Drammen - Norway
Drammen - The Capital of Buskerud County Drammen – The City by the River
Drammen is situated at the mouth of the long and scenic Drammen river valley. The river is well known for salmon anglers, but also for being cleaned and included into the city centre with its park and leisure areas along the banks on both sides.
The Spiral tunnel
Spiralen made Drammen famous in 1961, and still is a well known reference to the city: a tunnel winding six times in an upward spiral inside the mountain leading up to a look out point with a magnificent view over the city, the fjord, the river and the surrounding mountains.
Almost 200 years old
Drammen has been a city for less than two centuries, but rock carvings and other relics of the past prove that there have been people in the area for about 6000 years. The city of Drammen was established in 1811 when the towns Bragernes on the north side of the river, and Strømsø and Tangen on the south side were united. Drammen, with its 57 000 inhabitants, is the tenth largest city in Norway.
The river has always been important
The river has played an important part throughout the history of Drammen and has also given the city its name. Drafn, meaning muddy water, was the original name of the river, as the strong currents whirled up and brought with them sand and gravel. For many years there were lots of sawmills and factories along the banks, and the river was important for the floating of timber from the forests to the mills, and also for freight of timber to the harbour for export.
Sustainable environment
After a thorough cleaning in the nineteen nineties and the development of well kept parks with pedestrian and bicycle paths, benches and beaches along the banks, the river is once again a natural part of the city. Drammen has gained national recognition for the last years' determined work with integrated spatial city-and city centre planning.
Transport, trade and industry
Transport is important for the Drammen trade and industry, and the city is a junction for road, rail and ship. Drammen Port is often used by international shipping companies. Food industry and several big and small companies within electronics and graphic industry are important sectors for employment in Drammen. Drammen is the centre for shopping for more than 100 000 people from the city and its surrounding areas including neighbouring municipalities
Towards an environment for higher education and research
The process of gathering various institutions for higher education which includes combined specialists' and public library in one centre has started. Drammen Campus, Library and Business Incubator (Papirbredden) will be the engine in the further process of developing and maintaining a sustainable environment for education and research in Drammen. The Campus will significantly contribute to Drammen's assets as the regional capital and be an engine for growth and development throughout the region.
Arenas for collaboration
Drammen plays an active part in regional collaboration arenas such as Rådet for Drammensregionen (The Council of the Drammen Region), Vestregionen (the municipalities west of Oslo), and the Oslo Region.)
wish to all friends a happy life..God bless all
Water Pavilion by William Pye in Drammen, Norway
Vannpaviljong (Water Pavillion) was unveiled on 18th june 2011 as a result of winning an international sculpture competition for an artwork incorporating water to be sited in the renovated square in Drammen, Norway
Waterjump competition in Drammen Norway HD
JoachimEnjoi - Enjoi Scandinavia© Ep. 2 (Drammen-Norway)
Episode 2 is here. Now i'm in Drammen in Norway. There was many awesome spots and only one skatepark. Well Gotta say... Enjoi it
Joachim Enjoi McJohnsen© 2010
Lekeland Drammen Norway gopro HD
My 6 year old takes you for a ride thru Lekeland
Rush Trampoline Park Drammen
Water sculpture by William Pye in Drammen, Norway
Time lapse video of the delivery and installation of Vannpaviljong (Water Pavilion) in May 2011. The new work in Stromso Square to be inaugurated on 18th June 2011.
Waterjump competition in Drammen, Norway
Motorcycle on fire in Drammen, Norway
A motorcycle with malfunctional brakes caught fire coming out of a tunnel in Drammen, Norway, on May 31. 2009. None of the 3 or 4 cars who bothered to stop had any water or fire extinguisher. Just a few centilitres of water could have prevented the fire. There were no injuries.
6/6/1997 Norway 'false flag' with fertilizer from Hydro - Bomb blast outside Bandidos HQ at Konnerud
Misjonssenteret NLM Konnerudgt. 22 Drammen | Norway - Bomb blast outside bikers headquarters -- AP Archive - T/I: 10:27:37 -- A woman passerby was killed late on Wednesday (4/6) outside the Norwegian headquarters of the Bandidos motorcycle gang. Police said the dead woman, apparently unconnected to the bikers, was driving past the gang HQ in Drammen when a huge explosion ripped through the building. Police fear the bomb attack is the latest round in an international biker war between the Bandidos and rival gang Hell's Angels. The feud has run for three years among gang members in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, and is thought to be linked to the control of the illegal arms and drugs trade.
pan from car to blaze;
cu body in car surrounded by firefighters pouring foam
rescue workers reacting to sound of explosion at seat of fire
gvs firefighters with hose-pipes tackling blaze
damage interior of clothes shop
SOT woman (Norwegian) witness describing what happened
SOT man (Norwegian) describing what happened
police at roadside, pan to blaze;
police clearing away onlookers
Published on Jul 21, 2015
6/6/1997 Thorbjørn YURI Jagland: – Disse satans drapsmenn - FN-soldat utslettet Bandidos i Drammen
«På innsiden» Hauges Brødrevenner gjennomfører Norges første 'false flag' terrorangrep ved Konnerud, med kunstgjødsel fra Norsk Hydro/Yara
– Disse satans drapsmenn - Når daværende statsminister Thorbjørn Jagland besøker åstedet dagen etter eksplosjonen, er han synlig opprørt. – Dette er umennesker. Disse satans drapsmenn må tas, og de må straffes etter loven. Statsminister Thorbjørn Jagland og justisminister Gerd-Liv Valla på befaring i ruinene etter bombeattentatet.
