Romania - Enisala Fortress (Cetatae Enisala)
Cetatae Enisala (often referred to as Heracleea) is a 12th to 14th century medieval fortress sitting high on a hill overlooking Lake Razim and a vast field of reed grass and water channels. Village of Enisala is a mile away. This area is popular for bird-watching.
ENISALA Fortress, Enisala, Tulcea, Romania
The village of Enisala (Turkish: Yeni Sala, Bulgarian: Ново село, New Village) is the site of a fortress dominating nearby lakes (previously gulfs) of Razelm and Babadag. Dated to the late 13th or the beginning of the 14th century, it was built to control the travel routes that passed through the region. The fortress' three hexagonal tower are the only of this type found in the whole region of Dobruja. There are several competing theories regarding its builders. On one hand, a part of the historians consider that its architecture is reminiscent of the Western manner of planning, and attribute it either to the Genoese, who held several trading posts in the area, or to the Byzantines, who intermittently controlled the region. On the other hand, other historians consider the towers very similar to ones found in Tsepina, Shumen, Perperikon, Vidin, consequently attributing it Bulgarians, who are also known to have controlled the region at certain times during the probable period of construction. All written mentions of the fortress postdate its abandonment, making a definite attribution improbable. The castle was first conquered by the Ottomans in 1388/1389, and retaken in 1416/1417 after a brief Wallachian rule. Due to the new political situation and the development of sand spits that hampered trade, the fortress gradually decayed, and was finally abandoned around the end of the 15th century.
Drumul spre Enisala e o frumuseţe. Vorbesc atât despre şosea cât şi despre peisaj. Cetatea Enisala e un unicat în Dobrogea. Peisajul este impresionant. Opriţi-vă înainte de ajunge în parcarea de la baza cetăţii şi încărcaţi-vă cu liniştea şi frumuseţea locului. Ce rău îmi pare că nu am putut sta mai mult în Enisala. Îmi voi lua revanşa data viitoare. În parcare întâlnesc doi craioveni. Până am făcut prima fotografie, au ajuns şi 8 sibieni pe motociclete. Din parcare, se poate ajunge la cetate pe un drum asfaltat impecabil. De jos, din parcare, marea poartă a cetăţii părea a fi închisă. Din acest motiv, craiovenii au renunţat la urcuş. Eu, vrând să fac fotografii lângă cetate, am urcat. La un moment dat, văd un băiat care ne aştepta. Din parcare nu era vizibil. Îl întreb dacă are cheia de la marele lacăt al porţii cetăţii. Îmi face semn să urc. Urcau şi sibienii. Ajung lângă băiat şi acesta mă întrebă de ce am nevoie de cheie. „Ca să ..., şi atunci am văzut marea spărtură din zidul cetăţii prin care se face accesul în interior. În cetate nu vezi mare lucru, dar auzi zornăitul banilor, larma negustorilor genovezi, veneţieni, slavi, otomani, munteni ori moldoveni, zăngănitul săbiilor ori a iataganelor, simţi mirosul grâului proaspăt strâns de pe câmp, a mirodeniilor, a peştelui proapăt scos din lac, iar când te aşezi pe iarba de la marginea cetăţii şi priveşti apele liniştite şi liniştitoare ale lacului Razim, vezi marile corăbii ce veneau din Levant.
Veneau fiindcă lacul era un mare golf al Mării Negre, iar după ce golful a devenit lac, totul a dispărut, mai puţin zidurile cetăţii. Atenţie! Cetatea ne este doar cea cu ziduri înalte. Mai este o parte mai puţin vizibilă, dar trebuie să treceţi pe lângă casa custodelui ca să vedeţi turnurile şi zidurile de jos ale cetăţii. E frumos la Enisala, dar trebuie să ajung la Argamum. Drum bun!
Cetatea Enisala
Cetatea medievală Enisala, județul Tulcea
Muzica: Vali Rotari - ”Vara in Retezat”
Cetatea Enisala (ENISALA FORTRESS- Romania)
The Enisala Fortress - Romanian: Cetatea Enisala, often referred to as Heracleea Fortress - is a 12th to 14th century medieval fortress sitting high on a hill overlooking Lake Razim (Tulcea county).
Enisala fortress, Tulcea County , Romania
Enisala (Turkish: Yeni Sala New Village) is a fortress dominating nearby lakes (previously gulfs) of Razim and Babadag. Dated to the late 13th or the beginning of the 14th century, it was built to control the travel routes by Genoese that passed through the region. The fortress' have three hexagonal tower.
