Duomo San. Giorgio Ragusa Ibla
Video drone
Duomo di San Giorgio - Ragusa Ibla - Sicilia - Italia
Visita guidata dell'Associazione Culturale Iterarte (20/10/2012) a
Ragusa, Sicilia (Italia).
Visita del Duomo di San Giorgio, monumento Unesco,
accompagnati dalla guida turistica Francesca Giovatto.
Foto e montaggio: Edoardo Pone.
Musica: Trencitos de los Andes; Album: Overdrive; Titolo: Alturas.
Scifo A. (2012) Barocco in Val di Noto; IIda Ediz.; Guide Athena; Alma Editore; Catania.
Duomo San Giorgio - Ragusa Ibla . ESSEVISTUDIO
Realizzazione Essevistudio. V. Stagnitta -
Duomo di San Giorgio, Ragusa, Sicily, Italy
© www,zoqy.net While in Ragusa I visited the Duomo di San Giorgio
Places to see in ( Ragusa - Italy ) Duomo di San Giorgio
Places to see in ( Ragusa - Italy ) Duomo di San Giorgio
The Duomo of San Giorgio is a Baroque church located in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily, Italy. Its construction began in 1738 and ended in 1775. The famous collegiate church of San Giorgio (also known as the Cathedral of San Giorgio ) is the main Catholic place of worship in Ragusa , one of the most important monuments of the city of Ragusa. The mother church of the city named after the patron saint of the city, before 1693 stood at the east end of the town, near the current Ibleo garden , where there is still the great fifteenth-century portal of Gothic-Catalan style , the only remaining vestige of the ancient temple.
The church was severely damaged by the earthquake and part of the façade, some chapels and part of the main chapel remained standing, for which a large room was built adjacent to the left aisle of the old temple, in which to perform the functions. In the second quarter of the eighteenth century , it was decided to transfer the church to the site of the old St. Nicholas, which until the 16th century had been the parish of the faithful of the Greek rite and later, passed to the Latin rite, had become sacramental church of St. George.
Rosario Gagliardi , architect of Noto , was one of the protagonists of Baroque reconstruction in 1738 , of whom this building is perhaps the best work: in fact, to build it, the artist conceived a superb game of perspective; he oriented the church a little further to the left of the square in front (one can clearly see it) so that the future dome could be seen behind the imposing bell-tower façade, a peculiar feature of the Gagliardi churches.
The project by Rosario Gagliardi , of which the original tables are preserved, is characterized by the monumental tower façade that incorporates the bell tower in the façade and ends with a bulb-shaped cusp, recalling the seventeenth-century wooden tabernacles of the Capuchin churches. The location of the church at the end of a high staircase and the oblique position with respect to the square below accentuate the grandeur and the plastic effects, created by a slight convexity of the central party and the presence of free columns. Two pairs of scrolls are the link between the different levels hosting, respectively, the statues of San Giorgio and San Giacomo below, and those of San Pietro and San Paolo above.
The interior, a Latin cross , with its arms closed by semicircular apses, is serene and balanced and is divided into three naves by ten sturdy stone pillars, with a large pitch in pitch. The carvings that decorate the cornice and the capitals of the pillars were built between 1779 and 1781 by the sculptors Giambattista Muccio and Giorgio Nobile di Ragusa. At the intersection of the transept with the central nave rises the dome of neoclassical taste, double cap, resting on two rows of columns: previously free, today the space between them is occupied by glass that give the dome the characteristic blue color which forms an inimitable panorama with the Ragusa Ibla complex.
( Ragusa - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Ragusa . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Ragusa - Italy
Join us for more :
Chiesa di S. Giorgio Ragusa Ibla
Lo spettacolo del barocco e del paesaggio ibleo in 7 minuti
Ragusa, Duomo di San Giorgio, a lezione con Sgarbi
Duomo di San Giorgio - Modica - Ragusa - Sicilia - Italia
Visita guidata dell'Associazione Culturale Iterarte (19/10/2012) a
Modica, Provincia di Ragusa (Sicilia - Italia).
Visita del Duomo di San Giorgio, monumento Unesco,
accompagnati dalla guida turistica Francesca Giovatto.
Foto e montaggio: Edoardo Pone.
Musica: Trencitos de los Andes; Album: Overdrive; Titolo: Alturas.
Scifo A. (2012) Barocco in Val di Noto; IIda Ediz.; Guide Athena; Alma Editore; Catania.
Il-Duomo e l'uscita di San Giorgio, Ragusa 2013
Il-Duomo e l'uscita di San Giorgio, Ragusa 2013. (Il-Banda Anici tinstema ddoqq l-Innu Popolari lill-San Ġorġ Anici Martri)
Cattedrale di San Giorgio, Duomo di Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
Entrata al Purgatorio di San giorgio e dell' Arca Santa Venerdì 30/05/14 Ragusa Ibla
La statua di San Giorgio e dell' Arca Santa entrano nela chiesa del Purgatorio dove si lascerà per una notte l'Arca Santa.
Festa San Giorgio Ragusa Ibla 2019 - Parte II (VIDEO EVENTO)
Ecco a voi la seconda parte del Video Evento 2019 del nostro canale.
Regista e montaggio: Licitra Gabriele
Presentato dal CAV macch. Gulino Giuseppe
San Giorgio dopo aver passato la notte nella Cattedrale di San Giovanni a Ragusa superiore esce Sabato 1/06/2019 per scendere a Ibla e rientrare al duomo in mezzo a una folla festante , devota e paesaggi mozzafiato come il panorama di Ibla visto dalle Scale di Santa Maria , famoso anche grazie alle puntate della serie tv il Commissario Montalbano creato da Andrea Camilleri deceduto proprio oggi. Questo video è dedicato ad Andrea Camilleri
English version
San Giorgio, after spending the night in the Cathedral of San Giovanni in Ragusa, exits Saturday 1/06/2019 to go down to Ibla and return to the cathedral in the midst of a festive, devout crowd and breathtaking landscapes like the panorama of Ibla seen from Santa Maria, famous also thanks to the episodes of the TV series Commissioner Montalbano created by Andrea Camilleri who died today. This video is dedicated to Andrea Camilleri.
Uscita San Giorgio Ragusa Ibla
Married Time Duomo di San Giorgio Ragusa Ibla
Estate 2019 Ragusa
Duomo di San Giorgio di Ragusa Ibla
Ragusa Ibla Festa di San giorgio 2019
Riprese con drone della Festa di San Giorgio a Ragusa Ibla 2019
Camminare a Ragusa Ibla, il barocco della chiesa di San Giorgio
Un minuto tra le vie di Ragusa Ibla ti lascia senza fiato, per tutte le offerte per visitare Ragusa Ibla
Classica abballariata di San Giorgio all' interno del Duomo - Ragusa ibla- ( scinnuta 2018 )
Domenica 8 Aprile 2018 ore 20: 00
Truonu viva !!!
Sicilia - Ragusa Ibla - Festa San Giorgio
Crazy Violin Armonic (Duomo di San Giorgio Ragusa Ibla Sicilia)
Giuseppe Borneo Violino, Massimo Garaffa Contrabbasso
info : 3392061802