360 VR Tour | Paris | Eiffel Tower | Tour Eiffel | All levels | Air panoramic view | No comment tour
This awesome virtual reality 360 degree VR tour video (VR Walk), shot on a journey to Paris city and its main attractions and sights like Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel). Video filmed on camera Samsung Gear 360 (which is similar in quality to the Nikon Keymission 360 camera). This tour can be viewed perfectly on any smartphone, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy.
Using different vr headsets, such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Sony Playstation VR, Google Cardboard and Google Daydream View, feel the amazing experience and immerse yourself in VR adventure in your home!
360° Video with air-panoramic mode
Shooting date: 9 February 2017
PSY GANGNAM STYLE Paris live flashmob at Trocadero with Cauet (NRJ) 파리 강남스타일 5.11.2012
Egalement disponible : le reportage complet PSY à Paris :
PSY GANGNAM STYLE live in Paris at Trocadero! Near 20.000 people to dance GANGNAM STYLE! First PSY show in Paris, France and Europe.
Le chanteur sud-coréen PSY est venu chanter son hit GANGNAM STYLE à Paris, au Trocadéro en face de la Tour Eiffel, le 5 novembre 2012. Cette flashmob GANGNAM STYLE à Paris était présentée par Cauet (animateur sur NRJ). Les organisateurs annoncent près de 20.000 participants ! PSY a terminé son live GANGNAM STYLE au Trocadero en promettant un concert à Paris en 2013.
Korean singer PSY performed his hit song GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) in Paris, at Trocadero near Eiffel Tower, for the first time. Next year: a true PSY concert in Paris!
PSY in Paris documentary available:
Compte rendu de la conférence de presse PSY à Paris :
France: Golden dome mounted on Russian Orthodox cathedral in Paris
A 12-metre-high golden dome has been installed atop a Russian Orthodox cathedral on the Branly Embankment next to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Saturday.
Video ID: 20160319-049
Video on Demand:
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Sambalpuri dance at the Eiffel Tower (Paris, France) | Rasarkeli Bo
Notre hommage à cette magnifique région de l'Inde qu'est l'Odisha ! Merci à notre danseur invité Saswat Joshi, et bravo à toutes les participantes !
Sambalpuri dance at the Eiffel Tower, our tribute to Odisha! Thank you to our dear guest Saswat Joshi and kuddos to my students!
Semaine des danses de l'Odisha 2017 / Paris Odisha Week 2017
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Chorégraphie : Saswat Joshi
Réalisation : Stéphane Letur (mapik.me)
Conception : Lévi-Avishaï Léger-Tanger
Musique : Rasarkeli Bo
Bravo à Amélie, Aurélie, Bénédicte, Habiba, Isaure, Marie-Virginie, Ming, Nalinee, Perrine, Rachida, Rhizlane, Smahane & Stella !
Paris New Year Celebration Fireworks Full HD | France New year's Eve | Eiffel Tower | 4K
Paris New Year Celebration Fireworks Full HD 1080p | France New year's Eve | Eiffel Tower
Paris Celebration Fireworks Full HD 1080p | Eiffel Tower LIVE
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China Builds Fake Paris, London and Jackson Hole | An Inside Look
Tianducheng, or Sky Capital City, is a real estate development modeled after Paris, complete with its own Eiffel Tower.
◄ Eiffel Tower, Paris [HD] ►
Eiffel Tower - HD footage, information and facts on the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel tower is without a doubt Paris number one landmark and one of the most famous structures in the whole world.
