Equator Monument Pontianak - Indonesia
Tugu Khatulistiwa yang berada di Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat menjadi obyek wisata sekaligus landmark bagi Kota Pontianak sendiri.
Banyak orang dapat mengingat tentang Pontianak ketika menyebut Khatulistiwa akan langsung teringat tentang kota ini, sebagai kota yang dilintasi oleh garis tengah bumi di titik nol derajat.
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7 Days in Pontianak, Indonesia // Cempedak Farm, Equator Monument, Cheapest Durians Ever!
I love Indonesia so much.
The people, the nature, the fruits.
Had such an incredible time this last week here in Pontianak, Kalimantan, Indonesia, Borneo.
Thank you so much for watching, liking, commenting, subscribing ❤️????????
#kalimantan #pontianak #borneo
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Lokasi : Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
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A Tourist's Guide to Pontianak ( Equator City) Indonesia
I fly off to the Indonesian city of Pontianak, also known as Equator City due to its location on zero-degrees longitude.
To stand on the equator has long been on my bucket list and, in Pontianak (incidentally, named after the vampire witches who once resided there) I finally got the chance.
As well as the Equator Monument I see the following things:
Kapuas River Cruise
Landak Bridge
Digulis Monument
Alun Alun Kapuas
St. George's Cathedral
Kadriah Palace
Rumah Adat Radakng Dayak
Grand Mosque
Equator monument Pontianak or Tugu Khatulistiwa
Tugu Khatulistiwa Pontianak
Tugu Khatulistiwa (Equator Monument) - Wisata Pontianak
Tugu Khatulistiwa atau Equator Monument berada di Jalan Khatulistiwa, Pontianak Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Lokasinya berada sekitar 3 km dari pusat Kota Pontianak, ke arah kota Mempawah. Tugu ini menjadi salah satu ikon wisata Kota Pontianak dan selalu dikunjungi masyarakat, khususnya wisatawan yang datang ke Kota Pontianak.
The Equator monument marks the division between the northern and southern hemispheres.
Address: Jl. Khatulistiwa, Siantan, Pontianak Utara, Batu Layang, Pontianak Utara, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Indonesia
Travel to Pontianak Indonesia (Equator, tempe and...ghosts)
Supposedly the equator splits the earth exactly in half at Pontianak in Indonesia. I really like this city in Kalimantan (Indonesian side of Borneo island) and it can be fun for a few days or more.
You could venture out in the jungle too but in my short trip I just wandered around town and went to the Equator monument.
Pontianak means ghost in Indonesia but I can't really say that I've experienced anything unusual. All in all I would recommend this place for a few days. Is not a backpacker type of destination but people are so friendly and is worth seeing, especially if you're on the way to the forests or to Kuching in Malaysia.
Travel to Pontianak Indonesia (Equator, tempe and...ghosts).
Dari Udara Pesona Tugu Khatulistiwa/Equator Monument *Titik 0 kilometer *
Hanya ada 12 negara di dunia yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa. Namun hanya ada 1 kota yang persis memisahkan belahan bumi utara dan selatan, yakni Pontianak. Anda tepat di titik tersebut saat mengunjungi Tugu Khatulistiwa.
Tugu Khatulistiwa terletak di Jalan Khatulistiwa, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Inilah garis lintang nol derajat bumi, garis yang tepat membelah bumi bagian selatan dan bagian utara. Tugu yang asli, berukuran lebih kecil, terdapat di dalam komplek bangunan Tugu Khatulistiwa berukuran besar.
Equator Zero ONLY at Equator Monument, Pontianak #DjoTravelling#24
If you have journey to Pontianak, it will uncomplete if you not visit the equatorial monument ???? Because this monument is the icon or the main landmarks of Pontianak ???? If you want to visit this monument, you can find it at Equator Road, North Pontianak. It is about 3 km from Pontianak city center.
Make sure you visit this monument at the right time so that you can see the unique of natural phenomenon at this location ???? When the sun has the right position on the equator, the sun culmination will occur. At the moment, you will not be able to see the shadow objects, as well as the shadow of the monument which will disappear in a few moments. This was caused by the sun's position is really on a straight line with our heads. If you want to find those moments, you have to come to this monument at around dated March 21 to 23 and 21 to 23 September because of the event is only happens 2 times a year. The crowning event of the sun culmination can be seen only about 5-10 minutes. While waiting for the culmination, in the equatorial monument Pontianak held a series of traditional events which attended by local and foreign tourists ????????????
Tugu Khatulistiwa/ Equator Monument, with Tamasya Tour & Borneo Culture Indonesia
film singkat saat kami membawa tamu dari korea, Mr. Hanshik Chung, Ph.D.dan Mrs. Younsun Cha, Ph.D berkunkung ke Tugu Khatulistiwa 15 April 2011.
Tugu ini menjadi salah satu ikon wisata Kota Pontianak dan selalu dikunjungi masyarakat, khususnya wisatawan yang datang ke Kota Pontianak.
Berminat call Tamasya Tour _& Borneo Culture Indonesia, 0561-777889
Indonesia trip : Equator monument. One of tourist icon in Pontianak city. Mopon EN
Indonesia trip : Equator monument. One of tourist icon in Pontianak city. West Kalimantan 02
If you desire to stand astride the equator, here's your formal chance. You may even get a certificate signed by the governor. Cross the river by ferry or bus and take Jl Khatulistiwa 1.6km northwest. The monument is roadside.
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Equator line on indonesia
Tugu khatulistiwA
Tugu Khatulistiwa (The Equator Monument) Pontianak
Suasana di Pelataran Tugu Khatulistiwa Pontianak
Landmark Pontianak TUGU KHATULISTIWA Equator Monument
Tugu Khatulistiwa. Landmark Pontianak, Upacara Titik Kulminasi Selalu Diadakan Setiap Tahun Tanggal 22-23 Maret dan September, Dimana pada tanggal tersebut matahari tepat tegak lurus di atas Kota Pontianak atau di Tugu Khatulistiwa sehingga bayangan kita hanya berupa titik tepat dibawah kaki atau biasa disebut dengan tanpa bayangan. #rentalmobilpontianak #rentalmobilpontianakmurah #rentalmobilpontianaklepaskunci #rentalmobilpontianakkalbar #rentalmobilpontianakkalimantanbarat #rentalmobilpontianakkotapontianakkalimantanbarat #rentalmobilpontianakprovinsikalimantanbarat #rentalmobilpontianaksingkawang #sewamobilpontianak #sewamobildipontianak #penyewaanmobildipontianak #penyewaanmobilpontianak #mobilrentallepaskuncipontianak #mobilrentaldipontianak #wisatakulinerpontianak #TuguKhatulistiwa #titiknolkhatulistiwa #wisatapontianak
TRIBUN JALAN-JALAN -- Serunya Ngetrip di Tugu Khatulistiwa (Equator Monument) Pontianak
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[Equator Adventure in Kalimantan] Pontianak ???????? 赤道探険(?)の旅 in インドネシア、カリマンタン島
[Equator Adventure]
Pontianak, Kalimantan, INDONESIA
AirAsia AK478
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Airbus A320-200neo
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Explore Tugu Khatulistiwa//Equator Monument with Mr.Lie...
This Equator Monument marks the division between Southern and Northern hemispheres
Tugu Khatulistiwa ini merupakan penanda garis lintang nol derajat bumi, garis yang tepat membelah bumi bagian selatan dan bagian utara
#wonderful indonesia#