ELECMOVE - Alquiler bicicletas electricas Sevilla - Electric bikes Rental in Seville
Un pequeño video con la flota y los paseos de algunos de los clientes.
Alquiler de bicicletas electricas en Sevilla
Electric bike rental in Seville
Entrevista con Elecmove
Aquí estoy con Cristóbal, de Elecmove, que nos explica las ventajas de visitar Sevilla en bici eléctrica.
Here I'm with Cristobal, from Elecmove, explaining us why it's better to visit Seville on an electric bike.
For active travel in southern Spain visit us @ or follow us on FB @
Paseos por Sevilla con ELECMOVE (I) - Discovering Seville with ELECMOVE (I)
Un paseo por Sevilla en la bicicleta eléctrica de ELECMOVE, desde la Cartuja hasta el puente de Triana
A ride on ELECMOVE's electric bike in Seville, from La Cartuja to Triana's Bridge
Seville is Spain's Most Bike Friendly City
Thanks to 120km of cycling lanes away from motorized traffic and an innovative bike share program, Seville, Spain is one of Europe's top cities for cyclists and Spain's most bike-friendly.
SeeByBike (Espanol) - Bicycle Tour of Seville - Bicycle Rental
Visiting Seville, Spain? But as always, not enough time to see everything you wanted?
“Steer your holiday in the right direction with SeeByBike!”
With SeeByBike we literally see more sites for less, with the sturdiest bikes in town and with over 15 years in the industry, our tour guides guarantee the best quality experience in Sevilla.
At SeeByBike we offer a general Daily tour, a customizable Private tour, a tour of the historic Jewish neighborhood, and a riverwalk that tails along Seville’s patchwork of gardens.
For our tours of ancient Seville, we offer each customer water, a map, a bike, and customizable accessories, such as a basket, that we can organize at our office.
The tours all start at 10:30 in the morning and run for 3 hours, except for the private tour - which runs entirely on your schedule!
On the Daily Tour, we cover the biggest attractions and will get a deep understanding of the whole city, covering places like the moorish Palace of Alcazar, and the magnificent Plaza of Spain.
On the Private Tour, we encourage our customers to name sites or simply say what they would like to see, whether it be aesthetics, nature, or a tour focused on history. We rarely have a case that we can’t accommodate. The private tour is also great for private groups and functions.
The Jewish Tour, focuses on the neighborhood of Santa Cruz or “Juderia” - Jewish Neighborhood. This tour leads you down a labyrinth of tight alleyways only to uncover ancient synagogues.
Lastly, along with the listed tours and a renting service, we offer a tour to the City’s life-blood - the River Guadalquivir. In this tour, our experts will lead you to see some of the city’s riverfront flora and gardens.
Worried about how you’re going to find your way around Seville? Don’t worry, we will personally deliver and collect bikes that we rent.
For more information or to book immediately → SeeByBike
Paseos por Sevilla con ELECMOVE (III) - Discovering Seville with ELECMOVE (III)
Visita el Jardín Americano de la isla de la Cartuja. Un gran desconocido, pero realmente agradable para dar una vuelta, y mejor aún en bicicleta eléctrica.
A visit to the American Garden on la Isla de La Cartuja. An unknown place, but really nice for a ride.... and even better if in electric bike.
Seville Spain Bike Rentals - June 2010.mov
Bike riding in Seville, Spain - June 2010 (on rented bikes) in (40 C. degree heat )
Some live music in a club at the end of movie
Bike Tours in Seville Promo
Get a guided bike tour around Seville!
Music used in video:
Beach by MBB
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
AS The University of Seville promotes the use of the bicycle as a green mean of transport
More videos at
A Danish website has rated Seville has the fourth best city of the world for using the bicycle. The amount of hours of sunshine and a flat terrain have promoted the use of this green of transport, reaching the 7% of the population. However, the support of the University of Seville has been fundamental for managing this.
