Elephant Valley in CHiang Rai (Thailand)
Elephant Valley in Chiang Rai is a very respectful elephant sanctuary taking good care of its elephant and letting them be elephant. They welcome a limited amount of visitors every day.
Elephant Valley Thailand - MC Adventure Blog
On our visit to Thailand this last summer we visited the Elephant Valley Thailand, a true elephant sanctuary in Chiang Rai. It was a beautiful experience that supported and respected the elephants that are looked after there! It is a top ecotourist attraction and is well worth a visit if you are in Northern Thailand.
To learn more read this post:
Or visit our blog for more ethical travel tips at
Elephant Valley Thailand, Chiang Rai
Elephant Valley Thailand, Chiang Rai, Adventure with Bernie
Elephant Valley Thailand in Chiang Rai. Wow! What a wonderful experience. This is a sanctuary and NOT an elephant amusement park, here elephants are truly allowed to be elephants.
It is a day you will remember. It is enlightening, informative, thought provoking, a joyous experience and much more. I chose the overnight stay, so on top of the exquisite lunch they provided I also enjoyed dinner and breakfast the next morning.
If you are inclined you can accompany one of the friendly workers out into the field to gather food for the elephants. And bonus ......you then get to feed it to them. This I highly recommend, a little volunteer work is fuel for the body and soul.
My accommodation was great and I had a lovely view from my room. All the staff are extremely helpful and friendly and make everybody feel welcome.
Keep up the great work and I am sure others, just like me leave EVT with a warm heart ????✌
#elephantvalleythailand #chiangrai #adventurewithbernie
Elephant Rehabilitation in Chiang Rai | Elephant Valley Thailand
Today's vlog, we went to Elephant Valley, a rehabilitation centre and a sanctuary for elephants in Chiang Rai, Thailand. We learned a lot about elephants and we saw how elephant valley prepares the elephants to go back into the wild.
Visit Elephants Valley:
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A Typical Day visiting Elephant Valley Thailand
If you coming here on holiday to thailand then why not come and visit Thailands latest elephant sanctuary. We are very excited about elephants and very excited to show you our work!
Elephant Valley Thailand - Ethical elephant experience in Chiang Rai
《負責任野生旅遊人- 清萊篇 / Ethical Wildlife Tourism - Chiang Rai 》
清萊旅遊,除咗去睇白藍黑三廟之外,不妨參觀下Elephant Valley Thailand ,探索下呢個神秘嘅清萊後花園,親親大象之餘,為大象保育出一分力。
更多詳情: elephantvalleys.com
If you ever find yourself in Chiang Rai Thailand, I would highly recommend you to pay a visit to Elephant Valley Thailand, a truly ethical elephant sanctuary and a stunningly beautiful secret garden in northern Thailand.
Visitors can choose to join a half-day tour, stay overnight, or even spend a few days or weeks to volunteer here.
For more information: elephantvalleys.com
For my personal short review of how ethical this place is:
#elephantsanctuary #elephantvalleythailand #thailand #chiangrai #elephants #thailandtravel #thaielephants #responsibletraveller #wildlifetourism #responsiblewildlifetourism #elepherience
Elephant Valley Thailand, Chiang Rai
Annie Wilcox Photography Travelling with a camera in Thailand.
I personally don’t agree with elephant riding or them being ‘hooked’ to behave for the visiting tourists. Sadly, I have witnessed this is the past, so I like to do my research before any visit.
The Elephant Valley Thailand (EVT) in Chiang Rai has a 10 year mission to get elephants living back in the wild. They have vast experience from their sanctuary in Cambodia. There are currently six elephants in their 40 acre site. Maddy, Lou, Claire, Jay, Ka Moon and Thong Inn all have their own personalities. Thong Inn is the only bull. You can read thier background and progress to date on the EVT website. Be sure to check out my website for more travel blogs, tips and much more.
Two of the elephants were rescued and gifted to EVT from a closed elephant tourist attraction in Chiang Mai. Here they had been left chained for 12 months since its closure. The other four came from an illegal logging site, which they lease from the owner.
