[Chinese Drama] The Legend of Qingcheng 04 Indo Sub | 2019 TV Series, History Romance 1080P
Ringkasan Plot: Serial TV The Legend of Qin Cheng adalah tentang kisah legendaris Keluarga Meng dan Keluarga Lin di Sungai Kuning. Enam tahun lalu, Meng Xianghe, tuan muda Keluarga Meng, menikahi Lin Xiangyu, putri Keluarga Lin, di bawah pengaturan keluarga. Tapi dia melarikan diri setelah pernikahan, Famliy Jadi Meng harus menyetujui kesepakatan kompensasi: Jika Meng Xianghe tidak kembali dalam enam tahun, Keluarga Meng akan membayar sepuluh ribu dolar perak dan lebih dari enam puluh ribu meter persegi tanah untuk Keluarga Lin. Enam tahun kemudian, Meng Xianghe kembali dengan istri barunya yang cinta bebas. Jadi dia terlibat ke dalam kebencian dan cinta dua keluarga, dan dua istri. Dengan bakat bisnisnya, ia menimbun banyak hookah, kemudian menjadi orang terkaya dan legenda Qingcheng. Akhirnya, ketika pertarungan lama sepertinya berakhir, peran penjahat besar hanya membuka topeng ... Drama ini juga dinamai A Qingcheng Legendary Qing Cheng Yuan Qingcheng Yuan
Diproduksi: Bai Nian Hua Sheng, A Lai Ye, Zhong Yun Bo Yi
Direktur: Li Wei
Penulis: Gao Xufan, Wang Zhujun
Dibintangi: Li Guangjie, Deric Wan, Pelangi, Fu Jing, Wu Mian, Wang Jing, Qin Li, Zheng Qiang, Zhang Beibei
Fitur: Drama Romantis, Sejarah ROC, Legenda
Episode: 33
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[電視劇] 青城緣 14 The Legend of Qingcheng, Eng Sub | 2019 歷史愛情劇 民國年代劇 李光潔 溫兆倫 王力可 付晶 1080P
故事簡介: 2019電視劇《青城緣 The Legend of Qingcheng》承襲《大宅門》《走西口》《喬家大院》等經典大劇風格,講述民國年間,甘肅黃河邊青城古鎮上孟、林兩大家族之間前後近四十年的大宅門恩怨情仇。兩大家族都在青城經營水煙貿易,生意上勢均力敵。後來孟家老爺趁林家犯事之際壓價搶購了林家的五百畝最好的煙田,且要求林家女兒林香玉嫁于孟家少爺孟祥河。然而三天后孟祥河逃離這段包辦婚姻,孟家被迫答應林家,如果六年後孟祥河還不回來,孟家就要將祖業賠償給林家。六年後,孟祥河帶了自由戀愛的新媳婦丁月返回青城。他將如何面對兩大家族的恩怨紛爭,兄弟間的情與義,兩個女人的愛與恨?伴隨著一場場驚心動魄的爭鬥即將落下帷幕,而幕後最大的黑手卻走向前臺…本劇或名《黃河古鎮》《黃河絕戀》。
出品 : 百年華盛 阿籟耶 中韻博藝
導演 : 李偉
編劇 : 高旭帆,王竹君
主演 : 李光潔 , 溫兆倫 , 王力可 , 傅晶 , 吳冕 , 王靜 , 秦麗 , 鄭強 , 張蓓蓓
題材 : 愛情劇 , 民國歷史, 傳奇
集數 : 33
年代 : 2011
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《国家宝藏》 20171224 【National Treasure】 郭涛化身长安城“导游” 带您领略大唐风范的必胜景象 | CCTV综艺
04:32 葡萄花鸟纹银香囊 国宝守护人:马苏
34:27 杜虎符 国宝守护人:刘奕君
01:02:41 《阙楼仪仗图》 国宝守护人:郭涛
本期节目中,陕西历史博物馆将携葡萄花鸟纹银香囊、杜虎符以及《阙楼仪仗图》三件国宝震撼亮相。著名演员马苏、刘奕君和郭涛则作为“国宝守护人”,在现场演绎国家宝藏背后的“前世传奇”和“今生故事”,分享他们与国宝之间的缘分。 (《国家宝藏》 20171224)
“欲知大道,必先为史”。中华民族五千年的文化传承从未断代,每一件文物都历经着岁月的沧桑。 《国家宝藏》是一档大型文博探索节目,真实、全面、立体的展现中华民族的文化瑰宝,赞咏一眼千年中日日流淌、从未褪色的文化自信,感叹这承载民族过往而又影响当下未来的血脉精魂!
