Honer Nazhat, Trip to Eshab Al Kahif اصحاب الكهف, Tarsus, Mersin - Turkey
Eshab Kehf Cave
Also known as the Cave of the Seven Sleepers, Eshab-i, Kehf is situated in the district of Tarsus in Mersin province one of the most beautiful cities of the Mediterranean Region.
Considered sacred by both the Christian and Islamic belief, the cave was carved into a rectangular rock and can be accessed by descending the 20 steps leading into the interior. The mosque on top of the cave was built in 1873 whereby the minaret with three balconies was added later on.
The Seven Sleepers Eshab-i Kehf Mosque Tarsus.MOV
Tarsus Eshab-ı Kehf'te Yağmur Duasına Çıkıldı
Mersin'in Tarsus ilçesinde Aralık ayının sonuna gelinmesine karşın yağmurların yağmaması ve kuraklıktan endişelenen Tarsuslular, Ashab-ı Kehf'te yağmur duasına çıktılar.
ÇÜBG Tarsus Eshab-ı Kehf gezisi. 02.11.2011 wmv
Masjid of Ashabe Kaaf Cave of 7 Sleepers Habib Attari By Sawi
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Ashab e Kahf Cave
Ashab e Kahf Cave in Turkey Selçuk izmir
Yörük Türkmen Yurdu Tarsus Çanakkale - 1 (Ashab-ı Kehf Mağarası)
Seyfullah Türksoy
Gazeteci Yazar - TV Programcısı - İpekyolu Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Başkanı
Gagauzya Özerk Cumhuriyeti Temsilcisi - İpekyolu Dergisi İmtiyaz Sahibi
Seyfullah Türksoy hazırlayıp sunduğu Türksoy'la İpekyolu, İpekyolu Kervanı ve Türk Dünyasına Yolculuk programları ile Türk Cumhuriyetlerini, Asya'yı, Avrupa'yı gezerek, birbirinden güzel görüntüleri evinize taşıyor.
ashab e kahf(اصحاب الکھف)ka Waqia in Urdu and Hindi You tube | Seven Sleepers Story
In Christian and Islam religion , the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus ((اصحاب الکھف) or aṣḥab al kahf or people of the cave is the story of a group of people who hide themselves inside a cave outside the city around 250 AD to escape a religious persecution and 300 years later appear again. Most of people are totally not know that which county this cave belong to . In this video we point out the exact cave which is near to reality. According signs point out by Holy Quran the Seven Sleepers cave is located in Jordan. almost all three signs are there.
Grave of Ashabe Kaaf Cave of 7 Sleepers Habib Attari By Sawi
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ashabı kehf (yedi uyurlar) & taşkuyu magarası
Tarsusta bulunan ashabı kehf magarası ve taşkuyu magarası vlogu..Milattan sonra 2. yüzyıl başlarında putlara tapmayı reddeden 7 gencin, sığınarak 309 yıl uyudukları rivayet edilen Mersin'in Tarsus ilçesindeki Ashab-ı Kehf Mağarası, gizemli hikayesi ve ilginç yapısıyla, yerli ve yabancı turistlerin ilgisini çekiyor. Kur'an-ı Kerim'in Kehf Suresi'nde bahsi geçen mağara, Hristiyan ve Müslümanlar tarafından kutsal sayılıyor. Mağara, diğer semavi dinlerin kitaplarında da yer almasıyla kendini özel kılıyor. Halk arasında Yedi Uyurlar Mağarası olarak da bilinen mağara, yılın 12 ayında yerli ve yabancı turistleri ağırlıyor. Gizemli hikayesi ve mistik yapısıyla ziyaretçilerin ilgisini çeken Ashab-ı Kehf, dua edip, dilek tutmak isteyenlerle dolup taşıyor. (
Bedirhan Gökçe GeziYORUM Mübarek 7 uyurlar ashab ı kehf Tarsus
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Prof. Petros Vassiliadis Talks on Seven Sleepers of Ephesus .flv
Building Bridges Gateway program with our guest Prof. Petros Vassiliadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Theology (January 11, 2013)
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Heaven and Hell in Turkey on Castle by the Sea Tour and a camel ride
Cave Of Ashabe - Kahf By Abida Rahman (Lina)
The Cave of Ashab al - Kahf by Abida Rahman (Lina).
Inside Video Cave of the 7 Sleepers - Cave of Ashabe-Kahf - Surah Al Kahf 1-10 by Saad Al Qureshi
The Seven Sleepers (Arabic: اصحاب الکھف aṣḥāb al kahf, companions of the cave) of Ephesus are legendary people in a story of a group of youths who hide inside a cave outside the city of Ephesus around 250 AD, to escape a persecution.
This is regarded as the cave in which a group of pious youths sought refuge from a tyrannical pagan king and in which Allah SWT caused them to sleep for 300 years. Their story is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Kahf. The cave is located in the suburb of Abu Alanda in Amman.
In around 250 CE there ruled a Roman king called Daqyanoos (Decius) who would annually hold a gathering dedicated to the worshipping of idols. Many people would attend, dressed in their best clothing. However, one youth believed in the oneness of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He), the teachings of Isa (upon him be peace) and shunned pagan worship. He rebelled against the practices that were happening in the society. He attracted another youth and then another to form a small group.
When the king heard of their rebellion he became very angry and issued a command for them to be killed. In order to save their iman (faith) they fled and went into hiding. On their escape route they met a young farmer who owned a dog; they gave him da’wah, he accepted and decided to also join them. Eventually they came to a cave in which they made dua to Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) for ease. They decided to take rest there for a while, leaving the dog (named Qitmir) near the entrance as a guard. Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) caused them and the dog to sleep for 300 years.
Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) describes their sleeping in the Holy Quran in Surah Kahf:
“And thou wouldst have deemed them waking though they were asleep, and we caused them to turn over to the right and the left, and their dog stretching out his paws on the threshold. If thou hadst observed them closely thou hadst assuredly turned away from them in flight, and hadst been filled with awe of them.” [18:18]
The Quran further states that the period of time these sleepers spent in the cave was 300 years during which the calendar of their people was changed from solar to lunar and, as a result, the period of their sleep was 309 years. When they woke up, they had no idea they slept for centuries and thought they had only slept a few hours. When they sent one of them to buy food, the shopkeeper was amazed to see such old coins and the reality of the time they had spent in the cave gradually came to light. The present ruling king, whom some scholars have identified as Tandoosees, was a believer who came on foot to see them and seek their blessings. When these young men died they were buried in the cave along with their dog. The bones of these youth and the dog are visible to see inside.
Apart from Amman in Jordan, the location of the cave is also claimed to be in Turkey. And Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) knows best.
To the left of the entrance is an ancient olive tree. At one time a small church was built on top of the cave; this was converted to a mosque with the mihrab still being visible above the entrance.
References: Stories of the Prophets – Ibn Kathir, Wikipedia, The Rough Guide to Jordan
Inside the Cave of the 7 Sleepers - Cave of Ashabe-Kahf - Surah Al Kahf 1-10 by Saad Al Qureshi
#quran #recitation #surahkahf #kahf #ashabekahf
H.z Danyal Peygamber'in Kabri ve Camii/Prophet Daniel's Grave and Mosque( TARSUS )-Gezi Videoları
Hz. Danyal (A.S.) II. Babil Kralı Nebukadnesar (M.Ö. 605-562) zamanında yaşamış, bilime olan ilgisi yanında iyi bir idareci olarak tanınmıştır. Rivayete göre; Nebukadnesar rüyasında İsmail oğullarından gelecek bir erkek çocuğun kendi tahtını sarsacağını öğrenince İsmail oğullarından doğan tüm erkek çocukların öldürülmesini emreder. Hz. Daniyal doğunca ailesi onu bir mağaraya bırakır ve burada biri erkek ve diğeri dişi iki aslan tarafından büyütülür. Olgunluk çağına gelince de tekrar kavmi arasına karışır ve Yahudileri Babil esaretinden ilmi ve kehanetleri ile kurtarmış bir peygamberdir.Hz. Daniyal bulunduğu yerde bereketi artırmasıyla birçok çağrı almış ve bir kıtlık zamanında da Tarsus'a davet edilmiştir. Bu tarihten sonra Tarsus'a yerleşen ve ölünce de buraya gömülen Hz. Daniyal, Tevrat'ta yer alan ve Hz. Davut'un soyundan gelen Yahudi peygamberleri arasında sayılmaktadır. Mezarı uzun bir süre unutulmuşsa da Hicri 17 yılında Hz. Ömer'in komutanlarından Ebu Musa El-Eş'ari tarafından fark edilmiştir. Mezarı açılınca büyük bir lahit içerisinde altın iplikle dokunmuş kumaşa sarılı gayet uzun boylu bir ceset bulunmuştur. Başından geçen macerayı sembolize eden iki aslan tarafından yalanan bir çocuk figürünün bulunduğu yüzüğü fark edilince de Danyal peygamber olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Bunun üzerine Hz. Ömer Danyal Peygamberin cesedinin, Yahudiler tarafından çalınmasını önlemek için daha derine defnettirmiş ve üzerinden de Berdan Nehrinin eski yatağından geriye kalan küçük bir ırmağı geçirmiştir. Çok yakın bir tarihte caminin tamiratı sırasında alt kısmında, suyun giriş yerinde kalın ve muntazam mazgal demirleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Danyal Peygamberin mezarı bu mazgallardan geçen suyun çok aşağısındadır. -ENGLİSH-- Hz. Danyal (A.S.) II. He lived in the time of King Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 BC) of the Babylonians, and was recognized as a good ruler besides his informed interest. According to Rivay; In the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, when a son of Ishmael learns that a son will shake his throne, he orders that all the sons of Ishmael be slain. Hz. Daniyal's family in the east leaves him to a cave, where one is raised by a male and two other female lions. When it comes to the age of maturity, it is again confused with the congregation, and the Jews are a prophet of the Babylonian captivity, saved by their knowledge and prophecies. Hz. Daniyal has received many calls with increased fertility in his place and was invited to Tarsus in a time of famine. After this date, who settled in Tarsus and buried here when he died, Hz. Daniyal, in the Torah and Hz. Are among the Jewish prophets who came from the line of David. Although the grave was forgotten for a long time, Abu Musa, one of the commanders of Ömer, was recognized by Al-Ashari. When the grave was opened, a very long corpse was found in a large sarcophagus wrapped in cloth woven with golden thread. It was understood that Danyal was the prophet when it was noticed that a child figurine lied by two lions who symbolized the passing adventure.On this, Hz. Omar Danyal defeated the Prophet's corpse in order to prevent him from being stolen by the Jews, and passed over a small remainder over the old bed of Berdan River. Very recently, during the repair of the mosque, on the lower part of the water, the thick and regular mazgal anchors emerged. The tomb of Prophet Muhammad Danyal is far below the water passing through these cliffs.
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Asab e Khaf (Seven Sleepers) in Quranic perspective
The True Story of Asab e Khaf (Seven Sleepers) in a Quranic Perspective, Why this story have mention in Holy Quran, What is the reason behind it... Listen the full story to understand.....
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