Coloana fara sfarsit Endless Column Tirgu Jiu,Romania
Coloana fara sfarsit ,Endless Column, unique monument in world,
by Constantin Brancusi, in Tirgu Jiu, Romania
Ansamblul sculptural CONSTANTIN BRÂNCUSI in TÂRGU JIU Sculptural Ensemble (Romania)
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Sculptural ensemble in Targu Jiu, known as the Heroes’ Way, was conducted by Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957), the father of modern art, and was inaugurated in 1938. The ensemble is dedicated to the heroes of the First World War. The Heroes’ Way includes four components located on an east-west axis of 1275m, of which the first three are located in the Public Garden (The Table of Silence, The Stools Alley and The Gate of the Kiss) and The Infinity Column (or The Endless Column) is in the Park of Column. Table of Silence is the peace and the meal before the next fight. Time is the hourglass-stools that measure in silence. In another interpretation, this is the Table of Apostles of the Nation, composed of 12 stools (representing the apostles) in the middle being Jesus Christ. The Stools Alley with 30 stone seats and two stone benches arranged on either side of the alley, linking Table of Silence and Kiss Gate. The Kiss Gate is the gate through which the soul of the deads make the transition to another life. The pattern of the kiss, seen on the pillars of monument, could be interpreted as eyes that look inwards. In another variation of interpretation, this is the Nation Reunification Monument. Each of the two pillars of the gate consists of four parts, representing the eight Romanian provinces that are joined (the beam above) and Kiss means Unity. The Endless Column, or column of infinite sacrifice represent the sacrifice of the Romanian army for the reunification of the country and nation. The Column stylize the funeral pillars of Dacian and Romanian traditions radition (in Transylvania and in the southern part of the country). The Dacian funeral pillars are ended with a bird that symbolized the dead soul that ascends to heaven. Constantin Brancusi achieved them separately: pillar = Column, bird = ”Măiastra” (The Magic Bird, sculpture). The Infinity Column, a 40-year obsession of the artist, is considered his spiritual testament. The Endless Column has a height of 29.33 m and is made of brassed cast iron. The column consists of 17 rhomboid segments. In the early years of communism, Brancusi was contested as a representative of bourgeois cosmopolitan formalism. Since 1964, the Brancusi was rehabilitated and is considered national genius. The works were restored in 2000-2003.
Ansamblul sculptural din Târgu Jiu, cunoscut sub numele de Calea Eroilor, a fost realizat de Constantin Brâncuși (1876-1957), părintele artei moderne, fiind inaugurat în 1938. Ansamblul este dedicat eroilor căzuți în Primul Război Mondial. Calea Eroilor cuprinde patru componente situate pe o axă est-vest de 1275 m, din care primele trei sunt situate în Grădina Publică (Masa Tăcerii, Aleea Scaunelor și Poarta Sărutului), iar Coloana Fără Sfâșit (sau Coloana Infinitului) se găsește în Parcul Coloanei. Masa Tăcerii reprezintă liniștea și masa dinaintea luptei care urmează. Timpul este reprezentat de scaunele-clepsidră care îl măsoară în tăcere. În altă interpretare, este Masa Apostolilor Neamului, compusă din 12 scaune (reprezentând apostolii), în mijloc aflându-se Iisus Hristos. Aleea Scaunelor, compusă din 30 de scaune de piatră și două bănci de piatră dispuse de o parte și de alta a aleii, fac legătura între Masa Tăcerii și Poarta Sărutului. Poarta Sărutului este poarta prin care sufletul morților face trecerea spre o altă viață. Motivul sărutului, prezent pe stâlpii porții, ar putea fi interpretat și ca ochii care privesc spre interior. În altă variantă de interpretare, acesta este Monumentul Întregirii Neamului. Fiecare din cei doi stâlpi ai porții este alcătuit din patru părți, reprezentând cele opt provincii românești care sunt unite (prin grinda de sus), iar Sărutul înseamnă Unitate. Coloana Fără Sfârșit, sau coloana „sacrificiului infinit”, reprezintă jertfa adusă de armata română pentru reîntregirea țării și a neamului. Coloana stilizează stâlpii funerari din tradiția dacică și din tradiția românească (Transilvania și partea sudică a țării). Stâlpii funerari dacici se terminau cu o pasăre care simboliza sufletului mortului care se înalță la cer. Constantin Brâncuși le-a realizat separat: stâlpul = Coloana, pasărea = Măiastra (sculptura). Coloana Infinitului, o obsesie de 40 de ani a artistului, este considerată testamentul său spiritual. Coloana Infinitului are o înălțime de 29,33 m și este realizată din fontă alămită. Coloana este alcătuită din 17 segmente romboidale, cel din vârf fiind pe jumătate. În primii ani ai comunismului, Brâncuși a fost contestat ca reprezentant al formalismului burghez cosmopolit. Începând cu anul 1964, Brâncuși a fost reabilitat, fiind considerat geniu național. Lucrările au fost restaurate în perioada 2000-2003.
