Kamchatka. Esso. Winter.
Зимний отдых на Камчатке.
Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants
Around 20 bears that threatened the life and health of people have been killed since May by settlers and hunters in the Esso village, situated in the Bystrinsky region of Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Due to the bears' ongoing attacks, local authorities have put the town on high alert.
Civilians, hunters, police and EMERCOM officers conduct patrols when they receive reports from local citizens that bears have been hanging around. Such reports are heard practically every day.
Local citizens say they've never seen such an invasion of bears, which have completely lost their fear of humans and are increasingly being spotted close to people's houses. Many do not even react to warning shots.
Specialists say that during the past summer there were very few berries, nuts or fish, leading to a shortage of food that has forced the bears to enter human environments in their hunt for nourishment.
A local forestry agency has released additional licenses allowing hunters to shoot bears outside the settlements frequently visited by hungry bears. Inside, villagers are allowed to kill bears without a license if the animal poses a threat to people's lives.
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Around 20 bears that threatened the life and health of people have been killed since May by settlers and hunters in the Esso village, situated in the Bystrinsky region of Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Due to the bears' ongoing attacks, local authorities have put the town on high alert.
Civilians, hunters, police and EMERCOM officers conduct patrols when they receive reports from local citizens that bears have been hanging around. Such reports are heard practically every day.
Local citizens say they've never seen such an invasion of bears, which have completely lost their fear of humans and are increasingly being spotted close to people's houses. Many do not even react to warning shots.
Specialists say that during the past summer there were very few berries, nuts or fish, leading to a shortage of food that has forced the bears to enter human environments in their hunt for nourishment.
A local forestry agency has released additional licenses allowing hunters to shoot bears outside the settlements frequently visited by hungry bears. Inside, villagers are allowed to kill bears without a license if the animal poses a threat to people's lives.
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Around 20 bears that threatened the life and health of people have been killed since May by settlers and hunters in the Esso village, situated in the Bystrinsky region of Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Due to the bears' ongoing attacks, local authorities have put the town on high alert.
Civilians, hunters, police and EMERCOM officers conduct patrols when they receive reports from local citizens that bears have been hanging around. Such reports are heard practically every day.
Local citizens say they've never seen such an invasion of bears, which have completely lost their fear of humans and are increasingly being spotted close to people's houses. Many do not even react to warning shots.
Specialists say that during the past summer there were very few berries, nuts or fish, leading to a shortage of food that has forced the bears to enter human environments in their hunt for nourishment.
A local forestry agency has released additional licenses allowing hunters to shoot bears outside the settlements frequently visited by hungry bears. Inside, villagers are allowed to kill bears without a license if the animal poses a threat to people's lives.
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Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants
Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants
Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants
Esso, Kamchatka. Youth Camp 2008.
Эссо, Камчатка. Христианский Молодежный Лагерь 2008. Утерянная страница из истории Пираты Карибского Моря.
Abandoned / lost Places on Kamchatka and Petropavlovsk Russia
Abandoned / lost Places on Kamchatka and Petropavlovsk Russia
Verlassene / verlorene Plätze auf Kamchatka und Petropavlovsk Russland
Заброшенные / потерянные места на Камчатке и в Петропавловске Россия
Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России (комедия, реж. Эльдар Рязанов, 1973 г.)
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Совместный советско-итальянский кинофильм, снятый в 1973 году режиссёрами Эльдаром Рязановым и Франко Проспери.
В одной из римских больниц скончалась русская эмигрантка. Это обстоятельство явилось причиной срочного вылета в Ленинград всех тех, кто волей случая был посвящен в тайну сокровищ, спрятанных под неким львом. В СССР прибыли солидный врач, мафиози Розалио, два санитара, просто горожанин и, наконец, Ольга — внучка и законная преемница огромного состояния. А в Москве к гостям присоединился еще и гид, который усложнил достаточно непростые поиски сокровищ. Во-первых, потому что на самом деле был кагэбэшником, а во-вторых, потому что полюбил очаровательную итальянку...
Режиссер: Эльдар Рязанов
Автор сценария: Эмиль Брагинский, Эльдар Рязанов.
