East Island SPA centras (Vilnius/Kaunas/Druskininkai)
Daugiau nei 13 metų sėkmingai savo veiklą vykdančio SPA tinklo „East Island“ koncepcija yra paremta Rytų išmintimi bei filosofija. SPA centras siekia nenutolti nuo to ir pasiūlyti savo klientams kuo platesnį ir išskirtinį rytietiškų paslaugų spektrą.
Niekas taip gerai neatskleis Jums rytietiškų masažų subtilybes, kaip pats tų šalių gyventojas, todėl tik pas mus rasite net keturias skirtingas masažų kultūras bei jų atstovus. Pas mus dirba masažo meistrai, atvykę iš Tailando, Kambodžos, Bali ir net iš kontrastingosios Indijos.
East Island SPA centruose Vilniuje, Kaune ir Druskininkuose dirbantys užsienio specialistai leis pasijausti atvykus lyg į tikrąją rytų oazę bei atskleis Jums senovės Rytų relaksacijos paslaptis. Ypatingą dėmesį ne tik masažų kokybei, masažų meistrams bet ir autentiškam interjerui skirianti SPA centras neabejotinai paliks įspūdį kiekvienam apsilankiusiam.
Čia Jūs galėsite pasimėgauti tradiciniais ir rytų meistrų atliekamais masažais, egzotinėmis SPA procedūromis, SPA rinkiniais ir kosmetologinėmis procedūromis su SKEYNDOR kosmetika.
Kaunas (PPC Akropolis)
Vilnius (Forum Palace)
Druskininkai (Aqua Park )
East Island SPA
East Island SPA Vilniuje lankėsi Aš Superhitas dalyvis Silvestras, kuriam buvo atliekamas tradicinis Tailando masažas.
East Island SPA Vilniuje ir Druskininkuose, nustebins daug kur keliavusius ar daug ką mačiusius, vertinančius privatumą, išskirtinę atmosferą bei dėmesį svečiams. Rytų išmintimi bei filosofija paremta East Island SPA koncepcija siekia nenutolti nuo to ir pasiūlyti savo klientams kuo platesnį ir išskirtinį rytietiškų paslaugų asortimentą, rytietiškus masažus. Masažas atpalaiduoja, ramina, pašalina stresą ir įtampą, išvaduoja nuo blogų minčių, jo pagalba galima patobulinti kūno formas, nuraminti skausmą, pašalinti nuovargį. East Islad SPA centruose galėsite pasimėgauti masažais, kurių yra visa įvairovė: tradiciniai masažai, Tailando masažai, Kambodžos masažai bei Indijos (ajurvediniai) masažai, kuriuos atlieka meistrai atvykę iš tolimųjų egzotinių rytų šalių, nes tik jie gali atskleisti tikrąsias Rytų atsipalaidavimo paslaptis.
EAST ISLAND / SPA Centras Druskininkai / SPA Center (2012 HD)
Niekas taip gerai neatskleis Jums rytietiškų masažų subtilybių, kaip pats tų šalių gyventojas, todėl pas mus dirba masažo meistrai, atvykę iš Tailando, Kambodžos ir net iš kontrastingosios Indijos. Ši šalis -- neabejotina Ajurvedinių masažų karalienė. „East Island SPA centrai, įsikūrę Vilniuje ir Druskininkuose nustebins net ir daug kur keliavusius ar daug ką mačiusius, vertinančius privatumą bei išskirtinį dėmesį svečius.
The company has a wide variety of professional services, exotic Oriental SPA treatments as well as various body and facial care procedures. All natural products used for SPA treatments came from Bali Island of Indonesia. In SPA centers of East Island ancient East secrets are revealed by the team of highly professional specialists from Thailand, Cambodia and India. Moreover, exceptional and authentic Oriental design of parlours embraces customers with peace, tranquility and the ease of meditation.
SPA Centras Druskininkuose / SPA Center in Druskininkai
Vilniaus ave. 13, Druskininkai
Druskininkų vandens parkas / Druskininkai Aqua park
Registracija / Registration
Tel. (8-313) 56643
Mob. tel. (8-670) 00444
Darbo valandos / Working Hours
I-IV, VII 10:00 - 21:00
V-VI 10:00 - 22:00
Video production / VIDEO CHEMIJA
East Island SPA centras, Druskininkai / East Island SPA center, Druskininkai
East Island gyvenantis Smauglys, užkulisiai / Backstage of East Island SPA center
East Island SPA centrai ir masazo salonai/ East Island SPA center and massage salon
EAST ISLAND Exotic masažo salonas / EAST ISLAND Exotic massage salon / Vilnius
EAST ISLAND Masažo salonas Vichy vandens parke / EAST ISLAND Massage Salon, Vichy Aquapark Vilnius
SPA VILNIUS | Wellness mankšta
Pasaulinės sveikatingumo dienos mankšta su kineziterapeute Beatriče
Grand SPA Lietuva Druskininkuose
SPA centro Grand SPA Lietuva video pristatymas. Daugiau skaitykite:
SUGIHARA SPA and Beauty Shop in Vilnius Old Town
SUGIHARA beauty salons are dedicated to providing high-quality services with a special attention to each customer in a comfortable atmosphere. Keeping up with the latest world fashion and beauty trends, our specialists strive to satisfy every client’s needs.