Han Chinese | Wikipedia audio article
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Han Chinese
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Han Chinese, Han people or simply Han (UK: ; US: ; Mandarin pronunciation: [hân]) (Chinese: 漢人; pinyin: Hànrén; literally: Han people; or 漢族, pinyin: Hànzú, literally Han ethnicity or Han ethnic group) are an East Asian ethnic group and nation. They constitute the world's largest ethnic group, making up about 18% of the global population. The estimated 1.3 billion Han Chinese are mostly concentrated in mainland China (about 92% of the total population) and in Taiwan (about 95% of the population). Han Chinese also makes up three quarters of the total population of Singapore.The Han Chinese trace a common ancestry to the Huaxia, a name for the initial confederation of agricultural tribes living along the Yellow River. The term Huaxia represents the collective neolithic confederation of agricultural tribes Hua and Xia who settled along the Central Plains around the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in northern China. The two tribes were the ancestors of the modern Han Chinese that gave birth to Chinese civilisation. In addition, the Huaxia (literally the civilised Xia people) was distinctively used to represent the Huaxia as a civilised ethnic group in contrast to what was perceived of different ethnic groups as barbaric peoples around them. In many overseas Chinese communities, the term Huaren (華人; Huárén) may be used for people of Chinese ethnicity as distinct from Zhongguoren (中国人) which refers to citizens of China. The term Zhongguoren also includes people of non-Han nationality. Han people (漢人; Hànrén) may also be used for people of Han Chinese descent around the world.The Han Chinese are bound together with a common genetic stock and a shared history inhabiting an ancient ancestral territory spanning more than four thousand years, deeply rooted with many different cultural traditions and customs. The Huaxia tribes in northern China experienced a continuous expansion into southern China over the past two millennia. Huaxia culture spread from its heartland from the Yellow River Basin southward, absorbing various non-Chinese ethnic groups that became sinicised over the centuries at various points in China's history. The Han dynasty is considered to be the one of the first great eras in Chinese history as it made China the major regional power in East Asia and projected much of its influence on its neighbours while rivalling the Roman Empire in population size and geographical reach. The Han dynasty's prestige and prominence influenced many of the ancient Huaxia to begin identifying themselves as The People of Han. To this day, Han Chinese have since taken their ethnic name from this dynasty, and the Chinese script is referred to as Han characters.
芈月传 64 | The Legend of Mi Yue 64(孙俪,刘涛,黄轩,赵立新 领衔主演) Letv Official
【剧情介绍】:战国时期,芈月(孙俪 饰)是楚威王最宠爱的小公主,但在楚威王出战之时地位一落千丈,母亲向氏(蒋欣 饰)被楚威后逐出宫,多年后返回宫中以命复仇,为灾难和危机。芈月与楚公子黄歇(黄轩 饰)青梅竹马,真心相爱,为了可以与黄歇顺利私奔,故自愿作为嫡公主芈姝(刘涛 饰)的陪嫁媵侍远嫁秦国,在往秦国的路上芈月、芈姝互相扶持,中间楚国礼车在往秦国路上被义渠王翟骊(高云翔 饰)带领的军队强劫,黄歇因为要救芈月,而跌落山谷生死未详,心灰意冷的芈月,为了要找出幕后主使而陪芈姝进入秦宫,芈姝当上了秦国的王后,芈月因魏夫人陷害,将其同母异父的弟弟魏冉绑架,不得已求助秦王成为宠妃。原本的姐妹之情在芈月生下儿子嬴稷以后渐渐分裂。诸子争位,秦王嬴驷抱憾而亡。芈月和儿子被发配到遥远的燕国。不料秦武王嬴荡举鼎而亡,秦国大乱。芈月借义渠军力回到秦国,平定了秦国内乱。芈月儿子嬴稷登基为王,史称秦昭襄王。芈月当上了史上第一个太后,史称秦宣太后。
【ENG SUB】盛唐幻夜 06 | An Oriental Odyssey 06(吴倩、郑业成、张雨剑、董琦主演)
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盛唐洛阳,户部侍郎千金叶远安好打抱不平,在一起花魁被杀案中,误打误撞,结识了英勇的捕头赵澜之。两人携手破案 ,相识相知。远安从集市上救了一个身份神秘的失忆男子穆乐,收为家仆,岂料这个一根筋的男生对自己绝对忠诚,渐渐萌发爱恋痴念。在罗天洞、景王府等案件中,三人配合紧密,屡破奇案,并挫败了隐藏于这些案件背后的国师天桥夺取至宝九星念珠的阴谋。天桥之徒明慧郡主爱上澜之,以远安性命胁迫澜之成亲。远安倍感失落,赌气要嫁给穆乐,却被穆乐误会。穆乐伤心之余,发现自己竟是娑罗国落难王子,于是盗走刻有奇门异术的九星念珠,回国复仇,远安和赵澜之、明慧追踪而来,四人携手平定了祸乱,他们也因此找到了真爱所在。
Ye Yuan'an, the daughter of the vice-minister of ministry of finance, encountered with the brave head constable, Zhao Lanzhi in a prostitute-killed case. They solve the case together and gradually fall in love. On the journey, Ye saves Mu Le, who lost his memories, from a bazaar. Then the stubborn Mu becomes Ye's servant and is quite loyal to her. Afterwards, Ye, Zhao and Mu cooperate closely, trying hard to deal with special cases. Infanta Minghui, the disciple of the state master, Tianqiao, falls in love with Zhao Lanzhi and threatens him to marry her with her life. Besides the secret of Mu’s identity and the chaos to be conquered, the four also have to deal with the complex relationships between them.