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Eiffel Tower, tourists - Paris, France / Париж, Франция Эйфелева башня, туристы
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Esplanadin puisto Esplanadparken
ハッピーバースデーヘルシンキ、フィンランド - エスプラナーディ公園
Grattis på födelsedagen Helsingfors, Finland - Esplanadparken
Hyvää syntymäpäivää Helsinki, Suomi - Esplanadin
Feliz Aniversário Helsinki, Finlândia - Esplanadi Parque
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Helsinki, Finnland - Esplanadi Park
Feliz Cumpleaños Helsinki, Finlandia - Parque Esplanadi
Финляндия, Хельсинки, Стокгольм, Швеция, Австрия, Швейцария, Париж, Франция, Берлин, Германия, Амстердам, Голландия, Нидерланды, Бельгия, Брюсель, Мюнхен, Гамбург, Люцерн, Цюрих, Швейцария, Испания, Каталония, Барселона, Ницца, Монако, Монте Карло, Канны, Рим, Милан, Флоренция, Пиза, Неаполь, Венеция, Австрия
Finland, Helsinki, Stockholm, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands, Belgium, Brussels, Munich, Hamburg, Lucerne, Zurich, Switzerland, Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Rome, Milan, Florence, Pisa, Naples, Venice, Austria
Finlandia, Helsinki, Estocolmo, Suecia, Austria, Suiza, París, Francia, Berlín, Alemania, Amsterdam, Holanda, Países Bajos, Bélgica, Bruselas, Munich, Hamburgo, Lucerna, Zurich, Suiza, España, Cataluña, Barcelona, Niza, Mónaco, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Roma, Milán, Florencia, Pisa, Nápoles, Venecia, Austria
Finnland, Helsinki, Stockholm, Schweden, Österreich, Schweiz, Paris, Frankreich, Berlin, Deutschland, Amsterdam, Holland, Niederlande, Belgien, Brüssel, München, Hamburg, Luzern, Zürich, Schweiz, Spanien, Katalonien, Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Rom, Mailand, Florenz, Pisa, Neapel, Venedig, Österreich
Finsko, Helsinki, Švédsko, Rakousko, Švýcarsko, Paříž, Francie, Berlín, Německo, Amsterdam, Nizozemsko, Nizozemsko, Belgie, Brusel, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Řím, Milán, Florencie, Pisa, Neapol, Benátky, Rakousko
Финляндия, Хельсинки, Стокгольм, Швеция, Австрия, Швейцария, Париж, Франция, Берлин, Германия, Амстердам, Голландия, Нидерланды, Бельгия, Брюсель, Мюнхен, Гамбург, Люцерн, Цюрих, Швейцария, Испания, Каталония, Барселона, Ницца, Монако, Монте Карло, Канны, Рим, Милан, Флоренция, Пиза, Неаполь, Венеция, Австрия
Finlyandiya, Khel'sinki, Stokgol'm, Shvetsiya, Avstriya, Shveytsariya, Parizh, Frantsiya, Berlin, Germaniya, Amsterdam, Gollandiya, Niderlandy, Bel'giya, Bryusel', Myunkhen, Gamburg, Lyutsern, Tsyurikh, Shveytsariya, Ispaniya, Kataloniya, Barselona, Nitstsa, Monako, Monte Karlo, Kanny, Rim, Milan, Florentsiya, Piza, Neapol', Venetsiya, Avstriya
فنلندا، هلسنكي، ستوكهولم، السويد، النمسا، سويسرا، باريس، فرنسا، برلين، ألمانيا، أمستردام، هولندا، هولندا، بلجيكا، بروكسل، ميونيخ، هامبورغ، لوسيرن، زيورخ، سويسرا، اسبانيا، كاتالونيا، مونت كارلو، كان، روما، ميلان، فلورنسا، بيزا، نابولي، البندقية، النمسا
Финландия, Хелзинки, Стокхолм, Швеция, Австрия, Швейцария, Амстердам, Холандия, Холандия, Белгия, Брюксел, Мюнхен, Хамбург, Люксембург, Монте Карло, Кан, Рим, Милано, Флоренция, Пиза, Неапол, Венеция, Австрия
Finlandia, Helsinki, Sztokholm, Szwecja, Austria, Szwajcaria, Paryż, Francja, Berlin, Niemcy, Amsterdam, Holandia, Holandia, Belgia, Bruksela, Monachium, Hamburg, Lucerna, Zurych, Szwajcaria, Hiszpania, Katalonia, Barcelona, Nicea, Monako, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Rzym, Mediolan, Florencja, Piza, Neapol, Wenecja, Austria
Finlândia, Helsínquia, Estocolmo, Suécia, Áustria, Suíça, Paris, França, Berlim, Alemanha, Amsterdã, Holanda, Países Baixos, Bélgica, Bruxelas, Munique, Hamburgo, Lucerna, Zurique, Suíça, Espanha, Catalunha, Barcelona, Nice, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Roma, Milão, Florença, Pisa, Nápoles, Veneza, Áustria
フィンランド、ヘルシンキ、ストックホルム、スウェーデン、オーストリア、スイス、パリ、フランス、ベルリン、ドイツ、アムステルダム、オランダ、オランダ、ベルギー、ブリュッセル、ミュンヘン、ハンブルク、ルツェルン、チューリッヒ、スイス、スペイン、カタロニア、バルセロナ、ニース、 モンテカルロ、カンヌ、ローマ、ミラノ、フィレンツェ、ピサ、ナポリ、ヴェネツィア、オーストリア
芬兰,赫尔辛基,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典,奥地利,瑞士,巴黎,法国,柏林,德国,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰,荷兰,比利时,布鲁塞尔,慕尼黑,汉堡, 蒙特卡洛,戛纳,罗马,米兰,佛罗伦萨,比萨,那不勒斯,威尼斯,奥地利
독일, 네덜란드, 벨기에, 브뤼셀, 뮌헨, 함부르크, 루체른, 취리히, 스위스, 스페인, 카탈로니아, 바르셀로나, 니스, 모나코, 몬테 카를로, 칸느, 로마, 밀라노, 피렌체, 피사, 나폴리, 베니스, 오스트리아
Paris 360° Experience | Escape Now
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Download Escape Now: The Icons on the Oculus store.