- Manicure, pedicure, depilation
- Facial treatments, HYDRAFACIAL, make up
- Eyebrow and eyelash tinting, eyelash extensions, Yumi Lashes treatment
- Haircut, hair colouring, hairdos
- Body massages, wraps, SPA procedures
SPA and Beauty Shop in Vilnius Old Town
Vokiečių street. 28/17 , Vilnius
Contact us: +370 687 823 84 grozioinstitutas@sugihara.lt
Work hours:
I-VI - 8.00 am to 9.00pm
Seoul's Red Light District (Area 588) || Save My Seoul pt. 2
88rising and Jubilee Media present Save My Seoul - a documentary on South Korea’s rampant prostitution and sex-trafficking dilemma.
Save My Seoul will be released on July 4th and is available for pre-order now:
Stay tuned for more previews from the full-length documentary.
Jubilee Media
Vilnius, Lithuania - Walking Tour with City Sounds (4K 60fps) - Part #2
The capital of Lithuania and the country’s largest city, Vilnius certainly has a lot to offer. From historic sites to picturesque streets, and amazing architecture, it’s hard to keep this beautiful city out of your bucket list. Meet second part of the entertaining 4K walking tour video that will take you to all the fascinating must-see places in Vilnius. Enjoy seeing the gorgeous architecture, fountains, monuments, squares, discovering the hidden gems and hearing lovely city sounds of people talking, traffic going, and many other noises of this wonderful town. This 3-HOUR city walk takes you to some amazing places, most visitors would never see, without leaving your house. Explore cozy narrow streets, subtle statues, and experience the beauty and uniqueness of each of them. Relax by the jaw-dropping views, and get inspired for new travelling plans together with 4K Urban Life!
Do you want to explore the world while staying home? Let us be your guides though the magnificent countries and cities while watching our 4K videos from and
You may download thia video for personal use only from
Video From: Vilnius, Lithuania, Europe
Video Resolution: 4K Ultra HD
Video Type: walking tour video
Filmmaker: Agnius Narkevicius
Editor: Charu Chandra
Special THANKS to our professional filmmakers and editors for their fascinating, creative, hard and challenging work.
What are the BENEFITS of watching this 4K walking tour video?
FIRSTLY, this amazing video was specifically created to inspire those, who love travelling and exploring different parts of our world. Furthermore, this virtual city tour gives every viewer a chance to travel without leaving their homes.
SECONDLY, get to see most of the highlights of each city or country, and plan your next trip with our 4K walking tours videos.
THIRDLY, use this virtual city walk as a beautiful 4K TV screensaver for your home, office, school in order to create a unique, inspiring atmosphere anywhere you wish.
For a fully immersive experience watch this 4K city walk on your Oled TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, etc. Explore Lithuania with us!
Make your place unique and atmospheric by using this walking tour video as a unique screensaver for any waiting room, lobby, relax room, spa, restaurant, shopping center, hotel, lounge, office, hospital, dental clinic, home and other public places.
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Relevant hashtags: #Vilnius #WalkingTour #Lithuania
4K Aerial View of Vilnius, Lithuania - 3 HRS Urban Life Drone Video
Begin your unforgettable journey from the jaw-dropping sunrise in Vilnius, Lithuania, and watch how the day starts here, where the sun colors green coniferous forests with the yellow-pink shades of its sunlight, and where the rivers reflect blue sky. Discover this beautiful European city with majestic skyscrapers, huge malls, beautiful urban architecture, magnificent castles, old streets, city parks, busy city life, and captivating nature, and listen to the relaxing instrumental music on the background of the video. Enjoy almost 3 HOURS of the peaceful aerial views of the Vingis Park (0:52), Vilnius Downtown (27:11), Uzupis (42:06), Gediminas Castle (1:03:55), Three Crossess Hill (1:42:26), Puckoriai Exposure (1:52:38) and its amazing landscape with the crystal-clear river, the Old Town (2:18:36), and Neris River (2:39:58). This 4K urban life aerial video will present you a chance to spectate the most beautiful places of Vilnius from the aerial view, and the opportunity to hear inspiring instrumental melodies. Turn your TV into a virtual window to the magical countries and cities!
Explore different destinations with 4K Urban Life. Travel, Relax & Discover new cities and countries without leaving your home. Watch this 4K urban life video from and
You may download this video for personal use only from
Video From: Vilnius, Lithuania, Europe.
