A walk around Ely
Perhaps Ely is the smallest city in the UK, it is a wonderful place to visit with its magnificent cathedral, old town, riverside and museums. I spent two days there in October 2016 and this is what I saw. More flms to come later!
Ghosts in Ely, Cambs - Indico Paranormal Investigate Ely Gaol Museum
Indico Paranormal's Sadie and Laura investigated the Ely Museum situated in the heart of Ely City,Cambridgeshire, England, UK. well known for being the city and local area's gaol facility for criminals. Both paranormal investigators experienced some strange goings on and caught some very good possible evidence of the paranormal and ghosts that may reside within the museum walls. Have a watch and don't forget to Subscribe, Like, Share and leave a comment.
Ely Museum
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Beautiful England.City of Ely
in british museum
egyptian room
Filming Tour of Ely Museum Post Investigating
Ely Museum curator Philip kindly shows us around the museum in preparation for the Ely Ghosts documentary...
Ely Gaol Museum & Oliver Cromwell's House, July 2018
Exhibitions with audio from the two museums; the condemned cell in the recreated gaol, and on the death and subsequent disinterment and beheading of Oliver Cromwell.
Moments of Ely - UK
2012. november
Ghost in St. Ely Cathedral UK
While taking a video at St. Ely Cathedral while a choir was rehearsing, I saw this strange light while viewing the video. No explanation as to what it is. Even my husband who is a professional photographer can’t explain it. Ghost maybe?
Ely Leisure Complex / Cineworld: 2016-10-09
Drone flyover of Ely Leisure Complex
Charles & Camilla Royal Visit Cambridge, Ely & Wisbech 2018!
Charles & Camilla Royal Visit Cambridge, Ely & Wisbech 2018!
The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will today visit Cambridgeshire, including #Cambridge, #Ely and #Wisbech.
Residents of Ely welcome The Prince of Wales as HRH arrives in the city for the Royal visit ????????
At Ely Cathedral, The Prince visits @stainedglassmus to see the museum’s expanding collection
At Ely Market, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall meet local residents and stallholders
In Wisbech, The Duchess of Cornwall visits @wisbechmuseum to meet children taking part in a literacy session.
Lebanese born British businessman Ely Calil Died at 72
Please hit the bell along with the subscribes botton as you listen. Ely Calil was born 8 December 1945 in Kano, Nigeria, and died 28 on May 2018 in London, England was of Lebanese origin with British citizenship. His ancestry can be traced back to 1920s or 30s when his family set up their home in what's today Turkey after leaving Lebanon, but then returned to Lebanon after Ataturk's policies discriminating against Christians. Before he was born, his family set up an oil mill for groundnut processing in Lebanon in 1941. His father, George Khalil, died in 1970, leaving behind two sons, him Ely and Bernard, and was said to have bequeathed £20 million to Ely. In 2002, Calil was arrested in Paris in connection with the Elf Aquitaine scandal but was released on appeal. In 2004 Calil was alleged to be part in the failed coup d'état in Equatorial Guinea and is currently sought by courts both in Equatorial Guinea and South Africa. In September 2004, he was sued by the Equatorial Guinean government for allegedly to have raised $750 000 to finance the plot. He married his first wife, a Tennessee tobacco heiress named Frances Condon, at Roman Catholic church in Farm Street, Mayfair in 1972. The couple divorced in 1985, and the following year, Calil married a Lebanese socialite, Hayat Emma Morowa. The marriage also failed, and Calil married his third wife, Renuka Jaine, in 1989. He died at 72 years old.
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OLIVER CROMWELL´S HOUSE. Ely, Cambridgeshire, England. Places to visit - Lugares para visitar.
Si eres amante de la historia de la época medieval, no debes perder la oportunidad de visitar esta casa-museo de la familia Cromwell.
¿Quien era Oliver Cromwell?
(Huntingdon, actual Reino Unido, 1599-Londres, 1658) Político inglés. Educado en un ambiente protestante puritano y hondamente anticatólico, que confirió a su actuación política un sentido místico y providencialista, en 1628 fue elegido miembro de la Cámara de los Comunes, disuelta al año siguiente por el rey Carlos I. Entre 1629 y 1640, el monarca inglés gobernó sin el Parlamento, impuso una política absolutista y aumentó los privilegios y las prerrogativas de la aristocracia en perjuicio de los intereses de la naciente burguesía.
En 1640, no obstante, el rey se vio obligado a reinstaurar el Parlamento, en el que Cromwell, como representante de Cambridge, destacó por su defensa del puritanismo, su oposición al episcopalismo de la Iglesia de Inglaterra y sus ataques a la arbitrariedad real. Al poco tiempo, el soberano, acusado de ineptitud a raíz de la sublevación católica de Irlanda, intentó encarcelar a los principales miembros de la oposición, lo cual provocó la insubordinación del Parlamento y obligó a Carlos a huir al oeste de Inglaterra para unirse a sus partidarios.
Tras ello, en 1642 estalló una cruenta guerra civil, que enfrentó a los realistas (Iglesia Anglicana, ciertos sectores de la burguesía y buena parte de la gentry, la aristocracia inglesa) con los partidarios del Parlamento (los pequeños propietarios agrícolas, la burguesía, el pueblo llano y los puritanos). En ese momento, Cromwell, hombre práctico y dotado de gran talento militar, organizó un ejército revolucionario, el New Model Army, y, tras sufrir algunos reveses, consiguió por último vencer a las tropas realistas en Marston Moore (1644) y Naseby (1645).
