LA PSALLETTE Nay chante maitia nun zira
Concert des choeurs en bastides Du 06/10/12 eglise Saint vincent à Nay
Choeur de La Psallette de Nay et Choeur Exultate de Lescar
Direction Dall'asta Laurence
Coarraze (Béarn), à mi-chemin entre Pau et Lourdes par la Plaine de Nay
Le bourg de Coarraze, situé en Béarn, se situe à mi-chemin entre Pau et Lourdes, tout à côté de la commune de Nay.
Parmi le patrimoine qui peut y être admiré, deux édifices retiennent l'attention : le Château dont les éléments les plus anciens (écuries, donjon) remontent au moyen Âge avant une première reconstruction au XVIème Siècle (Renaissance) dont ne subsistent que le portail d'entrée et les salles basses du Château, suivie d'une seconde reconstruction (pour cause d'incendie) au XVIIIème Siècle dans le style Florentin auquel correspondent les façades actuelles. Contrairement à l'ouvrage médiéval à caractère défensif, le corps du Château Renaissance puis Florentin n'a eu pour seule vocation que de servir à l''apparat et aux réceptions. Parmi les occupants célèbres du Château, si un seul devait être cité, ce serait certainement l'illustre Henri IV qui y fut éduqué et y passa son enfance et son adolescence.
Un second patrimoine admirable de Coarraze est l'Eglise St-Vincent Diacre dont la construction initiale remonte au XVIème Siècle. Incendiée à la fin du XVIème S., elle fut reconstruite au XVIIIème Siècle et bénéficia, à cette même période, d'un réhaussement du clocher-porche en forme de tour carrée de style mi-gothique mi-roman datant de la construction d'origine au XVIème S.
Marc PINARDEL improvise La fuite de Jonas
Extrait du concert d'improvisation de S-Nicolas du Chardonnet. 17 octobre 2010.
Merci à Charlotte pour sa voix et à Nejib pour l'image.
Giulio Caccini – Ave Maria
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Amanda Māra Rizzotto, soprano
Cristiano Rizzotto (Kris), organ
Recorded live in concert at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, CO.
Giulio Caccini – Ave Maria
Sometimes attributed to
Влади́мир Вави́лов (Vladimir Vavilov) (1925 – 1973)
Transcription by Maurizio Machella
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
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Amanda Māra Rizzotto is pursuing Bachelor’s degrees in Music Performance at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and in Speech-Language Pathology at Universidade Veiga de Almeida since 2013. She started singing when she was 6 years old at her school’s choir. At the age of 8 she joined the UFRJ Children's Choir, where she remained as a soloist until the age of 17. During this period the choir performed at the Municipal Theater and the most important cultural spaces and venues of of Rio de Janeiro. Productions included La Bohème (Puccini), Carmen (Bizet), Carmina Burana (Carl Off), Magdalena (Villa Lobos), among other works of the greatest relevance in the symphonic repertoire. In 2010, she was a soloist at the UFRJ Choir concert commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Independence of Argentina, in Buenos Aires.
Amanda is under the instruction of the soprano Leila Guimarães since 2012. She performs regularly in the most important churches and venues in Rio de Janeiro, on solo recitals, Masses and weddings. Among recent performances was a concert with Cristiano Rizzotto in the Basilica Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora in Niterói, accompanied by the largest pipe organ in South America, and CD recordings, including a special participation as singer in Dreams Rising with the London-based British harpist Zanna Evans. Samples of their recent recordings can be heard at
Amanda is currently a Harp Performance major at UFRJ. Her first harp instructor was Elza Marins when she was eleven years old. She is currently under the orientation of the harpist Wanda Eichbauer at UFRJ. As a harpist she went on a concert tour with the Camerata Natalina (directed by the harpists Cristina Braga e Wanda Eichbauer) in December of 2014.
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Cristiano Rizzotto is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at The American Organ Institute at the University of Oklahoma, under Dr. John Schwandt, and is the Music Director and Organist at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Duncan, OK.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Rizzotto was previously the organist at Rio de Janeiro’s Benedictine Abbey, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the Carioca monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Magna cum Laude, 2010), and a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (2013).