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Song dynasty | Wikipedia audio article
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Song dynasty
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Song dynasty (Chinese: 宋朝; pinyin: Sòng cháo; 960–1279) was an era of Chinese history that began in 960 and continued until 1279. It was founded by Emperor Taizu of Song following his usurpation of the throne of Later Zhou, ending the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. The Song often came into conflict with the contemporary Liao and Western Xia dynasties in the north and was conquered by the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. The Song government was the first in world history to issue banknotes or true paper money nationally and the first Chinese government to establish a permanent standing navy. This dynasty also saw the first known use of gunpowder, as well as the first discernment of true north using a compass.
The Song dynasty is divided into two distinct periods, Northern and Southern. During the Northern Song (Chinese: 北宋; 960–1127), the Song capital was in the northern city of Bianjing (now Kaifeng) and the dynasty controlled most of what is now Eastern China. The Southern Song (Chinese: 南宋; 1127–1279) refers to the period after the Song lost control of its northern half to the Jurchen Jin dynasty in the Jin–Song Wars. During this time, the Song court retreated south of the Yangtze and established its capital at Lin'an (now Hangzhou). Although the Song dynasty had lost control of the traditional birthplace of Chinese civilization along the Yellow River, the Song economy was still strong, as the Southern Song Empire contained a large population and productive agricultural land. The Southern Song dynasty considerably bolstered its naval strength to defend its waters and land borders and to conduct maritime missions abroad. To repel the Jin, and later the Mongols, the Song developed revolutionary new military technology augmented by the use of gunpowder. In 1234, the Jin dynasty was conquered by the Mongols, who took control of northern China, maintaining uneasy relations with the Southern Song. Möngke Khan, the fourth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, died in 1259 while besieging the city of Chongqing. His younger brother Kublai Khan was proclaimed the new Great Khan, though his claim was only partially recognized by the Mongols in the west. In 1271, Kublai Khan was proclaimed the Emperor of China. After two decades of sporadic warfare, Kublai Khan's armies conquered the Song dynasty in 1279. The Mongol invasion led to a reunification under the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368).The population of China doubled in size during the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries. This growth was made possible by expanded rice cultivation in central and southern Song, the use of early-ripening rice from south-east and southern Asia, and the production of widespread food surpluses. The Northern Song census recorded 20 million households, double of the Han and Tang dynasties. It is estimated that the Northern Song had a population of some 120 million people, and 200 million by the time of the Ming dynasty. This dramatic increase of population fomented an economic revolution in pre-modern China. The expansion of the population, growth of cities, and the emergence of a national economy led to the gradual withdrawal of the central government from direct involvement in economic affairs. The lower gentry assumed a larger role in grassroots administration and local affairs. Appointed officials in county and provincial centers relied upon the scholarly gentry for their services, sponsorship, and local supervision.
