БРАНЦІ/CAPTIVES (кінотеатральна версія)
20 лютого 2014 студент-страйкар Саша наздоганяє солдата ВВ-шника. Беззбройний студент переконує призовника скласти зброю і бере його в полон. Кілька місяців по тому Саша вирішує розшукати солдата і на своєму шляху зустрічає бійця-добровольця Івана. Чи зможе Саша знайти солдата, і яку таємницю відступу Беркута з Майдану відкриє йому Іван?
Tour report: My Favorite Scar @ kRock Festival Ukraine 2012
Full video report of My Favorite Scar headlining the 1st day of the kRock u Maybutne Festival (Step into the Future Festival) in Kherson, Ukraine, August 31 2012 - where 10.000 Ukrainian rock & metal fans attended. Viva України! Tell us what you think!
Ukraine (Country) my favorite scar kherson kiev rock metal Україна (країна) мій улюблений шрам Херсон Київ рока метал music rammstein alice in chains metallica tool within temptation apocalyptica festival russia vk tour report paradiso dynamo krock maybutne step into the future Фестиваль Росія ВКонтакте тур звіт Динамо кРок у maybourne крок майбутнє Rock Music (Musical Genre)
Road H14 from Mykolaiv to Vozsiyats'ke (Ukraine)
Ukraine. The part of Road H14 from Mykolaiv to Vozsiyats'ke.
Dating Nikolaev Ukraine Women - Testimonies Mid Quest Tour May 2014
Also see DreamConnections.com -- Often we take one morning in the middle of a Quest Tour to ask the guys how their experience has been so far. This is real first-person observations from different men, different ages, different parts of the world. Give a listen.
Historia Ukrainy (z napisami i tłumaczeniem)
o Krymie:
39:43 Kozacy pomogli Rosji wygrać Krym z Turcji
56:55 Donbass 2:16:28 Krym zostaje przeniesiony na Ukrainę
o Rosji 12:46 / 31:16
???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????: 1:47:38
NARODZINY NARODU (2008) Jerzy Hoffman
1:34 Kijów (401-500)
2:16 Bizancjum (330-1453)
2:45 Księżniczka Olga (890 - 969) akceptuje chrześcijaństwo
3:28 Chersonese
4:06 Wołodymyr Wielki (958 - 1015)
4:29 Jarosław Mądry (978-1054)
4:39 Katedra Św. Zofii (1100)
5:31 Anna - królowa Francji (1030-1075)
18:41 Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125)
7:20 Yu Dolgoruky (1099-1157)
7:26 Moskwa
7:37 Mongołowie
10:16 Księstwo Gal-Vol lub Królestwo Rosji
10:49 Lwów
Termin MALOROSCIA: początek XIV wieku
12:37 Iwan III Grozny (1440-1505)
12:46 Mit o Rosji
13:07 Krym
13:53 Roksolana (1502 - 1558)
15:20 Polskie pańszczyzna
17:14 Zaporizhzhya Sich
18:33 UKR zmienia nazwę RUS
18:40 Kozak
20:15 Brest Union
20:18 Unici - wschodni katolicy Kościoła
21:08 Hetman Sagaidachny (1570 - 1622)
23:05 Prawosławie
23:28 Jestem Vishnevetsky (1612 - 1651)
23:31 Katolicyzm
24:54 B Chmielnicki (1595 - 1657)
30:04 Perejasław Rada 1654
34:39 I Mazepa (1639 - 1709)
37:06 Bitwa pod Połtawą (1709)
40:11 Sycz w Zaporożu (1552-1709)
40:27 Solovki
- Rewolucja Franza (1789)
48:18 jest zabronione przez Kościół greckokatolicki
48:49 Uniwersytet Kijowski (1833)
50:55 T. Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) (47 lat)
54:57 niebiesko-żółta flaga
55:45 Bractwo Cyryla i Metodego
56:32 ruch wyzwolenia narodowego
56:55 Krymska wojna (1853-1856)
57:07 Aleksander II (1818 - 1881) znosi poddaństwo
57:26 Donieck (1868)
58:56 Zielony klin
59:23 W Antonowiczu (1834 - 1908)