This virtual journey takes you to Paris, France's capital, a major European city and a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy and culture. Its 19th-century cityscape is crisscrossed by wide boulevards and the River Seine. Beyond such landmarks as the Eiffel Tower and the 12th-century, Gothic Notre-Dame cathedral, the city is known for its cafe culture and designer boutiques.
The famed Louvre museum houses da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.” The Musée d’Orsay has Impressionist works by Monet, Degas and Renoir. On the Seine’s Right Bank, the Montmartre neighborhood is home to Sacré-Coeur Basilica and sweeping hilltop views. In the Marais, nightclubs sit among restored 17th-century mansions. On the Left Bank are the Latin Quarter, bustling with Sorbonne scholars, and the historically bohemian Saint-Germain-des-Prés. The city’s open-air cafes are an institution for casual eating and people-watching. Fine-dining restaurants, bistros, markets and patisseries reflect other aspects of France's famed culinary heritage.
#360video #VR #Travel
Music by:
Picnic in the Park · Moins Le Quartet
Out to the Fields
℗ Epidemic Sound
Released on: 2013-08-09
Composer: Moins Le Quartet
Eiffel Tower at night, Paris, France / Эйфелева башня ночью, Париж, Франция
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Bonjour tout le monde! Vidéos de voyage Europe, Scandinavie et Russie
et des vidéos drôles avec un chat / chaton
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Ciao a tutti! Video di viaggio Europa, Scandinavia e Russia
e video divertenti con un gatto / gattino
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Esplanadin puisto Esplanadparken
ハッピーバースデーヘルシンキ、フィンランド - エスプラナーディ公園
Grattis på födelsedagen Helsingfors, Finland - Esplanadparken
Hyvää syntymäpäivää Helsinki, Suomi - Esplanadin
Feliz Aniversário Helsinki, Finlândia - Esplanadi Parque
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Helsinki, Finnland - Esplanadi Park
Feliz Cumpleaños Helsinki, Finlandia - Parque Esplanadi
Финляндия, Хельсинки, Стокгольм, Швеция, Австрия, Швейцария, Париж, Франция, Берлин, Германия, Амстердам, Голландия, Нидерланды, Бельгия, Брюсель, Мюнхен, Гамбург, Люцерн, Цюрих, Швейцария, Испания, Каталония, Барселона, Ницца, Монако, Монте Карло, Канны, Рим, Милан, Флоренция, Пиза, Неаполь, Венеция, Австрия
Finland, Helsinki, Stockholm, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands, Belgium, Brussels, Munich, Hamburg, Lucerne, Zurich, Switzerland, Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Rome, Milan, Florence, Pisa, Naples, Venice, Austria
Finlandia, Helsinki, Estocolmo, Suecia, Austria, Suiza, París, Francia, Berlín, Alemania, Amsterdam, Holanda, Países Bajos, Bélgica, Bruselas, Munich, Hamburgo, Lucerna, Zurich, Suiza, España, Cataluña, Barcelona, Niza, Mónaco, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Roma, Milán, Florencia, Pisa, Nápoles, Venecia, Austria
Finnland, Helsinki, Stockholm, Schweden, Österreich, Schweiz, Paris, Frankreich, Berlin, Deutschland, Amsterdam, Holland, Niederlande, Belgien, Brüssel, München, Hamburg, Luzern, Zürich, Schweiz, Spanien, Katalonien, Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Rom, Mailand, Florenz, Pisa, Neapel, Venedig, Österreich
