Buenos Aires _ Los Cardales - Estancia Santa Susana
Domingo en Estancia Santa Susana
Argentina - Fiesta Gaucha,Estancia Santa Susana,part1 - South America part 34 - Travel Video HD
South America trip
By the end of the last century, Mr. Francisco Kelly , an Argentine citizen of irish descendance named his land Santa Susana as a homage to his wife, Susana Caffrey.
The ranch is located in the district of Campana , Buenos Aires province, and near the town of Los Cardales.
It actually occupies an area of 1200 Hectares (2965 acres) mainly dedicated to agricultural activities, and ,since around 24 years ago, it has also been exploites as a tourism resort, either at national or at international levels.
Video by costiflorea
Argentina estancia Santa Susana
Argentina - giornata all'estancia Santa Susana
Argentina - Fiesta Gaucha,Estancia Santa Susana part 4 - South America part 37 - Travel Video HD
South America trip
By the end of the last century, Mr. Francisco Kelly , an Argentine citizen of irish descendance named his land Santa Susana as a homage to his wife, Susana Caffrey.
The ranch is located in the district of Campana , Buenos Aires province, and near the town of Los Cardales.
It actually occupies an area of 1200 Hectares (2965 acres) mainly dedicated to agricultural activities, and ,since around 24 years ago, it has also been exploites as a tourism resort, either at national or at international levels.
Video by costiflorea
Argentina- estancia Santa Susana
Argentina - Fiesta Gaucha,Estancia Santa Susana part 3 - South America part 36 - Travel Video HD
South America trip
By the end of the last century, Mr. Francisco Kelly , an Argentine citizen of irish descendance named his land Santa Susana as a homage to his wife, Susana Caffrey.
The ranch is located in the district of Campana , Buenos Aires province, and near the town of Los Cardales.
It actually occupies an area of 1200 Hectares (2965 acres) mainly dedicated to agricultural activities, and ,since around 24 years ago, it has also been exploites as a tourism resort, either at national or at international levels.
Video by costiflorea
Video Estancia Santa Susana
Trabajo Final
Integrantes: Alvaro Gallego, Victoria Barbeito, Maite Endara, Esteban Guinle, Lautaro Questa y Juan Bautista Simonetti.
VideoControl Internacional transmitido por OromarTV todos los domingos a las 20h00
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Argentina - Fiesta Gaucha,Estancia Santa Susana part 2 - South America part 35 - Travel Video HD
South America trip
By the end of the last century, Mr. Francisco Kelly , an Argentine citizen of irish descendance named his land Santa Susana as a homage to his wife, Susana Caffrey.
The ranch is located in the district of Campana , Buenos Aires province, and near the town of Los Cardales.
It actually occupies an area of 1200 Hectares (2965 acres) mainly dedicated to agricultural activities, and ,since around 24 years ago, it has also been exploites as a tourism resort, either at national or at international levels.
Video by costiflorea
Estancia Santa Susana - Fiesta Gaucha - Buenos Aires
Shorexplorations Estancia Santa Susana
Gaucho Life on the Pampas Tour. Estancia Santa Susana
VideoControl Internacional transmitido por OromarTV todos los domingos a las 20h00
No olviden seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales para estar al tanto de los próximos eventos y especiales junto a todo el equipo de JG Producciones.
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Whatsapp: +593986495000
Estancia Santa Susana -Argentina
Gaucho /Puszta/ Show — Estancia Santa Susana
A vidéki élet, a Gauchók megismerése egy igazi estancián!
Gaucho /Puszta/ Show — Estancia Santa Susana
Egész napos kirándulás a Santa Susana Estanciá-ra ahol megismerkedhetnek a vidéki Gaucho élettel, illetve kultúrával.
Reggel indulunk a Buenos Airestől 75 km-re lévő estanciára. Itt már jellegzetes helyi ételkóstolóval (empanada) és itallal várnak.
Megismerjük a vidéki élet jellegzetes épületeit, szokásait, illetve ruházatát, kultúráját. Meglátogatjuk a helyi skanzen múzeumot.
Lehetőség nyílik lovaglásra, illetve sétakocsikázásra.
A nap fénypontja egy Gaucho lovas bemutató, illetve utána egy ebéddel egybekötött folklór program!
Argentína Utazás Magyarul - Argentína Turizmus Magyarul
Gaucho for a day at Santa Susana Ranch
We spend a day at Santa Susana Ranch in the outskirts of Buenos Aires to discover how the gauchos lived between the 18th and 19th century. We saw the home of a gaucho and learned more about the culture and the traditions of the Argentine Gaucho's, which became an important part of regional culture tradition.
They presented the Malambo, a traditional male Gaucho dance and they showed their skills on the horse. Of course it was rounded up with an Asado Barbecue.
Afterwards we headed back to Buenos Aires to prepare for our departure and we headed back to Germany on the next day.
Filmed on a Canon G7X mark II
#Argentina #BuenosAires #Gaucho
# 138 Argentyna: gauchos (ESTANCIA Santa Susana)
Ruszam około godziny jazdy (ok.70 km) od Buenos Aires znajduje się ESTANCIA Santa Susana, gdzie można poznać życie gauchos-kowboi Ameryki Południowej.
Argentina 2008 Buenos Aires estancia Santa Susana
Estancia Santa Susana Buenos Aires
recorded on March 3, 2013
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Estancia Santa Susana Buenos Aires
recorded on March 3, 2013
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Estancia Santa Susana Buenos Aires
recorded on March 3, 2013
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller