Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseum // Estonian Print and Paper Museum
A small video about the doings of Estonian Print and Paper Museum through the eyes of four young exchange students from Finland. The video was made as their final school project in Tartu Art School in spring 2017.
Väike video Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tegemistest. 2017 aasta kevadel võõrustasime nelja praktikanti, kes olid õpilasvahetuse raames tulnud Soomest Tartu Kunstikooli. Nende siinveedetud aja jooksul õppisid noored tundma muuseumit seest ja väljast. Lõpp-projektina valmis väike tutvustav video muuseumi tegevstest nende silme läbi.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Tartu , Estonia
Tartu Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Tartu. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Luxembourg City for You. Discover Tartu as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Isle of Skye.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Tartu.
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List of Best Things to do in Tartu
Printing and Paper Museum
AHHAA Science Centre
Tartu Toy Museum
Tartu University Botanical Garden
Tartu Town Hall Square
Tartu Old City
Estonian National Museum
The Kissing Students fountain
Tartu University
St. John's Church
【K】Estonia Travel-Tartu[에스토니아 여행-타르투]19세기 천문대/Observatory/Telescope/Struve
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[한국어 정보]
자정이 다 된 시간. 난 타르투 천문대를 찾았다. 1824년, 세계적인 천문학자 스트루베의 감독 하에 만들어진 이 천문대는 천문학의 역사를 새롭게 써 간 기념비적인 장소라고 한다. 19세기 당시 세계 최대였던 이 망원경으로 스트루베는 수많은 별을 관측하고 찾아냈다. 오늘이 토성을 볼 수 있는 좋은 기회라는 말에 관측대로 올라갔다. 스트루베가 쓰던 것과 거의 똑같은 망원경이 나를 기다리고 있었다. 관측대는 여전히 19세기 그대로다. 사람의 손이 닿자 검푸른 하늘이 별을 가득 품고 모습을 드러낸다. 천문학자의 익숙한 손놀림에 100살도 더 먹은 망원경이 다시 눈을 뜬다. “지금도 이 망원경으로 어렵지 않게 별을 볼 수 있는데요, 혹성들과 달, 목성, 금성 등을 주로 보고요, 가끔 혜성도 관찰할 수 있어요.” 과연 토성을 볼 수 있을까? 그러나 짙게 드리운 구름은 끝내 토성을 내어주지 않았다.
[English: Google Translator]
This is the time to midnight. I found the Tartu Observatory. In 1824, the observatory was created under the supervision of world-class astronomer host Roubaix is called a monumental place between newly written the history of astronomy. 19th Century at the time was the world's largest telescope in the text Roubaix is observed and found a number of stars. Today went up, as observed at the end of a good opportunity to see Saturn. Almost the same telescope as the host Roubaix sseudeon was waiting for me. Gwancheukdae the 19th century are still intact. Man's hand touched the dark blue sky look reveals the harbor full of stars. The astronomers 100 years old are more familiar with her hands eaten telescope opens his eyes again. I'm still not difficult to see the stars with a telescope, the planet and the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, etc. mainly bogoyo, sometimes I can also observe the comet. Can I really see Saturn? However, densely valance clouds did not finish taking the Saturn.
[Estonian: Google Translator]
See on aeg keskööd. Leidsin Tartu Observatoorium. 1824. observatooriumi loodi järelevalve all maailmatasemel astronoom host Roubaix nimetatakse monumentaalne vahel äsja kirjutatud ajalugu astronoomia. 19. sajandi ajal oli maailma suurim teleskoop teksti Roubaix on täheldatud ja leitud tärnide arvule. Täna läks, nagu märkis lõpus hea võimalus näha Saturn. Peaaegu sama teleskoobiga kui vastuvõtva Roubaix sseudeon ootas mind. Gwancheukdae 19. sajandil on veel puutumata. Mehe käsi puudutanud tumesinine taevas pilk näitab sadam täis tähti.Astronoomid 100 aastat vana on rohkem kursis kätega süüakse teleskoop avab ta silmad uuesti. Ma olen ikka veel raske näha tähti teleskoop, planeedi ja Kuu, Jupiter, Veenus, jms peamiselt bogoyo, mõnikord võin ka jälgida komeet. Kas ma tõesti näha Saturn? Kuid tiheda Kappa pilved ei lõpetanud võttes Saturn.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아01-16 19세기 천문대/Observatory/Telescope/Struve
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박현민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,유럽,에스토니아,Estonia,Eesti Vabariik,Eesti,박현민,2008,6월 June,타르투 주,Tartu County,Tartu Maakond,Tartu
Politseimuuseumi PEAMAJA
Politseimuuseumi peamajas on kümme temaatilist ja põnevat tuba.
