Best Attractions and Places to See in Mataro, Spain
Mataro Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Mataro . We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Mataro for You. Discover Mataro as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Mataro .
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Mataro .
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List of Best Things to do in Mataro, Spain
Nau Gaudi - Consorci Museu d'Art Contemporani de Mataro
Clos Arqueologic Torre Llauder
Can Marfa Genere de Punt. Museu de Mataro
Conjunto Barroco de els Dolors
Centre Comercial Mataro Parc
Biblioteca Antoni Comas
Basilica Santa Maria de Mataro
Castell de Burriac
Playa del Callao
Parc Central Mataro
Mataro , Catalonia, Spain
The recovered textile factory building in Mataro - Can Marfa, actually holds space for exposition. There are two expositions: one dedicated to recovered factories and other - to the history of textile industry
【4K】WALK BANYOLES Girona Catalunya SPAIN 2019 walking tour
4k video shot by a walktuber with a cell phone on a DJI OSMO MOBILE 2 stabilizer. Buy it from AMAZON and get that cinematic effect on your videos.
【4K】WALK BANYOLES Girona Catalunya SPAIN 2019 walking tour
Banyoles (Bañolas in Spanish), is a city on a lake in the province of Gerona, Cataluña. I visited Girona Spain on vacation and I recorded several 4k walks to share with you on this travel channel. This is a lake perfect for hiking, and you can take a virtual tour with me.
Esto es España 2019, España 4k documental para disfrutar! Voilà Catalogne, Espagne !!
If you enjoy 4k walking videos, this is your channel. This is slow tv and reality tv. You will find several city walks and some nature walks. Virtual walk with me! Watch Girona España! Let's 4k walk Spain!
This is a 4k documentary taken in Europe 2019.
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Личное • Испания • Паламос • Сентябрь 2018
BARCELONA Qué Ver en la provincia de Barcelona
¿Qué ver cerca de Barcelona?
Montserrat, Rupit, Cardona, Manresa o Tavertet son auténticas joyas monumentales y paisajísticas.
La provincia de Barcelona guarda en su interior unos paisajes y pueblos de película.
Os traemos esta lista de 11 sitios que ver para una excursión desde Barcelona en un fin de semana largo.
BARCELONA, Travel Video, Gaudi, City, Park Guell, Crema Catalana
Onyar river, Girona, Catalonia, Spain, Europe
The Onyar is a river in Catalonia, a tributary of the Ter right. The basin includes the municipalities survives, Vilobí Onyar, Riudellots de la Selva, Sant Andreu Salou, Campllong, Fornells, Fourth and Girona, so plan covers the northern half of the Forest, in the end north Prelitoral Depression. Born in the northeastern foothills of the Guilleries (mountains of Santa Barbara, 854 m) in the town survives (Forest). The river is a river in Catalonia specifically pertaining to the area of Girona. This was born in the Massif Guilleries to a height of approximately 220 meters in the town survives specifically located in the coastal mountain range. The Onyar, is a tributary of the River Ter through Girona and from north to south it splits into two parts. This has led to major flooding damage suffered centuries since leaving many injured. It has a length of 34 km and a caudal half of 1.82 m3 / s and ends at an altitude of approximately 76 meters. In particular, flows into the River Ter. The territories that crosses the basin are Onyar Girona and La Selva. The surface of the basin is 340.7 km2. This river in times of low rainfall fed a canal from the river Ter, the Monar canal. The beginning Onyar was the village survives located in the province of Girona, specifically in the northeastern region of La Selva. This includes the town of Sant Martí Sapresa and for this reason, many times we see that the source of the river is even more specific in rainbow Sapresa. The second village where it crosses the river Onyar Vilobí Onyar located northeast of depression littoral. The river runs through the north-east to south-east. But the population is located in the flat area on the right side of the same river. Other people crossing the river is located Riudellots de la Selva also in the region of La Selva specifically the middle basin of the river Onyar. The town suffered heavy flooding as a result of flooding of the river and was