59:28 M Drahomanov (1841-1895)
1:00:42 L Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) (42 lata)
1:02:13 NTSh (1873)
1:11:03 M Grushevsky
1:03:27 I Franco (1856 - 1916)
1:04:22 Historia Ukr-Rus
1:04:49 Metropolitan A Sheptytsky (1865 - 1944) świadomość narodowa na emigracji
1:06:31 Pierwsza wojna światowa z 1914 roku
1:07:32 Dontsov (1883 - 1973)
1:07:57 (1914) Rosyjska okupacja
1:11:24 Z Petliurą
1:11:24 Zah-ukr Nara Response ZUNR
1:19:27 Ukr Galicyjska Armia
1:30:48 Ros. głód (1921)
1:41:21 HOLODOMOR (1932-1933) 11 000 000 ofiar
1:45:55 (1937-1938) zostały wykonane aresztowania - Gułag
1:46:54 niszczenie ukr ident
1:49:11 Ukr Sojusz Narodów Demokratycznych (UNDO)
1:42:20 Strzelec Ukr Sich
1:50:49 (UFO) Ukr Army Org (Praga) Istnieją Konovalety
1:51:19 D Dontsov - ideolog z ukr. nacjonalizm
1:52:00 (młodzież) UWO jest członkiem -: Org Ukr Nat (OUN)
1:52:52 (w Polsce w 1933 r.) Wraz z Banderą zostaje szefem OUN
1:55:03 I Wołoszyn
1:55:27 Upadek Karpaty-Ukrainy dzieli OUN na dwie frakcje: Melnikovtsev i Banderivtsi 1:56:11
Druga wojna światowa (1939-1945)
1:59:17 ślady NKWD - Batalion Nachtigall (słowika-Bandera) 1:51:43 Niezależny Ukr. Państwo
1:44:50 Bandera (1909 - 1959)
1:53:42 Babin Yar
1:55:40 Wojna partyzancka
1:44:01 Organizacja nacjonalistów Ukr (OUN)
1:57:42 Roman Szuachewicz
1:58:37 Wołyń
1:58:57 UPA - Ukraińska Armia Powstańcza
2:00:04 czystki etniczne (1943)
2:02:32 SS Dywizja Galicyjska
1:39:56 RUSIN zmienia termin ukraiński
2:06:14 Gułag 2:06:31 Jałta
2:10:30 Operacja Wisła
2:12:00 Anulowanie Kościoła greckokatolickiego
1:49:25 aneksja Zach Ukr
2:16:33 Powrót Krymu na Ukrainę
2:18:25 Odwilż (1950-1960)
2:30:09 (26 kwietnia 1986) - Katastrofa w Czarnobylu
2:35:30 Ruch
2:37:29 (1991) Niezależność
2:50:29 Pomarańczowa rewolucja (2004)
Ukraine: Fire survivors recall Odessa leisure camp’s poor conditions
Survivors of the Odessa leisure centre fire recounted the poor conditions at the children's camp, Saturday. Water was striking with electricity every time we were having a shower, according to one of the children who managed to escape from the burning building.
Eyewitness and camp attendee (Russian): If it were not for Tatyana Olegovna and if she had not woken us up, we would not have run out. I do not know, I owe Tatyana Olegovna a lot. I told her many thanks that she woke us up. For the fact that she woke us up and we ran out, many thanks to her.
Eyewitness and camp attendee (Russian): There were two girls with me in the room. We all lived in rooms of three. We wanted to run down the stairs, we lived on the second floor, but we could not even go half way there, because everything was in smoke and it was impossible to breathe, not to see anything, because the smoke was in our eyes.
Yliya, Mother of one of the kids in the camp (Russian): Why did the alarm not go off when there was a fire? Why? If they turned it off, then they are responsible for what they did. The children were sleeping there, and their leader slept there as well.
Eyewitness and camp attendee (Russian): Water was striking with electricity every time we were having shower.
Eyewitness and camp attendee (Russian): And in the house that burned, there was only one fire extinguisher, and the rest was just hunging empty.
