【K】Russia Travel-Sochi[러시아 여행-소치]크라스나야팔라냐 공원, 리프트 투어/Krasnaya Polyana Park/Lift Tour/Air travel
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
러시아의 작은 스위스, 크라스나야팔라냐! 듣던 대로 멋졌다. 2천m가 넘는 산꼭대기까지 설치된 리프트! 대단하다. 왕복요금은 800루블루, 4만원! 공포심을 최고로 느낀다는 10m 높이. 오금이 저렸다. 이국땅에서 외줄을 타고 떠난 하늘여행은 정말 멋진 경험이었다. 30분에 걸친 공중부양 뒤에 도착한 정거장엔 설인도 있었다. 잠시 휴식을 취한 나는 다시 리프트에 몸을 실었다. 걸어서 올라가는 사람도 있다. 한겨울, 3m 높이까지 쌓인 눈! 또 다른 풍경이 상상 속에 그려진다. 바로 여기가 2013년 동계올림픽, 스키 경기장! 4개의 슬로프가 있는데 가장 높은 게 3200미터. 헬기를 타고 올라간다고 한다. 이러다 중간에 멈춰서면 어쩌지? 걱정은 현실이 됐다. 리프트가 정말 멈춰 선 것이다. 공포도 잠시, 특별한 경험은 이제 모두의 즐거움이 되었다. “도대체 왜 여기 서 있는 건지.” 한 시간 30분의 만만치 않은 공중여행! 뭔지 모를 답답함이 한꺼번에 사라진 것만 같다. 서로 다른 시간과 공간이 나란히 존재하는 색다른 세상의 문으로 향하는 기분이다. 해발 2238미터! 1950미터 높이의 한라산보다도 더 높다. 8월의 뜨거운 여름에 만나는 겨울의 흔적, 잔설! 시간에서 자유로워진 곳. 세상의 꼭대기에 선 이 기분! 최고였다. 눈에 익은 풍경이다. 인간의 기도는 어디서나 닮았다. 이름 모를 야생화를 즈려밟고 걷는 이 기분이 구름 위를 걷는 느낌과 비슷할까?
[English: Google Translator]
Russia's little Switzerland, Krasnoyarsk Palazzo me 'cause! As heard it was great. Lifts up to 2,000 m are installed over the top of the mountain! Awesome. Round-trip fare is 800 Lu blue, ₩ 40,000! I feel the best is 10m in height phobia. Ohgeumyi went low. Travel sky ride away from the wire using someone else 's land was a really cool experience. Yeti stops yen was also behind levitation arriving over 30 minutes. I took a moment to relax carried the body back to the lift. There are people climbing on foot. Winter, snow piled up to 3m in height! Another landscape is portrayed in imagination. Here are just 2013 Winter Olympics, ski stadium! There are four slopes to 3200 meters the highest. The olragandago helicopter. Writing cr What if caught in the middle? This worry was real. It will really stop the lift line. Horror a moment, a special experience has now become the enjoyment of all. Why in the hell what the document here one hour and 30 minutes of formidable aerial tour! I do not know what heaviness is equal to just disappear altogether. The mood toward the door of the different world that exists alongside different time and space. 2238 m above sea level! Higher than the 1950-meter-high Mt. August's winter meeting on a hot summer trail janseol! Where freed in time. I feel good on top of the world! It was the best. The ripe scenery to the eyes. Prayer is anywhere resemble a human. Name stepping jeuryeo feel like a wildflower walk do not know the feeling of walking on clouds?
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아05-09 크라스나야팔라냐 공원, 리프트 투어/Krasnaya Polyana Park/Lift Tour/Air travel
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 민승식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,민승식,2008,8월 August
Omsk. The third capital. 300-year anniversary. / Омск. Третья столица. 300-летний юбилей.
Omsk is one of the largest cities of Russia, the administrative center of Omsk oblast, located at the confluence of the Irtysh and the Om rivers, in southwestern Siberia, 2,236 kilometers (1,389 mi) from Moscow. Omsk is multi-million-strong city (1 079 178 people in 2016), the second largest population in Siberia and eighth in Russia. A major transport hub: from West to East passes through the city railway TRANS-Siberian railway, with its construction, Omsk became known as the Gate of Siberia. The navigable Irtysh River runs from South to North, is the longest tributary in the world (a tributary of the Ob River).
