2014洛陽天子駕六博物館(Luoyang Zhouwangcheng Emperor Six Horses Carriage Museum)
2014年2月步行前往天子駕六博物館, 博物館位於洛陽市中心, 交通方便. 博物館是在考古原址建造, 面積不大展品不多, 但卻很有歷史價值, 且有免費講解, 雖然要買票, 仍然值得一遊.
Luoyang Spotlight: Eastern Zhou Royal Horse and Chariot Pits
In the channel's first profile of a Luoyang landmark, we take you around one of the oldest sites in Henan, a burial site of horses and chariots belonging to one of the rulers of the Zhou dynasty, before Qin Shihuang united the country.
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Chiny - Luoyang - Świątynia Białego Konia i Groty Longmen
Ćwiczenia mieszkańców w parku, Jaskinie Longmen zwane też Jaskiniami Smoczych Wrót - świątynie wykute w skałach wzdłuż rzeki Yi He, wizyta w pracowni koronkarskiej, spacer po starym mieście, Świątynia Białego Konia - najstarsza świątynia buddyjska w Chinach
Museum of Luoyang Eastern Zhou Royal Horse and Charriot Pits plus on 10 5 2013
Luoyang Park and 6 horse Chariot archeological site plus more on 10-5-2013...
I didn't write or create the music. I recorded the videos of bands playing the music. First song is a cover sone by Friction at the Office Bar in Shanghai. The next two songs were recorded at the park near where there were several groups singing and dancing. Hope you enjoy.
Friction at the Office in Shanghai 9 13 2014 set 1 pt 1
Traditional Chinese music in a park in Luoyang Henan 10 5 2013 pt 2
Traditional Chinese music in a park in Luoyang Henan 10-5-2013 pt 3
I left the hotel in new Luoyang, Henan, China to see a couple temples. I headed toward Tian and Ming Temples. I would arrive and found it to be fenced off. It seems they were rebuilding the damaged one and the one that was destroyed rebuilding it. They also were building other buildings. Sadly couldn't get in to see inside, it would open a few years later.
From there I walked toward downtown where another historical site was. I would see some interesting shops along the way and talk to some interesting people. I arrived outside The Museum of Luoyang Eastern Zhou Royal Horse and Chariot Pits. I wonder around the decorations before going into to see the dig site. I would come out and hear music across the street in the park.
I went to the park to check out the music. Different groups throughout the park and would record some of the music. Some was full instrument players with individuals stepping in to sing traditional songs. Some were just individuals doing their own thing. Some was groups dancing and/or exercising. It was interesting to view and listen, but time to move on.
I would walk out of the park down one road where several were playing cards, Mahjong or Chinese Chess. I would take some pictures along the stroll through the city and came upon a sports park before heading back to where the hotel was and joining my friend at a coffee shop near her bar and my hotel.
Lijiang Gate Luoyang
ประตูลี่เจียง ถนนคนเดินหมิงชิง ลั่วหยาง
Luoyang's White Horse Temple
The White Horse Temple, one of the earliest Buddist temples in China, rebuilt many times in history, is located in Luoyang, Henan Province.
Travelling on Horse Cart Anhui China
Horse Cart Ride with the Locals
在没有汽车的年代,人们主要乘马车甚至牛车出行。在等级森严的古代,乘车规格也是有着严格限制的, 说文解字专家许慎认为:“天子驾六,诸侯及卿驾四,大夫驾三,士驾二,庶人驾一。”
2000年前,周代天子,这么一个生活在洛阳的人,一次出行居然要26辆车,70匹马,是王者尊贵的体现,也彰显了独一无二的王者霸气【《布衣镜界》关注百姓生活 弘扬传统文化,感谢您的评论、收藏、点赞、转载链接,敬请“关注”并查看前期内容,谢谢!】
浪漫獅子頭 說 : 十多年前 在河南洛陽 親身經歷一段 ( 關 帝 奇 緣 )
浪漫獅子頭 十多年來 不敢與別人說的一件事情 !
河南省 洛陽市 關林 是我國佛教 關聖帝君 頭顱所葬之處,亦是全世界唯一 最正宗的 關帝廟
如果一個有 奸險之心 做人不講道義 的人 他們內心是會產生恐惧感 極不愿走進 關林 因為 關林是 關聖帝君 元神 所在之處 神威逼人 .