Nå, 20 år etter å ha tent på lunta som la Konnerudgata i ruiner, angrer John Gerhard Berg.
Før Berg sluttet seg til MC-miljøet, tjenestegjorde han som FN-soldat i Libanon, Saudi-Arabia og Bosnia. Han sier han var sliten av å gå rundt og være redd etter å ha kommet hjem fra Bosnia.
Men Berg prater. Litt i hvert fall.
Ingunn Refsnes var søskenbarn og en nær venninne av Irene Sjåstad Bekkevold (51) som ble drept i Hells Angels-attentatet mot Bandidos-hovedkvarteret i Drammen den 4. juni i 1997. Publisert 05. april 2002, kl. 02:00
Ingunn Refsnes reagerer sterkt på at på at mannen som ble dømt til 12 års fengsel for medvirkning til bombeattentatet mot Bandidos i Drammen er sluppet fri.
Jensen ble også kjent for opprydning i motorsykkelmiljøet etter at en uskyldig forbipasserende kvinne ble drept i 1997 da Hells Angels bombet klubbhuset til Bandidos i Drammen.
«Saken var så spesiell at vi gjorde en del ting som aldri hadde vært gjort i Politi-Norge tidligere. Vi gjorde det i den gode saks tjeneste», skriver Jensen i sin bok «På innsiden».
Politiet mente attentatet mot Bandidos' klubblokaler i Konnerudgata var et velregissert, nøye planlagt terrorangrep der hensikten var å oppnå anerkjennelse og aksept hos Hells Angels internasjonalt.
Sprengstoff på mellom 30 og 50 kilo ble brukt i bomben som jevnet Bandidos-bygningen med jorden. Sprengstoffet var en blanding av diesel og kunstgjødsel –det samme som i Oklahoma-bomben, fortalte den gang brannsjef Gunnar Sønsteby.
7/22 Kommisjonsleder Alexandra Bech Gjørv reddet Hydro fra nytt terrorsøksmål i Oslo tingrett i 2012
Trump reopens 7/22, WTC attacks (Norsk Hydro heavy water & fertilizer) on 9/11 and February 26, 1993
Drammen Misjonsforsamling NLM holder til i MISJONSSENTERET. Lokalet ligger i Konnerudgata 22, på Strømsø i Drammen sentrum.
NLMs første generalsekretær var Johannes Brandtzæg. En av de mest markante var Tormod Vågen. I nyere tid har Egil Grandhagen vært den lengst sittende generalsekretæren (fra 1982 - 2001).
Kjell Grandhagen (født 7. oktober 1954 i Oslo) var sjef for Etterretningstjenesten fra 2010 til 2016.
Grandhagen gikk i 1974 ut av Befalsskolen for infanteriet. I 1978 ble han uteksaminert fra Krigsskolen. Grandhagen har tatt Hærens stabsskole og studert ved École supérieure de guerre interarmées i Paris.[1]
Grandhagen har tjenestegjort utenlands i Multinational Force and Observers i Egypt og i Den nordisk-polske brigaden i SFOR-styrken i Bosnia-Hercegovina, der han først var stabssjef og så sjef.[1]
Han er bror til Egil Grandhagen, som tidligere var generalsekretær i Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband.
Huge 1960s Brødr. Reber A/S (Schindler) traction freight elevator @ Svelvikveien 87, Drammen, Norway
Short ride in a huge freighter.
Elevator Information
• Location: Svelvikveien 87, Drammen, Norway
• Manufacturer: Brødr. Reber A/S (Schindler)
• Year: Early 1960s
• Serial:
• Type: 2-speed traction, relay controller without memory
• Capacity: 6000 kg
• Stops: 4
Video Information
• Date: 7. November 2019
• Camera: Sony A6000
• Editor: Cyberlink PowerDirector
Totenbadet | The Greatest Waterpark Ever!
Ladies and gentlemen, why swim anywhere but here?
Amazing place. Norway , Mosjøen , Norge
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Rush trampolinepark
Rush trampolinepark Oslo var Norges første trampolinepark og har parker både rundt i Norge og i resten av verden.
Drammensbadet - Drammen kommune
Deng i drammen April Trailer
On April 11, 2010, at 13:00 (that's 01:00 PM) There will be deng.
Add and ask Marius Speider on facebook to get the excact place (which is the same place as the last fight was recorded)
Again, Deng I Drammen is a group of fun-loving people who practice their larpfighting at various places where we can. Sometimes in the park, sometimes in the woods, sometimes by the river.
Some of us dress up or put on armour, as to better get the feel of how to move in them when we fight, and some of us do not.
These are not videos of actual larp events, which is why everyone isn't wearing costumes and fighting outside a fitting tavern. This is Deng. And Deng there will be.
Paintball war in Drammen, Norway 2015
Paintball fight in Drammen, Norway
Norway Drammen city and the Ypsilon brigde
This is drammen in Norway and the Ypsilon brigde, enjoy :)