Social life during the Song was vibrant. Citizens gathered to view and trade precious artworks, the populace intermingled at public festivals and private clubs, and cities had lively entertainment quarters. The spread of literature and knowledge was enhanced by the rapid expansion of woodblock printing and the 11th-century invention of movable-type printing. Technology, science, philosophy, mathematics, and engineering flourished over the course of the Song. Philosopher ...
Han dynasty | Wikipedia audio article
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Han dynasty
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Han dynasty (; Chinese: 漢朝; pinyin: Hàn cháo) was the second imperial dynasty of China (206 BC–220 AD), preceded by the Qin dynasty (221–206 BC) and succeeded by the Three Kingdoms period (220–280 AD). Spanning over four centuries, the Han period is considered a golden age in Chinese history. To this day, China's majority ethnic group refers to themselves as the Han Chinese and the Chinese script is referred to as Han characters. It was founded by the rebel leader Liu Bang, known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu of Han, and briefly interrupted by the Xin dynasty (9–23 AD) of the former regent Wang Mang. This interregnum separates the Han dynasty into two periods: the Western Han or Former Han (206 BC–9 AD) and the Eastern Han or Later Han (25–220 AD).
The emperor was at the pinnacle of Han society. He presided over the Han government but shared power with both the nobility and appointed ministers who came largely from the scholarly gentry class. The Han Empire was divided into areas directly controlled by the central government using an innovation inherited from the Qin known as commanderies, and a number of semi-autonomous kingdoms. These kingdoms gradually lost all vestiges of their independence, particularly following the Rebellion of the Seven States. From the reign of Emperor Wu (r. 141–87 BC) onward, the Chinese court officially sponsored Confucianism in education and court politics, synthesized with the cosmology of later scholars such as Dong Zhongshu. This policy endured until the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911 AD.
The Han dynasty saw an age of economic prosperity and witnessed a significant growth of the money economy first established during the Zhou dynasty (c. 1050–256 BC). The coinage issued by the central government mint in 119 BC remained the standard coinage of China until the Tang dynasty (618–907 AD). The period saw a number of limited institutional innovations. To finance its military campaigns and the settlement of newly conquered frontier territories, the Han government nationalized the private salt and iron industries in 117 BC, but these government monopolies were repealed during the Eastern Han dynasty. Science and technology during the Han period saw significant advances, including the process of papermaking, the nautical steering ship rudder, the use of negative numbers in mathematics, the raised-relief map, the hydraulic-powered armillary sphere for astronomy, and a seismometer for measuring earthquakes employing an inverted pendulum.
The Xiongnu, a nomadic steppe confederation, defeated the Han in 200 BC and forced the Han to submit as a de facto inferior and vassal partner, but continued their military raids on the Han borders. Emperor Wu launched several military campaigns against them. The ultimate Han victory in these wars eventually forced the Xiongnu to accept vassal status as Han tributaries. These campaigns expanded Han sovereignty into the Tarim Basin of Central Asia, divided the Xiongnu into two separate confederations, and helped establish the vast trade network known as the Silk Road, which reached as far as the Mediterranean world. The territories north of Han's borders were quickly overrun by the nomadic Xianbei confederation. Emperor Wu also launched successful military expeditions in the south, annexing Nanyue in 111 BC and Dian in 109 BC, and in the Korean Peninsula where the Xuantu and Lelang Commanderies were established in 108 BC. After 92 AD, the palace eunuchs increasingly involved themselves in court politics, engaging in violent power struggles between the various consort clans of the empresses and empresses dowager, causing the Han's ultimate downfall. Imperial authority was also seriously challenged by large Daoist religious societies which instigated the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion. Following the death of Emperor Ling (r. 168–189 AD), the palace eu ...
Yongchun Baihe - Yongchun White Crane Boxing - [永春白鹤拳]
White Crane boxing is thought to have originated in Yongchun County, Fujian province. This rare video from the 1980's shows footage of Yongchun White Crane Boxing.