transferred to the fifteenth century to avoid these problems. Leaving aside the region of La Selva, as we enter the region of Girona. So a town that crosses the river Onyar is Sant Andreu Salou. This is a flat area but drained by a series of streams that flows into the river Onyar. This municipality has different cores but due to the passage of the river Onyar and the various streams that flow into it. Continuing in the region of Girona, Onyar also passes through the village of Fornells and Campllong that is beginning to become part of the urban area of Girona and therefore borders Campllong and Riudellots de la Selva. Fourth, is the next town which is influenced by the river Onyar. Fourth, still part of the region of Girona and is similar to Fornells as also part of the urban area of Girona. This is an important point because the river is a few kilometers from the city center and so begins one of the problems because normally low with little water in the rainy season but growth is a consequence of the massive tributary streams of the same river. Finally, the journey ends in the Onyar crosses the entire city of Girona is finally on the river Ter. Girona is the region of Girona and is a city that is the influence of four rivers Ter, Onyar River and River Galligants Güell. The canal Monar currently still important for Onyar. This canal has over 400 years of history and was currently used by major industries around the city of Girona. The industries used as Gassol (Salt), Coma Cros (Salt), among others. In addition, for four centuries ago, the industry used to generate electricity. These last few decades but has served to supply water to the nearby orchards township Girona and Salt. These gardens, most were located along the river Güell others but unfortunately most have disappeared as a result of human impacts. Currently, he has a different function as the river Ter Onyar in the periods in which the flow of the river Onyar is low due to low rainfall in the city. This causes the image of the typical houses with water and sand in Girona and they always form part of the picture as often, thanks to the canal, the river carries a caudal half and generates dryness.
Spain Tourism Video
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Girona-BCN por vias verdes. Parte I | #DEKALENJIABICHARRACO
Yeeep chavalada!!! Cuanto tiempo no? En fin, os dejo con la primera parte de la ruta Girona-Barcelona por vías verdes. Aquí abajo os dejare link de la gente de cyclocat donde veréis diferentes rutas entre ellas la elegida para este vídeo.
Yelawolf - Till It's Gone // feat. Rob Howard x Whenu McKinnon
Ramon Mirabet - Sinner Man (Live in Barcelona 2014)
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Catalunya Bus Turístic
Descobreix tots els secrets de Catalunya amb excursions des de Barcelona per a gaudir de Montserrat, de l'art de Dalí, de la cultura del vi i del cava, de la ciutat de Girona, de la millor gastronomia de l'autèntic modernisme a la Colònia Güell, de les millors compres i molt més! Entra i veuràs tot el que Catalunya Bus Turístic t'ofereix.
Més informació a:
Infraestructes a Catalunya
Afegeixo algunes altres dades.
- DÈFICIT EN TREBALLADORS I EN TERMINALS. Per a 1000 operacions al dia, Bcn compta amb 2000 treballadors i 2 terminals. Per 1300 operacions a el dia, Madrid compta amb 7000 treballadors (més cuidats) i 5 terminals. La ràtio surt 0,50 en el cas de Bcn i 0,18 a Madrid.
- Barcelona: 1000 operacions/ dia – 2 terminals – 2000 treballadors – ràtio 0,50.
- Madrid: 1300 operacions / dia – 5 terminals – 7000 treballadors – ràtio 0,18.
• DÈFICIT EN INVERSIÓ. El Prat és 12 vegades més rendible que Barajas, però rep tres vegades menys inversió (LV, 12/09/17). El Prat aporta el 55% del benefici d'Aena (agència nacional de gestió dels aeroports) i rep només el 7% de la inversió (, 05/09/17).
• NO DONA PERMÍS PER OPERAR SI ELS VOLS NO VAN A MADRID. Tot i que Barcelona rep el 55% dels visitants japonesos i el 70% dels indis que viatgen a la Península Ibèrica, i que Cat representa bona part de l'empresariat espanyol, nacional i internacional, i el primer exportador, el Gobierno denega el permís a les línies aèries japoneses i índies de volar a l'aeroport del Prat: l'Executiu donarà el vistiplau a la creació de les noves rutes només si el seu destí final és Madrid (CrónicaGlobal, 25/08/15).
