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2 дня (2014) | Фильм в HD
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Петр Дроздов, высокопоставленный чиновник из Москвы, приезжает в провинциальный музей полузабытого классика русской литературы по просьбе губернатора области, который хочет отнять у музея земельные владения и построить на них новую резиденцию. И поначалу Дроздов поддерживает это решение, но знакомство с Машей, молодым литературоведом, работающей в музее заместителем директора, меняет его взгляд не только на эту проблему, но и вообще на всю свою жизнь…
Russian movie with english subtitles
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Lermontov. Biographical Documentary Film. Historical Reenactment. StarMedia. English Subtitles
Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) was one of Russia’s greatest poets and writers. His famous novel, “A Hero of Our Time” was one of the most popular Russian books of all time. His works were always timely and relevant, enjoying vast popularity especially among young people. Lermontov’s poetry and prose were translated into many languages and take their rightful place among the classics of world literature. Lermontov died at the age of 27, fighting a duel under strange circumstances. He grew up without parents, had two serious love affairs, was always surrounded by good friends, went through war, but nevertheless remained lonely throughout his whole life. This movie, made to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Lermontov's birth, gives an insightful look at how his personal life intertwined with the plots of his works. The poet’s reality is gradually transferred into the world of his own imagination, while the characters and events he describes provide answers to biographical mysteries of Lermontov’s fate.
Type: historical reenactment
Genre: biographical documentary
Year of production: 2014
Directed by: Maksim Bespalyi
Written by: Elena Sibirtseva
Production designer: Margarita Ablaeva
Director of photography: Ivan Barkhvart
Music by: Maksim Voitov
Producers: Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin, Konstantin Ernst, Sergey Titinkov
Cast: Vladimir Ablogin, Anna Levanova, Ilya Lovkiy, Semen Serzin, Vasiliy Tsygantsov, Aleksandr Limin, Pavel Rassomakhin, Sesil' Sverdlova, Lyudmila Gamuryak, Daniil Kolbaseev
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
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Полнометражная документальная лента была задумана, чтобы сохранить для истории каждый значимый эпизод событий, происходивших в Крыму весной 2014 года. Съемки продолжались 8 месяцев и охватили Севастополь и Форос, Симферополь и Керчь, Ялту и Бахчисарай; Феодосию, Джанкой, Алушту и еще десяток населенных пунктов Крыма. По горячим следам был записан большой разговор с Владимиром Путиным, а потом еще больше полусотни интервью с участниками и свидетелями Крымской весны. С чего все началось? Как Россия получила официальное обращение от легитимного президента Украины с просьбой спасти ему жизнь?
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
Let Me Kiss You… At The Wedding. Russian Movie. Comedy. StarMediaEN
It’s been a year after the events of the film “Let me kiss you ... again,” in which Vlasov with dignity solved the problem of “the general’s granddaughter.” Now he has been restored in a military rank. The general is also preparing for the promotion and retirement. But one unit spoils all the rates and threatens his “well-deserved rest.” There is only one person who can put the unit to rights in the shortest terms. Grigory Vlasov and Natasha are being transferred to St. Petersburg!
Vlasov decides that now, with new location and in new apartment he is ready to get married. “Let me take you to the registrar”, - he said. But first he needs to put the unit to rights. The division entrusted to him is in terrible condition. The verification can descend at any time, and without successful evaluations everything will be threatened: a new apartment, and life in the “northern capital” and the general’s pension.
The situation gets more complicated when the supervisor shows up: it is Svetlana Ivanenko, Vlasov’s ex wife! Gregory will definitely get no favors. The wedding is in danger, and relations between Vlasov and Natasha become tense. Ivanenko orders: “ Vlasov, cancel the wedding!”
Not so fast! Our hero will overcome all obstacles, prove his love and solve all the problems. And finally he will be able to kiss his bride at the wedding!
Российская Империя: Александр I, часть 2. [08/16] [Eng Sub]
Российская Империя. Александр I. Часть вторая.
* Отечественная война 1812 года.
* Бородинская битва, сдача Москвы, первые партизаны, переправа через Березину, изгнание Наполеона из России.
* Заграничный поход русской армии, разгром Наполеона, взятие Парижа и оккупация Франции.
* Священный союз монархов.
* Деятельность Аракчеева и военные поселения.
* Царство Польское.
* Начало Кавказской войны — самой долгой в истории империи.
* Село Яраг — столица газавата.