In Ming Dynasty during the years of Jia Zheng (嘉政), there were twenty-four people from my town -Yong Chun (永春)- setting off to the exterior of North Gate of the Fu Zhu Family in Fu Jian Sheng (福建省福宁府北門外). Their mission was to learn the martial arts of Bai He(白鶴拳法) from Fang Qi Liang (方七娘), the daughter of Mr. Fang Cheng (方撐). They had learnt from her for two years. My ancestor, Pan Dui Jin (潘堆金) was one of the twenty-four members. He subsequently returned to Yung Chun to pass on this martial arts to Pan Sai Yu (潘賽玉)、Pan Da Ren (潘大壬)、Pan You Cheng (潘有成) and Pan Yue Zhao (潘月照). These five persons were proficient in Bai He, expert at the surgeries of broken tendons and blood clotting, and were renowned throughout the province. They had attracted quite a lot of pupils and later on had passed on their martial arts to Pan Dun Chi (潘敦池)、Pan Shen En (潘深恩)、 Pan Li Qiu (潘利秋) and Pan Zhen Tuan(潘貞團)。Pan Zhen Tuan is my elder uncle. When I was eleven years old, I followed him to learn Bai He and at the same time had practised duo-fighting for three years with my schoolmate, Huang Yi Bian (黃奕扁). When I was fifteen, I studied arteries and veins in Chinese medicine with Ruan Guo Xing (阮國興). When I was eighteen, I opened a dispensary for bone-fractures in Chi Shui Street (赤水街). When I was thirty-three, Yao Ming Qiao (姚明僑), the fifth son of the millionaire Yao Zhang(姚樟) who lived in the riverhead of Da Pu Fu(達埔洑) in Yong Chun, had donated money to the Ping Lu Province (平魯縣) in Guang Dong (廣東). As the province magistrate was very fond of martial arts, he invited me to teach martial arts in his two halls. In eighty days I was granted two hundred dollars. In 1928, when I was forty-seven, I set off for Nan Jing (南京) to participate in the examination for the First National Martial Arts, which had lasted for one month. Then Mr. Zhang Zhi Jiang (張芝江), the Head of the halls, personally urged me to travel to the areas around Malaya(南洋) to spread Chinese martial arts. Thanks to Mr. Zhang, I first arrived at Malaysia, and with the decision of Mr. Chen Jia Geng (陳嘉庚) I had led performances and taught in many states and provinces. Later on, a national martial arts school was found within the Singapore Commercial Remedial School, and I was appointed as the Acting Head for the national martial arts school and had coached eighteen (18) disciples. At that time there were totally three hundred and twenty (320) pupils. When I returned to my motherland, I had established a Chinese martial arts school for three years in the shrine of Weng Gong(翁公祠) in Wu Li Street (五里街) in Yong Chun. People of all walks of life in Yong Chun knew about it. Eventually, Pan Dun Chi (潘敦池)、Pan Shen En (潘深恩)、 Pan Li Qiu(潘利秋) and Pan Zhen Tuan(潘貞團), etc. went to teach in the major province Jiang Xi(江西省), and passed on the martial arts to quite a number of pupils.
- Narrated by Pan Xiao De(潘孝德) -
Qianlong Emperor
The Qianlong Emperor (Chien-lung Emperor; born Hongli (Hung-li; Chinese: 弘曆; Möllendorff transliteration hung li); 25 September 1711 – 7 February 1799) was the sixth emperor of the Manchu-led Qing Dynasty, and the fourth Qing emperor to rule over China proper. The fourth son of the Yongzheng Emperor, he reigned officially from 11 October 1735 to 8 February 1796.1 On 8 February, he abdicated in favor of his son, the Jiaqing Emperor – a filial act in order not to reign longer than his grandfather, the illustrious Kangxi Emperor. Despite his retirement, however, he retained ultimate power until his death in 1799. Although his early years saw the continuation of an era of prosperity in China, his final years saw troubles at home and abroad converge on the Qing Empire.
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Henan (Chinese: 河南; pinyin: Hénán; Wade–Giles: Ho-nan) is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the central part of the country. Its one-character abbreviation is 豫 (yù), named after Yuzhou (豫州; Yùzhōu), a Han Dynasty state (zhou) that included parts of Henan. Although the name of the province (河南) means south of the river, approximately a quarter of the province lies north of the Yellow River, also known as the Huang He.
