Syria/Aleppo (Halep-2008) Part 1
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Aleppo is the largest city in Syria[3] and the capital of Aleppo Governorate, the most populous Syrian governorate. With an official population of 2,301,570 (2005 official estimate), expanding to over 2.5 million in the metropolitan area, it is also one of the largest cities in the Levant.[4][5] For centuries, Aleppo was Greater Syria's largest city and the Ottoman Empire's third, after Constantinople and Cairo.[6][7][8] Although relatively close to Damascus in distance, Aleppo is distinct in identity, architecture and culture, all shaped by a markedly different history and geography.
Aleppo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world; it has been inhabited since perhaps as early as the 6th millennium BC.[9] Excavations at Tell as-Sawda and Tell al-Ansari, just south of the old city of Aleppo, show that the area was occupied since at least the latter part of the 3rd millennium BC;[10] and this is also when Aleppo is first mentioned in cuneiform tablets unearthed in Ebla and Mesopotamia, in which it is noted for its commercial and military proficiency.[11] Such a long history is probably due to its being a strategic trading point midway between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia.
The city's significance in history has been its location at the end of the Silk Road, which passed through central Asia and Mesopotamia
Archaeological sites - Syria Aleppo citadel
Aleppo is a city in Syria
Viaggio in Siria (Syria, Damasco, Aleppo, Ebla, Palmira, etc) A cura di Carmine Salituro
Viaggio in Siria - A cura di Carmine Salituro Parole chiave per la ricerca: Medio Oriente Damasco Hotel Shahrayar Damasco Palmira Ramia miraggio beduini .
It's filmed from the center citadel.
Dead City of Serjilla - Aleppo, Syria
- Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions (a TripAdvisor™ company)
Dead City Of Serjilla Aleppo
Read more at:
Photos from:
- Aleppo, Syria
Photos in this video:
- Dead city of Serjilla by Juliank from a blog titled Dead Cities and the ruins of Apamea
Viaggio in Siria (Syria, Damasco, Aleppo, Ebla, Palmira, etc) - A cura di Carmine Salituro
Viaggio in Siria - A cura di Carmine Salituro
Parole chiave per la ricerca: Medio Oriente Damasco Hotel Shahrayar Damasco Palmira Ramia miraggio beduini dall'UNESCO Patrimonio dell'Umanità Tempio di Bel cella, valle delle Tombe Torre di Elahbel ipogei Casa Mia (Dari), shoraba carne macinata e cotta al forno in un apposito tegame con sugo di pomodoro (lahmà belfern), zucchine ripiene di riso (kusa mhci), peperoni, patate, zucchine e carote cotte in tegame (hudar) e infine riso con pollo Museo di Palmira Palmirena palmyra Zenobia Valle delle Tombe Qala'at ibn Maan dell'Hotel Palmyra Sands il Tempio di Nabo, le Terme di Diocleziano, il Teatro, il Senato, la Corte dei Dazi, l'Agorà, il Tetrapilo e quando ormai i ruderi sono avvolti dalla luce accesa del tramonto, il Tempio funebre e il Campo di Diocleziano con altre rovine nei dintorni Medio Oriente Damasco Qasr al-Heir al-Sharqi - Rasafa -- Aleppo Sergiopolis dell'Hotel Pullman Shahba di Aleppo ristorante Qantara, dove consumiamo un'ottima cena a base di burak (fagottini ripieni di formaggio), sajaq (sfoglia ripiena di carne, accartocciata e fissata con uno stecchino), kebab (spiedini di carne macinata di manzo), mashawi (grigliata di carne di pollo, vitello, polpette, pomodori, peperoni), tabula (salsa di prezzemolo, pomodoro, cetrioli, aglio, limone, sale), basbusa (dolce al formaggio con una abbondante spolverata di zucchero macinato), annaffiando il tutto con vino libanese (Ksara) e siriano (Nabis Ard). Basilica di San Simeone Qala'at Samaan Stilita Medio Oriente Damasco Medio Oriente Hotel Shahrayar Palmira Museo di Palmira palmirena Zenobia Valle delle Tombe Qala'at ibn Maan dell'Hotel Palmyra Sands il Tempio di Nabo, le Terme di Diocleziano, il Teatro, il Senato, la Corte dei