecution and exile at the hands of the communist because of his Orthodox faith and refusal to deny Christ. Years after his death he was canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church. We hope you enjoy the video and share with others.
Translation of script by Tatiana Omelchenko.
Saint Luke, Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea, the Blessed Surgeon, was born Valentin Felixovich Voino-Yasenetsky (Валентин Феликсович Войно-Ясенецкий, polish spelling Wojno-Jasieniecki; April 14, 1877 and died June 11, 1961.
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Holy Dormition 2017
Some Photos of Matins and Lamentations for Holy Dormition. Background Music by Archangel Voices: Rejoice O Virgin Theotokos.
The Monastery celebrates its annual two day feast on the 22nd and 23rd of August, honouring the leave-taking of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
It is then that the temple of worship the chapel and the whole precinct, are undated with pilgrims who gather, full of reverence, to render honor to our eminent and Most Holy Mother.
În fiecare an la Odovania Adormirii Maicii Domnului pe 23 august, se oficiază hramul mânăstirii. În tradiția grecească în seara precedentă hramului pe 22 august are loc slujba Vecernia unită cu Litia și procesiunea icoanei Maicii Domnului.
La slujba de Vecernie participă membrii clerului Mitropoliei de Toronto în frunte cu Înalt Prea Sfințitul Sotirios, Mitropolit de Toronto și al întregii Canade, și alți preoți invitați din Arhiepiscopia română din America și Canada (ROAA).
La invitația maicii starețe Thecla și a preotului slujitor al mânăstirii - Constantin Lungu, participă și oficiali ai administrației locale din Brownsburg-Chatam.
Împreună cu membrii clerului și obștea mânăstirii, la slujba de Vecernie participă credincioșii ortodocși greci din comunitățile din Montreal, Ottawa și Toronto, dar și credincioși de alte naționalități cum ar fi : români, moldoveni și ruși.
La sfârșitul Vecerniei, Înalt Prea Sfințitul Sotirios în cuvântul Său de învățătură indeamnă credincioșii să se unească în pace, în credință și în dragoste cu Biserica, care este mireasa lui Hristos, căci nu putem avea pe Dumnezeu de Tată, dacă nu avem Biserica ca Mamă.
Amintește totodată că rugaciunea este cea care ne ajută să câștigăm mântuirea și să nu treacă nici măcar un moment din zi în care noi să nu Îi mulțumim Domnului pentru Darurile Sale cele Bogate, căci trebuințele omului nu sunt doar materiale, ci și duhovnicești. Iar trebuințele duhovnicești sunt mai importante decât cele materiale.
Constantin Lungu - preot slujitor al mânăstirii
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LiveTV-RO Canada est présente à cet événiment - comme télévision multiculturelle.
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Feast Of The Nativity Of Our Lord 24 December 2019
7pm Evening (Advent), Sutoro Prayers, Christmas Liturgy, Holy Qurbana Service
Tours-TV.com: Dormition Cathedral
The Dormition Cathedral, a monumental temple, built in 15th century by Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti, is the most sacred place of Russia, its former spiritual and political center. Russia : Moscow : Moscow Kremlin. (生神女就寝大聖堂 (モスクワ)). See on map .
Nativity of the All-Holy Theotokos | Fr. Mark | ROEA
Sermon at the Feast of the Nativity of the All-Holy Theotokos by Hieromonk Fr. Mark (Kerr), September 8, 2013 / Predica Pr. Mark la Nasterea Macii Domnului (Eng)
Biserica Otodoxa Romana Pogorarea Duhului Sfant, New York, Episcopia Ortodoxa Romana din America, Preotii parohiei: PC Pr. Stavrofor Viorel Dumitrescu si Pr. Ionut Preda
Descent of the Holy Spirit Romanian Orthodox Church
a parish under The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America [ Ruling Hierarch: Archbishop Nathaniel (Popp) / Auxiliary Bishop: Bishop Irineu (Duvlea)
66-79 Forest Ave. Ridgewood NY 11385
The Ark of the Covenant & The Most Holy Theotokos
Hymn from the nuns of Ormylia-Chalkidiki Monastery (Greece):
My mouth shall I open wide, * and it will thus be with Spirit filled. * A word shall I then pour out * unto the Mother and Queen. * I will joyously * attend the celebration * and sing to her merrily, * lauding her miracles. (Twice)
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
O Maiden and Virgin pure, the great Archangel beholding you * the animate book of Christ which by the Spirit was sealed * did exclaim to you: * Rejoice, O joy's container, * through whom shall the curse upon * the primal mother be loosed.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Rejoice, Virgin Bride of God, the restoration of fallen man, * the mortification of Hades, O blameless one, * and the palace of * the only King and Sovereign, * rejoice. Fiery throne of the * Ruler of all, rejoice.
R ejoice, you the only one who budded forth the unfading rose. * Rejoice, who have given birth unto the sweet apple tree. * Of the King of all * the aromatic balsam, * rejoice, O unwedded Maid, * the world's deliverance.
Both now
O treasure of chastity, rejoice; through you we have risen up * from out of our fall. Rejoice, sweet smelling lily that sends * forth its fragrant scent, * O Lady, to the faithful; * aromatic incense and * costly anointing oil.
Ode Three. The Eirmos.
E stablish your servants who extol you, * O Mother of God, for they have formed * a spiritual choir for you * the living and abundant fount; * and crowns of glory graciously * in your divine glory grant to them. (Twice)
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
The land that has tillered the divine stalk * while clearly continuing untilled, * rejoice, O table animate * that held the holy bread of life. * Rejoice, O never empty fount * of living water, O blessed one.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
The heifer that mothered for the faithful * the unblemished Bullock, O rejoice. * Rejoice, the ewe that yeaned[6] the Lamb * of God Who takes away the sins * of all the world. O mercy seat, * rejoice, who fervently expiate.
The luminous morning that alone brings * Christ the Sun of Righteousness, rejoice. * O dwelling place of light, rejoice; * dispeller of the dark, rejoice. * For you diminished utterly * the darkened demons of Lucifer.
Both now
Rejoice, only veritable east gate * that only the Logos has gone through. * Rejoice, for in your giving birth * you shattered Hades' bars and gates. * All-lauded one, rejoice, divine * entrance of those who are being saved.
Miraculous Icon of Theotokos being opened
Miraculous Icon of Theotokos being opened
Troparion for the Icon of the Mother of God, Warrantess of the Sinful
Provided to YouTube by NAXOS of America
Troparion for the Icon of the Mother of God, Warrantess of the Sinful · Korets Holy Trinity Stauropegion Convent Choir
My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord
℗ 2011 Russian Compact Disc
Released on: 2011-10-04
Choir: Korets Holy Trinity Stauropegion Convent Choir
Composer: Anonymous
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resurrection 2013 pascha at archangel gabriel orthodox church
Rejoice, O Queen (Pentecost) (Arr. of Znamenny Chant)
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Rejoice, O Queen (Pentecost) (Arr. of Znamenny Chant) · Archangel Voices
Panagia: Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
℗ 2013 Archangel Voices
Released on: 2013-11-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.