St. Cornely's Church, Carnac, Morbihan, France, Europe
The Church of St. Cornely is a Catholic church dating from the seventeenth and thirteenth centuries located in Carnac, France. The St. Cornely church is located in the French department of Morbihan, in the municipality of Carnac. L'édifice, de style Renaissance, est classé au titre des monuments historiques en 1960. The church is built on a rectangular plan with three naves. The pediment of the west facade is provided with a niche containing a statue of Cornely. The porch of the north facade is carved by Kergoustin4, Baud, and dates from 1792; it is a Doric architecture columns cut sides, surmounted by a canopy fins, a crown and a cross. The bell tower, high-m4 40, 1639 date square tower platform with balustrade and pinnacles at the corners, topped by a long arrow-shaped pyramid. The vaults of the nave are paneled with polychrome paintings chronicling Cornély of life; they are made by Le Corre Pontivy but signed Dupont. Those of the Chapel of the Rosary and the Blessed Sacrament chapel are dated from 1732 through $ 500 pounds paid to Smith. The choir is enclosed by a wrought iron gate.
VUE D'EN HAUT : L'église Saint-Cornély
Carnac, Alignements, vie, Eglise Saint Cornely, Chapelles, les arbres, les plages
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : Carnac, une vie entre terre et mer
Carnac est célèbre dans le monde entier pour ses alignements mégalithiques de menhirs. Mais il n’y a pas que ça à Carnac. Maggy, qui a grandi ici, nous fait découvrir cette ville bordée par la mer. L’église Saint Corneille (ou Cornely), dans un style Renaissance, est l’un des joyaux de la ville. Ses murs en granit breton et ses vitraux resplendissant en font un lieu magique, très apprécié des Carnacois. Plus près de la plage, on trouve des lieux de villégiature, comme la villa Saint-Michel, qui ont su conserver leur style d’autrefois. Le château Churchill, lui, est plus surprenant. C’est le cousin du premier Ministre qui a fait construire un authentique manoir anglais en Bretagne !
Infos pratiques :
Office du tourisme
74, Avenue des Druides
56342 CARNAC cedex
Tel : 02 97 52 13 52
Port en Drô
56340 Carnac
Carnac Saint Cornély
Cette vidéo traite de Carnac église Saint Cornély
Le choix Cornely
Mariage de Nico & Anne
25 avril 2009, Carnac
Sunday Mass at Courtenay, Loiret, France Part 1.divx
Pastór de Lasala improvises during Sunday Mass on 4 July 2010 at the parish church of Ss Pierre et Paul in town of Courtenay, Loiret, France. The video is in two parts: Part 1 - Church Bells and two preludes; Part 2 -- Offertoire, Communion and Sortie. In this live recording it was not possible to remove extraneous noises from the nave. Apart from the recently restored 1850 organ by Loiret, the church, itself, has been lovingly restored. The false ceiling over the nave was removed to reveal an original and very beautiful barrel-vaulted celing which enhances the acoustics. The rerdos, hidden from view so time ago, was brought to life with the restoration of its original colours.
The Bells of Saint Vincent's in Carcassonne France
May 12, 2013 while having coffee in Place Carnot we were treated to the bells of Saint Vincent's church which rang for nearly 30 minutes. It was absolutely beautiful.
Joseph and Twanna - Main square in Nimes, France, May 2014
Renees in Brittany France - City Centre Main Square
The Virtual Tourist walks around Renees in Brittany France
Bell Peal Guilden Morden
A new peal using bicycle bells rather than church bells. Part of a community project called 'My Bike, My Bell...', celebrating the Tour de France passing through Cambridgeshire. Presented in St Mary's Church, Guilden Morden over the weekend of 21/22 June 2014, 'My Bike, My Bell...' is a playful interactive experience, primarily, but not only, for the younger community members of Guilden Morden.
Vocalises Palaja : Dîtes-le en chanson
Il s'agit de la chorale Vocalises de Palaja (11) sous la direction de Naïra Yaver-Oganessian, en l'église de Hontanx (40) à l'invitation du Choeur d'Hommes de Gascogne, le 13 mai 2017.
Europe Trip - Day 4, part 11
Wiesbaden - Cultural Festival - 7 o'clock church bells ringing, general atmosphere