Henan is often referred to as Zhongyuan or Zhongzhou (中州) which literally means central plains or midland, although the name is also applied to the entirety of China proper. Henan is the birthplace of Chinese civilization with over 5,000 years of history, and remained China's cultural, economical, and political center until approximately 1,000 years ago. Numerous heritages have been left behind including the ruins of Shang Dynasty capital city Yin and the Shaolin Temple. Four of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China, Luoyang, Anyang, Kaifeng, and Zhengzhou are located in Henan.
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Shaolin Monastery | Wikipedia audio article | Wikipedia audio article
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Shaolin Monastery | Wikipedia audio article
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Shaolin Monastery (Chinese: 少林寺; pinyin: Shàolín sì), also known as the Shaolin Temple, is a Chan (Zen) Buddhist temple in Dengfeng County, Henan Province, China. Believed to have been founded in the 5th century CE, the Shaolin Temple is the main temple of the Shaolin school of Buddhism to this day.
Shaolin Monastery and its Pagoda Forest were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2010 as part of the Historic Monuments of Dengfeng.
[電視劇] 齊醜無豔 01 The Ugly Queen, Eng Sub | 春秋戰國 古裝劇 愛情劇 動作喜劇 Historical Romance Drama 1080P
全劇簡介: 2019 電視劇《齊醜無豔 The Ugly Queen》講述春秋戰國時期諸侯紛爭,民不聊生,戰國七雄當中實力最強的當屬齊國,齊宣王的父親齊威王駕崩後齊宣王繼位。齊宣王繼位初期沉迷酒色,不理朝政,丞相晏嬰是看在眼裡急在心頭。無計可施。玉皇大帝生有七女,六女心底善良,觀天下百姓疾苦,決心下凡幫助百姓脫離苦難,但是不能以仙女的身份下凡,必須披上夜叉的外衣才能下凡,投胎出生在蒼山放馬嶺下的鐘離村,取名“鐘離無鹽” (或稱 鐘無豔、鐘離春、鐘無鹽;中國古代四大醜女之一)。因自小生的奇醜無比,無人敢靠近,但是她卻學的了一身好本領,文韜武略,天文地理,無所不能。文從鬼穀子,武從驪山老母。巧遇齊宣王后成為齊宣王的正宮娘娘,輔佐齊宣王治理齊國,使得齊國在戰國七雄當中逐漸壯大。
Plot Summary of 2019 New Chinese Historical Romance Drama The Ugly Queen 齊醜無豔 Web Series: During Chinese Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.), States fought each other, people suffered a lot. But when King Xuan of Qi succeeded to the throne (350 B.C.), at the beginning, He was very dissipated and neglected state affairs. Yan Ying, the Prime Minister, was so worry about this. The Jade Emperor of the Heaven has seven daughter fairies, The 6th daughter is kind and worry about the people of Mortal World. So she decides to go down to help them. But she can't show her real appearance but a Yaksha face. then she was reincarnated in Zhongli Village, named Zhongli Wuyan (also called Zhong Wuyan or Zhongli Chun, One of Four Famous Ugliest Woman in Chinese History). This girl was adept with both the pen and the sword (Strategy and Military). With the help of Prime Minister Yan Ying, she met the King Xuan of Qi and became his Queen. After that, she support the King manage the state affairs and made Qi become one of the strongest states.
出品 Produced: 金盾影視 最幕影視
導演 Director: 李相國 Li Xiangguo
主演 Starring: 郝文婷 高海誠 武虹言 閆立飛 鄭龍 趙津生 李學政
題材 Feature: #古裝 Ancient Costume, 歷史 Chinese History, 軍事 #動作 Military #Action, 喜劇 Comedy, 愛情 #Romance
集數 Episodes: 12
年代 Year: 2018
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Sichuan | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sichuan (四川; formerly romanised as Szechuan or Szechwan), is a province in southwest China occupying most of the Sichuan Basin and the easternmost part of the Tibetan Plateau between the Jinsha River on the west, the Daba Mountains in the north, and the Yungui Plateau to the south. Sichuan's capital city is Chengdu. The population of Sichuan stands at 81 million.
In antiquity, Sichuan was the home of the ancient states of Ba and Shu. Their conquest by Qin strengthened it and paved the way for the First Emperor's unification of China under the Qin dynasty. During the Three Kingdoms era, Liu Bei's Shu was based in Sichuan. The area was devastated in the 17th century by Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion and the area's subsequent Manchu conquest, but recovered to become one of China's most productive areas by the 19th century. During the Second World War, Chongqing served as the temporary capital of the Republic of China, making it the focus of Japanese bombing. It was one of the last mainland areas to fall to the Communists during the Chinese Civil War and was divided into four parts from 1949 to 1952, with Chongqing restored two years later. It suffered gravely during the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 but remained China's most populous province until Chongqing Municipality was again separated from it in 1997.