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Marko Mäetamm Ükskord Tartus
Marko Mäetamm räägib oma Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgalerii näitusest Ükskord Tartus 09.05.–09.06.2019.
Alates 4. märtsist on Mäetamm viibinud Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris ning avastanud ja kaardistanud enda jaoks Tartu linna. Selle käigus meenutas Lõuna-Eestist Karksi-Nuiast pärit kunstnik oma Tartuga seotud sageli tormilisi ja tihti lausa ebameeldivaid mälestusi ning visandas erinevaid tartulikke ja mitte-tartulikke kohti. Valminud raamat on ka eeldatavasti esimene eesti keelne ilukirjandusteos, milles sisaldub peatükk pealkirjaga „Fibrinogeen”.
Mäetamm lisab: „Ma lähtusin joonistusteseeria juures sellest tundest, mis mul Tartuga seoses on siiamaani olnud ja mis valitses sel hetkel, kui ma siia tulin. Aga need kaks siin veedetud kuud on minu jaoks asjad täiesti paigast nihutanud. Linn on läinud kuidagi teist nägu ja hakanud mulle iga päevaga üha enam meeldima.”
Residentuur on toimunud Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös ning seda on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ja Tartu Kultuurkapital. Residentuuri iganädalane videopäevik „Mida Marko teeb?” on vaadatav Kunstimaja YouTube’i kanalis. Näituse kuraator on Peeter Talvistu.
Marko Mäetamm (snd 1965) on õppinud Eesti Kunstiakadeemias graafikat ning on olnud ka kooli vabade kunstide teaduskonna dekaan. Tal on toimunud arvukalt isikunäituseid Eestis ja väljaspool muuhulgas Tallinna Kunstihoones (2018) ja Kumus (2015). Kahel korral on ta esindanud Eestit Veneetsia biennaalil (2003 koos Kaido Olega ja 2007). Kuigi Mäetamm on aastaid esinenud koos Kursi koolkonnaga, toimus tema seni ainuke isikunäitus Tartus 1997. aastal Obu galeriis.
Marko Mäetamm talks about his exhibition Once Upon a Time in Tartu in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House 09.05.–09.06.2019.
Mäetamm has been a resident artist at the Tartu Art House since 4 March and has used this time to discover and map Tartu for himself. The artist, who is originally from the south Estonian town Karksi-Nuia, has recollected memories associated with Tartu that are often tumultuous and frequently unpleasant. He has also made drawings of various places that are characteristic of Tartu or of the shadowy non-Tartu. This is probably the first book of fiction in Estonian language that contains a chapter titled “Fibrinogen”. The book is also available in English.
Mäetamm adds: “I based my series of drawings on the feelings that I have thus far had for Tartu and that were inside me when I arrived here. But the two months that I spent here have dislodged everything. The town has a new face and I have grown more fond of it day by day.”
Mäetamm’s residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists’ Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax and the Cultural Endowment of Tartu. Weekly video diary “What is Marko Doing?” is available on the Tartu Art House YouTube channel with English subtitles. The exhibition has been curated by Peeter Talvistu.
Marko Mäetamm (b 1965) has studied print making at the Estonian Academy of Arts and has also been the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts in the same institution. He has had numerous personal exhibitions in Estonia an abroad including the Tallinn Art Hall (2018) and the Kumu Art Museum (2015). He has twice represented Estonia at the Venice Biennale (2003 with Kaido Ole and 2007). Although Mäetamm has often exhibited with the Tartu artists’ group Kursi School, his only personal exhibition in Tartu was in 1997 in Obu Gallery.
Lilli-Krõõt Repnau kuraatornäitus Teispool reaalsust
Lilli-Krõõt Repnau räägib oma Tartu Kunstimajas Eesti kaasaegset graafikat ühendavast kuraatorprojektist Teispool reaalsust 24.08.–17.09.2017.
Küberpungi isa William Gibson on öelnud: „Tulevik on juba siin”. Kunstnikuna on igalühel võimalus genereerida erinevaid tajumehhanisme: luua ülleküllastatud informatsioonist korrastatud isiklikke süsteeme või vastupidi – materialiseerida ulmelised ideed konkreetses aegruumis.