* Новый стиль империи — Русский ампир.
* Кризис царствования, болезнь и смерть Александра I; легенда о старце Фёдоре Кузьмиче.
Baltic Deputy (1936) movie
A film based on the life of the Russian scientist, Klement Timiriazev, who taught at Cambridge and Oxford and was awarded the Newton Mantle for his work. Timiriazev, one of the few outstanding Russian scientists who (publically) backed the Soviets in their revolutionary campaign, was later elected a delegate to the Leningrad Soviet by the sailors of the Baltic fleet. There he denounced his fellow scientists for failing to aid the Soviets and predicted that such aid would come.
Baltic Deputy (1936) movie
Genre: Drama
Production Co: Lenfilm
Directed by Iosif Kheifits, Aleksandr Zarkhi
Writing Credits: Iosif Kheifits, Leonid Lyubashevsky, Leonid Rakhmanov (play), Leonid Rakhmanov (screenplay), Aleksandr Zarkhi
Music by Nikolai Timofeyev
Cinematography by Mikhail Kaplan, Edgar Shtyrtskober
Makeup Designer: Anton Andzhan
Nikolay Cherkasov as Professor Dmitri Illarionovich Polezhayev
Mariya Domashyova as Masha Polezhayeva
Boris Livanov as Misha Bocharov
Oleg Zhakov as Vikenti Mikhailovich Vorob'yov
Aleksandr Melnikov as Red guardsman Kupriyanov
Mikhail Dubrava
N. Kakharinov
A. Mazurin
Aleksei Matov
Fyodor Kurikhin as Doctor
Nikolai Nademsky
Stepan Kayukov
@how we met: on the street, i asked nikolai to help me with internet problem
@Profession: The main function of the merchant navy is to trade goods from one place to another. It is the backbone of any country’s world economy. More than 90% of the goods in the world are transported via ships. Merchant Navy as a career has gained a lot of popularity from past few decades and candidates who wish to make a career in Merchant Navy have to go through extensive pre-sea training of one year which is followed by on board training and examination. Once the candidates are done with their training, they usually get appointed as the The Second Mate, The Chief Mate and The Captain.
@video content: so whats your job
how many people are there on your ship
explaining the structure of the ship
have you ever encounter fire problem on the ship
explaining the hierarchy on board the vessel
will the gas be damaged if it's under hot weather
is your working time fixed
working time
how often do you wake up at night
can you watch Netflix on the ship during spare time
sorry if i disrespect you
is there a smoking area
how valuable is the gas
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are you free after you leave the boat
wear a helmet on the boat or not
how to get a ship job
is it necessary to get a degree for working on the ship
how did you get this job( brief history)
why did you choose to do this when you were young
when was your first time getting on the boat
was it hard to become navy chief
what's your most special experience on the boat
is there a budget for recreation
what's your next goal
do you feel like your lifestyle being influenced by your ship job
why do have better English skill than Russian
hows the climate on the ocean
what if one of the crew injured 4000km away from land
do you think the captain is essential?
what if captain make wrong decision will you tell him
whats the benefit of doing qigong
do you believe in god
what is the longest day you've stayed on the ship? Do you sometimes feel like ship imprisoned you?
Is it true that a lot of Russian can swim?
bonus: philosophy time
@i will be uploading Russian and Chinese version of this video as well for those who want to learn languages
@thank you Nikolai for accompanying me in my life
@software that im using: adobe premiere pro, adobe audition, adobe after effect
@suggestion: wear earphone, its super clear, and click on the chinese version on the new page as a reading and listening practice
Лермонтов / Lermontov. Биографический Документальный Фильм. Star Media. Babich-Design
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Компания «Star Media» и студия «Babich-Design» представляют новый документально-игровой фильм «Лермонтов». Проект приурочен к 200-летию со дня рождения великого русского поэта Михаила Лермонтова. Смотрите онлайн на канале Star Media.
Стихи и проза Лермонтова переведены на множество языков и по праву принадлежат к классике мировой литературы. Лермонтов погиб на дуэли при странных обстоятельствах в 27 лет. Он вырос без родителей, дважды был всерьез влюблен; он прошел войну, практически всегда был окружен множеством друзей, но всю жизнь оставался крайне одиноким. Фильм расскажет о том, как события жизни Лермонтова тесно переплетены с сюжетами его произведений, как реальная жизнь поэта незримо переходит в его вымышленный мир.
Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) was one of Russia’s greatest poets and writers. His famous novel, “A Hero of Our Time” was one of the most popular Russian books of all time. His works were always timely and relevant, enjoying vast popularity especially among young people. Lermontov’s poetry and prose were translated into many languages and take their rightful place among the classics of world literature. Lermontov died at the age of 27, fighting a duel under strange circumstances. He grew up without parents, had two serious love affairs, was always surrounded by good friends, went through war, but nevertheless remained lonely throughout his whole life. This movie, made to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Lermontov's birth, gives an insightful look at how his personal life intertwined with the plots of his works. The poet’s reality is gradually transferred into the world of his own imagination, while the characters and events he describes provide answers to biographical mysteries of Lermontov’s fate.
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно Лермонтов / Lermontov
Формат/Type: историческая реконструкция/historical reenactment
Жанр/Genre: биографический документальный фильм/biographical documentary
Год производства / Year of production: 2014
Режиссер / Directed by: Максим Беспалый/Maksim Bespalyi
Сценарий / Written by: Елена Сибирцева/Elena Sibirtseva
Художник-постановщик / Production designer: Маргарита Аблаева/Margarita Ablaeva
Оператор-постановщик / Director of photography: Иван Бархварт/Ivan Barkhvart
Композитор / Composer: Максим Войтов/Maksim Voitov
Продюсеры/Producers: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин/ Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin
В ролях / Cast: Владимир Аблогин, Анна Леванова, Илья Ловкий, Семён Серзин, Василий Цыганцов, Александр Лимин, Павел Рассомахин, Сесиль Свердлова, Людмила Гамуряк, Данила Колбасеев/Vladimir Ablogin, Anna Levanova, Ilya Lovkiy, Semen Serzin, Vasiliy Tsygantsov, Aleksandr Limin, Pavel Rassomakhin, Sesil' Sverdlova, Lyudmila Gamuryak, Daniil Kolbaseev
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно Лермонтов. Премьера на канале Star Media
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The incredible Cobra Manoeuvre (Pugachev's Cobra)
The Cobra Manoeuvre, also known as Pugachev's Cobra or Pugachev Cobra is a very spectacular, dramatic and demanding aerobatics manoeuvre in which an aircraft flew at a moderate speed suddenly raises its nose to the vertical position - and beyond - before dropping the nose back to horizontal flight. The aircraft reaches 90–120° angle of attack during the Cobra.
The Cobra manoeuvre is named after the Soviet test pilot Viktor Pugachyov, who first performed the Cobra manoeuvre publicly in 1989 at the Paris Le Bourget air show, and shocked the Western spectators who couldn't believe it. The Soviet Union still existed at this time. However, the Cobra was first executed by Sukhoi test-pilot Igor Volk in a test flight. The classic Cobra was done using only standard aerodynamic controls. Today it is easier to be done with Vector Thrust.
The Cobra requires very potent engines to maintain approximately a constant altitude throughout the Cobra. It has some use in close range aerial combat or dogfight - so the hunted can become a hunter by getting behind the enemy aircraft. The Cobra can be useful when a fighter jet is being pursued closely by an opponent fighter jet. By executing the Cobra manoeuvre, a pursued fighter jet may suddenly slow down to the point where the enemy aircraft may overshoot it. The aircraft is now behind and pursuing and can theoretically fire its weapons. The disadvantage is that the aircraft doing the Cobra loses a lot of speed, which makes it vulnerable.
And it is a very impressive single demonstration flight aerobatics manoeuvre to show pilot's skills and the aircraft maneuvrability at airshows. If you have ever seen it for example at MAKS airshow in Zhukovsky near Moscow - and the reaction of the spectators - you know how popular it is. It is the perfect manoeuvre to show the pilot's skills and demonstrate an aircraft's high angle of attack (AOA) stability, the pitch control authority as well as engine-versus-inlet compatibility.
Nowadays the Cobra can be achieved more easily with the so-called supermaneuverability thanks to thrust vectoring in 4.5 and 5th-generation fighter jets.
Российская Империя: Николай I, часть 2. [10/16] [Eng Sub]
Российская Империя. Николай I. Часть вторая.
* Создание жандармерии — Третьего отделения Его Императорского Величества Канцелярии.
* Триада «православие, самодержавие, народность».
* Новый российский гимн «Боже, царя храни».
* Спор «западников» и «славянофилов». Кавказская война.
* Александр Герцен и его Колокол.