Video ID: 20170917-001
Video on Demand:
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
V.I.P Ukraine message (S.E Tour vol.1)
October 2nd - Kharkiv, Ukraine @ Jara club
October 3rd - Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine @ RK club
October 4th - Kyiv, Ukraine @ MonteRay Live Stage
October 6th - Kaluga, Russia @ Amra club
October 7th - Kursk, Russia @ Tochka club
October 8th - Bryansk, Russia @ House club
October 9th - Tula, Russia @ Irlandets pub
October 10th - Voronezh, Russia @ Colosseum Club
October 11th - Saratov, Russia @ BarDuck
October 13th - Ryazan, Russia @ Planetarium club
October 16th - (Free Entrance) Stockholm, Sweden @ Tuben
October 17th - (Free Entrance) Bucharest, Romania @ Asia Fest
November 15th - (TOUR FINAL) - Dublin, Ireland @ Eirtakon 2015
Пенальті правосуддя, реж. В'ячеслав Бігун (тізер) — Penalty of Justice, a Slavik Bihun Film
ПЕНАЛЬТІ ПРАВОСУДДЯ, реж. В'ячеслав Бігун (Україна, Франція, 2014, док., анімація, права людини, 14 хв.)
↑ Молодий футболіст, скалічений правоохоронцями, з неймовірною волею до життя шукає правди та добивається правосуддя в Європейському суді (за матеріалами справи «Савіцький проти України» (Заява № 38773/05) (
⌂ 40 фестивальних і спеціальних показів у 14 країнах — 2 кіновідзнаки (Австралія, Австрія, Грузія, Естонія, Індія, Малайзія, Нідерланди, Туреччина, Словаччина, США, Україна, Чехія, Франція, ФРН). Європейська прем’єра нового релізу фільму відбулася в Франції за участі відомих юристів, зокрема колишнього голови Європейського суду з права людини Жана-Поля Кости. Фільм демонстрували й в Німецькому музеї кіно в Франкфурті-на-Майні. Важливо, що свої перші кіно-номінації він здобув як частина альманаху «Україна_голоси», решту (більшість), опісля, ― самостійно. Зокрема, фільм змагався за головний приз Міжнародного кінофестивалю «Молодість» («Скіфський олень») й був високо оцінений кінокритиками.
Life is wonderful until the footballer falls into the hands of fate and corrupted criminal system. Losing all, he does not give up: thanks to his father and good lawyer, he seeks justice at the European Court of Human Rights.
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Full Cast & Crew:
-- Film director Slavik Bihun previously worked as a Registry lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights which considered the case of Savitskyy v. Ukraine, the source of the story.
-- Selected to over 25 festivals
-- Screened at the German Film Museum in Frankfurt on 10 April 2014
-- Strasbourg Premiere: 24 June, Odyssée - Cinéma de Strasbourg, 20:00
-- Tyachiv Premiere: 12 July, City Cinema, 18:00
-- Note that we re-released the film in June 2014! More details on film's FB page!
