Giresun / Gateway to many wonders. 7 Days in Giresun, Turkey.
Giresun / Gateway to many wonders. 7 Days in Giresun, Turkey.
Giresun is the provincial capital of Giresun Province in the Black Sea Region of northeastern Turkey, about 175 km (109 mi) west of the city of Trabzon.
The surrounding region has a rich agriculture, growing most of Turkey's hazelnuts as well as walnuts, cherries, leather and timber, and the port of Giresun has long handled these products. The harbour was enlarged in the 1960s and the town is still a port and commercial centre for the surrounding districts, but Giresun is not large, basically one avenue of shops leading away from the port.
Like everywhere else on the Black Sea coast it rains (and often snows in winter) and is very humid throughout the year, with a lack of extreme temperatures both in summer and winter. As a result Giresun and the surrounding countryside is covered by luxuriant flora. As soon as you get beyond the city buildings you get into the hazelnut growing area and the high pastures (yayla) further in the mountains are gorgeous.
Giresun has an humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa), like most of the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey, with warm and humid summers and cool and damp winters. Giresun has a high and evenly distributed precipitation throughout the year. Precipitation is heaviest in autumn and spring.
Snowfall is quite common between the months of December and March, snowing for a week or two, and it can be heavy once it snows.
The water temperature, like in the rest of the Black Sea coast of Turkey, is always cool and fluctuates between 8° and 20 °C throughout the year.
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Gönül Dilinden (Giresun/Eynesil) - TRT Avaz
Gönül Dilinden bu bölümünde bizleri Giresun, Eynesil'den selamlıyor.
Giresun'un muhteşem camilerinden olan, Yeşil Camii, Dervişler Çeşmesi...
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Giresun - Eynesil Belgeseli
Giresun - Eynesil Belgeseli
Kamera: Cevdet Gümüş
Montaj: Ömer Karakaş
Seslendiren: Mehmet Aydın
Yapım Tarihi: 05.07.2006
Çavuşoğlu Eynesil Şehir İçi Geçişi Giresun
ISBN 978-605-88104-0-2
Çavuşoğlu Eynesil Şehir İçi Geçişi Giresun
Geçtiğimiz sahalardaki doğal çevre coğrafyasını kayda almak ve coğrafyacılara, araştırmacılara fikir vermek, o sahanın konumunu tanıtmak temel amaç edinilmiştir.
Kamera/Metin Yazım : Mehmet SÖKMEN
Seslendirme : Rüksan SÖKMEN
Çekim Tarihi : 06.08.2015
Prodüksiyon Yapım Tarihi: 10.10.2015
Video Prodüksiyon Yapım,
Yayın Ve Yönetmeni: Mehmet SÖKMEN - 0532 525 84 93
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Gönül Dilinden (Giresun/Sarayburnu Camii) - TRT Avaz
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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Burdur Eğitim Fakültesi Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Bölümü öğrencilerinin kıymetli hocamız Doç. Dr. Yıldırım ATAYETER önderliğinde Samsun, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Rize, Artvin, Erzurum, Bayburt ve Gümüşhane İllerini kapsayan Teknİk Gezimiz.