An elephant in Thailand fetches around £30,000. EVT won’t purchase elephants outright, as they believe this could encourage further elephant captures / sales that would be detrimental.
The team work to heal the elephants physically, mentally and behaviourally and basically teach them how to be elephants. They keep interactions to a minumum so elephants can be elephants. However, you are allowed to help feed them their daily allowance of bananas and banana trees.
Cafe was a great, knowledgable guide. And John, who is currently looking after the centre, came to greet us on arrival and shared some of his experiences with us. The site is wonderfully maintained and tranquil. A half day including a superb lunch, refreshments and transport is £28. Other experience details and costs can be found on the EVT website. Homestays are also available.
I hope EVT’s hard work and dedication pays off over the coming years.
Be sure to check out my website for more travel blogs, tips and much more.
Elephant Valley Thailand - Introduction
A short film produced for EVT about their recently opened project in Chaing Rai, Thailand. This is a well run project, extending Elephant Valley from it's beginnings in Cambodia. This is not your typical tourist trap, there are no elephant rides, no bathing the elephants. These elephants are ex logging elephants, who with the help of EVT will live out the rest of their lives in a relatively relaxed and natural way.
Volunteering @ Elephant Valley Thailand
Elephant Valley welcomes volunteers from around the world to come and help out with the day to day running of our elephant sanctuary.
Elephant Camp - Chiang Rai - Thailand
Elephant valley Thailand Chiang Rai elephant sanctuary
What an amazing experience. They have 4 elephants here, 2 have been bought and 2 are rented.. rented? Weird right, well they rent them from someone who used to use them for work and in the contract it basically says ‘we give you this amount of money each month and your not aloud to buy another elephant’, so then rather than selling the elephant and then buying another for work they get an income without needing an elephant. These elephants have a large amount of space to roam around and be free and you can see the elephants are happy here
Elephant Valley Thailand
É um santuário de elefantes situado na zona rural da província de Chiang Rai. Elephant Valley é o lar de uma família de 6 elefantes. Em Valley os animais têm a chance de viver uma existência mais natural possível, como animais selvagens que são. O turista não interfere na rotina diária dos elefantes, são apenas expectadores. O tour de meio dia teve o custo de 1.600 baht (em torno de $160 reais com almoço incluso). Passei mais ou menos 2 horas observando os elefantes e recebendo informações sobre suas rotinas e os cuidados a eles dispensados. No fim do tour a própria instituição forneceu bananas para os turistas alimentarem alguns elefantes. #chiangrai #tailandia
Thailand | Elephant Valley Experience
Volunteer and help out with the day to day jobs in the sanctuary. Watch elephants just being elephants in their natural environment. Be a part of improving the daily life of these gentle giants. Learn more about Elephant Valley Experience in Thailand, please visit
Elephant Valley in Thailand, amazing elephant rescue
Elephant Valley in Thailand
Elefanten-Besuch OHNE Tierquälerei | Elephant Valley Chiang Rai, Thailand | Weltreise VLOG #20
Wir wollten zwar Elefanten sehen, aber bisher hat uns noch keine Organisation so wirklich zugesagt. Elefanten-Reiten ist für uns ein No Go, aber wir sind auch skeptisch was andere Kunststücke oder Baden mit Elefanten angeht. In Chiang Rai haben wir zufällig das Elephant Valley entdeckt und waren total begeistert! Der Zweck des Parks: Elefanten Elefanten sein lassen ♥
Elephant Valley Thailand:
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Elephant Valley Thailand - First arrivals
Short film about the arrival of EVT's first elephants.
Elephant Valley Thailand 2018 FEB highlights
Elephant Valley Thailand - Asian elephants simply being elephants
The Best Cafe & Restaurant in Chiang Rai, Thailand
Chivit Thamma Da
Elephant Valley Chiang Rai
Few clips of our trip to Elephant Valley sanctuary near Chiang Rai, Thailand.