Odense, Denmark
Hans Christian Andersen's Emporer's New Clothes
The Emperors Have No Clothes - A PEP Talk
January 2018. Domestic and international politics have been perverted by lies and deceit. Taking a cue from the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, George Gantz offers a simple response in this new PEP Talk: The Emperors Have No Clothes. Like the child in the story, we should tell the truth and hold these emperors accountable.
Photo: The Emperor's New Clothes, Monument in Odense, Denmark, by Владимир Шеляпин
“The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Anderson, tells the story of an emperor, his noblemen and the entire city being swindled into believing his birthday suit was the finest of magical clothing – visible only to those who were truly worthy. When an innocent child pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes, everyone finally admitted to the scandal. This is not unlike where we are today!
Too many world leaders do not seem to care about the truth. So, like the child in the story, we need to call out the lies and reveal the immorality of the emperors who rule under a cloak of falsity. How do we do this? By being like little children - clear-eyed, open-hearted, and innocent - free from guile and with simplicity of purpose – telling the truth and to exposing these leaders for the frauds they are. With our help, the truth will catch up to the emperors who have no clothes.
The Emperor's New Clothes - Narrated by Michael Savage
All the people standing by and at the windows cheered and cried, Oh, how splendid are the Emperor's new clothes. What a magnificent train! ...
Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interest in his army, nor did he care to go to the theatre, or to drive about in his state coach, unless it was to display his new clothes. He had different robes for every single hour of the day...
Hans Christian Andersen was born on 2. April 1805 in Odense (Denmark). He was son of a poor shoemaker and could hardly attend school. His father died when he was 11 years old. When Hans Anderson was the age of 14 he ran away to Copenhagen. In 1822 he went to the Latin school in Slagelse. He died in Copenhagen 4. August 1875 in the age of 70 years.
the H.C.Andersen summer show. Odense Town. Denmark.
Østerbro. soc7.dk
H.C.Andersen oplæsningskonkurrence 2012 for lærerstuderende
H.C. Andersen oplæsningskonkurrence i Odense 2012.
Oplæsningskonkurrencen for lærerstuderende.
Betty Bantanos in Denmark - Part 7 (HD)
Betty Bantanos visiting the museum of Hans Christian Andersen in Odense.
Royals attend bicentenary of Andersen's birth
1. Medium shot Danish Crown Prince Frederik takes stage at New York Public Library auditorium
2. Cutaway photographers
3. SOUNDBITE: (English): Danish Crown Prince Frederik:
Mr. Bloom recognises the darker, disturbing and demanding aspects of Andersen's authorship. In his anthology Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages Mr. Bloom has included Anderson's fairy tale The Red Shoes, which is probably one of Anderson's most dark and cruel and scary stories.
4. Wide shot American literary critic Harold Bloom speaking (at his seat, not at podium) after introduction by Crown Prince
5. Medium shot Bloom, to right is poster of Anderson
6. Cutaway audience
7. Medium shot Bloom with Prince Frederik and Princess Mary at front of auditorium
8. Medium shot Prince Frederik and Princess Mary leaving the auditorium
9. Medium shot boys choir sings
10. Wide shot boys choir sings
The United States component of a worldwide celebration of Hans Christian Andersen's birth in Denmark 200 years ago was launched on Tuesday by Danish Crown Prince Frederik and his Australian-born wife, Princess Mary.
The yearlong bicentennial, honouring the man who has been called the father of the fairy tale, is to be marked with about 300 events in more than 40 nations.
The festivities in New York began with a news conference at the main public library in midtown Manhattan, where Prince Frederik honoured American literary critic Harold Bloom for his work on the writings of the international icon we thought we knew so well.
The 19th century author known worldwide to children for such classics as The Princess and the Pea, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Match Girl and The Ugly Duckling was a cruel writer in his most powerful moments, said Bloom, who attended the news conference.
Unlike contemporary retellings, some of Andersen's original fairy tales are gruesome. For example, in The Little Mermaid, the mermaid never lands her prince and has her tongue cut out by a sea witch so she can replace her tail with legs.
Bloom is to be formally presented with the Hans Christian Andersen Award this spring in Anderson's hometown of Odense.
The royal couple was married last summer.
The yearlong international bicentennial celebration officially starts on Andersen's birthday - April 2. Dozens of events are planned in the United States, including new translations of his works into English.
His influence in classic film to be shown at the Museum of Modern Art, and a piece based on The Little Mermaid is to be performed by a Danish theatre group and a Swedish circus troupe at the University of California-Berkeley.
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Theater Presentation, Modular Robots, Odense, Denmark, Arica, Chile
I was invited, together with a bunch of other researchers, to give a little talk about modular robots in the context of a play that involves a human/robot relationship.
It was a funny experience, and I liked the group of people around that play.
The name of the play is Robottens Anatomi (in English - the anatomy of the robot).