Finsko, Helsinki, Švédsko, Rakousko, Švýcarsko, Paříž, Francie, Berlín, Německo, Amsterdam, Nizozemsko, Nizozemsko, Belgie, Brusel, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Řím, Milán, Florencie, Pisa, Neapol, Benátky, Rakousko
Финляндия, Хельсинки, Стокгольм, Швеция, Австрия, Швейцария, Париж, Франция, Берлин, Германия, Амстердам, Голландия, Нидерланды, Бельгия, Брюсель, Мюнхен, Гамбург, Люцерн, Цюрих, Швейцария, Испания, Каталония, Барселона, Ницца, Монако, Монте Карло, Канны, Рим, Милан, Флоренция, Пиза, Неаполь, Венеция, Австрия
Finlyandiya, Khel'sinki, Stokgol'm, Shvetsiya, Avstriya, Shveytsariya, Parizh, Frantsiya, Berlin, Germaniya, Amsterdam, Gollandiya, Niderlandy, Bel'giya, Bryusel', Myunkhen, Gamburg, Lyutsern, Tsyurikh, Shveytsariya, Ispaniya, Kataloniya, Barselona, Nitstsa, Monako, Monte Karlo, Kanny, Rim, Milan, Florentsiya, Piza, Neapol', Venetsiya, Avstriya
فنلندا، هلسنكي، ستوكهولم، السويد، النمسا، سويسرا، باريس، فرنسا، برلين، ألمانيا، أمستردام، هولندا، هولندا، بلجيكا، بروكسل، ميونيخ، هامبورغ، لوسيرن، زيورخ، سويسرا، اسبانيا، كاتالونيا، مونت كارلو، كان، روما، ميلان، فلورنسا، بيزا، نابولي، البندقية، النمسا
Финландия, Хелзинки, Стокхолм, Швеция, Австрия, Швейцария, Амстердам, Холандия, Холандия, Белгия, Брюксел, Мюнхен, Хамбург, Люксембург, Монте Карло, Кан, Рим, Милано, Флоренция, Пиза, Неапол, Венеция, Австрия
Finlandia, Helsinki, Sztokholm, Szwecja, Austria, Szwajcaria, Paryż, Francja, Berlin, Niemcy, Amsterdam, Holandia, Holandia, Belgia, Bruksela, Monachium, Hamburg, Lucerna, Zurych, Szwajcaria, Hiszpania, Katalonia, Barcelona, Nicea, Monako, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Rzym, Mediolan, Florencja, Piza, Neapol, Wenecja, Austria
Finlândia, Helsínquia, Estocolmo, Suécia, Áustria, Suíça, Paris, França, Berlim, Alemanha, Amsterdã, Holanda, Países Baixos, Bélgica, Bruxelas, Munique, Hamburgo, Lucerna, Zurique, Suíça, Espanha, Catalunha, Barcelona, Nice, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Roma, Milão, Florença, Pisa, Nápoles, Veneza, Áustria
フィンランド、ヘルシンキ、ストックホルム、スウェーデン、オーストリア、スイス、パリ、フランス、ベルリン、ドイツ、アムステルダム、オランダ、オランダ、ベルギー、ブリュッセル、ミュンヘン、ハンブルク、ルツェルン、チューリッヒ、スイス、スペイン、カタロニア、バルセロナ、ニース、 モンテカルロ、カンヌ、ローマ、ミラノ、フィレンツェ、ピサ、ナポリ、ヴェネツィア、オーストリア
芬兰,赫尔辛基,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典,奥地利,瑞士,巴黎,法国,柏林,德国,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰,荷兰,比利时,布鲁塞尔,慕尼黑,汉堡, 蒙特卡洛,戛纳,罗马,米兰,佛罗伦萨,比萨,那不勒斯,威尼斯,奥地利
독일, 네덜란드, 벨기에, 브뤼셀, 뮌헨, 함부르크, 루체른, 취리히, 스위스, 스페인, 카탈로니아, 바르셀로나, 니스, 모나코, 몬테 카를로, 칸느, 로마, 밀라노, 피렌체, 피사, 나폴리, 베니스, 오스트리아
Ленинград — Вояж / Leningrad — Voyage
Made and produced by Versus Pictures
Visual effects by CGF
Режиссер — Илья Найшуллер
Продюсер — Илья Найшуллер, Екатерина Кононенко, Рубен Адамян
Оператор постановщик — Генрих Медер
France reaches it highest temperature ever during Europe’s heatwave
The scorching heat was one degree higher than 2003’s previous record. Authorities have taken steps to ensure people’s safety, as almost 15,000 people died in the 2003 wave.
France’s record temperature was recorded in the southern town of Gallargues-le-Montueux, in Gard.
Tourists in Paris have been seen dipping in the fountain in front of the Eiffel Tower as they try to escape the heat.
French authorities have stepped up restrictions on water use, and hundreds of schools have been closed across the country.
