Epta Piges ( Rhodos )
Epta Piges ( 7 Quellen ) , Urlaub auf Rhodos 2014 ,
Rhodes (Rodos), Greece - Seven Springs / Epta Piges - AtlasVisual
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Seven Springs, or Epta Piges, is a fantastic location near the village of Archangel, on the northern edge of the city. Nature's greenery, ancient trees and flowing waters compose a magnificent landscape. Near the river, the crystal waters of the seven limitless sources are formed. There are many cafes and restaurants in the area.
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Epta Piges,Tunnel, Rhodos, Griechenland
Die Hauptattraktion in dem malerischen Tal ist ein Tunnel, ca.180 Meter lang, welcher nahe der Taverna beginnt, durch den Berg führt und am Stausee endet. Es ist es ein großer Spaß, durch das Knöchelhöhe, kalte Wasser, den engen Tunnel zu durchqueren.
Seven Springs - Rhodes
They are located nineteen kilometers southeast of the city of Rhodes, very close to the village of Archangelos.
In the area there is a pool created by seven springs, where one can see geese, ducks and peacocks. The water of the springs is pumped into the plain and irrigates the fields of Kolymbia.
The temperature in the area is low, which is easily perceptible. It is a wonderful location, with many green pine trees and huge planes.
It is worth for one to visit the tunnel, to see the old Italian aqueduct, which leads to an artificial pond with cold water. Don’t miss it...
Seven Springs. Rhodes.
The area was named after its seven natural springs. Their water gushes into a creek that further down feeds a small man-made lake. Its waters provide a natural habitat to tortoises, eels, crabs and a rare fish species called Gizani that lives exclusively in the creeks of Rhodes. Epta Piges is a marvelous place that confirms Rhodes' fame as the emerald of the Mediterranean and the secret corner of Paradise. The combination of crystal-clear waters with pine and plate trees creates a peaceful scenery, offering the visitor relaxing moments.
And also here you can explore the tunnel and waterfall.
Music: A.W.A.R.M. Signal
by: P C III
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (4.0) 2015
I created all visual content.
CC BY 4.0 International - Music Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (4.0) - Music Licensed for free to Share and Adapt
for any purpose, even commercially.
Rhodos 2003 - Epta Piges (Seven Springs)
Das Tal der sieben Quellen.
Ein malerisches Tal in der Nähe von Archangelos, das seinen Namen den sieben Quellen verdankt, die sich zu einem kleinen Fluss vereinigen. Dieser Fluss wird durch einen Tunnel auf die andere Bergseite geleitet und speist dort ein Reservoir.
Viele Touristen machen sich eine Spass daraus, den ca. 150 m langen und dunklen Tunnel zu duchrwaten. Dies ist aber kein Abenteuer für Klaustrophobiker.
Im gesamten Tal finden sich vielerlei Tiere und Pflanzen. Von Pfauen über Gänse und einer Ziegenzucht bis hin zu (für uns Nordeuropäer) seltsam anmutenden (weil riesig) Insekten lässt sich allerhand Getier beobachten.
Ein Restaurant am Anfang des Tale befriedigt das leibliche Wohl und ist schonend in die Waldlandschaft integriert.
Ein kleiner Spielplatz und gute, saubere sanitäre Anlagen runden das Gesamtbild ab.
Zur TB-Zeit (Touristenbusse!) ist es leider recht überlaufen.
Beste Tageszeit: Früh morgens per Leihwagen oder Fahrrad.
The valley of the seven springs.
A picturesque valley near Archangelos the name owes the seven springs that add up to a small river unite. This river is piped through a tunnel to the other side of the mountain and then feeds a reservoir.
Many tourists make a fun fact, to go through the approximately 150 m long and dark tunnel. But this is not an adventure for the claustrophobic.
Throughout the valley there are many animals and plants. Geese and peacocks , a goat farm and (for us Northern Europeans) strange-looking (as huge) Insects can be observed.
A restaurant at the beginning of the Tale satisfy the physical well-being and is gentle in the forest landscape.
A small playground and a good, clean bathroom facilities complete the overall picture.
For time-TB (tourist buses), it is unfortunately quite crowded.
Best time of day: Early in the morning by rental car or bike.
Epta Piges tunnel @Rhodos
Walking in the tunnel at Epta Piges in Rhodos
Epta Piges ja Petaloudos
Videokuvaa Rodoksen seitsemältä lähteeltä (Epta Piges) ja perhoslaaksosta (Petaloudos).
Village of Art Gift Store in Kolymbia Rhodes Greece by GoToRhodes.com
Village of Art Gift Store in Kolymbia Rhodes Greece by GoToRhodes.com
Rhodes Island 2013 - Greece (Epta Piges) Short video - Rinaldi Andrea
Epta Piges (Seven springs) Isola di rodi (grecia 2013) Rinaldi Andrea
Zeus Supermarket in Kolymbia Rhodes Greece by GoToRhodes.com
Zeus Supermarket in Kolymbia Rhodes Greece by GoToRhodes.com
SEVEN SPRINGS RHODES, RHODOS, Seven Springs (Eptà Pigès, Επτά Πηγές) is a great place to escape from the heat of the summer and enjoy a magnificent natural scenery. It is a romantic destination surrounded by woodland and green, distant about 30 km from the capital, on the road that leads from Kolymbia to Archipolis and Eleousa, towards the mountain area of the island. The seven bubbling springs generate water all year long, culminating in a small man-made lake that provides a natural habitat to tortoises, eels, crabs and a rare fish species called Gizani that lives exclusively in the creeks of Rhodes.