• FALTA D’INVERSIÓ. El país que compta amb més km de tren d'alta velocitat del món després de la Xina, no ha millorat les infraestructures de la xarxa de rodalies catalana en 30 anys, malgrat que el nombre de passatgers s'ha triplicat. Això causa que Adif va admetre en la seva estadística oficial 302 incidències/any a Rodalies en els últims anys, comptant només les que acumulen al menys 100 minuts de retard. D'elles, el 29% és directament imputable a problemes de la infraestructura. Això vol dir que 1 de cada 4 dies els serveis de Rodalies van patir incidències importants a causa de la infraestructura d'Adif (, 20/2/16).
• TRENS OBSOLETS. El 40% dels trens que circulen per Catalunya són de la dècada dels 70 (i es consideren obsolets), mentre que Madrid només té el 4%.
• VIA ÚNICA. La xarxa viària de Catalunya compta amb nombrosos km de via única. Per citar alguns exemples:
o Ramal de l'aeroport des de Barcelona
o Des de S. Vicenç de Calders (Tarragona) cap a Lleida
o Des d'Arenys de Mar (passat Mataró) fins a Maçanet (Girona)
o Des de Montcada fins a França (rodalies)
o Línia Tarragona - València - de Tarragona a Vandellòs.
És un projecte europeu unir tot el litoral mediterrani, amb corresponents aportacions de fons pq és el q té la major part de la indústria.
Dades resum de la inversió en el corredor mediterrani (a març 2017, fons europeus):
- 80% Madrid - 21 milions €/ km
- 20% costa mediterrània - 3,4 milions €/km (= 1/7)
• DEUTE PRIVAT, BENEFICIS ESTATALS. El de Barcelona és un dels ports + importants d'Europa. Per a la seva ampliació, es va haver de demanar un crèdit empresarial al Banc Europeu d'Inversions de 440 milions €, tot i que el més lògic seria que pogués comptar amb la inversió estructural de l'estat.
• Després d'això, el Govern va decidir que el port de Barcelona havia de dedicar el 50% dels beneficis a sufragar la resta de ports espanyols. Com a hores d'ara té un deute, suposa que ha de endeutar-se per beneficiar la resta de ports espanyols, els que en molts casos són una competència directa (L’Estat obligarà el Port de Barcelona a cedir el 50% dels seus beneficis, Ara, 19/06/14).
Vídeo elaborat per: Carlota Serra (Redacció) i Laia Hinojosa (vídeo).
Tarragona, Spain human tower competition
Ruta De Los Contrabandistas (Catalunya-Andorra)
Ruta de los Contrabandistas desde Tor (Catalunya) hasta frontera con Principado de Andorra, Port Del Cábus, VallNord-Pal. una de las ruta que se utiliza para el contrabando de tabaco que sale del Principado de Andorra.
Esta Etapa del Gran Recorrido GR - 83 que desde la ciudad capital del Maresme, Mataro, llega hasta los Pirineos Franceses. atravesando diversas comarcas y ciudades, Desde Beget, precioso pueblo del Ripolles Catalan, te conduce hasta la vertiente francesa, hasta el pueblo de Prats de Molló,. Este mismo recorrido lo realizaron miles de Refugiados republicanos, en su huida hacia tierras Francesas, en los años 1939, una vez acabada la guerra, a consecuencia de la represion franquista de la epoca. El Coll de Mairem, que separa los dos Paises,. será nuestro paso en este GR-83. Desde Prats de Molló, por una etapa muy bonita y solitaria, llegaremos al Refugio Frances de Marialles, antesala de las dos ultimas etapas que aun quedan, para coronar el pic de Canigó, principal referente en este gran recorrido.y llegar hasta el final. Etapas muy bonitas, que te dejan gratos recuerdos, por sus grandes vistas pànoramicas y por el significado historico que representan.. Gracias por entrar a ver este video. Lo comparto con toda persona que se sienta sensibilizada con la Naturaleza.. Iñaki Zuri.
Spain 2019 - Sitges - Barselona
Holidays in Spain with friends!