* Подавление Венгерской революции.
* Официальная культура — скульптор Клодт, баснописец Крылов, архитектор Тон, художник Айвазовский.
* Крымская война.
Putin, the new GULAG and the future of Russia by Vladislav Surkov. Zapolskiy Cartoon President
#Zapolskiychannel #ChannelZapolskiy #Putincartoon #cartoonTrump #cartoonPutinTrump #CartoonPresident
Zapolskiy Cartoon President
What should society become so that officials, deputies, businessmen of Russia feel comfortable with it? Is it possible to seriously consider Putinism as a new socio-political model of the destruction of the state? I’m Liza and I directly ask Vladimir Putin after he got the virtual “truth serum”. Only in our program the president of Russia is telling the truth. Vladimir, why did Surkov write an article about the future of Russia?
Well, many have already forgotten about him. So did I. He is an ambitious boy, and he also declared himself to be creative and with unconventional behavior in Yukon’s. So it is natural for him to shock the public. And then, he needs money, so it is a chance for him to increase income ... you know, cocaine, expensive red wine, elite sex ...
According to the stated concept, the number of generations that will be sacrificed to the idea of Russia's greatness does not matter. Do you agree with this?
In such matters, of course, yes. Generations must be building blocks for the state. This is normal for a strong society that is ready to die in the name of no matter what idea, whose goal is a great future. Another thing, as it is said. Surkov's article is, of course, boasting, this is gangster boasting. This is the tone of the pervert rapist. So only a maniac could write, who sets fire to a living victim and tells how beautiful the selfie will be with her. These are signs of a new stage of Russia. Putinism.
And what will be the basis of eternal Putinism? What is the source of energy for the state machine? People?
Partly yes. People is a renewable source. Like bread. It is more stable than constantly jumping in the price of oil. And this is within our tradition. Russia, discovering the properties of oil before, used another liquid. With its help we won one sixth of the land. There was no pity. It is very cheap, wordless and submissive soldier's blood, which could be shed without thinking about millions of liters. So my regime works on oil, then on blood. These are the two main natural resources. Nothing personal. If burning a part of the population would be energy efficient, I would burn them. I would let my spiritual base down. But blood and oil are bullshit compared to genuine folk rage, dullness, ignorance and humility. Billions of tons of energy. And my mission is to turn this into the future.
Vladimir, you say that your mission is turning people's anger, dullness, ignorance, and submission to the political things. And if these things won’t work?
Be sure they won’t work. That's the whole point. But the breakthrough will be predicted and controlled in the direction of my political opponents. We have the basis of the life of ordinary people - there is and will be the right to any crime for the sake of survival. Everything is justified, while the offender is loyal to my power. I will say more, for me the enemy is the one who tries not to break the law. And these are, most often, soft-bodied, relaxing, doubting people. Their reaction is weak towards my regime.
The reaction of St. Petersburg and Moscow in 2011 and 2012 was the same, because the intelligent power of the state went out to the streets. But millions of people are living in thousands of depressed, devastated, impoverished towns. Do you think you have control?
Of course. Your intellectuals do not control, and I do. You all think that clowns and idiots are around me. A lot of these are true. And there are monsters, cannibals. There is Prigogine, Zolotov, Bastrykin ... They don't give a damn about international isolation, degradation, war.
Does this mean that international isolation and the degradation of society, even war, are not terrible for Russia?
Of course. My bet on stupidity, on dullness, on ignorance, is already bearing fruit. This is a resource of the legitimacy of my power. Now we need to take ignorance, warming up and mixing with the help of the Minobra, the priests, mix it with intolerance, which the state media and TV are able to stir up, and we will have the elixir of immortality of my regime. I'm eternal...
According to Vladimir Putin, the more successful will be the degradation of the country, the worse the population will live, the higher the level of corruption and permissiveness among the officials, the stronger will be his regime. You are deliberately destroying the country, Vladimir, and will answer for this to your people. Dear viewers,we will see you tomorrow. Please subscribe to the TV channel Zapolsky on youtube and share videos. It was Liza. Goodbye.
Eric Weinstein: Revolutionary Ideas in Science, Math, and Society | Artificial Intelligence Podcast
Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, physicist, and managing director of Thiel Capital. He formed the intellectual dark web which is a loosely assembled group of public intellectuals including Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Steven Pinker, Joe Rogan, Michael Shermer, and a few others. Follow Eric on Twitter: and look out for a podcast that he may be starting soon.