Tehnoloogilisel ajastul elame millegi tundmatu, naudingu ja ebamugavustunde vahepeal. Kui näiliselt on üksindus muutunud võimatuks (erinevate elektrooniliste vahendite abil oleme pidevalt millegagi/kellegagi kontaktis), siis võib-olla on maailm endiselt viirastuslik paratamatus, mille kesta all võib leida erinevaid kihistusi.
Näitus loob võimaluse avastada seda “maailma” kaasaegse graafika vaatenurgast, mis tihtilugu lammutab visuaalse terviku erinevateks tasanditeks, et seda siis uuesti kokku panna või jätta meelega düsfunktsionaalseks. Näitus ei lähtu konkreetsetest tehnikapõhistest raamidest ning jätab vabaduse avardada kahetasandilisi graafilisi tasandeid erinevate dimensioonidega.
Näitusel osalevad: Britta Benno, Gudrun Heamägi, Kalli Kalde, Lauri Koppel, Ove Maidla, Ede Raadik, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau. Helen Tago, Kadri Toom
Kuraator: Lilli-Krõõt Repnau
Graafiline disain: Ott Kagovere
Graafika plakatil: Kadri Toom, ofset-lito (2017)
Näitust toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital
Tänud: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia graafika osakond, Eesti trükimuuseum
Lilli-Krõõt Repnau's curatorial project Beyond Reality
The father of cyberpunk William Gibson has said: “The present is already here”. Artists can generate different mechanisms of perception: create organised personal systems that are oversaturated by information or, vice versa, materialise fantastic ideas in a clearly defined continuum.
In the era of technology, we live in the unknown, on the border between pleasure and discomfort. Even though true loneliness has seemingly become impossible (via different electronic devices we are constantly connected to something or somebody), the world can still be a phantasmal inevitability that shelters different layers,
“Beyond Reality” offers the possibility to discover this “world” from the viewpoint of contemporary printmakers: they often dismantle the visual whole into various layers that are then recompiled into a new combination or are left dysfunctional on purpose. This exhibition is not based on precisely defined technical boundaries which means that the artists can expand two-dimensional graphics through different other dimensions.
Participating artists: Britta Benno, Gudrun Heamägi, Kalli Kalde, Lauri Koppel, Ove Maidla, Ede Raadik, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau. Helen Tago, Kadri Toom
Curator: Lilli-Krõõt Repnau
Graphic design: Ott Kagovere
Print on the poster: Kadri Toom, offset lithography (2017)
Exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Thanks: Graphics Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Printing and Paper Museum
Rotaļlietu vēstures muzejs / Tartu Toy Museum
Inside the Submarine Lembit - Estonian Maritime Museum (Tallinn)
Tallinn, Estonia.
Visiting the Estonian Maritime Museum and the Lennusadam Seaplane Harbour. It's one of the most popular museum in Estonia.
The main attraction is the submarine Lembit (1936), but there are also many boats, submachine guns, cannons, mines, missiles, bombs and even a tank.
Yung Logos - Versace Beat
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 2
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 2
Sellel nädalal külastasime koos Markoga taaskord Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumit, et rääkida valmiva raamatu plaanidest nendega juba natuke täpsemalt.
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 2
This week we went with Marko to the Estonian Print and Paper Museum to talk more precisely about the plans for the book that will be published during this project.
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 4
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 4
Osa 4 Marko räägib sellest miks ta üldse kunsti tegema hakkas ja miks ta just sellist kunsti teeb.
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 3
Marko talks about how he started with art and why he does art he way he does.
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 1
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 1
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 1
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Estonia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Estonia (Estonian: Eesti [ˈeːsti] (listen)), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland with Finland on the other side, to the west by the Baltic Sea with Sweden to the west (Scandinavia to the far west and north), to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km). The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands in the Baltic Sea, covering a total area of 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi), water 2,839 km2 (1,096 sq mi), land area 42,388 km2 (16,366 sq mi), and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The official language of the country, Estonian, is the second most spoken Finnic language.
