St Getulio Vargas, 524 | Sala 02, Cambara do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul 95480-000, Brazil
Passeio das Cachoeiras Off Road
Um passeio contemplativo percorrendo cachoeiras da região, travessias de Rio abordo de 4x4, banhos em piscinas naturais de águas cristalinas.
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Cânion do Itaibezinho | Brazil Road Trip |
Hi Guys,
In this video we explore Cânion do Itaibezinho or in english it's Canyon Itaibezinho. This is one of the more developed Canyon's in the south of Brazil, the road is slightly better and there is good trails ad a visitor info center.
Cânion do Itaibezinho is located in Cambara Do Sul, it's a 30-40 minute drive from the center of the town. If you don't feel comfortable driving yourself, we recommend ECO TOURS. Eco Tours has several tours to choose from, to experience all of them you will need at least 4-5 days in Cambara Do Sul.
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We got all new gear for our new adventure and trip around the world. If you are looking for an upgrade or want to get started as a new vlogger, check out the gear below.
Go Pro:
Travel Tripod:
Vlogging Tripod:
We're Meghan and Quincy, we're high school sweethearts and just recently got married. We're from Vancouver, Canada, we sold everything we owned and left our home behind to travel full time.
Follow us and we'll share our adventure and suitcase lifestyle with you!
Cambara Do Sul | Swimming in Waterfalls in Brazil
Hi Guys,
This video is a short film put together to summarize our experience with Eco Tours. We left Torres and made our way to Cambara Do Sul, we spent 4 days there and visited the two main canyons and also made a tour with eco tours.
This is one of the most beautiful places we have visited in Brazil and it's completely under rated.
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We got all new gear for our new adventure and trip around the world. If you are looking for an upgrade or want to get started as a new vlogger, check out the gear below.
Go Pro:
Travel Tripod:
Vlogging Tripod:
We're Meghan and Quincy, we're high school sweethearts and just recently got married. We're from Vancouver, Canada, we sold everything we owned and left our home behind to travel full time.
Follow us and we'll share our adventure and suitcase lifestyle with you!
PNSG - Cânion Fortaleza
O Cânion Fortaleza é o principal atrativo do Parque Nacional da Serra Geral. Criado em 1992, o Parque possui 17,5 km2. O acesso é feito pela CS-012, estrada que é uma continuidade da avenida principal de Cambará do Sul, a Getúlio Vargas. O Parque é administrado pelo ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação e Biodiversidade), órgão vinculado ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente. O Fortaleza possui 7,5 km de extensão e, em alguns pontos, possui até 900 metros de altura. O nome se deve ao formato de sua estrutura geológica que lembra uma fortaleza.
Roteiro Canyons Light - Canyon Itaimbezinho - Canyon Fortaleza - Aparados da Serra
Que tal conhecer o Aparados da Serra com passeios de baixa e média dificuldade?
Um roteiro de 5 dias, 4 noites, 3 Canyons, 2 Parques Nacionais, 1 Brasil que você não conhece!
O roteiro canyons light oferece a saida do aeroporto de Porto Alegre, e passeios na borda do Canyon Itaimbezinho (Parque Nacional Aparados da Serra), borda do Canyon Fortaleza e Interior do Canyon Malacara (Parque Nacional da Serra Geral).
Roteiro operado pela Rota dos Canyons Turismo ( e hospedagem no Costão da Fortaleza Lodge (
Captação e edição das imagens: Fábio Pastorello (
Passeio de moto para Piratuba, Cambará do Sul e Praia Grande.
Passeio de moto entre amigos, saindo de Joinville com destino a Piratuba-SC, Cambará do Sul-RS e Praia Grande-SC.