Slavik Bihun's film Penalty of Justice was screened over 30 times in more than 15 countries worldwide: independently and as part of the film almanac Ukraine_Voices:
1. Two Cliffs Film Festival (UK, October 2016)
2. Kaniv International Каniv International Festival of Contemporary Cinema (Ukraine, September 2016)
3. Slavik Bihun Films Screening (Estonia, June 2016)
4. Ozark Shorts, Monthly Film Screening Series (US, 2016)
5. “Pilgrim”, the Third Competitive Festival of Screen Arts (Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 2016)
6. Global Short Film Awards (New York City, US, 2016)
7. Star City, Friedrich Gorenstein Film Festival (Ukraine, 2016)
8. Goldensun Short Film Festival (Malta, 2016)
9. Human Rights Day Internet Screening (Internet, 13 December 2016)
10. Ukraine Patrol Police Screening (Kyiv, December 2016)
11. Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne (Australia, November, 2015)
12. One World Slovakia (Bratislava, Nov.-Dec. 2015)
13. Festival Cinéma et Droits Humains 2015, Amnesty International (Paris, November 2015)
14. Molodist International Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine, October-November 2015)
15. IMFF “European Express” (Kyiv, Ukraine, October 2015)
16. GOGOGFEST Contemporary Ukrainian Cinema (SUK) Festival (Kyiv, September 2015)
17. Baltic Trembita Festival, Ukrainian Cinema Day (Tallinn, Estonia, September 2015)
18. Kinokimeriya 2015 (Kherson, Ukraine, September 2015)
19. FreedomFilmFest (Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, September 2015)
20. Odessa International Film Festival (video-room) (Odessa, July 2015)
21. Tyachiv Screening [new release] (Tyachiv, Ukraine, July 2015)
22. IndiEarth Animation Film Festival (Chennai, India, June 2015)
23. One World International Film Festival (Prague, March 2015)
24. European Premiere, new release (Strasbourg, June 2014)
25. 6th Which Human Rights? (Istanbul, December 2014)
26. Let's CEE (Vienna, October 2014)
27. Filmfestival goEast (Frankfurt, screened at German Film Museum on 10 April 2014)
28. CineDOC (Tbilisi, 2014)
29. KinoSinoval Film Festival (Obyrok, 2014)
30. Kyiv International Short Film Festival (Kyiv, 2014)
31. Eastern Neighbours FF 2014 Filmhuis (the Hague, 2014)
32. Avant-premiere (Kyiv, December 2013)
'We are Safe Nowhere': Multiple Civilians Killed in Ukraine Rocket Attack
Regional authorities reported that at least seven civilians were killed and more than a dozen wounded in a rocket attack on the Kiev-controlled eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk on Tuesday, An amateur photographer recorded the attack from her window and cried in agnuish at what she saw. The regional administration said the powerful Tornado rockets had been fired from the rebel-held area about 35 miles southeast of Kramatorsk. One woman cried, “When will it stop?” She said, We are safe nowhere!” The attack comes amid a concerted diplomatic push by the West to agree on a cease-fire and a peace plan to bring the war to an end.
Omer Bartov | The Voice of Your Brother’s Blood
In this event from the Brown University Library lecture series, The Holocaust: History and Aftermath, Professor Omer Bartov discusses how the East Galician town of Buczacz was transformed from a site of coexistence, where Poles, Ukrainians, and Jews had lived side-by-side for centuries, into a site of genocide. Between 1941, when the Germans conquered the region, and 1944, when the Soviets liberated it, the entire Jewish population of Buczacz was murdered by the Nazis, with ample help from local Ukrainians, who then also ethnically cleansed the region of the Polish population. What were the reasons for this instance of communal violence, what were its dynamics, and why has it been erased from the local memory?
Brown University
April 12, 2017
Life caught off guard. Pictures of the legendary Soviet photojournalist Igor Gavrilov
Life caught off guard. Pictures of the legendary Soviet photojournalist Igor Gavrilov
Igor Gavrilov - a living legend of the Soviet photojournalism. His works are amazing, each picture - that's life, is not covered, and caught off guard. Many brilliant author's pictures were not published at the time only because they were too plausible.
The book Russian Reporter published an article, for which selected 50 frames of photographs taken by him in the most different periods of his life - from his student years to recent trips around the planet. Igor told about each image - somewhere in a nutshell, somewhere in detail, and somewhere - and retreats into more general topics. The result was a piercing story, compelling look at pictures quite a different angle.
Late 80's - early 90's. Kommunalka. It looks like a decoration on Mosfilm, where temporary barriers according constructed depicting some sort of life. But it is quite a real apartment. I was asked to remove the theme of communal. I'm not only one of the apartment, and strained all his friends who know or have friends who live in communal apartments. But it struck me completely. In the picture - a large room of the same family. It's sitting in the corner of the mother, below us it was her daughter, very cute. They just razgorodili this large room plywood partition that is somehow separate from each other. But razgorodili to the ceiling, and up to the middle, so you can get on this partition, and from there to make a frame. I remember there pylischa not wipe, I think, six months or a year, I was there all the tears in some web, dust, what boundaries.
The symbol of the era
So, what we have lived for many years and only when the man came into the store and saw there completely empty shelves. This is the beginning of 90th or 89th.