Sevilla by bike
3 Aprile 2011, una serata a Sevilla in compagnia di Pepe (gatoto.tk) in giro in bicicletta! Fantastico
ROAD TRIP- Part 3 Seville -Bike riding, near death experience , 2018
After years of Blogging all our travel adventures we have decided to take it up a notch and start Vlogging.
This episode of the Vblog follows some of our experiences in Seville, when we have a dangerous run-in with a tandem bike and explore the Plaza de Espana, Cathedral of Seville, and the Royal Alcazar!
Bicicletas Verde Vía. Cazalla de la Sierra. Sevilla
Bicicletas Verde Vía se ha creado para que usted disfrute con su familia y amigos de uno de los entornos naturales más hermosos de Andalucía la Vía Verde Sierra Norte de Sevilla. La Sierra Morena con sus cuatro Parques Naturales es la masa forestal protegida más grande de toda Europa, al mismo tiempo las dehesas de bosque mediterráneo de estos Parques están declarados Reserva de la Biosfera, siendo la mayor de España, en toda esta inmensa e imponente masa protegida solo existen cuatro Monumentos Naturales dos de los cuales los encontrará en esta Vía Verde considerada por expertos como la mas bella de España. Vivirán una experiencia increíble y recorrerán este paraje de punta a punta sin perder ni un solo detalle, ya que Bicicletas Verde Vía se encuentra justo al comienzo de la Vía Verde, también le recomendaremos restaurantes que ofrecen platos típicos de la zona.
Si desea pasar una estancia en este idílico ecosistema le damos la posibilidad que pueda pernoctar en nuestras casas totalmente equipadas del Paraíso del Huéznar, paraisodelhueznar.com.
Venga y déjese llevar por el canto de los pájaros, el susurro del agua, envuélvase con los bosques de rivera y mediterráneo, deje volar su imaginación entre los recovecos y galerías del Cerro del Hierro.
Bicicletas Verde Vía:
Carretera comarcal A-455, Km 8, C.P. 41370, Cazalla de la Sierra, Sevilla
Telf: 609 51 25 79 bicicletasverdevia.com
Oficina De Turismo De Cazalla De La Sierra:
Plaza Mayor, 0, C.P. 41370, Cazalla de la Sierra, Sevilla
Telf: 954 88 35 62 cazalladelasierra.es/opencms/opencms/cazalla/.../turismo/ Un viaje diferente, el mapa de Andalucía con videos espectaculares…. en nuestra Web!!
Sevilla en Bici
Vayanda crew cycling with ElecMove electrical bikes and a GoPro camera in Seville on a sunny day in mid November. Vayanda se da un paseo en bici eléctrica ElecMove por Sevilla en un soleado y calido día de Noviembre.
For active travel in southern Spain visit us @ or follow us on FB @
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Seville Training Camp 2019
WCBC travelled to Spain for their first Christmas training camp. A squad of 26 boys made the trip and here's a short video of what they got up to.
PURA VIDA S.L., alquiler de bicicletas
Empresa de arrendamiento de bicicletas y productos turísticos en la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares.
Web de contacto: nuestrapuravida.wix.com/puravida
Al servicio de nuestra ciudad desde 2014 ininterrumpidamente.
Vuelta por el SEVICI
Yendo en bici por sevilla
Seville Rowing, Jan 2019 (short version)
Rowing a quad (quadruple scull) through Seville, Spain.
Richard (bow), Jim, Dan, and Lorraine (stroke).
The main row is sped up 32x, so it looks like we're going about 300 mph :-).
Taken with a Garmin Virb Ultra 30 camera attached to the stern hull.
NATUR BIKE és una empresa espesialitzada en lloguer de bicicletes tant a particulars com a empreses i grups.
NATUR BIKE compta amb una flota de bicis cómodes lleugeres i de gran qualitat, per poder visitar i descobrir els racons més amagats de la nostra població.
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