Ducks' Village Malta
Ducks' Village
Manuel Island
April 2017
Duck Village, Sliema, Malta
We stumbled across this little oddity on December 23rd 2015. We have been making periodic visits to Sliema for about five years now but have never noticed Duck Village's ramshackle collection of home-built huts and Heath-Robinson-style contrivances before now. It is by the side of the turning to Manoel Island, and seems to be built and maintained by a kindly gent who also feeds the residents daily; look out for the guinea pigs!
Luna Park Gzira Malta Europe
Seafront amusement park (fair) overlooking marina on Manoel Island.
Stock footage available from under Cine.618
San Pawl sea ducks / Malta
San Pawl / Malta
Gżira in Marsamxett Harbour, MALTA
Gzira means,“island” in Maltese and the town derives its name from the Manoel Island situated in the middle of the harbour. Manoel Island was named after the Grandmaster Manuel De Vilhena who built Fort Manoel in 1726. Gzira is popular for its beautiful views of Valletta and Marsamxett Harbour, its yacht marina, seafront and public garden as well as being close to the University of Malta, Sliema and Valletta.
Duck's Village - Manoel Island - Malta
Gzira Live Crib Christmas 2013
Gzira Live Crib Christmas 2013
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Soundbite at the start is Setuniman First Indications (Creative Commons)
Music: Silent Night Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Kunsilliera tal-PN fil-Gzira se jkomplu jsegwu l-izviluppi dwar Manoel Island
15m LIVE Tip of Manoel island Malta
Manoel Island is a small island which forms part of the municipality of Gżira in Marsamxett Harbour, Malta. It is named after the Portuguese Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena, who built a fort on the island in the 1720s. Previously, the island had been known as l'Isolotto or l'Isola del Vescovo
Sliema Malta Rough Sea
Rough Sea at Sliema, Malta
Looking Closer #09 - The Duck Village
In the urban jungle that is Malta's Marsamxett Coastline, one can find a small refuge of peace amongst the chaos. On Manoel Island there is the Duck Village, a small sanctuary for many diverse creatures such as Ducks, Pigeons, Geese, Pheasants, Chickens, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits and Cats! This sanctuary is maintained by Joe Borg is a perfect example of how all creatures, predator and prey, can live in harmony when there is an alternative to killing each other.
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Three Magi pilgrimage in Malta.
There are many traditions around Christmas time in Maltese Archipelago. One it's a pilgrimage of Three Wise Man known as Magi or Kings from Cologne. They are specially worshiped there due to presents of relics. Building in house cribs – Nativity scene – is another tradition still passed down from generation to generation. This is said was started by St Francis of Assisi in XIII century. Bethlehem Village -live crib in Għajnsielem is more and more popular with tourists and locals alike. Traditional crafts, horse and boat rides, food all that makes one's feel being a pilgrimage in time and space himself ...
Il-passl i ħa l-Kunsill Lokali tal-Gżira bil-għan li jerġa’ jinfetaħ l-aċċess għall-Manoel Island instiga persuni oħra biex huma wkoll jagħtu s-sehem tagħhom f’dan l-attentat. Tista’ tgħid li llum l-attivisti mill-Kamp tal-Emerġenza Ambjent ħadu l-liġi f’idejhom biex għamlu dak li ma sarx għal ħafna snin. Li n-nies jidħlu u jgawdu dan il-post storiku
ONE.COM.MT - Ir-residenti tal-Gżira ilhom għal dawn l-aħħar sittax-il sena mċaħħda minn Manoel Island u l-baħar tal-madwar, minħabba xogħlijiet li suppost qed isiru fiż-żona, iżda li s’issa għadu kollox wieqaf. Għalhekk, il-Kunsill Lokali daħħal protest ġudizjarju quddiem il-qrati. One News tkellem mas-Sindku tal-lokalità, li fissrilna eżatt x’inhi l-problema.
Malta,Manoel Island Quay
1st day in the water in Malta
Malta-Attard: San Anton Gardens - Tribute to Frans Baldacchino, Il-Budaj
The San Anton Gardens in Malta and the Palace were built by Grand Master Antoine de Paule (1623 -1636) and were opened to the public in 1882. The Palace today is the residence of the President of Malta.
These gardens were the favorite gardens of the Maltese famous Folkloristic singer, Frans Baldacchino, nicknamed Il-Budaj. Besides a singer, Frans was a poet, author, painter and sculptor and is known for his peaceful character and charitable heart. Frans died in 2006 at the age of 63.
The song which you hear is called: Il-Gmiel tan-Natura (The Beauty of Nature). It was composed and sung by himself and it's full of praise to the Almighty for the beautiful Nature He has given us and whom he calls: The Engineer of the Universe.
We dedicate this video to the memory of Frans, a very dear friend of ours.
Photos all taken by Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech.
Video by Alfred & Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech, Mosta, Malta.
For our other photovideos, please search jasalf5959.
Manoel Island Gzira Luna Park. June 2018
Marsovin Summer Wine Festival Malta 2012
Summer Wine Festival Malta 2012 by one of the local producers of wine Marsovin at Hastings Gardens, Valletta
I appreciated you all my supporters for still there to support me all true out, Thank you so much!
Many moons ago, the seaside town of Sliema was a quiet village in the Northern Harbour region of Malta, where the only sound that could be heard was a fisherman’s hook flinging into the sea. A successful morning of fishing would build up an appetite for the Sliema locals, and the catch of the day would be carried back to the fisherman’s home, ready to be cooked up into a fresh meal.
As time went by, Sliema evolved into the bustling, cosmopolitan town that we know today. If you pay attention, however, you will notice that Sliema’s peaceful past can be observed in many ways. Consider staying at one of the hotels in Sliema to be able to experience the subtle beauty of the town.
So, how did Sliema develop from a laid-back fishing village to the main destination for entertainment and leisure activities in Malta? Let’s take a look at the town’s history…
If you’re interested in the history of the Maltese Islands, you will have probably heard about the epic battle that took place between the Ottoman Empire and the Order of the Knights of St John. The Turks attempted to invade the Maltese Islands to use the lands a military base, from where they could continue to conquer more countries in Europe.
But, before the Great Siege of 1565, the area of Sliema was used as a camp centre for Turkish troops, called ‘il–Qortin’. Dragut, the ruthless corsair who led the Turkish troops, met his death at the tip of Sliema, after being killed by a bombardment from Fort St Elmo. The place where Dragut died is sometimes referred to as Dragut Point, which is where Fort Tigné was later built by the Knights of St John.
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