Ф. Кастеллано, Д. Пиполо.
Композитор: Карло Рустикелли.
Художник-постановщик: Михаил Богданов.
В главных ролях: Андрей Миронов, Нинетто Даволи, Антония Сантилли, Алигьеро Носкезе, Тано Чимароза, Луиджи Баллиста, Евгений Евстигнеев, Ольга Аросева.
Mi-8 flight around Esso - Kamchatka
The ROADS of the NORTH the DRIVERS of the far NORTH Russian machinery on the road Compilation
In this video compilation of Russian trucks - SUVs despite four-wheel drive stuck in the mud or in a swamp. The roads in Siberia and in the far North, where impassable mud in summer, and complete absence of roads. Trucks and buses are to Ford the river and in winter move winter. Despite the fact that a car is the pride of the Soviet avtoproma in extreme conditions of Russian roads are difficult drivers to overcome the roads of Siberia, Kamchatka and Yamal.
DakhaBrakha: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
People always ask me, What's your favorite Tiny Desk Concert? Well, right now it's the one recently performed by DakhaBrakha. The creative quartet from Kiev, Ukraine make music that sounds like nothing I've ever heard, with strands of everything I've ever heard. There are rhythms that sound West African and drone that feels as if it could have emanated from India or Australia. At times, DakhaBrakha is simply a rock band whose crazy homeland harmonies are filled with joy. All the while, they play tight-knit tunes featuring accordion, drums, reeds and shakers while wearing tall, Marge Simpson-looking wool hats that made me jealous.
I want the world to see this Tiny Desk Concert more than any other right now. It's refreshing to hear the power of acoustic music and the many worlds of sound still waiting to be explored. -- BOB BOILEN
Set List
Sho Z-Pod Duba 0:00
Torokh 3:43
Divka-Marusechka 8:07
Producers: Bob Boilen, Maggie Starbard; Audio Engineer: Kevin Wait; Videographers: Morgan McCloy, Maggie Starbard, AJ Wilhelm; Assistant Producer: Annie Bartholomew; photo by Colin Marshall/NPR
Наталья Бадахова о селе Эссо на Камчатке.Октябрь 2012г.
Эссо по-эвенски означает лиственница, что хорошо отражает характер здешней растительности. Глубокая, с лесистыми склонами долина, подымающиеся за ней скалистые вершины и гребни Козыревского хребта, шумные, быстрые реки придают окрестностям Эссо своеобразную живописность. К этому следует добавить сухой, горный климат и горячие источники. Быстринский район называют Камчатской Швейцарией, и это название соответствует как нельзя лучше этому прекрасному природному уголку. Естественные выходы горячей воды в Эссо не слишком обильны, но под самым селом был обнаружен подземный гидротермальный бассейн, и теперь горячая вода поступает на поверхность. Вода отапливает теплицы и все дома, а также снабжает горячей термальной водой купальный бассейн, расположенный в центре села.
Село Эссо находится в высокогорном районе, в кальдере древнейшего потухшего вулкана, в месте слияния двух рек. Хвойные леса и высокогорье делают воздух в Эссо живительным, не уступающим по лечебным свойствам воздуху знаменитого алтайского курорта Белакуриха, а некоторые курорты Швейцарии даже превосходит.
Туристы со всего мира круглый год посещают Эссо. Ни одно посещение поселка не обходится без осмотра экспозиции музея.
Быстринский музей - единственный этнографический музей в Камчатском крае. Он является своего рода визитной карточкой Быстринского национального района. Расположен в центре с. Эссо, на берегу горной незамерзающей реки Уксичан. Здесь можно увидеть уникальные предметы шаманизма, оригинальную атрибутику эвенов.
География посетителей самая разнообразная. Сотрудники музея привыкли к гостям из Аляски и Японии. Не удивляются здесь и туристам из Франции, Германии, Швейцарии и даже далекой Мексики. В большинстве своем посетители интересуются образом жизни аборигенов, их историей, традициями, сувенирами изготовленными местными мастерами.