Where have you been?...
Still with the unhappy fate. I made it in Western Ukraine, in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. In those days, there has gathered quite a large number of foreigners from the Soviet bloc, many correspondents. I went to the press center of the hotel and saw this scene at the bus stop. Just double-click. I was attacked some military, began to shout to the whole Ivano-Frankivsk I denigrate the Soviet way of life, why I shoot people with disabilities, where I came from. In the Ogonyok frame is not printed, and wherever I had neither suggested, he was nowhere We did not take. The chief editor of the magazine Soviet photo himself with his own hands three times the frame is laid out from the collections that were sent to some international photo contests - Inter-picture or the World Press Photo, accompanying their actions unflattering comments. Blew the wind of perestroika. In the Soviet photo going full editorial room of the Moscow photographers, discussion subject - how to modernize the magazine. I took this picture with the words: Just here are the photos, print. And the answer was: Igor, where's that's what you used to be, why are you here such staff did not bring in the Soviet photo ?
Single, but the wise
This Victory Day, approximately 76-77 years. Such a scene was formed on the waterfront. I think that the wisest - is the one that stands alone in the middle, he is busy with: drinking beer, eating a sandwich. And they still do not know what will be doing.
The first international competition of hairdressers in Moscow
This is the beginning of the 80s. The girls in the photo - competition model, it's dried hairstyles for this beautiful poster. The most interesting thing is that this photo was published in the Ogonek magazine in the years before the restructuring, but somewhat cropped. Chief designer of the cabinet issued a large pair of scissors and 20 centimeters long with the words What are you, uh ... Gavrilov snapped poster.
The funeral Vysotsky
Taganka, opposite the theater. The funeral of Vladimir Vysotsky. I stood by the coffin in a theater for two hours, he could not escape. With the exposure wrong, and when I came out into the square, I saw it all. And only now, behold, I just realized this year that in fact the funeral Vysotsky - this is the first unsanctioned rally in the Soviet Union. The first nation-wide disobedience of the government, when people came - no one was convened, nobody drove, as was done in the demonstration on November 7 or May 1 - and they came.
Too loose
Detention center in Moscow Altufyevskoe highway. I filmed there several times and every time - with great interest. Well, what to say? With great pain - it's too pompous. No, the pain something special was not. But pity the children. There collected all runaways found in train stations, on the streets. That's the boy when sheared, with him jumping lice, three meters from him. I barely managed to brush off, I thought that all the lice-ridden himself until he took off.
How Russia Supplies its Forces in Ukraine by Rail
Here we look at how Russia uses trains to send military supplies and fuel into occupied eastern Ukraine. In Ukrainian town of llovaisk, Russia's military have built a large fuel depot and use a goods yard to bring in supplies by rail.
Google Earth and Google Map Coordinates.
Fuel depot - 47 54 59.05N 38 11 37.76E
Rail Goods Yard - 47 56 4.30N 38 11 17.12E
For more information on this, please read my blog post
#Ukraine #Donbas #Donbass
Film by and copyright - Alex King Glasnost Gone @G;asnostGone.
Music: Composer - Jake LaVallee, Owner of
Track Download Link:
Monument to Fake News: Putin's propaganda mocked in new Ukrainian statue
A strange caricature resembling Russian President Vladimir Putin holding a bullfinch has been unveiled in Ukraine's south-eastern city of Zaporizhya.
The monument is meant to represent fake reports about Ukraine, which are spread around by Russian state-owned media.
Check out our website:
Surviving On The Front Line Of The Ukrainian Conflict
Operation Blessing is in Ukraine working with local NGOs and churches to support families displaced by the conflict in Ukraine. After learning about needs on the front line in Myronivka, we made the dangerous journey to deliver food and critical supplies to families - many who are still living in basement bomb shelters. Currently the fighting is at a standstill, but tensions are still high and families fear it could start again at any time. Thank you for your support that allowed this relief to happen. Please continue to pray for the families in the middle of the conflict, those who have been displaced and the tragedies that many have faced.