Ox Cart, Northern Wei dynasty (386--535 CE)
Unearthed: Recent Archaeological Discoveries from Northern China
Exhibition on view at the Clark June 16, 2012 - October 21, 2012
Ox Cart
Northern Wei dynasty (386--535 CE), tomb dated 477 CE
Painted earthenware, length: 32.6 cm
Unearthed 2000, tomb of Song Shaozu (d. 477 CE), Caofulou Village, Datong, Shanxi Province
Shanxi Museum, Taiyuan
Luoyang, Henan 河南洛陽
Luoyang, Henan 河南洛陽
絲綢之路Silk Road May, 2010 14 Days
河南Henan - 鄭州Zhengzhou、洛陽Luoyang 陝西Shanxi - 西安Xian 甘肅Gansu - 蘭州Lanzhou、武威Wuwei、張掖Zhangyi、嘉峪關Jiayuguan、敦煌Dunhuang 新疆Xinjiang - 哈密Hami、吐魯番Turpan、烏魯木齊Urumqi
歌曲: 完全是你
Luoyang Beyonce
Luoyang 2 ème vidéo blablatisé Beyoncé if i were a boy
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Ancient Chinese coinage
Ancient Chinese coinage includes some of the earliest known coins. These coins, used as early as the Spring and Autumn period, took the form of imitations of the cowrie shells that were used in ceremonial exchanges. The Spring and Autumn period also saw the introduction of the first metal coins; however, they were not initially round, instead being either knife shaped or spade shaped. Round metal coins with a round, and then later square hole in the center were first introduced around 350 BC. The beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the first dynasty to unify China, saw the introduction of a standardised coinage for the whole Empire. Subsequent dynasties produced variations on these round coins throughout the imperial period. At first, distribution of the coinage was limited to use around the capital city district but by the beginning of the Han Dynasty, coins were widely used for such as when paying tax, salaries and fines.
Ancient Chinese coins are markedly different from coins produced in the west. Chinese coins were manufactured by being cast in molds, whereas western coins were typically cut and hammered or, in later times, milled. Chinese coins were usually made from mixtures of metals such copper, tin and lead, from bronze, brass or iron: precious metals like gold and silver were uncommonly used. The ratios and purity of the coin metals varied considerably. Most Chinese coins were produced with a square hole in the middle. This was used to allow collections of coins to be threaded on a square rod so that the rough edges could be filed smooth, and then threaded on strings for ease of handling.
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洛陽 - 龍門石窟 (China - Longmen Grottoes)
龍門石窟 (Longmen Grottoes)
龍門石窟位於洛陽市城南 6 公里處的伊闕峽谷間,由於地處都城之南,古代帝王擬己為真龍天子,故又稱龍門,因石質優良,宜於雕刻,故而古人擇此而建石窟。石窟開鑿於公元 493 年,歷經東魏、西魏、北齊、隋、唐、五代的營造,時間長達 400 多年,分為西山石窟和東山石窟,西山石窟為最主要的寶庫,當中最具有代表性的是建於北魏時期的古陽洞、賓陽洞、蓮花洞、藥方洞,以及建於唐代的潛溪寺、看經寺、萬佛洞、奉先寺、大萬伍佛洞,密佈於伊水東西兩岸的山崖峭壁上,形成南北長達 1 公里,具有 2300 餘座窟龕,10 萬餘尊造像,2800 餘塊碑刻題記的石窟遺存,數量之多位於中國各大石窟之首,與甘肅敦煌莫高窟、山西大同雲崗石窟、甘肅天水麥積山石窟並稱為中國四大石窟,其雕刻技藝讓世人驚嘆,是中國著名三大石刻藝術寶庫之一,同時被譽為世界最偉大的古典藝術之一;其中「龍門二十品」是書法魏碑精華,唐代著名書法家褚遂良所書的「伊闕佛龕之碑」則是初唐楷書藝術的典範。龍門石窟為中國的歷史、宗教、文化、藝術、醫藥等研究,提供了極為珍貴的資料,為優秀文化遺產,與莫高窟、雲崗石窟和重慶大足石刻是中國境內被列入聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產名錄的四座石窟。
Nanjing ( listen; Chinese: 南京; pinyin: Nánjīng; Wade–Giles: Nan-ching) is the capital of Jiangsu province in Eastern China. It has a prominent place in Chinese history and culture, having been the capital of China for several periods. Its present name means Southern Capital and was widely romanized as Nankin and Nanking until the pinyin language reform, after which Nanjing was gradually adopted as the standard spelling of the city's name in most languages that use the Roman alphabet.
Located in the lower Yangtze River drainage basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Nanjing has long been one of China's most important cities. Having been the capital city of six different dynasties since 3 A.D., it is recognized as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. It was the capital of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period, and the capital of the Republic of China prior to its flight to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War. Nanjing is also one of the fifteen sub-provincial cities in the People's Republic of China's administrative structure, enjoying jurisdictional and economic autonomy only slightly less than that of a province. Nanjing has long been a national centre of education, research, transport networks and tourism. The city will host the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics.
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luoyang 洛陽 洛阳