The three children of Dr. Med. Finn Skoett Andersen has been shocked to find out how scrupulous fraudsters and scammers are abusing their late father's NAME and COMPANY NAME,
Humlegaarden to lure money from terminally ill people who are willing to pay their last penny just to stay alive and be cured. These scammers are by no means trained doctors but former office employees in Humlegaarden. These swindlers are worse than the swindlers in the EMPERORS New clothes, because they have blood on their hands. For more info please go to humlegaarden.org
H. C. Andersen Barndomshjem.
H. C. Andersen Barndomshjem.
Munkemøllestræde 3-5 Odense.
Jeg ville ønske mine film blive vist frem på plejehjem, tror det ville kunne få nogle smil frem, når minderne kommer frem efter hvad årgang de er..
Mitä? - Hca on paras II (H.C. Andersen cover)
The original song appears on the album Hämäyksen Koston Pohjan Paluu II released in 1993. H.C. Andersen is a Finnish Hardcore punk band (with xylophone(!) and other quirky elements) that was active from 1987 to ~2000. In 2015 they started touring again.
This remix/cover is going to be released in Mitä vs Mitä? Split album in the near future.
Different version of this track (No H.C. Andersen clips) appears on the Mitä? vs RedSK - Mölyapina Split Album released by TRASHFUCK records in 2011. Whole album can be downloaded for free here:
덴마크 역사, 소개, 경제, 북유럽, 덴마크여행 [10분상식 세계백과]
1. 소개 (00:13)
‘덴마크’로 알려진 국가의 정식 명칭은 ‘
Kingdom of Denmark' 덴마크 왕국입니다.
1219년부터 사용된 덴마크의 국기는 현존하는 국기 중 가장 오래된 국기로
기네스북에도 ‘가장 오래된 계속 사용된 국기’로 등재되었습니다.
덴마크는 북해와 발트해를 가르는 곳에 위치하며
수도는 코펜하겐(Copenhagen)입니다.
국토면적은 약 4만 3천 제곱킬로미터로
10만 제곱킬로미터인 한국의 절반보다 작은 크기입니다.
덴마크의 인구는 2019년 기준으로 약 570만명이 살고 있으며,
1년 총 GDP는 2017년 기준 약 3200억 달러로, 세계 36위입니다.
공용어로는 덴마크어를 사용하며, 노르웨이어, 스웨덴어와 매우 흡사하여
세 나라 간에는 의사소통이 가능합니다.
종교는 국민의 80% 이상이 국교로 지정된 덴마크 루터 복음교를 믿고 있습니다.
2. 역사 (02:35)
덴마크 왕국이 역사적으로 첫 등장한 시기는 초기 바이킹시대인 800년경입니다.
1028년 크누드 1세가 덴마크, 잉글랜드, 노르웨이로 이어지는
'북해제국'을 구축하였으나 오래가지 못했습니다.
이후 덴마크는 1157년 발데마르 왕조시기, 군사를 재편하여 국력을 강화하는 한편
정치적, 경제적 발전을 이루었습니다.
발데마르 왕조의 마르그레테 여왕은 1387년, 덴마크와 노르웨이의 왕위에 올랐으며
이어 1389년에는 스웨덴 왕위까지 겸하게 됩니다.
이리하여 1397년, 덴마크와 노르웨이, 스웨덴 3국은
'칼마르 동맹’이라는 동군연합을 구성하였으며, 이는 1523년까지 이어졌습니다.
1523년 스웨덴이 먼저 독립했고,
19세기까지 계속 덴마크는 노르웨이를 지배하였으나,
나폴레옹 전쟁을 계기로 노르웨이를 스웨덴에 넘겨주게 됩니다.
17세기부터 절대군주제였던 덴마크는,
1849년에는 자유헌법에 기반한 입헌군주제로 바뀌었습니다.
그 후로 덴마크는 내정이 안정되어, 농목업과 해운업을 주축으로 경제발전에 집중해왔으며,
20세기 초부터는 사회복지제도를 정비하고
1949년 북대서양조약기구 NATO에 가입하였습니다.
3. 정치 & 경제 (05:22)
덴마크는 1849년 헌법채택으로 입헌군주국이 되었고,
헌법상 3권 분립제도를 채택하고 있습니다.
덴마크의 왕실은 유럽에서 가장 오래된 전통을 이어오고 있고,
현재 덴마크의 국가원수는 여왕 마르그레테 2세가 맡고 있습니다.
덴마크의 주요 정당으로는 자유당과 사회민주당이 있고,
1953년 헌법 개정으로 비례대표제를 채택한 후,
현재까지도 연립내각구성이 계속 이어지고 있습니다.
덴마크의 경제 산업별 분야로는 서비스 분야가 70%를 이상을 차지하고,
다음으로는 제조업과 농업의 순으로 나타납니다.
서비스문야에서는 바이킹의 후예답게 컨테이너 운송과 같은 해양운송업이,
제조업 분야에서는 재생에너지 산업과 디자인제품 제조업이 발달했습니다.
북해에서 생산되는 석유 및 가스에너지 수출비중이 높고,
재생에너지 산업의 발전이 특화되었습니다.