The access to the lake is really popular with visitors and a tremendous experience. The combination of crystal-clear waters with pine and plate trees creates a peaceful scenery, offering the visitor relaxing moments. To get to the lake you have to walk through a very narrow dark tunnel 186 m long. The tunnel, constructed back in 1931, leads the water of the seven springs and river Loutanis to the lake. Almost at the middle its length, there is a well used as an air-shaft. Walking through the dark tunnel with your feet in the running water, is an eerie yet exciting and unforgettable experience that can be particularly refreshing. If you don’t fancy the trip through the tunnel, then you can simply follow a walking path to the lake.
The lake itself is about 200 m in length, 10 to 50 m wide and from 1 to 8 m deep and has a small cascade at its narrow end. It is used as a depository for the irrigation of Kolymbia region. It is the only place in Rhodes where visitors can enjoy a swim in fresh water. Surrounding the springs are beautiful cool pine trees and rich vegetation. There are many little rustic bridges and rivers, numerous footpaths and the area is known for the geese, ducks and peacocks wandering through the woods.,Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese islands of Greece and is also the island group's historical capital. Administratively the island forms a separate municipality within the Rhodes regional unit, which is part of the South Aegean administrative region. The principal town of the island and seat of the municipality is Rhodes. The city of Rhodes had 50,636 inhabitants in 2011. It is located northeast of Crete, southeast of Athens and just off the Anatolian coast of Turkey. Rhodes' nickname is The island of the Knights, named after the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who once conquered the land.Historically, Rhodes was famous worldwide for the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Medieval Old Town of the City of Rhodes has been declared a World Heritage Site. Today, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. The name of the U.S. state of Rhode Island is thought to be based on this island.
Rhodes - Epta Piges (siedem źródeł)
Epta Piges to po grecku 7 źródeł .
Siedem źródełek bije jedno przy drugim (każde oznaczone jest drągiem z numerem) i spływając po sztucznie wzniesionym kamiennym jazie tworzy strumień Strumień po 100 metrach skręca do wnętrza góry.
Skręca, bo w górze jest wydrążony tunel, który ma 175 - 180 cm wysokości i 150 cm szerokości.
Jest w znakomitym stanie technicznym.
Po dnie, w wąskiej rynnie płynie zimna woda, sięgająca kostek.
Wyjście jest odległe o 5 metrów od jeziora.
Tunel jest dziełem włoskich inżynierów .
Włosi pojawili się na Dodekanezie w 1912 roku. kończąc ponad 400-letnią okupację turecką.
W latach 20 tych i 30-tych ubiegłego wieku(mimo kryzysu światowego) dokonali bardzo poważnych inwestycji, które w większości koncentrowały się na wyspie Rodos.
Jedną z nich była już wspomniana, budowa od podstaw wioski Kolimbia.
Mimo nazwy (po grecku kolimbia oznacza miejsca do pływania, kąpielisko) Kolimbia była przede wszystkim wielką plantacją pomarańczy, a te potrzebowały wody. Kolimbia co prawda leży nad dużą rzeką Lutanis (uchodzi do morza tuż przed miastem) ale rzeka ta była i dziś także jest tylko wyschniętym korytem. Postanowiono więc zbudować w nieodległych górach sztuczny zbiornik wody i zasilić go wodą z okolicznych potoków.
A że Epta Piges biły po drugiej stronie góry, Włosi wykuli prawie 200 metrowy tunel.
Dzisiaj jest wielką atrakcją turystyczną.
Epta Piges, Rhodos, Wasserfall
Memories From Kolymbia
A short video showing you around the resort of Kolymbia on the Greek island of Rhodes
Верхом по Родосу 2018. 7 источников - Epta Piges.
Epta Piges Rhodes Trip (Seven Springs)
Laszlo - Closer
Epta Piges (Seven Springs) Webpage
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Rhodos (1/9) Rhodos,Kolymbia und Epta Piges
Rhodosreise 2009 zwischen Rhodos Stadt und Lindos in 8 Teilen.
Griechenland - Insel Rhodos - Epta Piges (Sieben Quellen) HD
An der Verbindungsstraße Kolymbia - Archipolis kommt man an einem schönen und sehenswerten Ausflugsziel vorbei. Es handelt sich um das Naturschutzgebiet Epta Piges, was übersetzt „Sieben Quellen“ bedeutet. Das Ausflugsziel liegt mitten in einem Wald und ein ausgeschilderter Abzweig führt von der o.a. Verbindungsstraße bis zu den Quellen. Hier befindet sich auch eine Taverne, wo man sich erfrischen kann....