RunAway Escape Games Prague
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Galactic Pioneers escape game, únikova hra - trailer
Galactic Pioneers - Nejnovější pražská únikovka plná technologií
Napínavý příběh, inovativní hádanky a úkoly, počítačem řízená interaktivní hra s filmovými kulisami. Vesmírná loď je připravena ke startu!
Galactic Pioneers - The newest high-tech escape game in Prague
Immersive story, innovative puzzles, action coordinated sound and light effects in a fully realistic movie-production set. The spaceship is ready to launch!
Nejdrsnější úniková hra v ČR - ÚTĚK ZE ŽALÁŘE od The Chamber
Nejdrsnější únikovka v Praze s živým žalářníkem. S pytlem na hlavě a v řetězech jste odvedeni hluboko do temného vězení, kde čekáte na smrt. Ze své cely vidíte kamaráda připoutaného na skřipec, kousek dál se někdo další zmítá přikován ke stěně. Existuje však cesta, jak odtud utéct. Bude ale zapotřebí odvaha, spolupráce a hlavně bystrá mysl!
Dokážete se zachránit včas??
#thechamberprague #tempusfugit
QuesterLand Czech
Úniková hra Questerland - zažijte dobrodružství v srdci Prahy
Každá úniková hra představuje strhující dobrodružství, jehož účastníci musí vyřešit hlavolamy, prozkoumat různé skrýše i neobyčejná zařízení a konečně najít tajné dveře a dostat se tak z tématické místnosti. Existuje jediná cesta ven.
Westworld (2018) CZ Big Game teaser II. řady HD
na HBO GO od 23. dubna 2018 | odebírat kanál: náš web:
Hra začíná - úniková hra/escape Karlovy Vary - Hrad Loket
Úniková hra na hradě Loket
Prague'iot : MindMaze explantion
the Explanation of how playing mindMaze
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Trap Prague - Tajemství hrobky Vlog/Recenze !!!SPOILER ALERT!!!
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Bohužel jsem většinu času používala telefon jako baterku, takže na 90% procentech záběrů je podlaha
I tak doufám, že vás hra zaujala a třeba se tam někdy potkáme.
I když já jsem vyhrála vstup sdílením na FB rozhodně nebudeme váhat
a jakmile budeme mít zase nějaké hromadné volno, jedeme zase! A klidně za svý...
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Grafika, intro, střih videa a námět: Nik@theGamerGirl
Timmy Trumpet | Tomorrowland Belgium 2019 - W1
Let these stories inspire you, challenge you, move you, change your mind and expand your reality.
Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever,...
24. The Collapse of Communism and Global Challenges
European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
The disintegration of the Soviet Union resulted from a number of different factors. Three important ones are nationalism among Soviet satellite states, democratic opposition movements, and economic crisis. Along with these elements, the role of Mikhail Gorbachev should not be discounted. Although his attempt to reform communism was rejected, his reformist positions as Soviet premier helped open the way for full-fledged political dissidence. One of the major challenges faced by Europe in the wake of the collapse of communism has been that posed by ethnic nationalism, a problem that erupted violently in the Balkans in the 1990s. Immigration and the defense of human rights are two problems that now confront the United States, as well as a United Europe.
00:00 - Chapter 1. The Fall of Communism: Nationalism, Democratic Reform, and Economic Change
16:47 - Chapter 2. The Dissolution of the Soviet System in the Satellite States of Eastern Europe
29:00 - Chapter 3. Globalization and Americanization in Europe
31:07 - Chapter 4. Immigration and the European Union
35:21 - Chapter 5. Human Rights in Europe and the United States
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:
This course was recorded in Fall 2008.
Knife attack - what's a reality? What to prepare for?
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Source of statistics: Self-defence against knife attacks: evidence-based approach
Patrice Bonnafoux, Urban Fit & Fearless | London
David Wilcock | Financial Tyranny on Russian TV, Pt. 2: Jan. 30, 2013
Part Two of the epic Russian series, built off of David Wilcock's groundbreaking Financial Tyranny, on how the Federal Reserve bankers secretly financed both sides of World War I and II.