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Late 1890s - A Trip Through Paris, France (speed corrected w/ added sound)
A collection of high quality remastered prints from the dawn of film taken in Belle Époque-era Paris, France from 1896-1900. Slowed down footage to a natural rate and added in sound for ambiance. These films were taken by the Lumière company
0:08 - Notre-Dame Cathedral (1896)
0:58 - Alma Bridge (1900)
1:37 - Avenue des Champs-Élysées (1899)
2:33 - Place de la Concorde (1897)
3:24 - Passing of a fire brigade (1897)
3:58 - Tuileries Garden (1896)
4:48 - Moving walkway at the Paris Exposition (1900)
5:24 - The Eiffel Tower from the Rives de la Seine à Paris (1897)
Paris Cinematic 4K - Paris City France Time Lapse
People in Paris City France enjoys mild temperatures, although there are different regional climate variations: Mediterranean climate in the south direction and little bit wetter weather in the north direction. In August, most of the country closes down to chase the sunshine in the south. Winter is one of our best preferred times to visit the Paris city, as such people visit are fewer, yet the restaurants are still lively with locals' best destinations.
Visit France in late May and early June, before the summer vacation people begin to visit. The weather is warm enough to while away an afternoon drink coffee at a Parisian cafe or walk along the beautiful beaches in Normandy, enjoying the late-spring sunshine that is attracted so many artists for many years. Then I head south to Province of Paris, where the lavender is just beginning to bloom alongside garden fields of bright yellow sunflowers. As the days ]and the temperatures are going to rise, I end on the Riviera and spend lazy time on the beautiful beaches before the real heat just sets in.
Paris City is a timelapse combination shot from various beautiful places including Eiffel Tower, Pantheon, and many beautiful places. I have to combine around 5 videos that the owner original contents are allowed to reuse. It took a lot of effort and time to complete this Paris City timelapse 4K and produce a new narrative title Paris City France. Let's visit Paris Sometimes if you are free.
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Clips Credit:
Amazing LG OLED 4K Demo Video [4K]
Eiffel Tower In Paris (France) - Video Background HD 1080p
Le temps dun Paris - Timelapse
Paris - La Géode - Cité des Sciences - Timelapse HD
PARIS 4K (Sam Kolder 2016 Inspiration)
Franck Medioni
El Condor Film URL:
[EDM] Arktopolis - The Chase
[Electronic] Cjbeards - Northern Lights
[Future] 2martini - Drop It Like
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My concepts of making travel videos by combine (merge) multiple compilations video that has taken shot by famous Photographer who has to allow their footage reuse which also helps them to promote their channel. The combine or compilation ingredient and make a new enjoyable video is also my favorites part of this channel.
All Credits are appropriately mentioned on Description based on Creative Common License; however, If you need a photo, video or song removed on my channel, please E-mail me. I will Appreciate your concerned with regards.
From Paris With Love (Best Scenes)
Best parts from an awesome film! Enjoy.
Paris in 4K
All video footage is owned by Around The World 4K and it can be licensed as stock footage from
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Paris, the capital of France, is a major European city and a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy and culture. It is also known as the City of Light (La Ville Lumière) or the City of Love and it was initially called Lutetia during Roman times. Paris is one of the most popular cities in the world, gathering over 25 million tourists annually. However the most visited place isn’t the Eiffel Tower as some might think, but Disneyland, with over 13 million visitors annually.
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Panasonic GH5
Sony A7RII
Sony A7SII
Dji Mavic 2 Pro
Canon 16-35mm F2.8 III
Canon 35mm F1.4 II
Canon 85mm F1.4
Canon 70-200mm F2.8
Glidecam DV
► aroundtheworld4k@gmail.com
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Stay tuned and enjoy the many journeys to come!
Red light district in Paris
Red light district in Paris
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The Streets of Paris. Walking in Paris 4K.
Let's see what Paris, France is like in spring! People, flowers and protests of course! Let's walk the streets of Paris. #Paris
Odissi folk dance performance at the Eiffel Tower
French dancers performing Sambalpuri folk dance, Dalkhai, at The Eiffel Tower, have received an overwhelming response.Mahina Khanum is an Odissi dancer, teacher, and choreographer from Paris. She has been organizing the Paris Odisha Week for two years.
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PARIS IN WINTER under the SNOW | France (Snowfall in Paris)
Paris in winter under the snow, France. Discover Paris, the City of Lights, in winter under the snow and its most beautiful snowy monuments: the Eiffel Tower, the Place de la Concorde and the Obelisk, the Roue de Paris, the Grand Palais, the Champs-Elysées, the Place de l'Etoile and the Arc de Triomphe, etc... such a snowy beautiful city...
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????Music by Jean-Philippe Ichard - Album “Paris in Love”
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Buy/Listen “Paris in Love” here:
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