Cetatea Enisala - Dobrogea. Filmare Aeriana
Daca tot ajungi prin Dobrogea, merita sa dai o fuga si pana la cetatea Enisala. Locul este mai mult o ruina decat o cetate, dar este curat si amenajat. Cum reiese din titlu, faptul ca au amenajat chiar si un grup sanitar, ne-a impresionat!
Aboneaza-te la canalul meu Youtube pentru suport pentru urmatoarele filmulete, daca ti-a placut cel la care tocmai te-ai uitat. Multumesc.
Filmare cu Samsung S8 si Mavic Air
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Heracleea Fortress, near Enisala, Dobrogea, at the Black Sea, Romania
Heracleea Fortress, a 700-years old city built by the Genovese traders at the Black Sea shore, in northern Dobrogea, near Enisala, Romania.
Cetatea Heracleea, construita acum 700 de ani de catre genovezi la malul Marii Negre (acum golful e inchis sub forma Lacului Razim), in nordul Dobrogei, langa Enisala. Un loc de vis, de un romantism nebun.
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Lake Razelm, Enisala Castle, Babadag (Dobruja, Romania)
28th April 2013
Sunset over Babadag Lake & Enisala Fortress, Romania
Song: Passengers - Edward Shearmur - End Titles
Enisala Fortress, Tulcea County, Romania, the Tower and Cistern
On south-east the Cistern courtyard is the partially preserved. The courtyard has curtains, 4 towers, and 3 condominiums.The tower in the access area, a special architectural element, with a height of 15.30 m and the height of the GF + 3 floors, played a major role in defending the gate. The windows of the first and third floors were observed.
CELIC DERE Monastery | Danube Delta | Enisala Fortress
aerial images from Dobrogea, Romania by Dabix Team
Cu autorulota la cetatea Enisala / Motorhome trip to Enisala fortress
Fortificatie construita in secolul XIV-lea.
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Fortification built in the 14th century.
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#livelifeoutside #TravelDiary #Romania
Enisala, Tulcea County, Romania
Enisala Fortress is the only medieval fortification preserved in elevation on the present Romanian seaside, located on strategic grounds on the top of a mountain ridge at about. 2km NE from the village of Enisala (named Yeni Its in Turkish, the name translated from the ancient Vicus Novus - New Village), height that dominates the lakes of Razelm, Babadag and the adjacent dry area. Together with the fortress of the Sunshine, the Enisala Citadel is one of the first-ever military architectural monuments of the Early Middle Ages in Romania.
The opinions on the foundation of the fortress and the name were different. The construction of the fortress was successively assigned to the Byzantines or Genoese by various scholars. The fact is that the fortress was built between the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century.
The Enisala fortress was built for military, defensive and surveillance purposes at a time when the Cerneţ and Dunavăţ mouths were not yet blocked, and the current Razim Lake was still the Black Sea.
The first document mentioning the name of Yeni is the Turkish chronicle of Sükrüllah in the 15th century. source:
Enisala Castelfest 2017
Filmare aeriana cu Phantom 3
Fortareata medievala de la Enisala
La 2 km est de comuna Enisala si 7 km de orasul Babadag, pe un deal calcaros, care domina ca un cuib de vultur zona lacurilor Razelm si Babadag, se afla ruinele fortaretei medievale Yeni-Sale (Enisala, Heracleea sau Heraclia).
Enisala, Tulcea County, Romania
The fortress built in the last quarter of the 13th century was conquered by the Turks for the first time in 1388 and then under the rule of Mircea the Elder in 1393. Together with the fortress of Chilia, Enisala was part of the defensive system of Wallachia in The time of the reign of Mircea the Elder was explicitly documented in the possession of the great voivode (1386-1418). In 1417 the fortress is finally conquered by the Turks.
The fortress has an irregular polygonal plane with two enclosures. The construction technique is similar to the Byzantine one. All the walls of the fortress are made of blocks made of stone (limestone Jurasic), processed, of varying sizes. Emplecton is made of broken stone drowned in mortar. In emplecton and walls, the traces of oak beams (longitudinal and especially transverse) are observed.