#Namaste Endless Column, Tg-Jiu Romania
#SuryaNamaskar series near the Endless Column by Constantin Brancusi, Tg-jiu Romania
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Discover more on Time lapse The Endless Column, Targu-Jiu, Romania, 2008-2009 - ID-1204
One shot daily - time-lapse recorded with Mobotix high resolution ip camera - sculpture, Targu-Jiu, Romania. Camera by Other recordings at
Daily 33 - Endless Column of C. Brancusi | 63
The magnificent Endless Column of C. Brancusi / Coloana Infinitului - Constantin Brancusi, Targu Jiu, Romania
33 seconds of my daily adventures .
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Coloana fara sfarsit- The endless column , by Constantin Brancuși
The endless column. Tg.Jiu, ROMANIA
Finding Romania Season 2, Episode 2 - Targu-Jiu, Home of Brancusi
Christmas is just around the corner. But before we show you one of Romania's Christmas markets, let's take a trip to the city of Targu Jiu.
Brancusi belongs to Romania as he belongs to each and every one of us. His native talent gave masterpieces to the world. Some of us, experts or not, consider them to be out of this world.
When thinking about great artists, the first that come to mind are Van Gogh for the Dutch and Dali for the Spanish. We, as Romanians, have been blessed with Brancusi which is an immense favor from the Universe.
Taking this into consideration, the timing for this gesture is perfect, considering the fact that we should always remember to treasure our heritage.
Every gesture that reminds the world that we, as Romanians are significant in our own personal spiritual development gives our children the chance to be proud of their ancestry.
His most famous work can be admired in the city of Targu Jiu, Gorj County; The Gate of the Kiss, The Endless Column and the Table of Silence. So make sure that you visit these places in your lifetime.
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George completes his Brancusi Column and shows under the camera the stages to the end result. This is a celebration of the 77 years since the inauguration of the Endless Column in Tg Jiu, Romania.
'Infinite Column TV'
' render by l_wake. Infinite Column TV is a short HD animation remake of Constantin Brancusi's Infinite Column'
Târgu Jiu is the capital of Gorj County in the Oltenia region of Romania. With a total population of 78,553 peeps, Târgu Jiu is situated on the Southern Sub-Carpathians, on the banks of the river Jiu.
Constantin Brâncuși (who had lived here as a boy) created few large sculptures that are now the main tourist attractions in Târgu Jiu: The Table of Silence, The Gate of the Kiss, and The Endless Column.
The main tourist attractions from this video:
# The Endless Column [00:22 - 00:27 / 00:56 - 00:58 / 03:09 - 03:12]
# The Gate of the Kiss [00:58 - 01:00 / 01:31 - 01:39]
# The Table of Silence [01:00 - 01:02 / 01:13 - 01:17 / 01:47 - 01:52]
# Central Park [01:07 - 01:13 / 01:17 - 01:20 / 01:29 - 01:31]
# Parc Insuliță [01:20 - 01:29]
# Jiu River [01:39 - 01:47]
# Center [01:52 - 02:02 / 02:05 - 02:47]
# Art Museum [02:03 - 02:05]
Song: Tobu - Seven [NCS Release]
Outro Song: Main Reaktor - Recession [NCS Release]
Constantin Brancusi at Home Part Two
Constantin Brancusi - Endless column or Infinity - located at Tg Jiu, Romania.
Constantin Brancusi - L'ensemble sculptural de Târgu-Jiu - Roumanie
Copyright © 2012. Tous les droits réservés. Délégation Roumaine du Group S&D au Parlement Européen.
Copyright © 2012. All rights reserved. Romanian Delegation to the S&D Group in the European Parliament.
Le video-documentaire a été réalisé à l'initiative de Victor Boștinaru et de Catherine Trautmann, membres du Parlement Européen. Coordinateur: Doina Lemny, image: Cristian Tamaș, montage: Marius Robu, soundtrack: George Enescu -- La Sonate no. 3. Le film contient aussi des images de l'archive personnelle de l'artiste -- Centre Pompidou, Paris, France. Le film a été possible grâce au support du Conseil Local, la municipalité de Târgu-Jiu, et de l'émission TV « În premieră cu Carmen Avram », Antena 3 (Roumanie).
The documentary video was made at the initiative of Victor Boştinaru - MEP and Catherine Trautmann - MEP. Coordinator: Doina Lemny, image: Cristian Tamaş, montage: Marius Robu, soundtrack: George Enescu - Sonata no. 3. The film also contains images from the personal archive of the artist - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France. This video was made with the support of the Local Council, Târgu-Jiu City Hall and În premieră cu Carmen Avram TV Show, Antena 3 (Romania).