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Frontline at Znamenka: Watch in the name of Culture
We kindly ask you to distribute this film.
On 28 April 2017 Maliy Znamensky lane was marked by a Frontline, an invisible line which divided the 26 year history of the International Center of the Roerichs (ICR) into the period “before” and “after”.
In the past the International Center of the Roerichs and its non-governmental Museum named after Nicholas Roerich were recognized internationally, they organized travelling exhibitions, international scientific conferences, issued books and magazines... And now the Museum is destroyed by the Ministry of Culture and the Roerichs heritage seized.
It means that there should be a non-governmental control over the actions of the intruders here at Frontline. The documentary covers the history of the establishment of the non-governmental Museum named after Nicholas Roerich, its heyday and barbarous destruction. Please, help to spread the documentary, so that more people would know the truth about an unprecedented tragedy of our culture.
Foes are currently trying to destroy the International Center of the Roerichs under the pretext of protection of state interests. They are attempting to liquidate this non-governmental organization through forced bankruptcy by imposing enormous taxes and fines amounting to 60 million rubles. On October 29, 2019, the Arbitration Court of Moscow is to hold a hearing, in the outcome of which the International Center of the Roerichs might be declared bankrupt.
#Roerich #NicholasRoerichMuseum
Antique late-19th Century Chinese exceptionally rare copy of the 'Emperors gold wine cup'. The oiginal gold cup has an upright mouth and a round body. It is made in the ding style with a tripod for its base. The body is covered with interlocking floral patterns and inlay of pearls, rubies, and sapphires as the central feature of the flowers. Either side features a kui-dragon ornament, each inlaid with a large pearl. The three feet are fashioned in the shape of elephant heads with slender tusk embellishments and curling trunks as the feet.
Fretwork is engraved around the external edge of the mouth. “Eternal Territorial Integrity” (Jinou yonggu, lit. gold vessel, eternally stable) is engraved in seal-script characters at the center of one side of the cup. The other side has an inscription reading Made during the Qianlong Reign. The character ou denotes an ancient name for a type of vessel. The ancients used this type of golden vessel to represent the completeness of the sovereign's territory and prosperity of the land.
At midnight at the beginning of the new lunar year, the Qing imperial palace would hold a writing ceremony, during which the emperor used the Eternal Territorial Integrity Cup. The emperor would pour auspicious wine into the cup, display it on the table, and write couplets for the Spring Festival by candlelight. The characters for “blessing” (fu) and “longevity” (shou) often appeared in his couplets as a prayer for the peace, health, and prosperity of the country. Thus, this cup was an important ritual vessel in the imperial court. It was designed with stringent standards and fabricated and manufactured using the most exquisite gold. The cup was manufactured by the palace workshops per imperial orders in the second year of the Jiaqingreign (1797). At the time, the Qianlong Emperor had already retired from his imperial duties, but he maintained a prominent role as the Emperor Emeritus, hence the cup's inscription denoting a Qianlong-reign date of production. This silver gilt example is almost identical to the original and was probably made as a replica to be desplayed at a meseum, signed with a silver mark and bearing a museum inventory number 03088.
Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev | Audiobook with Subtitles
The fathers and children of the novel refers to the growing divide between the two generations of Russians, and the character Yevgeny Bazarov has been referred to as the first Bolshevik, for his nihilism and rejection of the old order.
Turgenev wrote Fathers and Sons as a response to the growing cultural schism that he saw between liberals of the 1830s/1840s and the growing nihilist movement. Both the nihilists (the sons) and the 1830s liberals sought Western-based social change in Russia. Additionally, these two modes of thought were contrasted with the conservative Slavophiles, who believed that Russia's path lay in its traditional spirituality.
Fathers and Sons might be regarded as the first wholly modern novel in Russian Literature (Gogol's Dead Souls, another main contender, is sometimes referred to as a poem or epic in prose as in the style of Dante's Divine Comedy). The novel introduces a dual character study, as seen with the gradual breakdown of Bazarov's and Arkady's nihilistic opposition to emotional display, especially in the case of Bazarov's love for Madame Odintsova and Fenichka. This prominent theme of character duality and deep psychological insight would exert an influence on most of the great Russian novels to come, most obviously echoed in the novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.