Dazi, l'Agorà, il Tetrapilo e quando ormai i ruderi sono avvolti dalla luce accesa del tramonto, il Tempio funebre e il Campo di Diocleziano con altre rovine nei dintorni stylos Tamerlano muezzin Al Khaizaran za'tar Grande Moschea hammam Museo Nazionale tavolette cuneiformi di Ebla tahina kahka chiesa maronita Aleppo Ebla Serjilla Apamea Hama Tartus Krak des Chevaliers Medio Oriente Damasco Medio Oriente Hotel Shahrayar Damasco Palmira Grande Moschea hammam Museo Nazionale tavolette cuneiformi di Ebla tahina kahka chiesa maronita famoso archivio composto da 17000 tavolette d'argilla incise con caratteri cuneiformi città morte, Serjilla, carbonai fataier bel had e fataier za'tar, focaccine condite con una salsa piccante rossa le prime e con olio, Apamea, Marcantonio e Cleopatra, Tancredi d'Altavilla, falafel, Hama fiume Oronte moschea An Nuri Palazzo degli artisti Palazzo Azem l'hijab Le norie Krak des Chevaliers Tartus Nesrin Arwad l'isola di Maalula -- Seidnayya -- Mar Musa Monastero di San Giorgio Qala'at al-Hosn (Krak des Chevaliers), dichiarato nel 2006 Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO Maalula chiesa di San Sergio risalente al 325 si parla ancora l'aramaico padrenostro e subito dopo l'avemaria Gesù Cristo Santa Tecla San Paolo la Grotta della Santa Seydnayya Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi (Monastero di San Mosè l'Abissino), padre Paolo Jebel Qassioun all'Al Amer Hotel Moschea degli Omayyadi shawarma suk Maalula, Palazzo di Azem Museo Nazionale Takiyya As- Süleimaniyya Solimano il Magnifico, ma il resto del gruppo sceglie di rientrare in hotel. la Via Recta Damasco danza dei dervisci ruotanti e alla più comune danza del ventre Omar Baalbek -- Aanjar Damasco fataier bel had e fataier za'tar), dopodiché iniziamo la visita tra le rovine dell'antica Heliopolis (Città del Sole). Museo dell'Esercito Takiyya As-Süleimaniyya fiume Barada Piazza dei Martiri la Bab al-Farag Sayyida Ruqayya nel Museo di Epigrafia Araba il sepolcro di Saladino mausoleo di Ruqayya una santa sciita shawarma, fino a giungere dapprima alla porta Salaama e subito dopo alla porta Touma Dalla Bab ash-Sharqi, costeggiando esternamente la cinta muraria, giungo alla Bab Kisan, il Cappella di Anania via Al-Amin San Paolo Mausoleo di Hussein San Giovanni Battista, suk al-Hamidiyya Bosra Fatima il monaco Bahira profeta Maometto
The Great Syriac Festival in Aleppo 1956 Part 3.mp4
Syria: Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Hama
A photographic tour through Aleppo, Homs, Krak des Chevaliers, Hama and Damascus
Syriac folkolor festival - Aleppo - Syria 2006 ܥܕܥܐܕܐ ܦܘܠܟܠܪܝܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ - ܚܠܒ - ܣܘܪܝܐ 2006ܡ
Children fight for food in Aleppo
Children swarm local volunteers as they literally scrape the bottom of pots for some kind of food.
Aleppo (Arabic: حلب / ALA-LC: Ḥalab, IPA: [ˈħalab], other names), located in northwestern Syria 310 kilometres (193 miles) from Damascus, is the largest city in Syria[3] and serves as the capital of Aleppo Governorate, the most populous Syrian governorate. With an official population of 2,132,100 (2004 census), it is also one of the largest cities in the Levant.[4][5] For centuries, Aleppo was Greater Syria's largest city and the Ottoman Empire's third, after İstanbul and Cairo.[6][7][8]
Aleppo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world; it has been inhabited since perhaps as early as the 6th millennium BC.[9] Excavations at Tell as-Sawda and Tell al-Ansari, just south of the old city of Aleppo, show that the area was occupied since at least the latter part of the 3rd millennium BC;[10] and this is also when Aleppo is first mentioned in cuneiform tablets unearthed in Ebla and Mesopotamia, in which it is noted for its commercial and military proficiency.[11] Such a long history is probably due to its being a strategic trading point midway between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia.