The first enclosure was discovered during the archaeological excavations from 1963 to 1964. This main enclosure had an irregular irregular shape that followed the sinuosities of the limestone mass on which it is located. To the west, southwest and north is naturally protected. Access is through the south-eastern wall. To the south-east courtyard is the partially preserved tank. The courtyard has curtains, 4 towers, and 3 condominiums. source:
Enisala Medieval Fortress
The fortress, located 2 km far from Enisala locality, on a calcareous hill which rises above Razim and Babadag lakes area, was built in the second half of the 14th century, for military purpose, probably by the Genoese merchants, owners of the monopole on the Black Sea navigation. It has an irregular polygonal plane which follows the sinuosity of the land; the walls and bastions maintain a 5-10 m height at some points. Integrated during the reign of Mircea the Old in the defence system of Wallachia, the fortress was abandoned in the context of the Turkish domination advance north of the Danube Mouths (end of the 15th century) and as a consequence of the formation of the offshore sand bars which separate the Razim Lake from the Black Sea.
The movie was shot with a Panasonic HC X1000 video camera, a Go Pro and for the aerial footage, Dji Phantom 4 PRO. For editing the movie I used Final Cut Pro.
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Bike Adventures in Norther Dobruja - Dobrogea, Enisala, Argamum, Histria, Gura Portitei
Bike Adventures in Nothern Dobruja
00:30 - Day 1 (Murighiol - Babadag)
01:09 - Halmyris Fortress
04:20 - Enisala Fortress
05:45 - Day 2 (Babadag - Sinoe)
08:17 - Babadag forest natural reserve
16:23 - Overview of lakes Zmeica & Golovita
20:00 - Day 3 (Sinoe - Histria - Gura Portitei)
21:44 - Histria Fortress
22:57 - Histria from above
27:27 - Grindul Lupilor
31:46 - Day 4 (Sunrize at Gura Portitei)
33:23 - Sunset on lake Golovita
34:37 - Day 5 (Gura Portitei - Jurilovca - Babadag)
35:12 - Argamum Fortress
37:19 - Sunset over field of wind turbines
Sound Tracks
01 Kebu - Perplexagon Pt 6
02 Kebu - Perplexagon Pt 5
03 ERock - The Barrens
04 ERock - Duke Nukem Theme
05 ERock - The Call
06 ERock - The Poem
07 047 - Pingpong
08 047 - Trekker
09 Vangelis - The Oracle
10 ERock - The Rebirth
11 Two Steps from Hell - Star Sky
12 Two Steps from Hell - Unforgiven
Fortareata medievala de la Enisala
In nordul Dobrogei, aproape de Babadag, pe un deal calcaros, care domina lacurile Razelm si Babadag, se afla ruinele fortaretei Enisala. Numele cetatii nu s-a pastrat de la cei ce au construit-o, denumirea actuala provenind din limba turca , Yeni Sale, care inseamna „Sat nou. In functie de momentul istoric s-a numit Yeni-Sale, Heracleea sau Heraclia.Ea se numara printre monumentele de arhitectura militara ridicate in evul mediu pe teritoriul tarii noastre si a fost construita in a doua jumatate a sec. al XIV-lea, se pare ca de catre negustorii genovezi, care la vremea aceea erau unii dintre cei mai bogati negustori si erau detinatorii monopolului navigatiei pe Marea Neagra.Cetatea avea un rol strategic la Gurile Dunarii fiind orientata spre mare pentru supravegherea traficului navelor, la vremea aceea, lacurile Razelm si Babadag (vezi Cazare Babadag) nefiind formate iar marea intinzandu-se pana la cetate.
Fortificatia de la Enisala a facut parte din lantul de colonii genoveze care ingloba orasele din Delta -- Chilia si Likostomion, Cetatea Alba la gurile Nistrului, Caffa in sudul Crimeei. Intre 1397-1416, cetatea de la Enisala a fost parte integranta din sistemul defensiv al Tarii Romanesti organizat de Mircea cel Batran in Dobrogea. Dupa cucerirea cetatii si a intregii Dobroge de catre turci la 1419-1420, in cetate s-a instalat o garnizoana militara otomana.
Zidurile de incinta ale cetatii se pastreaza in cea mai mare parte la o inaltime de 5-10 m si pot fi observate cu usurinta de la mari distante, iar grosimea zidului fiind de 1,50 m - 1,85 m prezinta la exterior, opt turnuri de aparare cu cate trei, patru si cinci laturi
Atat zidul de incinta, cat si turnurile, sunt construite din piatra de calcar cioplita. Intrarea se facea printr-o poarta cu deschidere foarte inalta, prevazuta cu arcada dubla si aparata de un bastion masiv pentagonal. Cel de-al doilea zid de incinta al fortificatiei aflat pe partea de nord-est este prevazut cu turnuri patrate si triunghiulare.