The novel is also the first Russian work to gain prominence in the Western world, eventually gaining the approval of well established novelists Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant, and Henry James, proving that Russian literature owes much to Ivan Turgenev. (Summary from Wikipedia)
Fathers and Sons
Ivan TURGENEV , translated by Richard HARE
Genre(s): General Fiction
0:25 | Chapter 1
10:06 | Chapter 2
15:13 | Chapter 3
29:54 | Chapter 4
41:30 | Chapter 5
57:46 | Chapter 6
1:05:52 | Chapter 7
1:22:46 | Chapter 8
1:41:38 | Chapter 9
1:49:45 | Chapter 10
2:22:18 | Chapter 11
2:33:10 | Chapter 12
2:46:50 | Chapter 13
3:02:52 | Chapter 14
3:15:36 | Chapter 15
3:27:32 | Chapter 16
3:54:25 | Chapter 17
4:24:04 | Chapter 18
4:37:23 | Chapter 19
4:56:56 | Chapter 20
5:26:18 | Chapter 21
6:10:03 | Chapter 22
6:25:19 | Chapter 23
6:43:22 | Chapter 24
7:28:24 | Chapter 25
7:55:33 | Chapter 26
8:19:05 | Chapter 27
9:00:52 | Chapter 28 Audio Book Audiobooks All Rights Reserved. This is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer visit
Taras Shevchenko 1951 movie (Тарас Шевченко)
Epic biography movie about great ukrainian poet, writer, artist, public and political figure, as well as folklorist and ethnographer. His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and, to a large extent, the modern Ukrainian language. Shevchenko is also known for many masterpieces as a painter and an illustrator.
This movie was made in Stalin epoch so the accents were shifted accordingly.
Епічний біографічний фільм про великого українського поета, письменника, художника, громадського та політичного діяча, а також фолькльориста та етнографа. Його література спадщина вважається основою сучасної української літератури і великою мірою сучасної української мови. Шевченко також відомий шедеврами образотвочного мистецтва та як ілюстратор
Фільм був створений у сталінську епоху, тому акценти зміщенні відповідно.
News conference of Vladimir Putin 2012 (English Subtitles)
December 20, 2012,
News conference of Vladimir Putin
Пресс-конференция Владимира Путина
Mr. Gilfil's Love Story by George Eliot | Audiobook with subtitles | Scenes of Clerical Life Part 2
Scenes of Clerical Life by George ELIOT
Scenes of Clerical Life, which appeared in book form in 1858 (after serial publication in the previous year), was the first published fiction by George Eliot, the pen name for Mary Anne Evans. It consists of three novellas based on the lives of country clergymen and their communities. These characters interest Eliot not for their theology — she had abandoned conventional Christian belief — but for their humanity. In these stories, we find the earliest signs of the narrative voice, the humanism, and the realism that would make George Eliot one of the greatest novelists of the 1800s. (Introduction by Bruce Pirie)
Genre(s): General Fiction-
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The Torrents of Spring Audiobook by Ivan Turgenev | Audiobook with subtitles
The Torrents of Spring
Ivan TURGENEV , translated by Constance GARNETT
The Torrents of Spring, also known as Spring Torrents (Russian: Вешние воды), is a novel written by Ivan Turgenev during 1870 and 1871 when he was in his fifties. The story centers around a young Russian landowner named Dimitry Sanin who falls deliriously in love for the first time while visiting the German city of Frankfurt. It is widely held as one Turgenev's greatest novels as well as being highly autobiographical in nature. - Summary by Wikipedia
Russian original of this novel is also available as a Librivox audiobook
Genre(s): General Fiction
Chapters :
0:20 | Chapters I-III
21:11 | | Chapters IV-VII
44:42 | Chapters VIII-XI
1:05:42 | Chapters XII-XV
1:24:02 | Chapters XVI-XVII
1:45:33 | Chapters XVIII-XX
2:04:40 | Chapters XXI-XXII
2:28:33 | Chapters XXIII-XXIV
2:48:58 | Chapters XXV-XXVI
3:06:28 | Chapters XXVII-XXVIII
3:24:45 | Chapters XXIX-XXX
3:42:53 | Chapters XXXI-XXXII
4:01:53 | Chapters XXXIII-XXXIV
4:20:11 | Chapters XXXV-XXXVI
4:44:04 | Chapters XXXVII-XXXVIII
5:02:13 | Chapters XXXIX-XL
5:28:33 | Chapters XLI-XLII
5:49:25 | Chapters XLIII-XLIV
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio Book Audiobooks All Rights Reserved. This is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer visit