The territory of Estonia has been inhabited since at least 9,000 B.C. Ancient Estonians were some of the last European pagans to be Christianized, following the Livonian Crusade in the 13th century. After centuries of successive rule by Germans, Danes, Swedes, Poles and Russians, a distinct Estonian national identity began to emerge in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This culminated in independence from the Russian Empire in 1918 after a brief War of Independence at the end of World War I. Initially democratic, Estonia was governed by authoritarian rule since 1934 during the Era of Silence and the Great Depression. During World War II (1939–1945), Estonia was repeatedly contested and occupied by the Soviet Union and Germany, ultimately being incorporated into the former as the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. After the loss of its de facto independence, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by the Estonian government-in-exile, which was recognized by much of the Western World throughout the Cold War (1945–1991). In 1987 the peaceful Singing Revolution began against Soviet rule, resulting in the restoration of de facto independence on 20 August 1991.
The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union since joining in 2004, the economic monetary Eurozone, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Schengen Area, and of the Western military alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that has been among the fastest-growing in the EU. Estonia ranks very high in the Human Development Index, and performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, education, and press freedom (third in the world in 2012 and 2007). Estonian citizens are provided with universal health care, free education, and the longest-paid maternity leave in the OECD. One of the world's most digitally advanced societies, in 2005 Estonia became the first state to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first state to provide e-residency.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 3
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 3
Markoga on asjad halvasti: Talle on hakanud Tartus meeldima!
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 3
Things are bad with Marko: He has started to like Tartu!
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Estonia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Estonia (Estonian: Eesti [ˈeːsti] ( listen)), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland with Finland on the other side, to the west by the Baltic Sea with Sweden to the west (Scandinavia to the far west and north), to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km). The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands in the Baltic Sea, covering a total area of 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi), water 2,839 km2 (1,096 sq mi), land area 42,388 km2 (16,366 sq mi), and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The official language of the country, Estonian, is the second most spoken Finnic language.
The territory of Estonia has been inhabited since at least 9,000 B.C. Ancient Estonians were some of the last European pagans to be Christianized, following the Livonian Crusade in the 13th century. After centuries of successive rule by Germans, Danes, Swedes, Poles and Russians, a distinct Estonian national identity began to emerge in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This culminated in independence from the Russian Empire in 1918 after a brief War of Independence at the end of World War I. Initially democratic, Estonia was governed by authoritarian rule since 1934 during the Era of Silence and the Great Depression. During World War II (1939–1945), Estonia was repeatedly contested and occupied by the Soviet Union and Germany, ultimately being incorporated into the former as the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. After the loss of its de facto independence, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by the Estonian government-in-exile, which was recognized by much of the Western World throughout the Cold War (1945–1991). In 1987 the peaceful Singing Revolution began against Soviet rule, resulting in the restoration of de facto independence on 20 August 1991.
The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union since joining in 2004, the economic monetary Eurozone, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Schengen Area, and of the Western military alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that has been among the fastest-growing in the EU. Estonia ranks very high in the Human Development Index, and performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, education, and press freedom (third in the world in 2012 and 2007). Estonian citizens are provided with universal health care, free education, and the longest-paid maternity leave in the OECD. One of the world's most digitally advanced societies, in 2005 Estonia became the first state to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first state to provide e-residency.
Estonia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment.
This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Estonia (Estonian: Eesti [ˈeːsti] ( listen)), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland with Finland on the other side, to the west by the Baltic Sea with Sweden to the west (Scandinavia to the far west and north), to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km). The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands in the Baltic Sea, covering a total area of 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi), water 2,839 km2 (1,096 sq mi), land area 42,388 km2 (16,366 sq mi), and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The official language of the country, Estonian, is the second most spoken Finnic language.
The territory of Estonia has been inhabited since at least 9,000 B.C. Ancient Estonians were some of the last European pagans to be Christianized, following the Livonian Crusade in the 13th century. After centuries of successive rule by Germans, Danes, Swedes, Poles and Russians, a distinct Estonian national identity began to emerge in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This culminated in independence from the Russian Empire in 1918 after a brief War of Independence at the end of World War I. Initially democratic, Estonia was governed by authoritarian rule since 1934 during the Era of Silence and the Great Depression. During World War II (1939–1945), Estonia was repeatedly contested and occupied by the Soviet Union and Germany, ultimately being incorporated into the former as the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. After the loss of its de facto independence, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by the Estonian government-in-exile, which was recognized by much of the Western World throughout the Cold War (1945–1991). In 1987 the peaceful Singing Revolution began against Soviet rule, resulting in the restoration of de facto independence on 20 August 1991.