Cristiano’s current goals are to continue to develop his skills as a church and concert musician in the United States; to use the knowledge obtained to cooperate with the resurrection and development of the organ culture in Brazil; to represent and bring awareness to Latvia and Brazil through his work abroad; to establish a stronger dialogue between the organ sceneries and professional organists of Brazil and the United States of America; and contribute to the American musical and liturgical scenery.
Le Tourdion chorale La Psallette Nay
concert des 30 ans de la chorale La Psallette de Nay
Le 20/10/2012 en l'église Saint Vincent à Nay
direction: Dall'asta Laurence
Achat et Vente Corps de ferme SALLENOVES
A proximité de Genève et d'Annecy. Corps de ferme à restaurer avec beaucoup de possibilités. Conviendrait pour faire un appartement sur 2 niveaux de 140m², avec garage au rez de chaussée. Cour goudronnée. Tous commerces à proximiter. Contact Direct Propriétaire : Lien vers l'annonce sur notre site :
Vendée : Emmanuel Macron à Mouilleron-Saint-Germain
Le chef de l'Etat est arrivé mercredi 13 juin à Mouilleron Saint-Germain en fin d'après-midi accueilli par quelque 200 personnes.
Et tout autant de journalistes et de forces de l'ordre.
Le reportage de Vincent Raynal, Olivier Quentin.
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Survol de l'église Saint Vincent de Lucq – 64 Lucq de Béarn
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Lucq de Béarn s’est développé autour de l’Abbaye de SAINT VINCENT DE LUCQ. [...] L’Abbaye bénédictine fut détruite en 1569 pendant les guerres de religion. Aujourd’hui, seul l’abside et l’absidiole nord ont été rénévés. Tout le reste est d’origine, et date du XIIème siècle.
Lucq de Béarn Histoire d'un village
Lucq-de-Béarn est un village béarnais situé au centre du triangle Oloron-Sainte-Marie - Monein - Navarrenx, à 35 km environ au sud-ouest de Pau. Cette commune fait partie des communes les plus étendues de France. Lucq de Béarn, village typiquement béarnais, se situe dans la zone des vignobles du jurançon AOC.
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Tous les chemins mènent à vous au Festival International de la BD à Angoulême
Angoulême est une ville aux multiples festivals. Après « Les Grastonomades » fin novembre, avec « Tous les Chemins » nous sommes de retour pour le plus anciens et célèbres des festivals, celui de la Bande Dessinée, alias le FIBD qui a lieu chaque fin du mois de janvier.
Pendant le festival, il n’y a pas que des stands avec des livres a acheter et se faire dédicacer, une large place est faite aux auteurs et dessinateurs à travers des expositions.
Nous irons au musée de la Bande Dessinée voir celle de Jean Harambat, prix Goscinny l’année dernière pour « Opération Copperhead » paru chez Dargaud. Ce prix du meilleur scénario est une belle récompense pour l’auteur Landais, reporter et joueur averti rugby qui répondra à nos questions.
Jérémie Moreau nous accueillera dans l’exposition qui lui est consacrée à l’Alpha, médiathèque d’Angoulême. Ce fan du 9 -ème art depuis sa tendre enfance et multirécompensé à Angoulême (prix de la BD scolaire, prix du jeune talent et prix du meilleur album en 2018 pour « La Sage de Grimr » chez Delcourt ) évoquera sa jeune carrière.
Pour préparer un Festival International de la Bande Dessinée il en faut du travail à son équipe d’organisation, rencontre avec Ezilda Tribot responsable du pôle jeunesse et jeune création. Elle est un peu celle qui mettra en lumière les auteurs de demain.
Equipe : Vincent RIVIERE et Hélène DELAFOND
Émission enregistrée le 25 janvier 2019 à Angoulême
Retrouvez notre émission Tous les chemins mènent à vous du lundi au vendredi en direct à 10h30 14h et 15h ainsi que le replay le soir à 20h sur NoA, la chaîne 100% Nouvelle-Aquitaine sur les box (Orange canal 339 - SFR canal 455 - Free canal 326 - Bouygues canal 337) et sur internet
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Carson Cooman – Invocazione Brillante
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I dedicate this recording to my beloved son Kristian Walter Rizzotto, who was born last month, on 17 June 2017.
Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, wrote Invocazione Brillante, Opus 1217, on Walter's birthday and dedicated it to him.
Cristiano Rizzotto, organ
Recorded at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
Thank you!
Carson Cooman ➝
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Latvian Brazilian Cristiano Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs, organist at Rīgas Doms (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Oklahoma (OU – DMA: Doctor of Musical Arts), under the advisory of Dr. John Schwandt and Dr. Damin Spritzer.
Cristiano Rizzotto is the Organist & Choirmaster at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Golden Valley, MN. He also holds a Master's degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (ECU), where he studied with Mr. Andrew Scanlon, and a Bachelor's degree in Piano Performance from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he studied with Dr. Miriam Grosman and Dr. Alexandre Rachid.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Cristiano Rizzotto worked as the organist at the Benedictine Abbey of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, until July 2011.
J. S. Bach – Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
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Cristiano Rizzotto, organ
Recorded live in concert at the Skinner Organ, Opus 713 (1928), at First Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, NC.
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Cristiano Rizzotto is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at The American Organ Institute at the University of Oklahoma, under Dr. John Schwandt, and is the Music Director and Organist at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Duncan, OK.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Rizzotto was previously the organist at Rio de Janeiro’s Benedictine Abbey, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the Carioca monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Magna cum Laude, 2010), and a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (2013).
Cristiano’s current goals are to continue to develop his skills as a church and concert musician in the United States; to use the knowledge obtained to cooperate with the resurrection and development of the organ culture in Brazil; to represent and bring awareness to Latvia and Brazil through his work abroad; to establish a stronger dialogue between the organ sceneries and professional organists of Brazil and the United States of America; and contribute to the American musical and liturgical scenery.
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Skinner Organ, Opus 713 (1928)
Nº manuals: 3
Nº stops: 37
Nº ranks: 33
Nº pipes: 2,236
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
(Come now Savior of heathens)
First chorale prelude in the Orgelbüchlein
Below is the first verse of Luther's advent hymn with the translation in English of George MacDonald.
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland,
der Jungfrauen Kind erkannt!
dass sich wundre alle Welt,
Gott solch' Geburt ihm bestellt.
Come, Saviour of nations wild,
Of the maiden owned the Child,
Fill with wonder all the earth,
God should grant it such a birth.
Although it has often been suggested that this opening advent chorale prelude resembles a French overture, in construction, with its texture of arpeggiated chords, it is more similar to the baroque keyboard preludes of German and French masters, such as Couperin. The accompanying motif in the lower three or sometimes four parts is derived from a suspirans in the melodic line, formed of a semiquaver (16th note) rest—a breath—followed by three semiquavers and a longer fourth note. Some commentators have seen this falling figure as representing a descent to earth, but it could equally well reflect a repetition of the words Nun komm in the text. The suspirans is made up of intervals of a rising second, a falling fourth following by yet another rising second. It is derived from the first line of the melody of the cantus firmus and often shared out freely between voices in the accompaniment. The mystery of the coming of the Saviour is reflected by the somewhat hidden cantus firmus, over harmonies constantly reinventing themselves. It is less predictable and regular than other settings of the same hymn by Bach or predecessors like Buxtehude, only the second and third lines having any regularity. The last line repeats the first but with the suspirans suppressed and the dotted rhythms of the bass replaced by a long pedal note, possibly reflecting the wonder described in the third and fourth lines of the first verse.
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The Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book) BWV 599−644 is a collection of 46 chorale preludes for organ written by Johann Sebastian Bach. All but three of them were composed during the period 1708–1717, while Bach was court organist at the ducal court in Weimar. The remaining three, along with a short two-bar fragment, were added in 1726 or later, after Bach's appointment as cantor at the Thomasschule in Leipzig.