Siria e Giordania: Apamea, Ebla, San Simeone, Aleppo
Mutating Cities - Aleppo
Urban Fabric Condition
What happens when all the people are gone? What happens to the memory?
Syrien 5: Aleppo und Simeonskloster
Besichtigung der Zitadelle von Aleppo. Danach Fahrt von Aleppo zum Simeonskloster, eine der größten frühchristlichen Wallfahrtsstätten des nahen Ostens. Es entstand um eine Säule herum, auf der der hl. Simeon 30 Jahre seines Lebens verbracht haben soll.
Allepo before and after
Aleppo (/əˈlɛpoʊ/; Arabic: ﺣﻠﺐ / ALA-LC: Ḥalab, IPA: [ˈħalab]) is a city in Syria, serving as the capital of the Aleppo Governorate, the most populous Syrian governorate.[5] For centuries, Aleppo was the Syrian region's largest city and the Ottoman Empire's third-largest, after Constantinople and Cairo.[6][7][8] With an official population of 2,132,100 (2004 census), it was Syria's largest city and also one of the largest cities in the Levant before the advent of the Syrian Civil War.[9][10][11]
Aleppo is an ancient metropolis, and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world; it may have been inhabited since the 6th millennium BC.[12] Excavations at Tell as-Sawda and Tell al-Ansari, just south of the old city of Aleppo, show that the area was occupied by Amorites since at least the latter part of the 3rd millennium BC;[13] and this is also when Aleppo is first mentioned in cuneiform tablets unearthed in Ebla and Mesopotamia, in which it is a part of the Amorite state of Yamhad, and noted for its commercial and military proficiency.[14] Such a long history is attributed to its strategic location as a trading center midway between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia (i.e. modern Iraq).
The city's significance in history has been its location at one end of the Silk Road, which passed through central Asia and Mesopotamia. When the Suez Canal was inaugurated in 1869, trade was diverted to sea and Aleppo began its slow decline. At the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, Aleppo ceded its northern hinterland to modern Turkey, as well as the important railway connecting it to Mosul. In the 1940s, it lost its main access to the sea, Antioch and Alexandretta, also to Turkey. Finally, the isolation of Syria in the past few decades further exacerbated the situation. This decline may have helped to preserve the old city of Aleppo, its medieval architecture and traditional heritage. It won the title of the Islamic Capital of Culture 2006, and has had a wave of successful restorations of its historic landmarks.
Since the Battle of Aleppo started in 2012, the city has suffered massive destruction,[15] and has been the worst-hit city in the Syrian Civil War.[16] In December 2016, the Syrian government achieved full control of Aleppo following a successful offensive.
Syrien - Aleppo
Im März 2010 war ich für Eberhardt TRAVEL in Aleppo, der grauen Stadt im Norden Syriens. Mit 1,7 Mio. Einwohnern hat die Stadt mehr einwohner als Damaskus. Ich entführe Euch in die Welt des Islam, denn wir lauschen kurz in der Omayyadenmoschee. Wir besuchten den Souk, die Zitadelle und haben da einen schönen Überblick über die Millionenmetropole
Long Live Syria - Amar Ya Baladi
Mixed pictures from all over Syria.
The Pictures are courtesy of
please visit that webpage if you want a description of every picture. Thank You.