The people of Sichuan speak a unique form of Mandarin, which took shape during the area's repopulation under the Ming. The family of dialects is now spoken by about 120 million people, which would make it the 10th most spoken language in the world if counted separately. The area's warm damp climate long caused Chinese medicine to advocate spicy dishes; the native Sichuan pepper was supplemented by Mexican chilis during the Columbian Exchange to form modern Sichuan cuisine, whose dishes—including Kung Pao chicken and Mapo tofu—have become staples of Chinese cuisine around the world.
【ENG SUB】《大军师司马懿之军师联盟》第1集 - 董承刺曹失败 The Advisors Alliance Ep1【官方独播超清版】
【订阅频道 - 看大军师司马懿传奇一生: 】
Shaolin Temple rebuilding disputes
A report that the Shaolin Temple will spend 2 billion yuan to rebuild a temple in Jixian county of Tianjin appeared on the Internet on Monday...
Sichuan | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:49 1 Names
00:03:16 2 History
00:03:24 2.1 Prehistory
00:03:58 2.2 Ba and Shu Kingdoms
00:05:40 2.3 Qin dynasty
00:06:50 2.4 Han dynasty
00:07:19 2.5 Three Kingdoms
00:08:11 2.6 Tang dynasty
00:08:53 2.7 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
00:09:24 2.8 Song dynasty
00:11:07 2.9 Ming dynasty
00:12:24 2.10 Qing dynasty
00:13:23 2.11 Republic of China
00:15:18 2.12 People's Republic of China
00:17:09 3 Administrative divisions
00:17:44 3.1 Urban areas
00:17:53 4 Geography and biodiversity
00:20:37 4.1 Giant Panda
00:21:11 4.2 Linpan settlements
00:21:36 5 Politics
00:22:10 6 Economy
00:25:35 6.1 Foreign trade
00:26:34 6.2 Minimum wage
00:27:17 6.3 Economic and technological development zones
00:27:27 6.3.1 Chengdu Economic and Technological Development Zone
00:28:25 6.3.2 Chengdu Export Processing Zone
00:29:01 6.3.3 Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
00:30:22 6.3.4 Mianyang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
00:31:17 7 Transportation
00:31:50 7.1 Airports
00:33:11 7.2 Expressways
00:34:02 7.3 Rail
00:34:22 8 Demographics
00:35:46 8.1 Religion
00:36:48 9 Culture
00:38:35 9.1 Languages
00:40:20 9.2 Cuisine
00:41:33 10 Education
00:41:42 10.1 Colleges and universities
00:43:07 11 Tourism
00:44:16 12 Notable individuals
00:46:02 13 Sports
00:46:33 14 Sister states and regions
00:47:48 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9585710991260379
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Sichuan (四川; alternately romanized as Szechuan or Szechwan) is a province in southwest China occupying most of the Sichuan Basin and the easternmost part of the Tibetan Plateau between the Jinsha River on the west, the Daba Mountains in the north, and the Yungui Plateau to the south. Sichuan's capital city is Chengdu. The population of Sichuan stands at 81 million.
In antiquity, Sichuan was the home of the ancient states of Ba and Shu. Their conquest by Qin strengthened it and paved the way for the Qin Shi Huang's unification of China under the Qin dynasty. During the Three Kingdoms era, Liu Bei's Shu was based in Sichuan. The area was devastated in the 17th century by Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion and the area's subsequent Manchu conquest, but recovered to become one of China's most productive areas by the 19th century. During the World War II, Chongqing served as the temporary capital of the Republic of China, making it the focus of Japanese bombing. It was one of the last mainland areas to fall to the Communists during the Chinese Civil War and was divided into four parts from 1949 to 1952, with Chongqing restored two years later. It suffered gravely during the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 but remained China's most populous province until Chongqing Municipality was again separated from it in 1997.