Video Resolution: 4K UHD
Video Type: urban life drone video
Filmmaker: Agnius Narkevicius
Editor: Charu Chandra
Special THANKS to our professional filmmakers and editors for their fascinating, creative, hard and challenging work.
Benefits of this 4K urban life video:
1. Feel the real charm of the city and use the video as a beautiful 4K TV screensaver at any place
2. It’s great for inspiration and relaxation.
3. Discover the picturesque destination and plan your trip to this amazing city.
4. Virtually visit new destinations without leaving your home.
Get away from the hustle and bustle by watching this video on your Oled TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, etc. for a FULLY IMMERSIVE experience.
Use this 4K urban life video as a beautiful video wall to make your place unique and atmospheric. Impress your guests or clients! Also, this video can be used as a stunning screensaver in any waiting room lobby, relax room, spa, restaurant, shopping center, hotel, lounge, office, hospital, dental clinic, home and other public places.
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Relevant hashtags: #vilnius #dronevideo #4kuhd
SPA butai Druskininkuose
Kanarische Inseln: Fuerteventura - Caleta de Fuste - PAJARA
DWK F&F - Music: Spanish man, playing his guitar in front of the church - For a little money he was pleased to be filmed. - Pajara.
Canary Islands: Fuerteventura - Caleta de Fuste - Salinas - Pajara
______________________________________________________________ Caleta de Fuste was built in the 18th century. Equipped with a fortification, because here and in other places, on the east coast of Fuerteventura pirates landed and plundered the land. The salt production in Salinas de El Carmen further to the south, is suitable with the flat bay. From here it goes from east to west over the island, close to the western Atlantic coast. Here is, at the foot of the central mountain massif of the island, the small town
P a j a r a, which was built in the 17th century. The lovely St. Mary Church Nuestra Señora de Regla was built from 1680-1720: the left portal has been - this is suggested -, decorated with drawings, which came over the Atlantic Ocean, with style elements, who are very reminiscent of Latin America. The interior is partially decorated with late gothic elements (pulpit), the altars shine in high baroque.
Roads are in excellent condition. According to the thin population of this island, there is little traffic. -Very little truck traffic .-
Kanarische Insel Fuertoventura - Caleta de Fuste - Salinas - Pajara
Caleta de Fuste wurde im 18. JH. mit einer Befestigungsanlage ausgestattet, da hier und an weiteren Stellen der Ostküste Fuerteventuras, immer wieder Piraten anlandeten und das Land plünderten. Die weiter im Süden liegende Salzgewinnung in Salinas de El Carmen ist mit der flachen Bucht geeignet.Von hier geht es von Osten nach Westen über die Insel nahe an die westliche Atlantik Küste.hier liegt am Fuß des zentralen Bergmassivs der Insel die kleine Stadt P a j a r a, die im 17. JH aufgebaut wurde. Die lieblich anmutende Marienkirche Nuestra Señora de Regla wurde ca. 1680-1720 gebaut: das linke Portal wurde (angeblich) nach Zeichnungen, die über den Atlantik hierher gekommen sind, mit Stilelementen, die sehr stark an Latein Amerika erinnern geschmückt.Das Innere ist teilweise mit spätgotischen Elementen (Kanzel) geschmückt, die Altäre glänzen im Hochbarock.
Straßen sind in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. Entsprechend der dünnen Besiedelung dieser Insel gibt es wenig Verkehr. (Sehr wenig LKW Verkehr).-
Azia Spa centras Vilniuje
Azia Spa Rytų masažo namuose laukiamas kiekvienas, norintis nors trumpam atitrūkti nuo kasdienybės, pajusti tikrą rytietiškojo pasaulio dvasią ir pasimėgauti atpalaiduojančiomis Spa procedūromis bei kvepiančios arbatos puodeliu…
Palanga SPA
Violeta Palangos SPA centre prieš vestuves
SPA VILNIUS – tai sveikatos gerinimo centras su mineralinio vandens procedūromis, gydomosiomis programomis, 4 žvaigždučių viešbučiu, SPA baru su specialiu SPA meniu, restoranu, laisvalaikio centru su kėgliais, smiginiu ir kavine, žiemos sodu bei dideliu konferencijų centru. Ir visa tai – po vienu stogu.
Šis SPA centras yra įsikūręs Druskininkų – seniausio ir didžiausio Lietuvos kurorto, esančio ant Nemuno kranto – centre. Dėl šią vietą supančių pušynų ir ežerų, klimatas čia visada švelnus ir šiltas, oras – grynas bei vienas švariausių Europoje. Čia iki šiol yra išsaugotos senosios kurortų gydymo tradicijos: procedūros su mineraliniu vandeniu, gydomuoju purvu, kineziterapija ir vertikaliosios vonios.
K. Dineikos g. 1, Druskininkai | +370 313 53811 | info@spavilnius.lt