Lili Boulanger – Pie Jesu
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Amanda Māra Rizzotto, soprano
Cristiano Rizzotto, organ
Recorded live in concert at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, CO.
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
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Amanda Māra Rizzotto is pursuing Bachelor’s degrees in Music Performance at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and in Speech-Language Pathology at Universidade Veiga de Almeida since 2013. She started singing when she was 6 years old at her school’s choir. At the age of 8 she joined the UFRJ Children's Choir, where she remained as a soloist until the age of 17. During this period the choir performed at the Municipal Theater and the most important cultural spaces and venues of of Rio de Janeiro. Productions included La Bohème (Puccini), Carmen (Bizet), Carmina Burana (Carl Off), Magdalena (Villa Lobos), among other works of the greatest relevance in the symphonic repertoire. In 2010, she was a soloist at the UFRJ Choir concert commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Independence of Argentina, in Buenos Aires.
Amanda is under the instruction of the soprano Leila Guimarães since 2012. She performs regularly in the most important churches and venues in Rio de Janeiro, on solo recitals, Masses and weddings. Among recent performances was a concert with Cristiano Rizzotto in the Basilica Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora in Niterói, accompanied by the largest pipe organ in South America, and CD recordings, including a special participation as singer in Dreams Rising with the London-based British harpist Zanna Evans. Samples of their recent recordings can be heard at
Amanda is currently a Harp Performance major at UFRJ. Her first harp instructor was Elza Marins when she was eleven years old. She is currently under the orientation of the harpist Wanda Eichbauer at UFRJ. As a harpist she went on a concert tour with the Camerata Natalina (directed by the harpists Cristina Braga e Wanda Eichbauer) in December of 2014.
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Cristiano Rizzotto is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at The American Organ Institute at the University of Oklahoma, under Dr. John Schwandt, and is the Music Director and Organist at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Duncan, OK.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Rizzotto was previously the organist at Rio de Janeiro’s Benedictine Abbey, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the Carioca monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Magna cum Laude, 2010), and a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (2013).
Cristiano’s current goals are to continue to develop his skills as a church and concert musician in the United States; to use the knowledge obtained to cooperate with the resurrection and development of the organ culture in Brazil; to represent and bring awareness to Latvia and Brazil through his work abroad; to establish a stronger dialogue between the organ sceneries and professional organists of Brazil and the United States of America; and contribute to the American musical and liturgical scenery.
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Lili Boulanger (1893 – 1993) – Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu Domine,
Dona eis requiem.
Pie Jesu Domine,
Dona eis requiem sempiternam.
Pious Lord Jesus,
Give them rest.
Pious Lord Jesus,
Give them everlasting rest.
Oliver - Eglise lutherienne, Allemagne / Lutheran Church, Germany
Part of a series for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2015 / Cette video fait partie d'une serie pour la Semaine de Prière pour l'Unité des chrétiens :
J. S. Bach – Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565
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Book Cristiano for a concert – anywhere in the world!
Cristiano Rizzotto, organ
Recorded live in concert at the Schantz Organ (1913 / R 1988), at Central United Methodist Church in Florence, SC.
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Cristiano Rizzotto is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs, Organist at Rīgas Doms Cathedral in Rīga (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at The American Organ Institute at the University of Oklahoma, under Dr. John Schwandt, and is the Music Director and Organist at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Duncan, OK.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Rizzotto was previously the organist at Rio de Janeiro’s Benedictine Abbey, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the Carioca monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Magna cum Laude, 2010), and a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (2013).
Cristiano’s current goals are to continue to develop his skills as a church and concert musician in the United States; to use the knowledge obtained to cooperate with the resurrection and development of the organ culture in Brazil; to represent and bring awareness to Latvia and Brazil through his work abroad; to establish a stronger dialogue between the organ sceneries and professional organists of Brazil and the United States of America; and contribute to the American musical and liturgical scenery.
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Schantz Organ (1913), restored in 1988
Nº manuals: 4
Nº ranks: 64
Nº pipes: c. 4,000
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The Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, is a piece of organ music written, according to its oldest extant sources, by Johann Sebastian Bach. First published in 1833 through the efforts of Felix Mendelssohn, it became the most famous work in the organ repertoire, owing its popularity in part to arrangements such as the one appearing in Walt Disney's Fantasia. Its attribution to Bach has been doubted in the late 20th century and early 21st century, but no edition of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis listed it among the doubtful works, nor does its entry on the website of the Bach Archiv Leipzig even mention such doubts.
In the first century of its existence the entire reception history of the Toccata and Fugue in D minor consists of being saved from oblivion by maybe not more than a single manuscript copy. Then it took about a century from its first publication as a little known organ composition by Johann Sebastian Bach to becoming one of the signature pieces of the composer. The composition's third century took it from Bach's most often recorded organ piece to a composition with an unclear origin. Despite Mendelssohn's opinion that it was at the same time learned and something for the people, followed by a fairly successful piano transcription in the second half of the 19th century, it wasn't until the 1900s that it rose above the average notability of an organ piece by Bach. Stokowski's orchestration, featured in a Disney film in 1940, appears to have been instrumental in assuring its status as an evergreen by the 1980s, around which time scholars started to seriously doubt its attribution to Bach.
The first major public performance was by Mendelssohn, on 6 August 1840 in Leipzig. The concert was very well received by the critics, among them Robert Schumann, who admired the work's famous opening as an example of Bach's sense of humor. Also Franz Liszt adopted the piece into his organ repertoire: he used the glockenspiel stop for the Prestissimo triplets in the opening section, and the quintadena stop for the repeated notes in bars 12–15.
Aivars Kalējs – Kāzu Maršs
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Latvian composer Aivars Kalējs wrote this Wedding March (Kāzu Maršs) and dedicated it to Clara and I for our wedding, which took place in Girdwood, Alaska on 21 July, 2015.
In our anniversary last week, I dedicated this first organ recording ever of this piece to my dear wife Clara, as a surprise. The video was uploaded again, now with improved audio quality. Thank you to my good friend Chris Brand for opening the doors of Holy Cross Church in Minneapolis for this secret project!
Cristiano Rizzotto, organ
Recorded at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
Thank you!
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Latvian Brazilian Cristiano Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs, organist at Rīgas Doms (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Oklahoma (OU – DMA: Doctor of Musical Arts), under the advisory of Dr. John Schwandt and Dr. Damin Spritzer.
Cristiano Rizzotto is the Organist & Choirmaster at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Golden Valley, MN. He also holds a Master's degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (ECU), where he studied with Mr. Andrew Scanlon, and a Bachelor's degree in Piano Performance from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he studied with Dr. Miriam Grosman.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Cristiano Rizzotto worked as the organist at the Benedictine Abbey of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, until July 2011.
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Aivars Kalējs (b. 1951) – Kāzu Maršs
Aivars Kalējs is one of the most important and prolific Latvian musicians of his generation. He studied composition and organ at the Latvijas Konservatorija (Latvian Conservatoire) in Riga between 1969 and 1977, under Ādolfs Skulte and Nikolajs Vanadziņš, respectively. Having performed in almost all the European countries, Japan, U.S. and Canada, he is internationally known as a recitalist, composer, and a musicologist with published articles about organ history. Kalējs wrote about 100 opus numbers of symphonic, organ, piano, chamber and choir music. The organ works occupy the central place among his compositions.
Kalējs worked on the monument board of the Latvian Ministry of Culture between 1980 and 1985. He focused on the history and preservation of the organs in Latvia, and was able to add 250 organs to the country’s index of protected cultural monuments. He has been organist at Rīgas Doms (Rīga Cathedral) for almost forty years. Built in 1211, this is the largest medieval cathedral in the Baltic States and is home to the notorious E. F. Walcker organ, which, at the time of its construction was the largest instrument in the world. With 144 ranks assigned to 124 stops, this prime example of German Romantic organ building at its highest is one of the only great Walcker organs still in its original condition. Kalējs also holds the position of organist at the Jaunā Svētās Ģertrūdes Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca in Rīga (New Church of St. Gertrude).