Soundtrack: Queen - Don't stop me now!
Catalonia's Muslims in desperate need for suitable place to pray
A basketball court-turned-mosque is where the Muslim community of Barcelona currently prays.
Catalonia has the largest Muslim population in Spain, yet the region does not have not have an appropriate mosque to accommodate the community's religious needs.
Beneath basketball hoops on a large prayer mat, Muslims gather for Friday prayers in Barcelona.
In a densely populated neighbourhood of the Catalan capital, men line up in the makeshift court-turned-mosque.
Catalonia's Muslim community makes up six percent of the population.
Yet, despite this significant number, the region doesn't have a substantial mosque and the community gathers in small apartments, garages and sport centres, like the one in the Clot neighbourhood of Barcelona, to practise their religion.
Abdel Salam is the young Imam of Barcelona's Hamza mosque, another temporary praying location which used to be a cycling warehouse.
He says the community is desperate for a dignified praying space.
All of the existing mosques (in Catalonia) are small and they do not hold a large number of worshippers. The mosques' capacity is between 20 to 30 worshippers, or less, but not more than that. Muslims are in need of a mosque with a capacity of between 500 to 700, or 1,000 to 1,500 worshippers, he says.
Aboubaker Idrisi is a Moroccan resident of Barcelona.
He is in charge of the maintenance and organisation of Friday prayers at the basketball court.
Well, we pray here because we don't fit in the mosque. The mosque is very small. The mosque holds only up to 25 to 30 people. But here people fit. So we rent the hall and we pray here, either Friday prayers or the prayer of the feasts such as Eid al Adha and Eid al-Fitr, he says.
Despite calls for a bigger space, building a mosque in Catalonia remains a controversial issue.
Amnesty International reports the regional government of Catalonia has repeatedly refused authorisation or investment for purpose-built mosques across the region, due to what they describe as public resistance.
Looking for a solution, Barcelona's Muslim community has been seeking funds outside Spain.
In early 2000s Saudis expressed interest in turning the city's Las Arenas bullfighting ring into a mosque.
The project was not approved and instead city authorities built a shopping mall.
Since Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2011, another ring is up for grabs.
The city's magnificent arena - Plaza de Toros Monumental de Barcelona - was built in 1914 and is now abandoned, only occasionally rented for public events.
Mowafak Kanfach is the director of the Islamic Foundation of Catalonia.
He says the Emir of Qatar is willing to roll out two billion euros (2.5 billion US dollars) to convert the historic bullfighting ring into a giant mosque if the city authorities approve the project.
If the plan goes ahead, by 2020 La Monumental could turn into a place of prayer for up to 40-thousand worshippers, making it the biggest mosque in Europe.
The mega-mosque will also include a centre for Quran studies, a library, exhibition halls for Islamic art and culture and a conference hall.
Owners of La Monumental building, the Balana Group, are willing to make the deal with the Emir of Qatar, Kanfach says.
However, the project requires approval from the city authorities.
According to Kanfach, authorities are concerned with allegations suggesting that Qatar may play a role in funding Islamic extremism.
They don't want to carry out the project. They say, according to them, that they don't want money from Qatar, because Qatar supports terrorism. However, they don't mention the Qatari foundation of Barca, he says, referring the Barcelona Football Club sponsorship deal with Qatar Foundation.
Kanfach says such investments flow both ways.
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Montseny, Spain, (part 1)
Montseny, 2011 february
Hostalric - Catalunya - Turisme Catalunya - Costa Brava - Montseny
Imatges de la vila medieval de Hostalric. Situada entre el Montseny i la Costa Brava a la província de Girona (Catalunya).
Música: Torna, Serrallonga (Mesclat)
Images from Hostalric, a medieval town in Catalonia between Montseny mountains and Costa Brava. (Eng)
Images de la ville médiévale de Hostalric. Située entre les montagnes du Montseny et la Costa Brava dans la province de Girona (Catalogne). (Fr)
Imágenes de la población medieval de Hostalric. Población situada entre las montañas del Montseny y la Costa Brava (Catalunya). (Esp)
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