The people of Sichuan speak a unique form of Mandarin, which took shape during the area's repopulation under the Ming. The family of dialects is now spoken by about 120 million people, which would make it the 10th most spoken language in the world if counted separately. The area's warm damp climate long caused Chinese medicine to advocate spicy dishes; the native Sichuan pepper was supplemented by Mexican chilis during the Columbian Exchange to form modern Sichuan cuisine, whose dishes—including Kung Pao chicken and Mapo tofu—have become staples of Chinese cuisine around the world.
Shanghai | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:21 1 Names
00:04:17 2 History
00:04:26 2.1 Ancient history
00:05:23 2.2 Imperial history
00:08:11 2.3 Rise and golden age
00:12:04 2.4 Wartime era
00:13:24 2.5 Modern history
00:15:19 3 Geography
00:18:08 3.1 Climate
00:20:14 4 Cityscape
00:20:23 5 Politics
00:22:22 6 Administrative divisions
00:25:20 7 Economy
00:31:21 8 Demographics
00:33:00 9 Religion
00:35:44 10 Education
00:39:33 11 Transport
00:39:42 11.1 Public transport
00:41:53 11.2 Roads
00:44:01 11.3 Railway
00:44:50 11.4 Air
00:45:39 12 Architecture
00:50:22 13 Environment
00:50:31 13.1 Parks and resorts
00:52:56 13.2 Environmental protection
00:53:39 13.3 Air pollution and government reaction
00:55:29 14 Culture
00:56:34 14.1 Language
00:58:46 14.2 Museums
01:00:45 14.3 Cinema
01:02:16 14.4 Arts
01:04:29 14.5 Fashion
01:06:55 15 Media
01:07:35 16 Sports
01:10:16 17 International relations
01:10:38 18 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7751309660842907
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Shanghai (Chinese: 上海, Mandarin pronunciation: [ʂâŋ.xài] (listen), Wu pronunciation: [zɑ̃.hɛ] (listen)) is one of the four municipalities under the direct administration of the central government of the People's Republic of China, the largest city in China by population, and the second most populous city proper in the world, with a population of 24.18 million as of 2017. It is a global financial centre and transport hub, with the world's busiest container port. Located in the Yangtze River Delta, it sits on the south edge of the estuary of the Yangtze in the middle portion of the East China coast. The municipality borders the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the north, south and west, and is bounded to the east by the East China Sea.As a major administrative, shipping and trading city, Shanghai grew in importance in the 19th century due to trade and recognition of its favourable port location and economic potential. The city was one of five treaty ports forced open to foreign trade following the British victory over China in the First Opium War. The subsequent 1842 Treaty of Nanking and 1844 Treaty of Whampoa allowed the establishment of the Shanghai International Settlement and the French Concession. The city then flourished as a centre of commerce between China and other parts of the world (predominantly the Occident), and became the primary financial hub of the Asia-Pacific region in the 1930s. However, with the Communist Party takeover of the mainland in 1949, trade was limited to other socialist countries, and the city's global influence declined. In the 1990s, the economic reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping resulted in an intense re-development of the city, aiding the return of finance and foreign investment to the city. It has since re-emerged as a hub for international trade and finance; it is the home of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, one of the world's largest by market capitalization.Shanghai has been described as the showpiece of the booming economy of mainland China; renowned for its Lujiazui skyline, and museums and historic buildings, such as those along The Bund, as well as the City God Temple and the Yu Garden.
外科风云 02 | Surgeons 02 (靳东、白百何 领衔主演)【无字幕纯享版】
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正午阳光新作《外科风云》主要讲述的是新城仁和医院,护士张淑梅被质疑用错药而导致病人死亡被迫离开岗位,4岁女儿被人贩拐,张淑梅精神恍惚并在两年后被车祸夺去生命。美籍华裔外科专家庄恕(靳东 饰)为追查30年前母亲张淑梅的事故真相找寻走失的妹妹来到新城仁和医院。当年死者的女儿陆晨曦(白百合 饰),师傅博文(马少骅 饰),成长为胸外科主治医生,却因屡次得罪胸外科主任扬帆(刘奕君 饰),被调至急诊。而庄恕屡次把技能过硬的陆晨曦重新带回胸外手术台。朝夕相处中,庄恕的医术让陆晨曦惊叹,对患者的周到考虑也让陆晨曦反思,二人渐生情愫,最终,庄恕找回了妹妹,也在陆晨曦的协助下还原了母亲当年事故的真相。