J. S. Bach – Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend', BWV 655
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Dr. Cristiano (Kris) Rizzotto, organ
Recorded live in concert at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, CO.
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
Thank you!
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Having performed extensively in North America, Europe and South America, Cristiano Rizzotto is an active international recitalist who frequently premières and performs the works of contemporary composers. He has actively promoted and supported the ongoing development of new music for the organ. Composers such as Carson Cooman, Composer in Residence at Harvard University, Aivars Kalējs, Organist at Rīgas Doms Cathedral in Rīga (Latvia), and Antoine Giovannini, Titular Organist at L’église Saint Vincent de Nay (France), have dedicated pieces to him.
Cristiano is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at The American Organ Institute at the University of Oklahoma, under Dr. John Schwandt, and is the Music Director and Organist at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Duncan, OK.
He became a published composer after his Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in March 2014.
Rizzotto was previously the organist at Rio de Janeiro’s Benedictine Abbey, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the Carioca monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Magna cum Laude, 2010), and a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from East Carolina University (2013).
Cristiano’s current goals are to continue to develop his skills as a church and concert musician in the United States; to use the knowledge obtained to cooperate with the resurrection and development of the organ culture in Brazil; to represent and bring awareness to Latvia and Brazil through his work abroad; to establish a stronger dialogue between the organ sceneries and professional organists of Brazil and the United States of America; and contribute to the American musical and liturgical scenery.
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
From the Leipzig Chorales:
BWV 655 – Trio super: Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend' [Lord Jesu Christ, turn to us], a 2 Clav. e Pedale (chorale trio)
Similar in texture to movements from the organ trio sonatas, this jubilant and lively concerto-like chorale prelude echoes the eternal joy and blissful light of the last verse. The chorale prelude's progression through the keys of G, D, E minor, B minor, D and finally G, is reminiscent of Vivaldi concertos. The two manual solo parts and pedal continuo are based on elements from the cantus firmus, which is heard in its entirety in the pedal part of the recapitulation.
4 Chorales pour l'Hospitalité Basco-Béarnaise
Ce dimanche 15 mai 2011, en l'église St Vincent à Salies de Béarn, un public de plus de 200 personnes est venu apprécier et applaudir un concert donné par 4 chorales - 3 de femmes et une d'hommes -- en participation libre au profit de l'accompagnement des malades à Lourdes par l'association Hospitalité basco-béarnaise.
Orgue de la cathédrale de Lescar
Pau'Mag - L'orgue émoi et moi... et toi - Par Alexandra qui interviewe Philippe Bense, organiste titulaire de l’orgue de la cathédrale de Lescar… - Extrait d’un concerto de Vivaldi, transcrit pour orgue par Bach + d'info sur :
Le musée des Cloches d'Hérépian dans l'Hérault : réouverture
Installé sur l’ancienne gare d’Hérépian, entre Béziers et Montpellier dans le département de l'Hérault, et inauguré en 1998, le
Musée de la Cloche et de la Sonnaille a rouvert ce printemps
après une fermeture de quelques années. Saviez-vous
qu’Hérépian a abrité de 1600 à 1994 une fonderie de cloches
appartenant à la famille Granier, seule usine en France à fabriquer
les trois sortes de cloches ? La vocation du musée est de
rendre compte de ce savoir-faire traditionnel. Car peu de gens
font désormais la différence entre les sonnailles (accrochées au
cou du bétail), les grelots et les cloches (d’églises) dans
le vocabulaire actuel, qui a retenu les vocables génériques
« cloche » et « clochette », par facilité. Un parcours instructif, aussi bien pour les enfants que les adultes.
Virginie MOREAU et Daniel CROCI pour
© HJE Juillet 2014