Song: Dalida - Helwa Ya Baladi
Edleb Tartous Maaloula Saint Simon Citadel Bell temple in Palmyra Orantos River Hama Afamia Damascus Barada River Aleppo Citadel Lattakia coastline latakia Bloudan Yarmook Valley Serjella Ba'ouda the dead cities Sanamein Arwad Island Palmyra Eastern Heir Palace Crack des Chevalier Orantos Bousra Amphitheatre Burkoush Citadel Haramon Mountain Kalamon Mountains Sydnaya Kasab Deir Ezzor Mesyaf Erneh Mzairib Lake Ja'abar Citadel Euphrates Ebla Mashqita Deir Mar Jerjes Mashat al-Helu Hasaka Arnous Square Aphamea Kassioun Mountain Beit Jin Barada Drekish Jabal Al-Sayedah Dura Europos Marmarita Aleppo Ariha Zwaytina Kattineh Safita Zabadani Afrin Shmeimis Citadel Salamiyah Barshin Omayad Mosque Daraa Hama water wheels Tal Tamr assyrians Mar Jerjes Church Sayida Mountain Blue Beach Hotel Kassab Slunfa Wadi Qindeel Markab Citadel Banyas asssweida shahba
سوريا مناظر صور مدن
أغنية داليدا حلوة يا بلدي
اللاذقية دمشق حلب لواء اسكندرون الجولان السويداء تل تمر الجزيرة الحسكة القامشلي دير الزور طرطوس بانياس معلولا صيدنايا ديرعطية النبك مصياف ادلب درعا القنيطرة انطاكية مرمريتا وادي العيون تدمر دير سمعان حماة حمص نهر بردى النواعير بلودان الزبداني أرواد قصر الحير الشرقي قلعة الحصن بصرى أبو رمانة سهل الغاب حرمون جبل الشيخ نهر العاصي باعودا واحدة من المدن المنسية كسب مصياف الساحل السوري عرنه قصر العظم ايبلا الشام بحيرة مشقيتا دير مارجرجس مشتى الحلو أفاميا جبل قاسيون بيت جن الدريكيش دورا اوروبوس اريحا عفرين جبل الأقرع قطينة صافيتا السلمية قلعة شميميس الشيخ مسكين وادي العيون برشين جبل السيدة وادي قنديل قلعة المرقب سد مريزة الرقة السويداء شهبا
سورية سوري سوريون سوريين
Aglaia Pappa's : Syria St Simeon
The most beautiful and significant monument to religious building between Roman period of the 2nd century and northern European Christian masterpieces of the 11th century AD.
St. Simeon is a citadel 60 km north west of Aleppo, named after the hermit Saint Simeon (Sam'an); a shepherd from northern Syria, who became a monk after a revelation in a dream.
Following his death in 459 AD, Emperor Zenon ordered that a cathedral be built where the saint used to pray.
News :: ISIS Destroys Ancient Temple In Palmyra || 2015 Video Evidence
Here is a roundup of major Syrian historical sites or monuments that have been destroyed by all sides in the country`s crisis.
According to the Association for the Protection of Syrian Archeology (APSA), more than 900 monuments and archeological sites have been looted, damaged or destroyed.
Referring to satellite images, the United Nations said in December that 300 sites had been plundered, damaged or destroyed.The UN training and research agency UNITAR has said satellite images confirm the destruction of the main Temple of Bel as well as a row of columns in its immediate vicinity.
That was the second temple in Palmyra to be destroyed by the Islamic State group in a week, following one in Baalshamin.
In July, IS destroyed the statue of the Lion of Athena, which stood more than three metres (10 feet) high in front of the Palmyra museum. IS transformed the museum into a court and jail.
On August 18, IS murdered the 82-year-old retired head of antiquities in Palmyra, Khaled al-Assad, hung his mutilated body in public.
IS condemns pre-Islamic religious works as idolatry and has targeted Palmyra, which is northeast of Damascus, for destruction. The city has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO.
The city sustained damage in 2013 during fighting between rebels and government forces, and troops did additional harm there last year.
The historic centre of Aleppo, northern Syria, is divided between rebels and loyalists. In September 2012, a blaze swept through ancient shops in the city`s souk, or market place, and in April 2013, the minaret of the historic Omayyades mosque collapsed during fierce fighting.
Rebels using explosives to reach government positions in the old city destroyed the iconic Carlton Hotel on May 8, 2014.
In July 2015, a blast destroyed part of the ramparts that surround the citadel, a leading example of medieval Islamic military architecture. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebels had dug a tunnel under the wall, and that government troops blew it up to protect their positions.
A heavily fortified Crusader citadel known as the Crax sed Chevaliers and used as a rebel base near Homs, central Syria, has suffered damage from army shelling.On June 20, 2015, the best-known mosaic museum in Syria was seriously damaged by barrel bombs launched by regime aircraft, APSA said.In this northern IS bastion, much of the Sufi Muslim Uwais al-Qarani Mosque and a shrine to Ammar bin Yasir, a companion of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, was destroyed, with non-governmental organisations pointing the finger at the IS.
In the northeastern region of Hassake, IS has also destroyed Assyrian statues dating from the first century, APSA said.
Other notable sites damaged or looted include Dura-Europos, Apamea, Ebla, Mari, Ajaja and Hamam Turkoman.
Caravanserai, Aleppo Souk, Syria 2