Please watch: Health Workers in Haiti: A Day in the Life
Ukrainian Insurgent Army | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Ukrainian Insurgent Army
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainian: Українська повстанська армія, УПА, Ukrayins'ka Povstans'ka Armiya, UPA) was a
Ukrainian nationalist paramilitary and later partisan resistance that engaged in guerrilla conflicts during World War II against Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Underground and Communist Poland. The insurgent army arose out of separate militant formations of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists—Bandera faction (the OUN-B), other militant national-patriotic formations, some former defectors of the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, mobilization of local population and other. The political leadership of the army belonged to the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists—Bandera. It was the primary perpetrator of the massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia.Its official date of creation is 14 October 1942, day of the Intercession of the Theotokos feast. The Ukrainian People's Revolutionary Army at the period from December 1941 till July 1943 has the same name (Ukrainian Insurgent Army or UPA).The OUN's stated immediate goal was the re-establishment of a united, independent, mono-ethnic national state on Ukrainian ethnic territory. Violence was accepted as a political tool against foreign as well as domestic enemies of their cause, which was to be achieved by a national revolution led by a dictatorship that would drive out what they considered to be occupying powers and set up a government representing all regions and social groups. The organization began as a resistance group and developed into a guerrilla army. In 1943, the UPA was controlled by the OUN(B) and included people of various political and ideological convictions. Furthermore, it needed the support of the broad masses against both the Germans and the Soviets. Much of the nationalist ideology, including the concept of dictatorship, did not appeal to former Soviet citizens who had experienced the dictatorship of the Communist Party. Hence, a revision of the OUN(B) ideology and political program was imperative. At its Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly on 21–25 August 1943, the OUN(B) condemned internationalist and fascist national-socialist programs and political concepts as well as Russian-Bolshevik communism and proposed a system of free peoples and independent states [as] the single best solution to the problem of world order. Its social program did not differ essentially from earlier ones, but it emphasized a wide range of social services, worker participation in management, a mixed economy, choice of profession and workplace, and free trade unions. The OUN(B) affirmed that it was fighting for freedom of the press, speech, and thought. Its earlier nationality policy, encapsulated in the slogan Ukraine for Ukrainians, was dropped in favour of the rights of national minorities.During its existence, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought against the Poles and the Soviets as their primary opponents, although the organization also fought against the Germans starting from February 1943 – with many cases of collaboration with the German forces in the fight against Soviet partisan units. From late spring 1944, the UPA and Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-B (OUN-B)—faced with Soviet advances—also cooperated with German forces against the Soviets and Poles in the hope of creating an independent Ukrainian state. The OUN also played a substantial role in the ethnic cleansing of the Polish population of Volhynia and East Galicia, and later preventing the deportation of the Ukrainians in southeastern Poland.After the end of World War II, the Polish communist army—the People's Army of Poland—fought extensively against the UPA. The UPA remained active and fought against the People's Republic of Poland until 1947, and against the Soviet Union until 1949. It was particularly strong in the Carpathian Mountains, the entirety of Galicia and ...
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Sogiz Church is a Holy Spirit led church currently located across several cities in Ukraine and is Head quartered in Ivano-frankivsk city. It is led by Pastor Dr Iriah and other branch head and assistant Pastors. Branches are in Ternopil, Kiev, Lviv and Chernivtsi as at the time of writing
Le Scimmie @ Maxwell Pub - Kalush (Ukraine)
Le Scimmie @ Maxwell Pub - Kalush (Ukraine)
The Windy City // Travel Vlog
What a day! From staying up 24 hours to spending hours at the Disney Store..this is a day to be remembered!
Also, check out Cheyenne's youtube channel!
В Івано-Франківську вперше відбудеться фестиваль фентезі Брама
На мешканців та гостей міста чекають зустрічі з авторами, що працюють у даному жанрі, дискусії та захоплюючі квести.
В Івано-Франківську відкрили сенсорну кімнату для дітей з аутизмом
Важливий крок у роботі з особливими малюками. В Івано-Франківську відкрили сенсорну кімнату для дітей з аутизмом.
Канал 402 / Channel 402
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