Un año más tarde, la captura de Carlos I suscitaba un serio conflicto entre el Parlamento, favorable a la restitución del monarca en el trono controlando su poder, y el ejército puritano, decidido a librarse del rey y controlar la Cámara de los Comunes. Aprovechando el intento de huida de Carlos (1647) y tras haber depurado el Parlamento (1648), Cromwell hizo juzgar y ejecutar al soberano (30 de enero de 1649), suprimió la monarquía y la Cámara de los Lores y proclamó la República o Commonwealth (mayo de 1649).
A su muerte (3 de septiembre de 1658), sin embargo, la República se vio inmersa en un período de caos, que acabó con la restauración de la monarquía en la persona de Carlos II por parte del Parlamento (1660). A pesar de su prudencia, el nuevo monarca no dudó en ordenar la exhumación del cadáver del hombre que había firmado la sentencia de muerte de su padre, para cortarle la cabeza y exponerla en la torre de Londres.
О́лівер Кро́мвель (англ. Oliver Cromwell; 25 квітня 1599 — 3 вересня 1658) — лорд-протектор Англії в 1653–1658 роках, лідер пуритан. Військовий керівник громадянської війни в Англії, прибічник парламентаризму, один з організаторів армії парламенту Англії в боротьбі з королівською армією під час Громадянської війни.
Кромвель став членом парламенту 1628–1629 років від Хантінгдону. Записи парламенту показали лише одну його промову. Після розпуску парламенту Карлом I у 1629 король правив країною протягом 11 років без парламенту. Коли Карл I зіткнувся з шотландським повстанням, відомим як Єпископські війни, йому довелося зібрати парламент у 1640 через нестачу коштів. Кромвель повернувся до парламенту, але збори тривали тільки три тижні, та стали відомі як «Короткий парламент».
3 листопада 1640 знову було скликано парламент, що став відомий як «Довгий парламент». Олівер Кромвель брав участь як депутат від Кембриджа. Він налагоджував сімейні та релігійні зв'язки з представниками палати лордів та палати громад.
На початку Англійської громадянської війни Кромвель почав свою військову кар'єру, очоливши кавалерійський загін із 60 вершників, відомий як «Залізнобока кавалерія», який став основою його Армії нового зразка. Лідерство Кромвеля у битві під Марстон-Муром (1644) привело його до великого піднесення. Кромвель виявився талановитим полководцем...
England 2019 Episode 06: Ely
The origins of Ely Cathedral date back to AD 672 when an abbey church was built here. The present building is Norman, dating to 1083. Architecturally it is significant both for its scale and its stylistic details. Most noteworthy is the octagonal central tower with lantern above, erected in 1322.
Most of the church retains its original Romanesque style, although the beautifully painted ceiling is a Victorian creation. Saint Edmund’s Chapel contains a 12th c. mural of the saint’s martyrdom. Most of the windows are from the mid-1800s, although the cathedral's stained glass museum contains samples dating back to the 14th c. as can be seen in the series of 15 photos at the end of the video.
You may have noticed the ghostly silhouette of a WWI soldier appearing outside one of the cathedral's chapels as we walked by. This effect is created by a sculpture made of a thin strip of metal which almost disappears when viewed from certain angles.
Oliver Cromwell and his family lived in Ely for 10 years. Today their half-timbered home has been restored to reflect the family's 17th c. domestic lifestyle along with interesting exhibits on Cromwell and the English Civil War. Cromwell was a Puritan leader, politician, and general who championed the rights of commoners against the aristocracy, but he was also a military dictator and persecutor of Catholics bordering on the genocidal. Although he is justly condemned for ruthlessly subduing the rebellion in Ireland in 1650, Cromwell's legacy also includes the reformation of the Church of England, the institution of religious toleration (including protection for Quakers and Jews) and ensuring that a Parliament representing the people rather than a King with absolute power would rule England forever thereafter. After viewing the exhibits, guests are invited to vote for whether Cromwell should be labelled a hero or a villain. How would you vote?
CU-TV Art in Cambridge: Ely Cathedral
CU-TV presents Art in Cambridge. In this instalment we venture just outside of town to visit Ely Cathedral. The curator of the stained glass museum, Sarah Robertson, joins us to talk about works from the collection.
Ronnie's Ely Cathedral Slideshow, Cambridgeshire UK 2010
I was interested in the history of this place which is reputed to have been a place of worship for more than 1300 years. I was particularly intrigued to have seen signs of dismantled and destroyed statues as well as defaced colorful murals resulting from the onslaught of the English Reformation during the 16th Century.
Train Passing on Cambridge/Ely Line.
A train passing on the Cambridge/Ely Line from Cambridge to Ely. Cambridgeshire, England, UK.
Haunted house in Ely
Oliver Cromwell lived in this house in Ely before he went off to war against King Charles I. The house now houses the local tourist office and tours of it are arranged and we can see part of it in this film. In the film, we hear a ghost story about a little girl who had a strange visitor whilst being shown around the house. Others have reported strange sightings in photos and videos taken in the house.
Is there anything strange in this video? When I attempted to edit this film at a certain point, the programme would not let me. I attempted the same thing around five times and then I gave up. So you get here part of the flm I did not want to show. I cannot see anything ghostly in that part but maybe you can. My opinion is that ghosts do not appear to those that do not want to see them!
Steam Train in Ely, Nevada
A historic steam train of the Nevada Northern Railway near Ruth NV. In the background is the overburden of the nearby copper mine visible.