Kitten narrowly avoids being hit by several cars on Russian motorway
A kitten had a succession of near misses when it found itself in the middle of a busy motorway in Kaliningrad, Russia.
At least 17 vehicles, including lorries, swerved to avoid the tiny creature before one driver pulled over to rescue it.
The owner of the footage, who posted it on Russian social media VK, said that the animal had fallen from an SUV, but only sustained some bruising from its ordeal.
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Esso Arabian Stallion (Złotogłów / Eriana)
Ogier czystej krwi arabskiej Esso (złotogłów / Eriana) w chwilach wolnych od zajęć ;-)
Snow in Richmond - Twin Birches - The Esso Station on Broad St. Richmond ~March 1952
Snow in Richmond
The Station on Broad St. Richmond, VA
~March 1952
От постройки Турбо Реактивного двигателя до полета - всего один шаг
Мой инстаграм:
Проект Реактивный самолет закончен ! Видео на канале будет выходить теперь без четкого графика.
Видео создано для тех кто не видел полного процесса постройки ТРД и самолета для него, но хочет увидеть !
Russia Trip (3 of 3) - Kamchatka
When I finished uni, I took 11 weeks to see Mongolia and the interesting, eastern part of Russia. The previous 2 videos covered Australia to China, Mongolia, Siberia, and into the Russian Far East, where I hitchhiked to Magadan. This section covers the last two weeks of the trip, which I spent in Kamchatka. Kamchatka is an extremely geologically active peninsula in the Russian Far East, and a popular (albeit expensive) domestic tourist destination. My main interest in the region is the 50 or so active volcanoes, of which 6 are currently erupting. Some of those are in quite remote areas and difficult to see, however I did manage to see and climb about 20 in total. Gorely Volcano also managed to erupt while I was there. At Kurilskoye Lake I finally managed to see quite a few bears. While this section was by far the most expensive leg of the trip (ten times as pricey as hitchhiking) it was thoroughly worth it! I hope you enjoy the video.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Turk welcome home party club esso
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Dog sleigh race
Dog sleigh race in Esso in Russia
Maggie Rogers - Alaska
‘Alaska’ by Maggie Rogers from her new album 'Heard It In A Past Life'. Out now:
Directed by Zia Anger
Director of Photography - Ashley Connor
Producer - Lizzie Shapiro
Choreographer - Monica Mirabile (FLUCT)
Dancers - Briana Archer, Zuri Marley, Talia Kirsh
I was walking through icy streams
That took my breath away
Moving slowly through westward water
Over glacial plains
And I walked off you
And I walked off an old me
Oh me oh my I thought it was a dream
So it seemed
And now, breathe deep
I'm inhaling
You and I, there's air in between
Leave me be
I'm exhaling
You and I, there's air in between
You and I, there's air in between
Cut my hair so I could rock back and forth
Without thinking of you
Learned to talk and say
Whatever I wanted to
And I walked off you
And I walked off an old me
Oh me oh my
I thought it was a dream
So it seemed
And now, breathe deep
I'm inhaling
You and I, there's air in between
Leave me be
I'm exhaling
You and I, there's air in between
You and I, there's air in between
You and I, there's air in between
#MaggieRogers #Alaska #HeardItInAPastLife #HIIAPL
Music video by Maggie Rogers performing Alaska. (C) 2016 Debay Sounds LLC under exclusive license to Capitol Records
2016 || TRIBAL SPRING || Russian dance festival || PROMO
GIANT MOOSE (élan géant) and SNOW SHEEP hunting (Chasse) in far east Russia (KAMCHATKA - TCHUKOTKA).
GIANT MOOSE (elan geant) and SNOW SHEEP hunting (Chasse) in far east Russia (KAMCHATKA - TCHUKOTKA)
Professionals hunters and videographers : Renaud Desgrées du Loû, Franck Pelloux and Guillaume Beau de Loménie (seladang.com)
Chasse de l'élan géant (Moose) et du mouflon des neiges (Nivicola) en Extrême-Orient Russe (Kamchatka-Tchukotka)
Chasses guidées et filmées par Renaud Desgrées du Loû, Franck Pelloux et Guillaume Beau de Loménie (seladang.com)