It was the ultimate bank robbery -- a sociopathic cabal of insiders who dreamed up and carried out the greatest crime in human history.
They were stealing gold -- which had been held in central banks as collateral to print currency for hundreds of years.
Some of the leaders secretly knew this was being done -- and were told it was for the good of humanity, as gold ownership would devastate world peace.
The gold was secretly put on deposit with the Federal Reserve -- and exchanged for worthless bonds, with face values of up to a billion dollars each.
This global heist allowed the Federal Reserve to eliminate all competition to their magic printing press -- so they could print 26 trillion dollars' worth of bailouts, as a Fed audit revealed.
Imagine if you could write numbers on a piece of paper and get real value for it in exchange. This was the greatest stunt of all -- and the Cabal actually pulled it off, worldwide.
A growing international alliance of countries want to defeat the Federal Reserve -- and restore unprecedented peace and prosperity to our planet.
This is the second of two episodes of We Never Dreamed, a popular show on REN-TV that airs on prime time. This episode was called The Dark Magic of Gold, and aired on January 30, 2013.
When the first episode aired on January 16, 2013, Germany demanded the Federal Reserve return 300 metric tons of gold on deposit that same day -- and also demanded France return their entire holdings of 376 metric tons.
Russia bravely stepped forward to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, Lucifer, the Bilderberg meetings, the New World Order, and the greatest criminal act in human history.
See it now for the first time -- complete with English subtitles -- and enjoy!
[DISCLAIMER: David Wilcock does not agree with nor approve of all the content in this documentary. We have made this available as a public service to reveal how REN-TV handled this controversial and upsetting subject.]
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Impulse - Ep 1 Pilot
When Cleo’s boyfriend, Thomas, decides to sell Henry’s car, Henry enlists the help of high school basketball star, Clay Boone, to steal it back. But when Henry experiences inexplicable seizures, things quickly escalate beyond her control.
Available with YouTube Premium - To see if Premium is available in your country, click here:
Short Stream [VOD: Apr 2, 2018]
Mitch Jones - Short Stream [VOD: Apr 2, 2018]
Words at War: The Hide Out / The Road to Serfdom / Wartime Racketeers
Friedrich August Hayek CH (8 May 1899 -- 23 March 1992), born in Austria-Hungary as Friedrich August von Hayek, was an economist and philosopher best known for his defense of classical liberalism. In 1974, Hayek shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (with Gunnar Myrdal) for his pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and... penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena.
Hayek is considered to be a major economist and political philosopher of the twentieth century. Hayek's account of how changing prices communicate information which enables individuals to coordinate their plans is widely regarded as an important achievement in economics. He also contributed to the fields of systems thinking, jurisprudence, neuroscience and the history of ideas.
Hayek served in World War I and said that his experience in the war and his desire to help avoid the mistakes that had led to the war led him to his career. Hayek lived in Austria, Great Britain, the United States and Germany, and became a British subject in 1938. He spent most of his academic life at the London School of Economics (LSE), the University of Chicago, and the University of Freiburg.
In 1984, he was appointed as a member of the Order of the Companions of Honour by Queen Elizabeth II on the advice of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for his services to the study of economics. He also received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1991 from president George H. W. Bush. In 2011, his article The Use of Knowledge in Society was selected as one of the top 20 articles published in the American Economic Review during its first 100 years.
BABUSHKA'S QUEST - Witcher 3 - Part 2
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Mashup Avenue Nightlife - Slovenská Noc / Sono / Brno
Slovenská Noc v Brne nikdy nesklamala ???????????? aj tento rok to chlapci vychytali ???? video: @filip_px (Insta)
The Russia House
Three notebooks supposedly containing Russian military secrets are handed to a British publisher during a Russian book conference. The British secret service are naturally keen to learn if these notebooks are the genuine article. To this end, they enlist the help of the scruffy British publisher Barley Blair, who has plenty of experience with Russian and Russians. Barley, an unconventionaly character who doesn't respond well to authority, finds himself in a game more complex than he first thought when he digs into the origin of the notebooks.