The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union since joining in 2004, the economic monetary Eurozone, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Schengen Area, and of the Western military alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that has been among the fastest-growing in the EU. Estonia ranks very high in the Human Development Index, and performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, education, and press freedom (third in the world in 2012 and 2007). Estonian citizens are provided with universal health care, free education, and the longest-paid maternity leave in the OECD. One of the world's most digitally advanced societies, in 2005 Estonia became the first state to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first state to provide e-residency.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 5
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 5
Marko räägib näituste tegemisest ja kunstist kui sellisest.
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 5
Marko talks about making exhibitions and art in general.
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 8
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 8
Just äsja läks trükikotta Marko residentuuri üheks tulemuseks olev raamat Ükskord Tartus.
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 8
The book Once Upon a Time in Tartu that is one of the results of the residence was just sent to the printers.
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 6
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 6
Marko on sellel nädalal Riias, kus avanes galeriis Māksla XO tema isikunäitus Vasta mulle.
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 6
This week Marko is in Riga where his personal exhibition Answer Me opened in gallery Māksla XO.
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Estonia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment.
This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Estonia (Estonian: Eesti [ˈeːsti] ( listen)), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland with Finland on the other side, to the west by the Baltic Sea with Sweden to the west (Scandinavia to the far west and north), to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km). The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands in the Baltic Sea, covering a total area of 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi), water 2,839 km2 (1,096 sq mi), land area 42,388 km2 (16,366 sq mi), and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The official language of the country, Estonian, is the second most spoken Finnic language.
The territory of Estonia has been inhabited since at least 9,000 B.C. Ancient Estonians were some of the last European pagans to be Christianized, following the Livonian Crusade in the 13th century. After centuries of successive rule by Germans, Danes, Swedes, Poles and Russians, a distinct Estonian national identity began to emerge in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This culminated in independence from the Russian Empire in 1918 after a brief War of Independence at the end of World War I. Initially democratic, Estonia was governed by authoritarian rule since 1934 during the Era of Silence and the Great Depression. During World War II (1939–1945), Estonia was repeatedly contested and occupied by the Soviet Union and Germany, ultimately being incorporated into the former as the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. After the loss of its de facto independence, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by the Estonian government-in-exile, which was recognized by much of the Western World throughout the Cold War (1945–1991). In 1987 the peaceful Singing Revolution began against Soviet rule, resulting in the restoration of de facto independence on 20 August 1991.
The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union since joining in 2004, the economic monetary Eurozone, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Schengen Area, and of the Western military alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that has been among the fastest-growing in the EU. Estonia ranks very high in the Human Development Index, and performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, education, and press freedom (third in the world in 2012 and 2007). Estonian citizens are provided with universal health care, free education, and the longest-paid maternity leave in the OECD. One of the world's most digitally advanced societies, in 2005 Estonia became the first state to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first state to provide e-residency.
Mida Marko teeb? Osa 7
(Scroll down for English)
Mida Marko teeb?
Osa 7
Marko on sellel nädalal Kaunases, kus avanes galeriis Meno Parkas tema isikunäitus THE WORLD AROUND ME (is moving faster and faster).
Alates 4. märtsist viibib kunstnik Marko Mäetamm Tartu Kunstimajas residentuuris. Ta elab kuni mai alguseni meie külaliskorteris ja kasutab töötamiseks külalisateljeed. Iga nädal toome teieni videopäeviku tema tegemistest.
Residentuur toimub Tartu Kunsntike Liidu, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programmi ning Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi koostöös. Selle tulemusena toimub 9. maist 9. juunini Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis näitus ning kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames esitletakse kunstnikuraamatut. Projekti on toetanud Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu ning nii Tartu Kunstimaja kui Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumi tööd toetavad Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
What is Marko doing?
Episode 7
This week Marko is in Kaunas where his personal exhibition THE WORLD AROUND ME (is moving faster and faster) opened in gallery Meno Parkas.
Beginning in March, the artist Marko Mäetamm is participating in the Tartu Art House residence programme. Until the beginning of May, he will be living in our guest apartment and working in our guest studio. Every week we will bring you a video journal of his activities.
Mäetamm's residence in Tartu takes place in co-operation between the Tartu Artists' Union, TAiR – Tartu Artist in Residence programme and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. It will conclude with his personal exhibition in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House (09.05.–09.06.2019) and presentation of an artist book during the Tartu International Literature Festival Prima Vista. The project has been supported by the Council of the Gambling Tax. The activities of both the Tartu Art House and the Estonian Print and Paper Museum are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.