The territory of Omsk were of great importance since ancient times. Here were settlements and burial grounds of many developed Nations that lived from the VI Millennium BC to the XIII century. In XVII century the need for the Russian city at the mouth of the Om was so great, that many people repeatedly asked the Tsar Peter I about its Foundation. Omsk was founded by I. D. Buchholz in 1716 as a fortress defending the southern border of the state. Omsk was the only city along with St. Petersburg and Moscow in Russia, to whom was granted the right to raise the state flag of the Russian Empire in Siberia and Asia. In the 19th century in Omsk exiled revolutionaries (the Decembrists) were serving sentences, including the famous Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky. Omsk State University and a library was named in honour of Dostoevsky. The main development of the town received in the XX century. After the 1917 revolution, during the civil war and the confrontation between the White and Red movements, Omsk was the official capital of the Russian Empire (White Russia) under the leadership of Admiral Kolchak (1918 - 1920). The city has expanded considerably in the years of the Great Patriotic War (WW2) when many factories was evacuated from the European part of Russia, until the collapse of the Soviet Union was known as the Garden City, City of Youth, City of Sciences. Omsk awarded the honorary title of City of labor glory, is a major industrial center with enterprises of different industries, including Petro-chemical, defense and aerospace. Planet Omsk is in international catalog of minor planets.
Omsk remained a major cultural and sports center of Siberia: active theatre and exhibition activities, major national and international festivals, the famous Siberian International Marathon, international hockey tournaments, national competitions in equestrian sports, etc. have been taking place here. Cathedral of the Assumption is the hallmark of the city of Omsk. In 2016 Omsk celebrated its tercentenary.
【K】Russia Travel-Saint Petersburg[러시아 여행-상트페테르부르크]생명의 길/Doroga Zhizni/Road of Life/Ladoga/Ribbom
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
러시아 당국은 얼어붙은 ‘라도가 호수‘ 얼음 위에 30킬로미터의 길을 내 시민들을 먹여 살릴 식량을 운송하기 시작했다. 이때부터 ‘생명의 길’로 불리기 시작했다. ’생명의 길‘과 이어진 숲속, 깊은 곳으로 들어가 봤다. 붉은 리본으로 둘러싸인 나무들이 즐비해있다. 숲속에서 길을 잃지 않도록 리본으로 방향을 표시한 것이다. “(물류 수송을 위해서는) 저기 큰 도로 옆 호수를 가로질러야 했습니다. 무조건 호수를 건너야만 했습니다. 겨울에 호수의 얼음이 얇아서 아이들을 태운 차가 가라앉기도 했어요. 그때 전쟁은 말로 설명할 수 없을 만큼 정말 끔찍했습니다.” 추모비를 살펴봤다. 그 안에는 이곳에서 희생된 100명의 소년병을 추모하는 내용이 새겨져 있다. 고향을 지키기 위해 학도병으로 참여해 목숨을 잃은 어린 소년들. 사람들은 그들이 돌아오기를 바라는 마음으로 붉은 리본과 종을 달았다. 레닌그라드 전투에서 희생된 사람은 무려 300만 명. 생명의 길로 향하는 숲은 수많은 사람들의 희생과 아픈 역사를 간직하고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
The Russian authorities began to transport food to feed their citizens on a 30-kilometer-long road over the frozen Lake Ladoga ice. From this time, it began to be called 'the way of life'. I went deep into the woods that followed 'The Way of Life'. There are a lot of trees surrounded by red ribbons. It is marked with a ribbon so that it does not get lost in the forest. (To transport the logistics) I had to cross the lake by the side of the big road over there. I had to cross the lake unconditionally. In the winter, the ice in the lake was thin, so the car with the children settled down. At that time the war was so horrible that I could not explain it in words. Inside, there is a memorial to remember the 100 child soldiers sacrificed here. Young boys who lost their lives by participating as schoolchildren in order to defend their hometown. People wore red ribbons and bells with the hope that they would return. 3 million people were killed in the Battle of Leningrad. The forest, which leads to the path of life, retains the sacrifice and sickness of millions of people.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Российские власти начали транспортировать продовольствие, чтобы прокормить своих граждан на 30-километровой дороге над замороженным льдом «Ладожского озера». С этого времени его стали называть «образом жизни». Я пошел глубоко в лес, который следовал «Пути жизни». В окружении красных лент много деревьев. Он отмечен лентой, чтобы она не терялась в лесу. «Чтобы транспортировать логистику, мне пришлось пересечь озеро рядом с большой дорогой. Я должен был безотлагательно пересечь озеро. Зимой лед в озере был тонким, поэтому машина с детьми успокоилась. В то время война была настолько ужасной, что я не мог объяснить это словами ». Внутри есть мемориал, в котором помнят 100 детей-солдат, принесенных в жертву здесь. Молодые мальчики, которые погибли, участвуя в школьных школах, чтобы защитить свой родной город. Люди надевали красные ленты и колокольчики, надеясь, что они вернутся. В Ленинградской битве погибло 3 миллиона человек. Лес, который ведет к жизненному пути, сохраняет жертву и болезнь миллионов людей.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-08 레닌그라드 전쟁의 보급로 생명의 길
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암길,street,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,소리,sound,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월북서 연방관구NorthwesternJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Tourism in Saint Petersburg Russia
Tourism in Saint Petersburg Russia - Best Tourist Attractions
Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in 2012, part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of 6.2 million (2015). An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city).
Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 27 May [O.S. 16 May] 1703. On 1 September 1914, the name was changed from Saint Petersburg to Petrograd, on 26 January 1924 to Leningrad, and on 1 October 1991 back to its original name. During the periods 1713–1728 and 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies moved to Moscow, which is about 625 km (388 miles) to the south-east.
Saint Petersburg is one of the most modern cities of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world. Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.
Saint Petersburg has a significant historical and cultural heritage.
The 18th and 19th-century architectural ensemble of the city and its environs is preserved in virtually unchanged form. For various reasons (including large-scale destruction during World War II and construction of modern buildings during the postwar period in the largest historical centers of Europe), Saint Petersburg has become a unique reserve of European architectural styles of the past three centuries. Saint Petersburg's loss of capital city status helped the city to retain many of its pre-revolutionary buildings, as modern architectural 'prestige projects' tended to be built in Moscow; this largely prevented the rise of mid-to-late-20th-century architecture and helped maintain the architectural appearance of the historic city center.
Saint Petersburg is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list as an area with 36 historical architectural complexes and around 4000 outstanding individual monuments of architecture, history and culture. New tourist programs and sightseeing tours have been developed for those wishing to see Saint Petersburg's cultural heritage.
The city has 221 museums, 2000 libraries, more than 80 theaters, 100 concert organizations, 45 galleries and exhibition halls, 62 cinemas and around 80 other cultural establishments. Every year the city hosts around 100 festivals and various competitions of art and culture, including more than 50 international ones.
Despite the economic instability of the 1990s, not a single major theatre or museum was closed in Saint Petersburg; on the contrary many new ones opened, for example a private museum of puppets (opened in 1999) is the third museum of its kind in Russia, where collections of more than 2000 dolls are presented including 'The multinational Saint Petersburg' and 'Pushkin's Petersburg'. The museum world of Saint Petersburg is incredibly diverse. The city is not only home to the world-famous Hermitage Museum and the Russian Museum with its rich collection of Russian art, but also the palaces of Saint Petersburg and its suburbs, so-called small town museums and others like the museum of famous Russian writer Dostoyevsky; Museum of Musical Instruments, the museum of decorative arts and the museum of professional orientation.
The musical life of Saint Petersburg is rich and diverse, with the city now playing host to a number of annual carnivals.
Ballet performances occupy a special place in the cultural life of Saint Petersburg. The Petersburg School of Ballet is named as one of the best in the world. Traditions of the Russian classical school have been passed down from generation to generation among outstanding educators. The art of famous and prominent Saint Petersburg dancers like Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Makarova, Mikhail Baryshnikov was, and is, admired throughout the world. Contemporary Petersburg ballet is made up not only of traditional Russian classical school, but also ballets by those like Boris Eifman, who expanded the scope of strict classical Russian ballet to almost unimaginable limits. Remaining faithful to the classical basis (he was a choreographer at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet), he combined classical ballet with the avant-garde style, and then, in turn, with acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, dramatic expressiveness, cinema, color, light, and finally with spoken word.
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