Tous les remerciements de l'Association Retoric pour la diffusion de ce film sont destinés à monsieur Victor Boștinaru.
All thanks of Retoric Association for the broadcast of this movie are due to mister Victor Boștinaru.
A easy tutorial for Grasshopper 3d, working with lists, dispatch, weave, move, scale and loft. And in the end a few iterations.
And as always with a great soundtrack. Enjoy
A matter of perspective
Romania is a country full of special people, places, history, art. It's all just a matter of perspective. Visit for more pictures of the Endless Column by Brancusi.
The Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu is an homage to the Romanian heroes of the First World War. The ensemble comprises three sculptures: The Table of Silence, The Gate of the Kiss and the Endless Column
Constantin Brancusi Sculptures in Targu Jiu | Romania | 4K
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Wiki: Constantin Brâncuși (February 19, 1876 – March 16, 1957) was a Romanian sculptor, painter and photographer who made his career in France. Considered a pioneer of modernism, one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th-century, Brâncuși is called the patriarch of modern sculpture. As a child he displayed an aptitude for carving wooden farm tools. Formal studies took him first to Bucharest, then to Munich, then to the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1905 to 1907. His art emphasizes clean geometrical lines that balance forms inherent in his materials with the symbolic allusions of representational art. Brâncuși sought inspiration in non-European cultures as a source of primitive exoticism, as did Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, André Derain and others. However, other influences emerge from Romanian folk art traceable through Byzantine and Dionysian traditions.
Music - Don't Close Your Eyes by Josh Woodward. Free download:
Filmed with Samsung Galaxy 10+ and Dji Osmo Mobile 2.
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Ovidiu Opresco, artist, engineer, inventor - an expat from Romania, now living in New York since 1969, proposes a monumental steel sculpture in homage to Constantin Brancusi.
Three diferent sizes of the sculpture could be 3d printed directly in Gold Plated Stainless Steel at SHAPEWAYS, using an avantgarde technological process.
Endless Column 2012 (225%) - Homage to Brancusi
ENDLESS COLUMN 2012 (400%)
Endless Column - Endless Column (Full Album)
Endless Column - Endless Column. LP, 2019.
Track List:
1. Catching Up
2. Senses
3. Souvenirs
4. Endless Column Summer
5. Parasite
6. Mirror
7. Tic for Tac
8. Facedown
9. Debts
10. We've Arrived
Ovidiu Opresco, artist, engineer, inventor - an expat from Romania, now living in New York since 1969, proposes a monumental steel sculpture in homage to Constantin Brancusi.
A 3d model of the sculpture, in 3 different sizes and variations, could be 3d printed directly in Gold Plated Stainless Steel at SHAPEWAYS, using an avant-garde technological process.
An updated YouTube movie showing several variations of the Endless Column 2012 can be seen here:
Constantin Brancusi - Reconditioning endless column by PLASMA JET
In anul 2000 Plasma Jet a redat frumusetea si autenticitatea Coloanei Sacrificiului Infinit.
Durata restaurarii: 70 zile.
Un mesaj semnat de Liviu Pop :
- Nu se chema “Coloana infinitului”, ci “Coloana sacrificiului infinit” dat de eroii nostri. Pe de alta parte, daca numarati modulele din care este alcatuita coloana, veti obtine un numar care reprezinta anul când a fost primul razboi mondial si se termina cu o jumatate din modul, adica reprezinta jumatatea anului respectiv.
- Al doilea monument, asa cum l-a conceput Brâncusi, este o masa inconjurata de 12 scaune. Deci nu “Masa tacerii”, ci “Masa apostolilor neamului”, iar in mijloc s-ar afla Iisus Christos.- Al treilea monument arata ca o poarta, dar nici pe departe nu este poarta. Deci, nu se numeste “Poarta sarutului”, caci nu are legatura cu memoria eroilor, ci monumentul “Intregirii neamului”, deoarece fiecare stâlp este alcatuit din 4 stâlpi uniti sus cu o grinda. Sarutul mai inseamna si unitate. Deci acestea reprezinta 8 regiuni care trebuiau sa se alipeasca patriei mame, România.Trebuie sa stie lumea ca Brâncusi a fost un sculptor simbolist. Comunistilor nu le-au placut numele date de Brâncusi, operelor lui.
De atunci a ramas asa, iar romanii parca sunt drogati, nu vor sa schimbe nimic.
Doctorul inainte de a muri, mi-a spus sa transmit in tara aceste lucruri pe care el le stia perfect.
Cu stima, Liviu Popp Mesaj primit cu rugamintea de a-l da mai departe!