덴마크의 기업으로는 세계 최대완구 제조업체인 '레고LEGO'를 비롯하여
맥주회사로 유명한 ‘칼스버그(Carlsberg)’,
전 세계 당뇨병 치료제 인슐린의 50% 이상의 공급하고 있는
‘노보노디스크(Novonordisk) 제약’
세계 1위 해운선사인 초대형기업 ‘머스크라인(Maersk Line)’이 있습니다.
4. 자연환경 & 문화 (07:57)
덴마크는 북유럽에 자리 잡은 강소국으로,
한 개의 반도와 한 개의 큰 섬, 그리고 여러 개의 작은 섬들로 이루어져 있습니다.
덴마크 왕국 산하에 페로 제도와 그린란드가 있지만, 원칙적으로 이 두 곳은 자치구로
지리적으로도 덴마크와는 거리가 있어 서로 구분하는 경우가 많습니다.
덴마크는 세계에서 가장 먼저 실업자, 병자, 노인, 장애인에 대한 사회보장을
법으로 규정한 나라로, 현대에는 모든 국민이 폭넓은 사회보장 혜택을 받고 있습니다.
세계적인 동화작가인 한스 크리스티안 안데르센(Hans Andersen)은
'인어공주' '미운오리새끼' '벌거숭이임금님'과 같은
대표적인 동화를 발표한 아동문학의 최고봉으로 꼽힙니다.
덴마크를 대표하는 음식은
덴마크를 뜻하는‘데니쉬(danish)'와 버터로 구운 빵을 뜻하는
페이스트리(pastry)가 합쳐진 ‘데니쉬 페이스트리’입니다.
5. 인물 (10:20)
덴마크에서 잘 알려진 인물로는 1990년 태생의 여자 테니스 선수
‘카롤리네 보즈니아키(Caroline Wozniacki)’가 있습니다.
그녀는 현재 세계 랭킹 500위 안에 드는 유일한 덴마크 여자 테니스 선수이며,
2018년 그랜드 슬램대회 중 하나인 호주 오픈에서 우승을 차지하며
세계 랭킹 1위를 올랐습니다.
#덴마크 #덴마크왕국 #덴마크여행 #지식유튜버 #지식유튜브 #교육유튜버 #교육유튜브 #상식 #지식 #10분상식 #세계백과 #덴마크역사 #덴마크정치 #덴마크경제 #덴마크문화 #안데르센 #키에르케고르 #덴마크사람 #다큐멘터리 #다큐프라임 #다큐돈 #다큐시선 #다큐3일 #다큐9분 #다큐공감 #데니쉬페이스트리 #덴마크왕세자 #덴마크교육 #덴마크이민 #덴마크축구 #덴마크국회의원 #덴마크국기 #덴마크노르웨이 #카롤리네보즈니아키 #캐롤린워즈니아키 #덴마크철학자 #안데르센
Dracula BBC | Fearless
I've been waiting for this BBC / Netflix mini-series for a year. I've no idea how (I only guess), but brilliant Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have blown my mind for the 987436437th time. Again. Besides, the cast is just perfect and the duo of Claes Bang and Dolly Wells was fabulous!
I'm so grateful to creators of the show, because it has inspired me to do this little art work. Hope you'll enjoy it!
And, as usual, like, comment and subscribe!
Peace x
Panic! At The Disco - Emperor's New Clothes
London Grammar - Stay Awake
????Follow me on
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except editing. All Rights belong to BBC and Netflix.
#BBC #BBCDracula #BBCiPlayer #Netflix #series #ClaesBang #DollyWells #StevenMoffat #MarkGatiss #Dracula
H. C. Andersen returns to the planet Earth in FUTURE NOVEL BY HENRIK S. HOLCK READ BY THE AUTHOR
Feinschmecker Puppetry- Why don't you move
Sew Flunk Fury Wit presents FEINSCHMECKER life-sized puppetry performance 2014.
Feinschmecker: Three men and their special fetish life-like female puppets...
Puppeteers: Philippe Christiansen, Birger Bovin Persson and Svend E Kristensen.
Concept: Thomas Hejlesen and Svend E. Kristensen
Contact: administration@fein-schmecker.dk
Sponsored by The Danish Artcouncil, Bikubenfonden, Koda, Danske Dramatikere, Teater Momentum, Betty Nansen, Edison, Odense Kommune.
Hans Christian Andersen museum Copenhagen. The naked King
CaravaningReisen.de Hans Christian Andersen
Mit dem Wohnmobil in Odense, Dänemark zu Besuch im Hans Christian Andersen Geburtshaus und Museum.
Marie Keane - Emporers New Clothes
Marie Keane and band playing The Emporers New Clothes at The Zodiac Sessions open mic night, Dublin.
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
Hangout On Air for live session 2 with the course educators at the FutureLearn MOOC: Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales.
Young Hans Christian Andersen Christmas
Assunto: H C Andersen Christmas at the Wulff family house in Copenhagen, from
the movie Unge Andersen, Rumle Hammerich, 2005